#abdl story

sissypampers-is: mikeypampers-is:The babysitter: Part 2 By Mikey Pampers   HMMMMMMMM? She said. “A



The babysitter: Part 2

By Mikey Pampers

  HMMMMMMMM? She said. “A perfect fit I would say. You can’t fool the Pampers detective! These are not for the baby toddler princess of the house……or ARE THEY? Huh Mikey? Perhaps you are the true little pink Pampers toddler Princess! I’m starting to think Caitlin has NOTHING on you. Giggle well perhaps she will have something on you soon.  But not how you think! Where is her closet? HAHAHAHA!” With one quick motion she grabbed my arms and hung both of my wrists from the hook on the closet door with these 2 little bracelets I was already wearing. I could not move my arms and was practically on my tippy toes. I could not figure out how she did it, It was like magic. She was like Marry Pampers Poppins or something. She grabbed my soaking wet Pampers bottom through the plastic panties and gave it a squeeze. I instantly felt so humiliated helpless and rock hard at the same time. Poking out the front of my wet diapers I tried to yell out but I was speechless. “AWWWWWWW Look who’s come out to pway!?!

……These are smelly Mikey Pampers!” She gave the dripping mess a yank downward and they fell to the floor with a splat! There I stood so hard with my arms pinned up no able to hide myself and how excited I was. Now she not only knew about the wet Pampers but that it excited me! “AAAAAAWWWW is that your little tiny wee-wee? Baby Mikey? It’s sooooooo sweet. Look at that sooooo tiny. I can’t believe it. The last time a saw one that small and cute it was in a diaper!

HEHEHHEHEHEHE!AWWWWW Let me see. I need to get really close to even see the widdle baby wee-wee! Babysitters gonna pull it! Yeaaaa that’s it! So tiny and funny! OHHHHH YESSSSS! What’s wrong widdo toddler it’s not like the white stuff is gonna come out! HAHA! Your waaaaay to little for that! As a matter of fact, you should not even be a boy! Tell me where Mommy keeps your cousins baby girl clothes!” There was no way I was going to tell her that. “NOOOOOOOO” I yelled! “No? Did you just say no? Babies like you need to learn that “no” is not an option.” And she grabbed me by my 2 bracelets and pulled me into the bathroom kicking and screaming. “Mikey! You know how I always tell you to flush and you never do? Well look into the potty. What do you see? That’s right it is a dark yellow cause someone around here leaves the potty full of there peepee!” Holding me by my hair right above the bowl I could smell it bad and she said, “ Tell me about her clothes” I stammered out, “She only wears the fluffiest puffy pink princess outfits she is obsessed w Disney princesses!” Her eyes filled with delight and satisfaction, I knew I said the wrong thing. 


by Mikey Pampers

Yes i wrote this. This is part 2. Part 1 is a few pages back.

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mikeypampers-is: The babysitter:By Mikey Pampers          The babysitter was here all day today. I


The babysitter:

By Mikey Pampers

         The babysitter was here all day today. I knew the way she treated me she always had suspicions about me that I was hiding something and the way she treated me so babyish in a way that no one ever has who was not way older then me like my mommy or my Auntie. The all ways looked at me funny and was overly sweet in a way that makes me really crazy about her and makes me feel warm and fuzzy and funny.  The way she will look back and smile and me but with kind of an evil wink at the same time. She also can be very stern but I like it from her in a way that I don’t from mommy. She makes me feel comfortable enough to do stuff in front of her like suck my thumb and crawl even though part of the reason I do that is to try to peek up her skirt. I have just been aching to see her panties. Gosh I love panties.  Anyway my worst fears and perhaps wildest dreams may be coming true. When she got here she was in a very bad mood. She must have had a bad day at that private school of hers, but even angry, OMG, how she looks in that uniform! It’s all I can do to keep from getting to hard in my pajama bottoms when I see her in it.

