#dr midnite


Hournite Week Day 7: Love Languages ⏳

She should have brought an umbrella. 

Well technically, she did, but when Isaac stood on the porch alone, carrying that heavy Tuba case and worrying about whether the rain would damage his instrument, she knew she had to do something about it. After all, now that his parents were both gone, he was all alone.

And Beth knew how it felt to be alone.

So she offered her umbrella to a wide-eyed Isaac Bowin and headed back into the building to wait for the rain to pass. 


“Oh, hey Rick! What are you doing here?”

“I forgot something. Why’re you still here? I thought you left an hour ago.”

“Oh. I uh… It started to rain really hard, so I thought I’d just wait it out.”

“Didn’t you bring an umbrella?”

“Must have forgotten it at home,” she lied. Rick never liked Isaac, and she didn’t want to cause a greater rift between them. “Are you driving to Pat’s?”

He shook his head. “Pat’s fixing my dad’s Mustang. Something about the carburetor. He said it would be done by now though.”

She looked out the windows. “The rain seems to have stopped. I’ll come with you.”

He nodded. “Hurry, before it comes back.”

Now that Courtney spends most of her time at the library catching up on schoolwork and Yolanda has taken up a job at the diner, Rick and Beth have begun to spend more time together. Heading over to Pat’s garage together after school has become as natural as breathing air.

They were nearly halfway through their journey when a light drizzling began. A cold wet breeze blew across the path and sent shivers through Beth’s body.


“You okay?”

“Yea, haha. Must be my allergies,” she let out a nervous laugh.

“You don’t allergies.”

She was trying to think of a retort when she felt a warm cover over her head and shoulders. She turned and realised it was Rick’s jacket. 

“… Thanks.”

He grunted, his eyes fixed on the road ahead.

“Your hoodie’s getting wet.”

“It’s fine,” he said. “We’re almost there.”

From the corner of her eyes, she could see a small smile tugging at his lips. The wind was still cold, but she felt warm inside.

She should have brought an umbrella. But right then, she was glad she didn’t have one.


I feel like Beth’s love language is probably a mix of quality time and words of affirmation, while Rick’s would be acts of service. What do you think?

Also! Hournite Week has been so much fun! I’m so glad I joined this fandom!! There are so many insanely talented people here who have fed me very well with top-tier quality content I feel very blessed to have found y'all and to be able to participate in this week-long celebration of one of my OTPs :’) It’s been a blast!! Looking forward to season 2, and to our next iteration of Hournite Week! :D

Hournite Week Day 6: Parallels ⏳

“For the last time, Rick. LET. GO.” Tears were threatening to spill over as she yanked at her arm, but it would not budge. Strangely, it did not hurt. Rick’s grip on her was strong and firm, but gentle at the same time. That made her even angrier.

“No. I know you’re angry, but you need to sit down and cool off.”

Now he was using her words against her?

“How could I?! Isaac has my parents! He made it very clear that if we don’t meet him there tonight, he’s going to kill them! I can’t just stand by and let him!”

“But we can’t just go charging in there without a plan!”

“What do you know? They’re my parents, not yours!” The moment she said it, she felt Rick stiffen and saw the hurt flicker in his eyes. A part of her ached knowing that she did this to him, but another part of her desperately needed to get out of here before her parents were hurt. Or worse. So, she took advantage of his momentary weakness and yanked her arm free.

“Beth! Wait!”

She dashed out the door and did not look back.

A little bit of angst before we Hournite Week hehe… I thought it would be interesting to see Rick use Beth’s words against her, especially since he’s gotten a lot calmer after letting go of his hatred. A part of me feels like this scene could happen in season 2, but the other part hates fallouts, so… I hope these babies are gonna be okay! ⏳

Hournite Week Day 5: First Date ⏳

Beth: “…and then, Mr. Clarkson was like ‘It’s a tube-a-toothpaste. Get it? Tuba?’ And for a whole week, Isaac couldn’t even enter the classroom without someone making a tuba joke.”

Rick: “I hate to say this, but I pity that guy.”

Beth: “I know! I mean, he’s not a bad kid, he’s just-”

Waitstaff: “Hi, sorry to interrupt! But unfortunately, our kitchen is almost out of bananas and we’ve only got one banana split left.”

Beth: “Oh.”

Rick: “You can have it.”

Beth: “No, you barely had half a burger. You have it.”

Rick: “But you came all the way here just to try it!”

