#dont be afraid to be soft





Toddlers are so pure. She doesn’t understand that we help her with certain things because she’s little. She thinks that everyone just helps each other like that. So she tries to blow on my food and cut it up for me and tries to help me put on my shoes.

i was giving little wagon rides to a baby around the backyard one day and all of a sudden she hops off and slaps the seat of the wagon telling me to get on because it was my turn and i was like no it’s ok im too heavy and she was like NO ITS UR TURN and kept tugging on my hand so i would sit down. eventually i got on and it was just a little 2 year old trying so hard to push me around on a wagon not understanding why it wouldn’t budge but still so determined to let me have my turn lol

I don’t think I’d realised how many casual compliments we pay to our toddler until she started casually complimenting us back, because experience has taught her that’s How Social Interaction Is Done, and there’s nothing quite like a very earnest three-year-old solemnly and sincerely informing you that you look wonderful and smell nice to make you feel really good about yourself

I tell her she’s my best girl. She tells me I’m her best auntie. Then we both feel good about the world!

Teach them kindness.


“I want masculinity back. I want men who are not afraid to lead, to embrace the world with open hands and change it, men who aren’t afraid to protect the weak or those who are important to them. People often confuses masculinity with violence, but those are only men who never learned how to love…”


quick reminder that being soft doesnt mean youre weak.

you dont have to let the world make you hard and rough. you dont have to let apathetic and uncompassionate people make you see the world in a negative view.

you are someone who sees the good. you are someone who fights fire with kindness. you are someone who has gone through trials and tribulations and struggles and pain but hasnt let it make you become hard, defeated, and pessimistic. you are someone who remains vulnerable and hopeful, knowing that you could be disappointed or hurt. you are someone who is soft, not weak. do not let people who are miserable try to bring you down.

there is bravery in being soft. and you, my dear, are brave.
