#thank you op

artemyiss:[EDIT: obviously Pete isn’t the only disabled character but he is the only one played by


[EDIT: obviously Pete isn’t the only disabled character but he is the only one played by an actor with the same condition! I worded my initial tweet poorly whoops it should say “A visibly disabled character played by a visibly disabled actor”]

Reposting from twitter because I really want to see more people celebrating this representation! Cleftie representation is so rare in media because of how the condition affects the ability to speak! Here’s a quote from Maher himself from this interview https://www.backstage.com/magazine/article/matthew-maher-plays-part-written-annie-bakers-flick-47140/


I was so happily surprised that this was never mocked or played for laughs with Pete’s character - something that likely other older pirate media absolutely would have done - not only is he a supporting main character but he gets an onscreen romance as well?


Cleft lip and palate is actually a common condition that occurs during pregnancy and surgery can restore normal function with minimal scarring and speech therapy can help too - it also affects face shape, and sometimes breathing! So fanartists and fanfic authors take note!

Representation is so important! Think of all the kids out there who rarely get to see anyone like them get to be a fun gay pirate! Please don’t accidentally erase Pete’s cleft lip scars or lisp or I will crawl through the internet and cut off your toe and make you eat it

I used the term “visible disability” in the first tweet and while some people consider the cleft a disability, not everyone feels the same, it is a diverse community with many opinions, and language is very personal ❤

But what is most important is that more people get to see themselves represented on screen and thats what makes Our Flag Means Death so great!!!

Big thanks to my cleftie friend @twinpersonalitys​ who helped me out with my wording!
And if you wanna check out my thread on twitter here you go!

Post link


Steve Rogers and Robots - a fic rec list

I love Steve Rogers and I love robots, so here are my favorite fics that fall into the intersection of that particular Venn diagram. These are stories where Steve is a robot, Steve is a cyborg, or Steve is in a relationship with either.

I’m always looking for more fics with this premise, so if you’ve got a favorite that’s not on this list, please let me know!

A Moment with the Director by Not_You (Gen, General, 1,458 words)

Summary: For a kinkmeme prompt, inspired by the ‘Happy Birthday David’ Prometheus marketing video. All the Avengers are different makes of android. Fury is the director of SHIELD, the company that makes them, and has come down to meet the new prototypes.

Failsafe by Not_You (Gen, Teen, 5,880 words)

Summary: The story of one Natashabot.

Out Of The Ring by Not_You (Gen, Teen, 5,078 words) tumblr: @

Summary: Steve is just glad not to have to hurt people anymore.

More below the cut!

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I had this headcanon for soooo long time and I’ve fianlly draw it!! I wish to know what kind of conversation they had in this scene from true colors, but since we probably won’t get to see it….. here’s my thoughts


* A pointless rambling of the relationship and parallels between Bruce Wayne and Jason Todd.

Picture this opening scene: There are two boys in a dark alley.


One is dressed in an expensive suit with a tie his dead father helped him with only earlier that evening. His hands are stained red with the same blood now puddled on the grimy cement. His face is in shock.

The second boy is dressed in tattered jeans and hoodie. His hands are stained with tires grease and are clutching a tire iron. His face is in shock.

Decades later, there are two more scenes to consider.

A seriously injured man sits slumped over in his father’s study. Without warning, a bat crashes through the window, and everything falls into place. He now knows what he needs to do.

Elsewhere, an emotionally distraught teenager is curled up into a fetal position on a hotel room floor. Heart wrenching cries can be heard from him. But it is only momentary. He now knows what he needs to do.

These two individuals are Bruce Wayne and Jason Todd. While they are both broken and determined men, Batman is a hero. The Red Hood is not. He is the anti-Batman and this is why.

Two Boys in an Alleyway

Despite similarities in their stories’ early themes and elements, Bruce and Jason came to walk down very different paths. One of justice, and the other vengeance. Batman is determined to protect the innocent and Jason more so on punishing the guilty. Both their ideologies have intrinsic flaws, of course, and will naturally clash often. But this wasn’t always the case.

Before they became a father and son perpetually in mourning for who they once were and what could have been, Bruce and Jason were remarkably similar. The two are cut from the same cloth and Bruce knows this better than anyone else.

In the Dumpster Slasher three-part story line, (Batman #414, #421, #422) Bruce becomes emotional. Violent. He sits in the batcave alone that night and contemplates his emotions.

“Nearly blew it. I let it get too personal. Lost my detachment…nearly lost control. Almost beat Cutter to death. Wouldn’t have been any big loss.”


Only one issue later, at the end of this story arc, Robin is out on the streets and becomes angry when he happens upon a pimp is threatening a prostitute with a knife. Now, I want you to compare his line here to Bruce’s and note what Jim Gordon said to him as well.

