#does this make any sense


jackie’s death in yellowjackets is a perfect tragedy. entirely avoidable, yes, but if you’ve ever been a teenage girl in a fight with your best friend you know that it also totally wasn’t, not from the perspective of the characters. it’s just that their high school drama had higher stakes than most. and now jackie haunts the 2021 storyline, frozen in time while shauna’s grown into a warped version of who she was supposed to be. we were kids and it was awful but i am not going to let you forget me

I love having a girlfriend bc one of the things I miss most from my Girl Days is getting hype about femme fashion and now I have a pretty girl to imagine all these clothes on in my stead :’)

listening to foundations of decay like YES I have also been tired of trying YES I want to never be doing anything and YES I have to get up still. mentow iwwneth innit
