


I do occasionally wonder if the way the Owlphibia AU has taken shape in my head accidentally subverts Amphibia’s theme that things change, but really thinking about it… things still change A LOT in the AU, it’s just that those changes are different from the changes in Amphibia. In the series finale, that change is represented by saying goodbye to the weird interdimensional stuff. In the AU, the weird interdimensional stuff is the change, irreversibly altering not just the characters but the world. But either way, things do change

To give the fans hope


Some miscellaneous Olwphibia AU things:

  • Luz is back home, but Eda, King, Hooty, and Caleb came back with her. The Noceda house is technically the new Owl House now
  • This means that Camila went from being a single parent of an only child to having four kids who she’s co-parenting with her new roommate and also there’s a Hooty
  • Eda still has feelings for Raine. Eda may be starting to develop feelings for Camila. Eda isn’t sure what to do with any of these feelings so she’s in denial right now
  • In this AU, the reason why glyphs work on Amphibia but not on Earth is because Amphibia has a high level of ambient magic, while Earth’s is nearly nonexistent - but you can get around that issue if you have an external source of magic
  • When Marcy heard about that, she tried to see if Calamity powers would work. Turns out, you can use Calamity powers to activate a glyph, but it, uh… it works a bit toowell
  • New glyph combos have been discovered between whenever the AU diverges from Owl House canon and the actual starting point of the AU. This includes a healing glyph, a couple of illusion glyphs, and a translation glyph
  • During the AU, additional glyph combos get discovered, including a telepathy glyph and a portal glyph. The portal glyphs work like the portals from Portal. Two portal glyphs made by the same person have to be active at once to work
  • Marcy is researching the Calamity gems to try to figure out more about where they came from and how the Calamity powers work. Luz helps because she loves lore almost as much as she loves backstories and also because you can take my historian!Luz headcanon from my cold dead hands
  • As of right now, we don’t know what Sasha’s or Marcy’s human families are like in canon, but for this AU I’m assuming they’re Not Good. What this means is that Marcy stays with her newt moms and Sasha stays with her toad dad. Both of them still visit Earth a lot though
  • Sashannarcy is a thing obviously
  • Grimepop isn’t a thing yet but the potential is there
  • Sasha doesn’t get a back injury like in canon, but she does get an eye injury like people were theorising she would. Grime helps her adjust to doing things with only one eye
  • Grime still lost an arm, but so did Anne. They both have prosthetics, courtesy of Ally and Jess. And Polly, although Anne made Polly promise not to add any weapons to her arm
  • After getting used to it, Anne starts making hand and arm puns. Grime hears one and finds it hilarious so now he’s doing it too
  • Yes, those are the sci-fi kind of prosthetics, but there are occasions when they break, and even when they’re working fine, they’re still there
  • Marcy has chronic pain issues, which means she often needs to mobility aids - usually crutches, sometimes a wheelchair. The wheelchair has gadgets in it
  • I’m not sure if an exoskeleton would help with chronic pain, make it worse, or if it depends on what kind of pain we’re talking about, but if it could conceivably help, then I can see Marcy designing herself an exoskeleton at some point. She wouldn’t wear it all the time, because I feel like wearing an exoskeleton 24/7 is a bad idea in general, but if she wants to do Ranger stuff that’s what I think she’d go with
  • I don’t know what the situation on the Boiling Isles is like in this AU, but Amphibia is… chaotic. There’s the provisional government, made up of all the factions that took part in the rebellion, now trying to reform Amphibia’s laws and society. There’s newt nobles who want Andrias back (or just wanting things to be exactly the same as they were under Andrias). There are toad separatists who want to maintain the old system but with them at the top. There’s Gary. Bottom line, Amphibia is very much in that chaotic period very few stories talk about that happens after overthrowing the evil emperor