      Something about her today was particularly more nosey then usual, and that’s really saying something. She was so interested in my room and I most often am real good at keeping her out of there as I have so many secrets hidden there. She was insisting on cleaning but it was already pretty clean and I was trying to scoop her out and then it happened. She looked under the bed. “MIKEY! What do we have here?” She asks as she pulls out a big box of Pampers. “Aren’t you to big for diapers?”I stumbled around so flustered. I tried to cover it up, telling her they belonged to my little cousin Caitlin, Surely she would believe that. She knew all about her as she is over here a lot. But by the expression on her face and those eyes connecting with mine in a way that was so piercing, she was unsuccessfully muffling her giggles. “Mikey, Don’t lie to me, toddler boy! Look at the size of these! And there baby blue designs. We both know, these are not Caitlin’s! And they were underneath your bed!” I was caught red diapered. I explained it in the best way I could that was based in truth. “Pwease babysitter, you don’t understand. I’m a big boy, I don’t need them. Mommy just got them to threaten me for punishment so I don’t suck my thumb. I just can’t stop and she says it’s for babies. So if I got caught sucking my thumb I would have to wear diapers. But I’ve been good. She never had to use them!” This is where the fibbing came in. She gives me a glare in disbelief and simultaneously reaches under the bed again as if she has heat seeking babysitter reach and nabs a hidden wet diaper wrapped in the cutest training pants. They are still soaked from the night before. “So I suppose these soaking wet Pampers belong to Caitlin? “So flustered, I exclaimed, “ Yes, those aren’t mine!” She gave me a clear look and said put them on! Threw them at me and with a slosh got my Jamies a bit wet when I caught them. At this point possibly the most humiliating moment of my life. But that was about to change. Every minute for every minute up in till she put me to bed.  I knew I had no choice. I dropped my pj bottoms and underpants in a modest shy way so she could not see my wee-wee and slit the soaking wet set up my legs over my thighs and they grabbed me and secured me inside like a warm winter coat. I could feel the heat on my face growing with the bulge in my wet Pampers. I was trapped in more ways then one.

To be continued…..


by Mikey Pampers

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Days with Becca

Sitting the PS5 controller down, you quickly stand up with a grimace, grabbing your stomach as a sharp cramp shoots through your belly.  Lifting yourself off the ground, you hear the loud crinkle of the large white diaper wrapped around your waist.  Looking down, you notice your red t-shirt barely covering the front of the diaper, clearly showing the dancing bears and baby blocks scattered across the front.  Your girlfriend had just changed you about an hour ago, and the diaper was dry.

Another, larger cramp erupts within your stomach, forcing you stand up straight, tightening your butt checks to force back the hot pressure pushing against your backside.  A loud gurgle of gas circulates through your guts, sending a cold chill up your spine.  You need to get the toilet as as possible, or you might not be able to hold back next cramp.

Not bothering to pause the video game, you start waddling across the carpeted living room, slowly making your way down the adjacent hallway. Knowing to be as careful as possible with each step, you hold the back of your diaper with one hand as your other grasps your churning, aching stomach.

You approach the apartment bathroom and notice the door is closed.  Letting the back of you diaper go, you reach for the doorknob and turn.  It doesn’t budge.  Panicked, you attempt to turn it again multiple times, shaking the door as you let out a quiet whine.

A loud shout comes from inside the bathroom.

“Yes?” your girlfriend Becca asks loudly. “I’m in here, what you do you need?”

“Uh, I need to use the bathroom, like right now!” you reply in embarrassment.

“Why? I just put you in a new diaper and you know the bathroom is off limits.  Just go in your diaper.”

You pause, acknowledging that you would have to elaborate on the embarrassing details of your situation.

You stammer, “I uh, need to go number two”.

There was a moment of silence.  Neither you or your girlfriend had dealt with a messy diaper.  The topic rarely came up when you were wearing, and whenever your girlfriend joked about the topic you avoided it.

“Oh, gross” she says, followed by mocking laugh.  “Well just hold on I’m almost done”.

Disappointed you whine, “come on this isn’t a joke, it’s really bad Becca, I might have an accident!”

“Just hold it.  You’re a grown man, I know you can do it”. She says, scoffing at your desperation.  “Or you know, you can use your diaper.  That’s what it’s for"

”NO!” you shout back, not amused.

Annoyed by her lack of her support you look around, desperately thinking of what to do.  It was a single bathroom apartment, and going to one of the community bathrooms seemed insurmountable.  You would have to get dressed, walk down two flights of stairs, across the parking lot, into the clubhouse and then remove the diaper before you could sit down on the toilet.  You knew that even lifting a leg could risk causing your backside to blowout. Hopeless, you decide you have to at least try, so you begin to waddle to your bedroom for some clothes.

