#disneys the owl house


“Triumph” over Wild Magic

Is that what he’s calling it? If this is how Belos remembers it then he was either that oblivious or in that much denial.

The Owl House season 3 predictions

Luz and her friends do some research on the Wittebanes to try to find a way back to the Demon Realm

The Collector turns the Boiling Isles into a kingdom shaped into King’s image

King is gifted with a Francois/Luz hybrid to keep him company

Feel free to reblog your theories

Look at this girl right now. She’s smiling but she’s on the verge of tears. Luz is swirling through a tornado of emotions right now. She’s back in the human realm and has returned to her mother like promised. But she lost her adopted family in the process. Luz has no idea if Eda is okay or not and witnessed King pushing her and her friends away as he’s being held at the mercy of The Collector. A being so powerful they just flicked Belos to the wall like a booger and moved the moon with a flick of a finger. Luz thought she could be this epic heroine like Azura. She would trick Belos into taking on the sigil so he would be at her mercy and stop the Draining Spell single handedly while keeping her loved ones safe. She didn’t count on Belos being too focused on trying too off her to be concerned for his well-being nor did she consider the possibility of King making a deal with this dangerous cosmic being so he could save everyone. All Luz wanted to do was be this grand heroine that everyone could count on. But in the end, all she’s accomplished when she returned home as is a traumatized scarred child with her equally traumatized scarred contemporaries.

King really moved up my list of favorite characters after the season finale.

In his first appearance he was this wanna-be dictator who was basically a spoiled little kid playing pretend. But over time he became this little hero who sacrificed a lot to save everyone.

Even after finding out he wasn’t previously a powerful ruler like he thought he was, he decided then that what he wanted most was knowing his roots and finding his long lost father. The revelation that he was a Titan the whole time didn’t really make him go back to his desires for godlike worship, he just wanted to be treated like everyone else. King actually wanted to utilize this knowledge to help everyone else even if he didn’t know how.

Even though he was the most resistant to Luz leaving him, King ended up being the one to push her and her friends away back to the Human Realm to safety while he becomes a reluctant playmate to an amoral brat with godlike powers.

King demonstrated more compassion and leadership in his own paw then Belos had in his entire goopy fossilized body.
