#dock seed


Dock Seed Flour – Recipes

Chocolate Dock Cake

In the previous article we considered the use of Dock’s seeds, grinding it into flour. In today’s article we’ll put this flour to use with two tasty recipes that you can try at home! Each one is very basic, requires minimal ingredients and is based on small servings. To make a larger batch, simply multiply the measurements. Shall we get started?


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Dock Seed Flour – How to make

dock seed flour by the northwest forager

Dock (Rumex) consist of a variety of edible plants found over most of the Earth. Two of the most commonly known varieties is Curly Dock and the Broad-leaved Dock. Typically it’s the vitamin-rich leaves which are most often enjoyed. In today’s article, however, we will consider the use of Dock’s seeds.

Curly Dock , Rumex

Curly Dock – Rumex crispus

Dock is both protrusive and wide-spread in its distribution. Therefor…

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