As your approach the doorway another cramp pangs through your abdomen causing you to stop and fully tighten your buttocks.  Sweat dripping from your face, you know you have to relieve the pressure.  In a moment of instinct and trepidation, you hold your anus tightly closed as possible as you slightly push.  A rude squelch of flatulence erupts into your diaper, causing the backside to puff outward.  The relief is immediate, and you smile as the pain eases from your gut.

Relieved you step into your room and open the dresser to find some clothes.  In an instant, another cramp shoots through your belly, and almost involuntarily you push to relieve the pressure again.  Expecting another fart, your face shifts to horror as you feel a hot bulge of mess squirt between your cheeks.  Blushing, and in shock at what just happened you hear your girlfriend call out. 

“Almost done and then it’s yours!”

Standing still you think what to do next.  Not sure how obvious your accident was, you poke at the back of the diaper.  Not feeling any bulges, you sniff the air.

“Huh” you say, “that’s weird”

You don’t smell anything at all.  Knowing all the jokes about dirty diapers, you expected it to smell awful.

“Well I guess wet diapers don’t really smell, maybe it’s just an exaggeration”, you say out loud in thought.

You feel pressure building up in your gut again and think “what if I just go a little bit? Becca won’t know and I can clean it up in the bathroom.”

Dead set on your new plan, you think of where you can commit your deed.  Looking around the room, the gap of space between the bed and wall catches your eye.  Walking over to it you think of the most practical position to make it easy.  You remember the squatting positions that toddlers take before relieving themselves, so you decide it would have to do. 

Squatting down, you grab the side of the bed and push your butt out, feeling the small glob of mess against your skin rub against the diaper.

Breathing in, you scrunch your face and begin to slightly push.  A quick popping sound of gas bursts into the diaper providing more relief.  Feeling an odd sense of comfort, you instinctively slip your left thumb into your mouth.  While wearing diapers wasn’t really an age play thing for you, this felt completely natural.

You push harder, biting down on your thumb.  You feel a large log of poop slowly pushing its way out.  You continue to strain, feeling it push past your rectum against the padding of your diaper.  It continues outward, pushing the back of the diaper out, causing the front of the diaper to tighten around your groin.  Surprised how large it is, you feel it slip downwards as it drops into the bottom of the diaper.  You pause to examine your situation.

You begin the sniff the air, as a wave putrid stench slowly drifts upwards.  The smell was unmistakable and horrid. Pulling the thumb from your mouth your feel the need to gag.  There was no way of hiding this, you had completely soiled yourself.  Thinking about what to do, you’re caught off guard by a churning feeling in your gut.  Immediately the pressure shifts and you feel a wave of heat pushing through your colon.  You stop pushing but realize it’s too late as the wave of liquid diarrhea presses up against your rectum.  Not prepared to hold it, the hot sludge spurts out, pouring downward, causing your diaper tighten even more. 

Whining, catching your self you stop the flow. 

“No, no, no” you beg into the air, realizing the stench of your soiled diaper was beginning to spread. You stick your thumb back in your mouth and think what to do.

“No, no, no, what?” Becca asks as she walks into the room.

You look up, in pure shock, slowly letting the spit covered thumb out of your mouth.

You beg in a panic, “Becca, no! I’m sorry, don’t come in here!”

“Wh…” Her question is cut off as the growing smell crosses her nostrils.

“Oh, my, god.” she says staring at you.  “You shit your diaper didn’t you?”

Stuttering you reply, “It was an accident! I tried to fart and it..”

“Stop it!” she says sharply, cutting you off.

Shocked, you stop talking.

“Now, I expected this to happen at some point”. she says, looking at you with a concerned face.  “Lets take a look”.

“Are you sure?” you say with a concerned tone.

She doesn’t respond as she walks towards the bed.  Wearing just a thong and a short cut shirt she leans across the bed, pushing you back as she looks around your side at your bloated diaper.

“You really did it.  I really thought you could hold it.” she says, leaning in front of you.  The back of her thong clearly visible as she hung off the bed, her hand covering her face, either plugging her nose or concealing a laugh.  You can’t tell.


“I’m so-sorry” you say on the verge of tears.

“It’s okay little bumpkin. I wasn’t prepared for this, but I think I can help” she replies, a smirk on her face.

A loud gurgle churns from your belly, startling you and causing her to raise an eyebrow.  Chuckling she asks, “Did you get it all out? Or do you still need to go?”