Batman: “I think he’s had enough, Robin. What were you trying to do, kill him?”
Robin (Jason): “Would it’ve been that big of a loss if I had?”


It is important to note here that Batman is not worried or upset just because Jason roughs up a pimp. That would be hypocritical considering his own earlier actions. If anything, it’s because one of the main reasons Batman even takes in these kids, these ‘robins,’ is because he doesn’t want them to be like him.

And Jason was acting just like him.

Jason can and has screwed up and failed due to his own actions, but it was never the reason Batman became upset with him. His reactions in the comics when Jason does things like running ahead and ‘jumping the gun,’ are more like this:


He either makes a teaching moment out of it or is attempts to understand Jason’s reasons in doing any such thing. When Bruce does become harsh in his discipline, it’s either when he feels as though Jason has endangered his own life or as I said, he acts too much like him.


While there are quite a few more similarities between Bruce and Jason that makes them alike, such as both being introverted and interested in obtaining all sorts of knowledge that they might not even feel is relevant, they are both, at the core of their characters, deeply caring and compassionate people.

The differences only start to show with how they acton it.

The Not-So Dynamic Duo?

“What happened to you as a child, the terror, the pain, the horrors (…) you were broken, and I thought I could put the pieces back together. I thought I could do for you what could never be done for me. Make you whole.”

Hot take. Jason Todd is a villain and is best written as a villain. 

Not in that campy way like he’s written during Dick and Damian’s Batman and Robin run while wearing that stupid pill-headed hood, (although, I grant he has a few lines that are enjoyable to read) but in all his serious, vengeful and downright brutal motives. 

The Red Hood is the perfect Batman villain because he’s so different from what the widely perceived perfect foil to the controlled and disciplined Bat is…the Joker. 

The Red Hood was vengeance at its purest. It is justice without being tempered by mercy. It is the rage of victims who were forgotten to become statistics. While other vigilantes wait for a cure, hope for rehabilitation, and pretend their system works, the Red Hood is a man of no such faith.

And this makes him a villain. And a damn good one.

During the Red Hood’s time as a crime lord in Gotham, he goes around blowing up buildings. He throws grenades into trucks. He mows down his competition with gunfire. Batman comes upon the bloodied hanged corpse of a man he was finished interrogating. 


But what is so compelling about this all is that before all the murder, all the guns and explosions, Jason Todd was a very different little boy. And all the great and memorable villains start that way.

The Joker is not someone you’re meant to sympathize with or even understand. In fact, I find him more terrifying because he’s unknown. He has no backstory (unless you want to believe the one he gave in Killing Joke, but the clown has a new story for every face he meets) and seemingly does what he does for a laugh of all things.

Jason Todd is in pain. He’s traumatized. Betrayed. Buried. Replaced. He is no one’s son because his father abandoned him.


Once upon a time, Jason Todd was a boy who saved himself. One of the biggest lies that Batman himself perpetuates is that hesaved Jason from a life of crime. He tells Alfred that Jason was always dangerous. Bruce simply took him off the streets before he could be any worse.

But I don’t believe that’s true.

Jason grew up surrounded by crime, poverty, substance abuse and yet this amazing kid saved himself everyday by making a conscious choice to be kind and care about school, care about keeping his mother alive for over a year when he was just a child himself. That amazing kid was magic. 

Jason Todd as Robin was magic.

“Jason smiles. A bright smile. The kind Robin, the Boy Wonder should have.”

A good portion of his character’s assassination was in order to push the Tim is the perfect Robin idea. It was editorial decisions. The same ‘suits’ who insisted that Tim Drake be the Robin in the New Adventures cartoon despite having Jason’s backstory and personality. But I digress on that. 

Jason Todd was an introverted, studious, and emphatic person. He wanted to make friends with other kids his age even though he was a loner at heart. He joined the school baseball team and was a class officer, even if his training kept him from most social interactions.


He was also very much in tune with non-verbal cues and small changes in the environment around him. He was a thoughtful person who could be found admiring the stars or passing by scenery. When he teams up with the New Teen Titans, we get to see these aspects of his personality:

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so beautiful before. We’re actually riding above the clouds.”

“Every so often, I notice you become awfully agitated…like something was going on you didn’t want to be part of. Something’s wrong, isn’t it?”

It didn’t take Bruce long to fall in love with this boy and ask to legally adopt him. He found him to be smart, thoughtful, quick at learning and funny as hell. Their first meeting opens with Batman laughing in the very same alley his heart was ripped out decades earlier. 

Even in the Rebirth canon, (RHATO #48) we see that Bruce is already set on taking in Jason while he’s still with Ma Gunn’s school. He likes this kid. A lot.

“Butler, actually. You’ll meet him someday, I’m sure.”


