#doki doki plus



Aaaa I can’t stop thinking about how heavily autistic-coded Yuri is, especially in the ddlc+ side stories I mean like

  • Not making eye contact
  • Stimming by fidgeting with her hair
  • Not getting social cues (not asking what was wrong when Sayori said she was sulking)
  • Just sort of her general thing of being shy and not wanting attention drawn to herself
  • Not liking to be touched (I’m especially thinking of when she tells Sayori not to touch ppl without permission)
  • Her SpIn is definitely books/reading
  • But also her thing of being scared she’s being annoying and that people secretly hate her for talking to much about it? Mood.

There’sdefinitely more stuff I’ve noticed that makes me think this but these are the ones I can remember off the top of my head so I’ll probably add more to this list later

EXACTLY ^^^^^^

the ddlc plus side storys are basically just every girl falling in love with sayori as she’s being an oblivious dumbass in the best way possible prove me wrong.

Excerpt from my new Natsuki/reader fluff & smut fic!

“Do you want to bake again, Natsuki?”

There is static, crackly silence. If you concentrate hard enough, you think you can just about make out some of her perfume floating through the telephone. Of course, that isn’t real, only the golden memory of an ephemeral breath, but it transports you into a cloud of love far vaster than Heaven.

Natsuki sighs. “If you’re thatdesperate, I supposeI can come round again this afternoon.”

“Cool,” you smile, that big dumb grin stretching across your face again. “See you at two.”

“Yeah - okay - goodbye! For now, I mean. Stop making me stutter.”

“I’m not doing anything.”

“Yeah? Well, you better behave yourself later.”

“You too.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she demands.

“I don’t know,” you say, and that is the truth. Talking to Natsuki is strange - you seem to rely on saying whatever feels right, or best, mirroring her, one-upping her, playing with her. Some of the things you both say seem to hold no weight nor any intended meaning.

“See you later,” she says, these last words coming out very quickly, and then before you can say goodbye you hear the gentle click!as Natsuki’s end of the receiver is placed back upon its holder.


ID: A drawing of Sayori and Yuri from DDLC. Sayori is hugging Yuri from behind and looking up at her with a sad smile. Yuri is looking back at Sayori with tears in her eyes and a flushed expression. They are standing against a pink background with a white border. End IDALT

I revisited DDLC with the bonus content (through game grumps lol). I absolutely did not expect Sayori and Yuri’s episode to make me cry so much ;o;

[ID in alt text]