“I uh, think I uh.. still need to go”, you say, looking away.

She grabs your chin, turning your face to hers.

“Well show me.  Push it out little baby.  Go in your diaper”

Paralyzed by her statement you stare back at her, mouth open.

Smiling, she coos, “I saw you had your thumb in your mouth, put it back in.  Just like a baby” she pauses “I really like the idea of you acting like a baby while you’re in diapers. It makes it easier for me”.

Feeling another cramp starting to grow, you decide to go with it and slip your thumb in your mouth.  Looking at Becca, she whispers, “Go on, it’s OK”

You push down on your tummy muscles, feeling a small spurt of diarrhea squirt into the diaper. 

“That’s it” she coos, “fill your diaper up for me”

You continue straining but don’t feel anything come out. Stopping pushing, you still feel bloated, like you can’t finish.

“What’s wrong little man? All done?” Becca asks in a intentionally dismissive voice.

“It’s not coming out.” you say, concerned.  “It feels like I gotta go, but nothing is coming out.”

“When’s the last time you went?” She asks with a serious tone to her voice.

“Uh, I don’t know. It’s been few days I think.” you say, clearly embarrassed.

Becca’s face twists into a look of shock, “A FEW DAYS?” she says chuckling. “Well of course you’re constipated.”

“Constipated?” you ask.

“Here”, she says, smiling.  “My mom showed me a trick for this when we were babysitting my cousins.”

Becca points to the ground and says “tushie on the floor, lay back”.

“Gross, I’m not sitting in..” you almost finish but are cut off as she harshly pushes your shoulders down causing you to fall back. You lose your balance and fall onto the diaper, causing the contents to smash in all directions.  You feel a mound of poop shift forward, smashing against your groin.

“Becca!” you cry, not amused by what was happening. “I don’t wan-”

Your girlfriend slams a finger against your lips stopping you.  “Lay back before I give you something to really cry about.  Now!” she growls, annoyed by your reluctance.

You slowly roll to your back, feeling the sticky contents shift and smash up your backside.

Whining, you smell another wave of stench from your diaper and start to suck harder on your thumb.

“Now let me take off my shirt to get comfortable” she says as she lifts her shirt over her head, tossing the shirt to the bed.  She’s wearing a pink, lacy push up bra, outlining her large breasts.  Sitting on your back, in a poopy diaper sucking your thumb with your girlfriend in a bra and thong looking down at you causes a warm, nervousness to grow in your chest.  You feel the uncontrollable urge to babble out loud “Momma! I’m sowy!”.

The sudden shift in demeanor causes you to blush and Becca looks down at you, half confused, half amused.

“Well I wasn’t expecting that either, but you can call me mommy. You’re just a stinky helpless baby, aren’t you? Now relax little man, we’re going to make you feel much better” she coos, smiling at you.  Leaning down, she presses two of her fingers next to your belly button, immediately pushing harder down.  You stiffen in shock but immediately relax.

Beccas fingers begin rotating in a circular pattern, and you feel your insides slowly shifting.  A loud gurgle of gas churns in your gut, causing Becca to look at you, smiling.  She starts humming a melody you hadn’t heard before, and you close your eyes in bliss as the soft massage eases the bloating in your gut.  After a few minutes she moves her fingers to the other side of your belly, continuing the same motion.

On the verge of falling asleep, you’re shook out of the trance as Becca says “OK baby, legs up”

You feel her grab your ankles and lift them into the air.  “Now just relax little one, just relax” she says, beginning to hum the melody again.

You don’t resist as she pushes your legs forward to your stomach, causing your knees to touch your chest.  She pulls them back and forward,then proceeds with the same motion with one leg at a time. She repeats these movements for several minutes.

Suddenly a tingling sensation ignites from your tail bone, sending a shock of energy up your spine to your jaw. Kicking your legs, an almost orgasmic eruption surges through your groin and rectum.

“Momma momma!” you manage to sputter behind a spit filled gasp.

“Here we go!” Becca says bracing your legs into the air.


A magnificent wave of pressure shifts against your rectum and you barely have to push as a giant log of poop slips out into the diaper.  You hear several loud crinkles as the mess continues pushing out, coiling into a large ball in the diaper.  The messing stops for a moment just as another wave of diarrhea erupts out of your backside.  You try to kick your legs in desperation but Becca holds them tight.