Jason Todd was happy. Mostof the time. Unfortunately, he still wrestled with depression and would sleep all day on occasion and could be found crying hidden away on his own, withdrawn from the concerned Bruce and Alfred.


In A Death in the Family, Alfred and Bruce sit down and discuss Jason’s worsening mental health, particularly after the Diplomat’s Son where Jason becomes witness to sexual assault, suicide and the failings of both Batman and the GCPD to protect innocent people. Barbara, his tutor, someone he cared about and got along with, is also shot a few months earlier.

Bruce thinks Jason has become suicidal. Alfred does not disagree with this theory and supplements it with things he’s observed himself about the ‘lad.’

“I’ve come upon him, several times, looking at that battered old photograph of his mother and father, crying. When he’s seen me, he’s hidden the picture and left the room, refusing to talk.”


It is then that Jason discovers the truth about his mother at the worst possible time, when he’s not even thinking straight, and thus leads way to the tragedy that will be his murder at the hand’s of the Joker.

The Curse of Jason Todd

“Do you have any idea what you have done?! Do you? You have no inkling of what you’ve created – what you have unleashed! You have set free a curse upon this world!”

Red Hood: Lost Days, which depicts Jason’s dark post-resurrection origin, opens with Ra’s al Ghul bellowing this line, the steam from the Lazarus Pit still rising off of him. 

I’m not going to analyze this line, I’m just using it to supplement a point of mine I hope I’m getting through well enough. The Red Hood is a compelling, tragic villain. He is similar to Batman in ways that Bruce always knew and may have even feared because of how intimately he knows his own deepest, darkest thoughts. Jason is the perfect foil as an antagonist for him because of what he represents to Bruce.

And it’s not his anger, or his rage, or even his brutality. 

It’s his compassion. His caring. His emotions. And how they can open up the worst parts of themselves. 

Both are motivated by preventing whatever trauma happened to them from ever happening to anyone else. They both trained for years with this motivation. And they’ve both acted out on the very person who inflicted their trauma onto them.

Here’s where their paths start to differ, however, and what separates them with a line of morality.

They both get angry. They both care so damn much. About Gotham, about innocents, about each other. They both get too emotionally invested and deal with consequences related to that. To manage with that, Bruce shuts down. He creates all these choices, rules and symbols. He uses every ounce of his self control to keep them. 

Bruce Wayne is not a good person. He forces himself to be with discipline and will. He chooses to be a good man and constantly pushes himself to live up to that. Because it’d be too damn easyto be just like the Red Hood.

Jason doesn’t understand that. Because no matter what Bruce had done or will do, he doesn’t hate him. He can’t. Despite his denial of the fact to different people, he still thinks of Bruce as his father. This great figure that so many others revere and are even intimidated by.

He’s not the only bat-kid to think of Bruce in this light despite the fact that the man is not. It took Dick years to overcome that perception. Tim only just started to begin understanding this true nature after his own father was murdered. 

But even if he did understand his (once)father, he still became the complete opposite of him despite so many early parallels. He doesn’t hold back his words and emotions, he doesn’t go into a state of controlled dissociation or emotional disengagement.

Jason Todd—the Red Hood—is Batman without all his rules and control. In a way, he’s what the darkest part of Batman himself wants to be. Jason does what Batman can’t do when it’s needed.

Because in Batman’s book, life beats out justice. Even if he could take down abusers and murderers, he won’t. He will choose saving and protecting lives over the apprehension of killers…he always does.

Batman is justice. Red Hood is vengeance.

Jason is a victim’s fantasy. He punishes and kills the guilty. Something Batman won’t do.

He is the anti-Batman for better or for worse.



  • ‘i can’t tell the aliens from the animals’ - given her reaction, we can assume that this is ashley’s first time being around less humanoid species like the elcor (which do look a lot like elephants). yeah it’s a rude thing to say but one rude comment (that is no less rude than, say, the things garrus says about quarians in the very same game) hardly justifies acting like she’s an irredeemable bigot
  • that one conversation everyone crucifies her for (’if you’re fighting a bear and the only way for you to survive is so sic your dog on it and run, you’ll do it’) - this one is literally just people misunderstanding the metaphor she uses and assuming she’s referring to aliens as animals again. the dog in her metaphor is humanity whereas the human in the metaphor is actually the council races. she’s saying that the second one of the other council races is in trouble, they’ll throw humanity aside and put themselves first. which………. she isn’t wrong about. that’s exactly what happens at the beginning of me3. ‘i don’t think we should turn down allies. i just don’t think we should bet on them staying allies.’
  • by me3, every single character has grown and ashley’s growth is most obvious to me in the scene where she holds a gun on shepard (her commander, friend, and possibly lover) to protect the council. you know, those aliens you claim she hates. she can also shoot udina, the human councilor, for holding a gun on, you guessed it, another alien you claim she hates
  • but yeah, ashley’s such a space racist

also btw i don’t want to hear your annoying, boring, repetitive hate. if you reply to this with ashley hate, i’m ignoring it and also blocking you. at this point, it’s just annoying and exhausting



- When she says ‘I can’t tell the aliens from the animals, it’s while near a keeper and I think that context matters. The game is really unclear how keepers should be categorized. They don’t interact with anyone like a sentient being, but they’re smart enough to maintain a space station. Someone who has never met or even heard of a random creature from space might not know how to regard them. Imagine an alien coming to earth and trying to negotiate with a dog. That’s just about how the player themself would look when they first click on a keeper to try to speak to it.

