#double life smp


is… literally not been even 24 hours…

jesus christ…


D-Did Tango just get assigned Canary By Association?

But also what were the odds. Jimmy really does have some kind of curse, huh.

i’m honestly obsessed with grian and scar’s reactions

pure gold

I love how every season of _____ Life has that one item that becomes crazy valuable for no reason (Other than it’s funny)

3rd Life, it was dark oak.

Last Life, it was the spyglass.

Double Life, it’s the goat horn.

Players thrown into an anarchy together really will assign high importance to arbitrary objects huh.

the star of misfortune

You are coming down with me
Hand in unlovable hand

Double life? Double life.


Manifesting a Scott and Grian team up in the new season

This took me…. So long. Not just the painting but I spent all day agonizing over the god forsaken background. I had a major brain fart and eventually my friend @mousetrappart just made me a very nice background that I love very much. She is a wizard.

Under the cut is the original Coloured sketch cuz I still really liked it!

Very excited for a new [instert adj here] Life season! I’m placing my bets on it being called New Life.

Edit: big L on both counts, gamers


grian’s scream of pure terror when he finds out who his soulmate is

Phantom painPhantom painPhantom pain

Phantom pain

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so…what if…


Grian just sounds so much like an exasperated housewife, all because Scar is NOT trying to do something to kill people or scam them or anything. Scar being genuinely upfront about schemes is literally so unheard of, Grian sounds RELIEVED when Scar brings up the money donations like “yeah, there’s the scammer I remember, this makes MUCH more sense now”

Do you think about how it was so natural to Scar for Grian to follow him around even with no reason,

Do you think about how it was so natural to Scar for Grian to follow him around even with no reason, that he didn’t wonder why he’s been accompanying him for most of the session and not looking for his own soulmate?

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at least ive got my dog! my dog wont leave me right?

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chrisrin: designed some lovely girls on stream! very happy with how they both came out.


designed some lovely girls on stream! very happy with how they both came out.

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