“Push! Keep pushing!” she says beaming down at you.

Feeling a growing pressure from your bladder, you let go and hear a loud hiss of urine spray into the diaper.  The warmth covers your groin, dripping down over your butt.  Slowly the diaper begins to swell between your legs.

“yes, that’s it baby.  Fill your diapy up for mommy. You’re making me so proud” Becca says, smiling at you.

You tighten your back causing the mess to shift as several more small chunks push out.

Feeling the movements slow down, Becca lets your right leg to the ground, and cups the bottom of your diaper in her hand.

“Well I think my little man needs a new diaper, what do you think?” She says, softly squeezing and bouncing the mess against your skin.

“Yesh momma.” You say in an infantile tone.  “I make a poopy diaper”

Giggling, Becca says, “OK, follow me into the living room.”

You roll forward, feeling the mess mash against you even more.  As you begin to stand you’re stopped by Becca waving a finger in front of you.  “Uh uh uh, babies crawl.”

Excited at the idea, you roll to you your hands and knees.  Feeling the diaper shift between your legs causes your heart to flutter, making you want to regress even further.

“Come on little one” she says, walking to the door.

You slowly crawl out of the bedroom towards the living room where Becca is standing. Each movement forward causes the loaded diaper to shift back and forward. You’re not sure if it’s leaking, but you don’t care.  You’re just a dumb baby in a dirty diaper.

Approaching the living room, you see Becca putting away the PS5 with a thoughtful look on her face.

“Why don’t you wait a little bit and color something for me?” She says, pulling out a coloring book and box of crayons. “You can sit in a stinky diaper a little longer I think.  What do you think?” she says, looking at you while leaning over.

“Otay momma” you say, excited at the idea of more childish activities.

“You know, just in case you need to get anything else out before you get in a clean diaper.” she says, winking at you. “I’m going to look at what to start for dinner.” 

Becca walks out of the room, as you sit backwards onto the diaper, smashing the contents against your rear.  Looking down at diaper, a collage of yellow and brown stains cover the bloated plastic.  Without a worry in the world, you make a babbling noise and bounce several times up and down, shifting the contents of the diaper around even more.  You think to yourself, “Becca wanted me to act like a baby, well she’s getting the full act”.

You open the coloring book and find a page outlining a tall giraffe standing against several trees.  Grabbing the large red crayon you begin to draw “I LUV MY MOMMY” across the bottom of the page.


“You like what I’ve done with your office sweety? I just had to take a picture of your initial reaction.”

“What’s that? Are you about to cry?” Your girlfriend coos.

“Let’s get you out of that big boy underwear and into a clean diaper. I got you some sesame street themed diapers too, I know you’ll love them.”

“You think this is a lot of diapers? You should see how many are in your room. Oh, nursery, I mean!”

“And you’re going to use every single one of them.”

“Do you want to wear the safari animals or the little cute dinosaurs sweetie?”

“What’s that?” your girlfriend chuckles.

“I found your collection of diaper porn and after a little bit of research I ordered these for you. That’s right, effectively immediately you no longer have any big boy privileges. You’re going to use these diapers for *everything* and when they’re dirty I’m going to change you. I’m going to feed you, bathe you, and take care of you 24/7!”

“Oh don’t won’t worry I’ve taken care of everything. I cancelled your credit cards, cancelled your cell phone and I even called your work. I told them you were having “medical issues” and wouldn’t be coming back”.

“Oh don’t cry little baby, let’s get you wrapped up in a clean diaper.” She says, smiling.

“Can’t pick? Well, for being stubborn you’re getting double diapered with one of each and a suppository.”

“Now lay down on the floor and put those legs up before you get a spanking too.”


Your girlfriend pulls the top of the crib down, clicking into its lock.

“Now you stay here and take a nap while I do some chores.  I’ll be back in later to check on you.”  She smirks as she taps the side of the oversized crib.

You’re on your back, surrounded by the tall bars of a crib with its top fully enclosed, locking you in. Around you are a variety of stuffed animals and plush decorations.  You’re wearing barely anything, just a small navy-blue t-shirt and tightly wrapped, thick plastic diaper covered in an array of colorful shapes and patterns.  You squirm, kicking your legs against the wall of the crib.  You try to shout, “I don’t want to be in here! I’m not a baby, I don’t want to wear diapers!”, but all that escapes is a muffled grunt.  Inside your mouth is an oversized pacifier, strapped around your head preventing you from talking.

