#disposable diaper



“You like what I’ve done with your office sweety? I just had to take a picture of your initial reaction.”

“What’s that? Are you about to cry?” Your girlfriend coos.

“Let’s get you out of that big boy underwear and into a clean diaper. I got you some sesame street themed diapers too, I know you’ll love them.”

“You think this is a lot of diapers? You should see how many are in your room. Oh, nursery, I mean!”

“And you’re going to use every single one of them.”


Your girlfriend pulls the top of the crib down, clicking into its lock.

“Now you stay here and take a nap while I do some chores.  I’ll be back in later to check on you.”  She smirks as she taps the side of the oversized crib.

You’re on your back, surrounded by the tall bars of a crib with its top fully enclosed, locking you in. Around you are a variety of stuffed animals and plush decorations.  You’re wearing barely anything, just a small navy-blue t-shirt and tightly wrapped, thick plastic diaper covered in an array of colorful shapes and patterns.  You squirm, kicking your legs against the wall of the crib.  You try to shout, “I don’t want to be in here! I’m not a baby, I don’t want to wear diapers!”, but all that escapes is a muffled grunt.  Inside your mouth is an oversized pacifier, strapped around your head preventing you from talking.

Grinning, your girlfriend coos, “Aw, its ok baby, Mommy will be back soon.”

It was the second day of you being in this situation.  You had admitted your diaper fetish to your girlfriend and her response was more than you could have expected.  She immediately assumed the role as your mommy and began transitioning you back to a toddler.  Diapers, high chairs, breastfeeding, spankings and nap times were all now a normal part of your life.

The nursery door closes as your girlfriend leaves.  Immediately you sit up, pressing your arms up against the top of the crib.  The fixture moves slightly but seems stuck.  You try again as tears began running down your eyes. You always had a diaper fetish and loved casually wearing them. You never expected your girlfriend to be accepting of it, let alone this.  She had a nursery built into her basement, filled with diapers, oversized baby furniture and toys.  She had coaxed you the night before into wearing a diaper, and you’d been stuck in them since.  

You press your arms against the top of the crib again as a new feeling arises.  A hot gurgling sound emerges from your stomach, signaling an impending disaster - you were going to poop.  Panicking, you shake at the bars desperately looking around the warmly lit nursery.  Looking back at you are the eyes of stuffed teddy bears, tigers, and turtles, almost smirking at your predicament.

Your stomach gurgles again, causing your gut to cramp.  Cradling your belly, the pain forces you to bend forward onto your knees.  Clinching your butt cheeks, the cramping subsides. You had to get of this crib quickly or you would be pooping your diaper like an actual toddler.

Looking up, your eyes catch sight of the lock for the crib.  Astonished, you realize it isn’t completely closed.  Smirking behind your spit covered pacifier, you wedge your finger into the contraption, unlocking it.  Instantly you push the top of the crib open, standing up.  You begin to lean over the waist high wall of the crib when another stomach cramp hits.  It’s much more painful than last time and you involuntarily stand straight up, clenching again.  Moaning into your gag, a loud fart erupts into your diaper, causing it to puff out. Your eyes are wide open, this wasn’t normal.  Had your girlfriend given you laxatives? She’d already fed you several times, so it was possible. Furious, you relax as the cramping subsides.

You lift your leg over top of the crib, throwing yourself over and onto the floor.  With a soft thump, you land on your bare feet, immediately sprinting for the door.  Once you got out of the room, you would make a run for it.  You’d have to ditch the diaper first - no, that would take too long, just run.  This was your only chance to get back to your life and get away from your insane girlfriend.

You reach the door and begin to open it.  Your hopeful grin slowly fades as you turn the door knob.

It was locked.

You let out a muffled cry as more tears began streaming down your face. Panicking, you look around the room for any options when your stomach begins to cramp again.  This time the pain wasn’t as bad, and you feel like you have to fart.  Your stomach feels like it is going to burst, so trying to relieve the pain you push, slowly releasing the pressure.  Immediately a gush of hot mush burps into the back of your diaper.  Standing there in just a t-shirt and a diaper, you had pooped yourself, like a baby.  

Taking in the shock of losing the last bit of remaining dignity, another cramp hits, much worse than any of the others.  With no control, your knees bend, and you cry into your pacifier as you begin pushing a huge load into the back of your Pampers.  Several spurts of mushy poop, followed by a series of loud farts erupt into your diaper, causing it to expand.  "NOO!“ you wail into your pacifier, grunting as you push more poop into the diaper.  You can feel the soft plastic sag against your legs as more and more mess spreads into it.  Finally, the pressure fades, and the last of mess pushes into your soiled diaper.

The smell is horrible, and you begin to feel dizzy.  Blinking, you stumble slightly trying to regain your balance.  In a daze you fall backwards on to the floor, landing directly on your loaded diaper.  Poop shifts in every direction covering your crotch and backside.  You began to wail, “MOMMY!” crying, now resigned to your situation.  You feel so small, so out of control.  Sobbing, you lean forward grabbing a teddy bear laying the floor.  You grip into the toy, holding it hard as you can.

A slight creak from the door reveals your girlfriend, with a concerned look on her face.

“What’s wrong sweeti-” she stops, her face twisting into a disgusting smile as the abhorrent smell of your diaper hits her nose.

“Did you have a boom boom in your diaper?” She asks in a playful voice.

You can’t respond, cradling the teddy bear, sitting on the floor in a completely full diaper.  You look up at her with tear filled eyes sucking quickly on the pacifier.

“Let’s have a look” she says as she walks around you.  You can feel her lift the back of your shirt as she pulls the back of the diaper out.


“Oh my, this little boy made a big poopy in his diaper, didn’t he?” Giggling, she turns towards you.

“Do you need your mommy to change your stinky diaper?” She asks, locking eyes with you as she undoes the pacifier.

Immediately you blurt out, “I’m sorry mommy! I couldn’t hold it!”

“Aw, you’re adorable. Just a little while ago you didn’t want to be a baby.  Are you ready to be my baby boy?”

You quickly nod. Something had happened - this woman had brought something out of you.

“OK, let’s get you some food first and I’ll get you into a clean diaper.  Come here sweetie.”


Grabbing your hand, she helps you up, walking you to a large chair in the corner of the room.  She sits down, pulling you into the chair.  Unclasping her bra, she lets her large breast slip out. Instinctively you let the erect nipple into your mouth as you begin sucking.  A hot stream of thick milk gushes into your mouth and you can’t help but swallow it.  You feel your girlfriends soft hand brush over your hair as she begins humming a soft melody.

“You will always be my baby.”