Beth: “Pat did say the banana split was life-changing…”

Rick: “Well… How about we…”

Beth: “… split it?”

Rick: “I mean… it’s a banana , after all.”

Beth: “Haha… sure… if you don’t mind.”

Waitstaff: “Great, one banana split coming right up!”



Cook: “Hey, has table two left yet?”

Waitstaff: “Nope. Still there. It’s like they have endless things to talk about.”

Cook: “More like neither one of them wanted the conversation to end! I knew Operation Banana Split would be a success.”

Waitstaff: “Classic move, Sal. Another couple formed at the Blue Valley Diner, courtesy of us.”

Cook: “Cheers to that.”

Ngl, I drew this piece a few days before the promo came out, and I almost screamed when they turned up in similar outfits in the exact same colours I dressed them up a little more for their first date though

Also, Beth’s headband was inspired by a really cute translucent one I saw once online! It felt perfect for Beth’s sunny wardrobe (I could never rock something like that ) and I’ve always wanted to play more with her hair! :’D

Also, ice cream flavours are Birthday Cake (it still boggles my mind how this is a thing in the US), Strawberry and Lavender!

Birthday cake represents Beth’s vibrant personality and celebrates the birth of something new (hehe), strawberry is sweet and safe, while lavender represents the calm and tranquility that Rick has achieved since sparing Grundy’s life (and it also happens to be my favourite flavour)! Hope yall like it! :D


Hournite Week Day 4: Free Day (Cornered) ⏳

Courtney: “It’ll be fun! You should totally come with us!”

Yolanda: “Yea, and we could- Oh, hey Rick!”

Rick: “Hey.”

Beth: “…”

Courtney: “Uh… I think Yolanda and I are gonna go now.”

Beth: “What?”

Yolanda: “Yea, we uhm… have something… uhh…”

Courtney: “Hey, Isaac! You’ve got that new tuba, right? That’s so cool! Can you show me? I’ve been dying to see it!“

Isaac: “Why would-”

Yolanda: “Of course we’d love to see it! Why wouldn’t we? Right, Court?”

Isaac: “Ugh! Get your hands off-”

Courtney: “No need to be shy. Come, let’s find a nice spot so we…”

Beth: “Wait! You guys!!“

Rick: ”…“

Beth: "Ugh… I can’t believe…”

Rick: “… Uhm… so…”

Beth: “Well! Look at the time! (slams the locker door shut) I gotta go to the store and uh… get something.”

Rick: “I’ll come with you.”

Beth: “No! I mean- I can go… by myself.”

Rick: “… Beth, why are you avoiding me?”

Beth: “I-I’m not! I just… need to get something before the store closes!”

Rick: “The store doesn’t close till midnight.”

Beth: “Well, I need to get something before it runs out-”

Rick: “Did I do something wrong?”

Beth: “…”

Rick: “… (sigh) If this is about the note-”

Beth: “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

Rick: “… then why are you avoiding me?”

Beth: “Because I’m scared, okay?”

Rick: “…”

Beth: “I’m scared that if it doesn’t work out, we can’t all be friends anymore.”

Rick: “… but what if it does work out?”

Beth: “And if it doesn’t?! I know it’s silly, but I can’t help myself. When I think about how this could ruin our friendship, I just- I hate to admit it, but I’m just too scared…”

Rick: “…I’m scared too.”

Beth: “You… you are?”

Rick: “You have no idea how much my hands were shaking when I slipped that note into your locker. I knew that if I messed up… I didn’t even dare to think about it… But when I thought about the what-ifs… if someone else got to you first-”

Beth: “Ha. That would never-”

Rick: “Anyone who sees what I see would be crazy not to.”

Beth: ”…“

Rick: ”(sigh)… I’m scared too, Beth. But I’m willing to do anything to make sure our worst fears never come true, if you would give me a chance…“

Beth: ”… okay.“

Rick: "Wha-what did y- did you say okay?”

Beth: “… yea.”

Rick: ☺ “Okay.”


Hournite Week Day 3: Secret Admirer ⏳

Beth: “It’s gotta be just a prank! Or maybe they got the wrong locker!”

Courtney: “But Beth, it says your name right here.”

Beth: “It could be a different Beth!”

Yolanda: “It says here BETH CHAPEL in big letters. I’m pretty sure it’s meant for you.”

Beth: “B-but…”

Courtney: “Oh my- do you think it could be from Isaac?”

Yolanda: “That Tuba guy? Ew, I hope not. Beth deserves much better.”