Grinning, your girlfriend coos, “Aw, its ok baby, Mommy will be back soon.”

It was the second day of you being in this situation.  You had admitted your diaper fetish to your girlfriend and her response was more than you could have expected.  She immediately assumed the role as your mommy and began transitioning you back to a toddler.  Diapers, high chairs, breastfeeding, spankings and nap times were all now a normal part of your life.

The nursery door closes as your girlfriend leaves.  Immediately you sit up, pressing your arms up against the top of the crib.  The fixture moves slightly but seems stuck.  You try again as tears began running down your eyes. You always had a diaper fetish and loved casually wearing them. You never expected your girlfriend to be accepting of it, let alone this.  She had a nursery built into her basement, filled with diapers, oversized baby furniture and toys.  She had coaxed you the night before into wearing a diaper, and you’d been stuck in them since.  

You press your arms against the top of the crib again as a new feeling arises.  A hot gurgling sound emerges from your stomach, signaling an impending disaster - you were going to poop.  Panicking, you shake at the bars desperately looking around the warmly lit nursery.  Looking back at you are the eyes of stuffed teddy bears, tigers, and turtles, almost smirking at your predicament.

Your stomach gurgles again, causing your gut to cramp.  Cradling your belly, the pain forces you to bend forward onto your knees.  Clinching your butt cheeks, the cramping subsides. You had to get of this crib quickly or you would be pooping your diaper like an actual toddler.

Looking up, your eyes catch sight of the lock for the crib.  Astonished, you realize it isn’t completely closed.  Smirking behind your spit covered pacifier, you wedge your finger into the contraption, unlocking it.  Instantly you push the top of the crib open, standing up.  You begin to lean over the waist high wall of the crib when another stomach cramp hits.  It’s much more painful than last time and you involuntarily stand straight up, clenching again.  Moaning into your gag, a loud fart erupts into your diaper, causing it to puff out. Your eyes are wide open, this wasn’t normal.  Had your girlfriend given you laxatives? She’d already fed you several times, so it was possible. Furious, you relax as the cramping subsides.

You lift your leg over top of the crib, throwing yourself over and onto the floor.  With a soft thump, you land on your bare feet, immediately sprinting for the door.  Once you got out of the room, you would make a run for it.  You’d have to ditch the diaper first - no, that would take too long, just run.  This was your only chance to get back to your life and get away from your insane girlfriend.

You reach the door and begin to open it.  Your hopeful grin slowly fades as you turn the door knob.

It was locked.

You let out a muffled cry as more tears began streaming down your face. Panicking, you look around the room for any options when your stomach begins to cramp again.  This time the pain wasn’t as bad, and you feel like you have to fart.  Your stomach feels like it is going to burst, so trying to relieve the pain you push, slowly releasing the pressure.  Immediately a gush of hot mush burps into the back of your diaper.  Standing there in just a t-shirt and a diaper, you had pooped yourself, like a baby.  

Taking in the shock of losing the last bit of remaining dignity, another cramp hits, much worse than any of the others.  With no control, your knees bend, and you cry into your pacifier as you begin pushing a huge load into the back of your Pampers.  Several spurts of mushy poop, followed by a series of loud farts erupt into your diaper, causing it to expand.  "NOO!“ you wail into your pacifier, grunting as you push more poop into the diaper.  You can feel the soft plastic sag against your legs as more and more mess spreads into it.  Finally, the pressure fades, and the last of mess pushes into your soiled diaper.

The smell is horrible, and you begin to feel dizzy.  Blinking, you stumble slightly trying to regain your balance.  In a daze you fall backwards on to the floor, landing directly on your loaded diaper.  Poop shifts in every direction covering your crotch and backside.  You began to wail, “MOMMY!” crying, now resigned to your situation.  You feel so small, so out of control.  Sobbing, you lean forward grabbing a teddy bear laying the floor.  You grip into the toy, holding it hard as you can.

A slight creak from the door reveals your girlfriend, with a concerned look on her face.

“What’s wrong sweeti-” she stops, her face twisting into a disgusting smile as the abhorrent smell of your diaper hits her nose.

“Did you have a boom boom in your diaper?” She asks in a playful voice.