- YES! Humans are the dog in the metaphor. She is saying that aliens will prioritize themselves over every other species including humans. When say says ‘its not racism’ she’s not referring to herself, she is referring to the aliens - she is saying she isn’t accusing them of racism, she’s just saying that she expects them to put themselves first and leave humans to fend for themselves. And she is RIGHT - they do exactly that. And even before shit hits the fan, humans along with other non-council races have little in the way of political power and are basically second-class citizens in the current power structure.

- Sometimes people mention her hesitation to have aliens walk free on thr Normandy. That’s just a bit if lampshade hanging on how totally unacceptable that would be in reality. As a veteran with a security clearance and works in classified areas, I know security regulations wouldn’t even allow uncleared humans to have that kind of access. This gets largely ignored for the sake of having a diverse party in an RPG. Ashley’s comment here is meta commentary on how reality works, like Conrad Verners comments in 3 about how it makes no sense for everyone to abandon guns that fire intimately and all adopt limited ammo again, a design decision made for gameplay reasons not necessarily because its realistic.

-Sometimes I see people call putting Ashley with the Salarians on Virmire as a character development moment for her. But. She never had a problem working with salarians in the first place??? Her only reservation is about being separated from Shepard’s team.

The idea of Ashley being racist just has zero basis.

-If you bring Ashley with you when you meet the Tera Firma group, she criticizes them for being racist. She’s not on board with it at all.

The idea that Ashley is in any way racist just has zero basis.


if you all are bothered by the new update where long posts are cut off by the ‘view post’ thingy, then just follow this:

- settings>dashboard>shorten long posts and toggle it off (browser)


- settings>general settings>dashboard preferences>shorten long posts and toggle it off (the app)


Inspired by @og3-sk ‘s recent obey me post!! I love baseball and I love asmo… he would make a great cheerleader- I’d probably get distracted though.

Omg cheerleader Asmo!! He’s so cute in that outfit He’d definitely be great at getting the crowd hyped, although that would probably not help with RAD Devils abysmal records.


I’m loosing my mind




MILK MAN… my favorite superhero.




Mala Milk








Did someone say DarkMilk…

It was me.

I did it.


I have so much love in my heart for trans girls like. girls girls girls literally omg youre a GIRL ISNT IT WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! any girl who’s been like “I wish I was a girl” and then found out they actually ARE a girl is a precious jewel. I love girls




i’ve seen multiple gifsets now cut off with a “view post” button under the first two gifs instead of showing the whole set….

this is not good news for gifmakers.

oh shit it’s not even just gifsets! i just saw a regular medium length post with screenshots and memes, literally no gifs and it was under a “view post” link…

alright y’all. it’s a new setting you’ll have to turn off if you don’t want to have to click to see posts all the time


A point of clarification: yes, there is canonically an absurd amount of marmalade on the Revenge. Yes, marmalade is made from oranges. No, marmalade would not be an effective way to treat the Swede’s scurvy.

The recommended treatment for scurvy is to intake 1-2g of Vitamin C for the first 2-3 days, after which it tapers down over the next couple of weeks until you get back to your normal daily serving amount (for the Swede that would probably be ~100 mg). If you wanted to ingest 1g of Vitamin C through oranges, you would need to eat about 10 navel oranges. That’s a lot of oranges in a day, but certainly manageable. If you wanted to ingest 1g of Vitamin C through marmalade, you would need to eat 43.27 pounds (19.6kg) of it.

dicapriho: I’ve watched humans destroy each other when I could stop it all in a heartbeat. Do you kndicapriho: I’ve watched humans destroy each other when I could stop it all in a heartbeat. Do you kndicapriho: I’ve watched humans destroy each other when I could stop it all in a heartbeat. Do you kndicapriho: I’ve watched humans destroy each other when I could stop it all in a heartbeat. Do you kn


I’ve watched humans destroy each other when I could stop it all in a heartbeat. Do you know what that does to someone after centuries? Could our mission have been a mistake? Are we really helping these people build a better world? We’re just like the soldiers down there: pawns to their leaders, blinded by loyalty.

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