#diy wardrobe


Pattern: Butterick B5033 view B

Fabric: Liberty London Tana Lawn. Lined with silk/cotton twill voile.

Modification: Added Pockets. Added heavy silk organza interlining on the bodice for structure.

Notes: This is a beautiful dress that comes together rather easily. Fit and flare style typical of the 50s with a smart collar. I could dance in this all day and night.

Possible Improvements: None that I can think of. This dress is simply perfect as is.

Pattern: Simplicity 4188 view D

Fabric: Cotton Denim

Modification: None

Note: This is actually one of the first few patterns I have acquired. The skirt is very flattering. Really can’t go wrong with a fit flare skirt. I used flat fell stitch for the gored seams and that worked great. Overall not a challenging pattern to work but I would not recommend this to someone who just started to learn to sew as the instructions and illustrations can be confusing.

Possible improvement: Adding pockets would be a good idea although the zipper is on one side so it would be a tiny bit more work. Moving the zipper to center back is another idea.