You can’t respond, cradling the teddy bear, sitting on the floor in a completely full diaper.  You look up at her with tear filled eyes sucking quickly on the pacifier.

“Let’s have a look” she says as she walks around you.  You can feel her lift the back of your shirt as she pulls the back of the diaper out.


“Oh my, this little boy made a big poopy in his diaper, didn’t he?” Giggling, she turns towards you.

“Do you need your mommy to change your stinky diaper?” She asks, locking eyes with you as she undoes the pacifier.

Immediately you blurt out, “I’m sorry mommy! I couldn’t hold it!”

“Aw, you’re adorable. Just a little while ago you didn’t want to be a baby.  Are you ready to be my baby boy?”

You quickly nod. Something had happened - this woman had brought something out of you.

“OK, let’s get you some food first and I’ll get you into a clean diaper.  Come here sweetie.”


Grabbing your hand, she helps you up, walking you to a large chair in the corner of the room.  She sits down, pulling you into the chair.  Unclasping her bra, she lets her large breast slip out. Instinctively you let the erect nipple into your mouth as you begin sucking.  A hot stream of thick milk gushes into your mouth and you can’t help but swallow it.  You feel your girlfriends soft hand brush over your hair as she begins humming a soft melody.

“You will always be my baby.”

I have LOADS of eBooks now available via Amazon Kindle, and two more that will be releasing in May a

I have LOADS of eBooks now available via Amazon Kindle, and two more that will be releasing in May and July!

You can find my author profile HERE

As any author would, I’ve grown in my writing ability as I’ve written every week for my Patreon, and what I believe is my best work to date, Sabotage, is about to release as a completed eBook on July 29th, 2022! 

Sabotageis a full, 250+ page ABDL/Omorashi NOVELthat is packed full of all the stuff you love from these kinks! It is available NOWfor pre-order and will be available for FREEthrough kindle unlimited after release. I really hope you read, enjoy and leave feedback!

Also coming up, Vol. 5 of myABDL/OMO Shorts series will release on May 6th, 2022! Here are the previews for the 10 shorts included:

Restrictions: COVID gets in the way of desperation.
The ScareHouse: A group of girls brave a haunted house with quick-trigger bladders.
The Young Omega’s: A group of teen hero’s have a run-in with Doctor Dreadful, and the new recruit has an accident.
Santa Baby: An exclusive Christmas dance gig has a strange dress code.
Letter to Santa: 19-year-old Jessie writes to Santa to make a confession.
A Very Wet New Year: Triny desperately awaits the New Year.
Online Class: Desperate during an online exam, a young student struggles to finish an exam before she bursts.
The Festival: Megan has a tradition for festivals, and she wants you in on it.
The Regressing Witch: Emily gets younger every time she uses her magic and now needs diapers. But how will she handle those who bully her for it?
Jill of the Future: Jill comes from a time where bladder control is a thing of the past.

I hope you read and enjoy! If you like the books, consider checking out my PATREON. For only $2 a month, you will receive new written work EVERY WEEK, with a new short releasing at the start of the month, and new chapters of my next novel, On The Road Again (already at Chapter 28), releasing every week after that. The stories available on my Patreon won’t be eBooks until a year after the final chapter’s posting, so if you want to get ahead, this is the best (and cheapest) way to do it! 

Have a great day!


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ATTENTION ANYONE WHO WEARS DIAPERS‼️ (Diaper fluffing tutorial)

It seems like a lot of people in the abdl community don’t know about diaper fluffing, so I thought I’d make a quick tutorial! If you’re not sure what diaper fluffing is, it’s basically breaking up the fibers in your diaper to let air in, and make them thicker and more comfortable! Diapers are packed SUUUPER tight to make shipping cheaper, so your diapers won’t come out of the package as fluffy as they should be! Here’s how you do it

Step 1: Unfold your diaper all the way (pretty easy)

Step 2: Fold your diaper in half hotdog style, then gently pull your hands in opposite directions up and down the fold you made. You should feel the material giving a little as you do this. BE CAREFUL AND DON’T RIP THE DIAPER

Step 3: Unfold your diaper, and do the same thing to the inside, gently pulling your hands apart

Step 4: Voilà! Fluffed and ready to go!

Here’s a picture of the diaper I fluffed next to one right out of the package

The difference is really amazing! Hope this helps you guys! Stay dry

Edit: Send me a message if you had a problem or something. I tried to make the directions as clear as possible but I’m always here to help!

