

In case you guys aren’t aware:

Legends Arceus is a mainline game.

Just like Let’s Go PikaVee is a mainline game.

Any game connected to HOME (excluding GO) is mainline game.

Just because it has a bit different gameplay style than other mainline games doesn’t make it a spin-off.

Thank you for reading

Pokemon HOME update coming soon™ and it looks like we can transfer mon between SwSh, VDSP and PLA through HOME without problems?

NOT entirely certain, surely someone will make a proper condensed post here too?

Me: *worries about how Tokio and Gou’s friendship could get ruined in JN110*

Anipoke_PR: “Keep an eye on Tokio and Gou’s relationship in ep 110 ”

Me: “… oh ok, maybe it’ll be fine~”

Kinda nervous to see what happens tomorrow, both with the ep and the preview 8’)))

Thou not as nervous as with JN105, geez I was so stressed of being wrong that week sgshhdjdj. Yet I was right all along lol.

Note, I don’t know what ep is previewed tomorrow.

And I plan to keep it that way.

I just wonder if it will be exactly what I had hoped for and that they’ll deliver… and that will writing duty be with my fav pokeani writer (aka Aya Matsui).

Gosh tomorrow’s gonna be quite the day, I can feel it lol.

(small spoiler under the cut)

All I know is that it’s Alola episodes, two of them. So I HOPE it’s what I hope it is and it involves Aether Fam.

*searches for Gogoat on Pokemon HOME*

“No such Pokemon exists”

*searches for Sewaddle*

“No such Pokemon exists”



I’m just, trying to complete HOME pokedex by randomly trading my extra ‘mon and some seem to be unavailable for real lol.



Love it when people act like proving “rape or incest” exceptions for abortion are even possible, lmao

Quick, prove you were raped so you can access an abortion! How? I don’t know! Maybe you’ll have to get a rape test done at the hospital and prove you have sufficient bruising? Maybe it’ll require filing charges? Maybe it’ll require a full ass criminal trial which is gonna take longer than 9 months, lol.

Prove you were a victim of incest! How? I don’t know, because if you’re a victim of incest you might very well be a young child who doesn’t have the emotional strength and knowledge to even describe the abuse that’s happening to you, let alone advocate for your rights. And even if you are an adult, I dare you to go in front of a judge and detail the sexual abuse from you brother/father/uncle and come out of that untraumatised, all to get permission to have access to abortion. Make sure you get the courage up in just a few weeks!

What about threats to life of the mother exceptions? Quick! What’s the line you draw there? If a mother has extremely high blood pressure and diabetes and is at risk of death early enough in the pregnancy, is that enough for a termination? What about if the mother has an ectopic pregnancy? Or do we have to wait until the mother is suffering from sepsis and shock, blood poisoning maybe? Do mental health issues ever factor in?

It is literally impossible to place such restrictions on abortion that actually work, that are feasible and acceptable to those that would otherwise ban abortions outright.

Abortion on demand is the only answer.

Like, we don’t believe women who are raped when nothing is on the line. Why would we believe women when they’re trying to access a restricted medical procedure?!