I never knew this but I jus tried it out and it made my diaper so much fluffier and more comfy

“Sweetie I’m home”

Daddy was just coming in the door from work.

I felt butterflies in my stomach as I had been waiting for him all day.

I ran up to him and flung myself into his arms, burying my head deep into his shoulder.

He knelt down to my level, kissed my temple and held me tightly against him.

As I inhaled his scent I felt the greatest comfort, like nothing bad could ever happen in daddy’s arms. He pulled back looking into my eyes with a firm hand still supporting my back.

“I missed you sweetie”

A huge smile spread across my face as I told him how much I had missed him too.

Daddy worked long hours and I was always so glad to see him when he got home.

Daddy took my hand and lead me to the kitchen as he told me of his day.

Picking me up and putting me on the counter infront of him he placed a soft kiss on my forehead, running his fingers through my long blonde hair.

Daddy was a handsome man, standing 6 feet tall, salt and pepper hair and ice blue eyes that could melt your heart.

Preparing dinner daddy chattered about his job as a highschool teacher.

Daddy made us spaghetti and meatballs.

Dinner was my favourite time of the day as I knew bath time and cuddles would follow soon after.

After dinner, daddy put on Cat in the Hat, while he washed dishes. Sitting on the carpet infront of the tv I played with my stuffed owl Who as daddy smiled at me from the counter. Daddy always let me know he was right there watching over me.

Daddy soon came over knelt beside me on the floor, tracing my back ever so lightly with his fingertips.

His voice was soft and gentle, yet so masculin- a voice that had complete control over me.

“It’s bath time sweetie, you can bring Who with you”

I wrapped one arm around his neck and clutched onto him as he scooped me up with ease. Carrying me with one arm under my bottom he set me on his bed. Leaving me with Who to draw my bath. Returning he kissed me ever so gently on the forehead.

“Okay sweetie, bath time, let’s get these clothes off you”

Daddy lifted my shirt over my head and picking me up he removed my shorts with his free hand.

The warm water felt soothing and relaxing as daddy gently placed me in the water with my rubber duckies and bubbles.

Daddy knelt down beside the tub gently running the warm water down my back with a warm washcloth.

I laid back as daddy wet my hair, one hand under my neck the other running his fingers through my hair. I sat up as daddy messaged the strawberry scented shampoo through my hair.

Daddy dipped my hair back into the water ever so gently rinsing the soap away.

The way daddy touched me was that of pure love and affection. His fingertips so soft and gentle on my fair skin.

Daddy pulled the plug draining the tub and picked me up wrapping me in my big white fluffy towel.

Holding me close against his chest wrapped in my towel, daddy carried me to his room setting my on his bed as he picked out my light pink pajamas and a fresh diaper for bed time.

Laying my pajamas on the neatly made bed, he laid me down on the diaper, sprinkling baby powder all over my bottom, the sweet scent of powder filling the room.

Snuggly taping the diaper he gave my belly a playful tickle and soft kiss just under my bellybutton.

Daddy picked me up once more, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders resting my head on his chest, daddy was slowly swaying back and forth as he whispered in my ear.

“Do you want daddy to read to you before bed sweetie?”

I loved listening to daddy’s voice as he read.

I smiled.

“Yes please daddy”

Daddy walked over to the book shelf in his room, me still in his arms, and picked out my favourite Barenstein Bears book.

Daddy carried me down stairs to the living room, placing me on his chest in his recliner chair.

The room was warm and softly lit from the candles on the coffee table.

One hand supporting my bottom the other holding the book, daddy began to read.

I felt hypnotized by his soft voice, I could listen to it for hours.

As daddy read he showed me all the pictures, the most loving expression in his eyes, the sweetest smile on his lips.

I could stay in this moment forever.

I made daddy read through it once more.

I laid in his arms awhile longer taking in his scent, feeling his warmth and love radiate through me. Daddy was always so gentle with me, running his fingertips lightly over my skin. Daddy planted soft kisses on my temple.

As I began to fall asleep I felt daddy pick me up and carry me to his bed. The glow of the soft light lit the dim room.

Daddy laid me in his bed, pulling the soft cool covers over me so lightly as if not to wake me.

Daddy leaned down running his fongers through my hair and kissed me one last time before turning out the light and crawling in next to me.