Courtney: “I agree, but have you seen the way he looks at her when he thinks no one’s looking?”

Yolanda: “Eugh… I’m trying to preserve my appetite for lunch, here. But at the rate we’re going, we might as well spend the whole lunch trying to figure it out.”

Rick: “Figure what out?”

Courtney: “Rick! You’re finally here! Look what Beth got! A secret admirer!”

Rick: “Oh… cool… Uhm… any idea who it is?”

Yolanda: “We’ve been trying to find out but Beth hasn’t even opened it yet.”

Courtney: “She doesn’t want to.”

Rick: “Wha- why not?”

Beth: “It could be just a prank.”

Rick: “It’s not a prank.”

Beth: “But how would you know?”

Yolanda: “Unless… he knows the person who wrote it…?”

Rick: “What? No! I mean… what person would go through all that trouble just to prank you?”

Courtney: “He’s right, Beth. You should just open it and see what it says.”

Yolanda: “Yea, see if their name is written in there.”

Beth: “… okay…”

Yolanda: “Come on! What’s it say?”

Beth: “Uhh… hmm… OH…”

Courtney: “What does that even mean? Here, let me- Oh… oh wow.”

Yolanda: “Okay, now I’m really curious. Gimme!”

Courtney: “Pretty impressive, isn’t it?”

Yolanda: “Ah-ha! I knew it!”

Beth: “?!”

Rick: “Knew what?”

Courtney: “You know who Beth’s secret admirer is?!”

Yolanda: “Her secret admirer is definitely…”




Yolanda: “… NOT Isaac. He doesn’t have a single romantic bone in his body! Whoever this person is, they’ve got it BAD.”





So… who do yall think the secret admirer is? Also, I absolutely love designing Beth’s wardrobe?! Her outfits are always so cheerful and fun to draw! :D

Hournite Week Day 2: First ILY ⏳

“But I’m fine! I can totally handle it!”

“You broke your ankle, Beth. There’s no way I’m going to stand by and watch you put yourself in danger.”

“It’s just Isaac, he can’t hurt me!”

“That guy attacked someone with his Tuba once!”

“Please let me help you guys, I can stand back while you guys pummel him! You can’t find Isaac’s weakness without Chuck, and besides, you promised you’d hang out with me while my ankle’s recovering! You can’t back out now!”

“… *sigh* Fine. But you can’t go rushing head-first into danger, got it?”

“I promise! You’re the best, Rick! Love ya!”


“What’s that?”

“Uhh… nothing.”

“Hey Courtney! Yolanda! I’m coming with you on the mission! H-hey! Wait for me!”

“… *sigh* … love you too.”

My brain short-circuited on this prompt :’) Hope yall like the short little drabble though!


Hournite Week Day 1: Light vs Dark ⏳

The heavy door creaked open, sending a blast of cold air into the room. She turned, a chill running down her spine, but not just because of the cold or the fact that she was losing blood faster than she expected.

A shadow loomed over her, threatening to break what was left of her resolve. Isaac had already taken two of her best friends. She didn’t know what she’d do if was taken too.

“I… I can’t…” ‘I can’t believe it’, was what she wanted to say, but the words would not leave her lips. 

The air was freezing, her breath was ice-cold, but so was the look in his eyes.


He did not respond. The sick, twisted smile on his face grew as he cracked his knuckles, ready to attack…

Starting off Hournite week with some angst hehe… I wanted to try something more cinematic and story-driven, so here you go!

Also, I am 100% committed to incorporating Isaac Bowin into every single one of my posts Gonna try to win me that special surprise, yall!! ⏳

 ☀️ Walking SunshinePeople of Earth, I present to you… Beth Chapel ☀️ Starting the year off

☀️ Walking Sunshine

People of Earth, I present to you… Beth Chapel ☀️

Starting the year off with some sketches of my sunshine girl and lots of good vibes ✨ Is it obvious that I can’t wait for her to get Hootie? Could you spot the #hournite that I snuck in too? ⌛

Post link

Happy Beth Day!

“Where are we going?”

“It won’t be a secret anymore if I just tell you, will it?” His lips quirked as he made a turn on the dark street. He could see from the corner of his eyes that she was getting anxious, her curiosity was making her bounce in her seats. “Just trust me, okay? It’s just right around the corner.”

She was just about to ask if they were there yet when he pulled over at a dark and quiet spot on a hill, lit only by the crescent moonlight.

“You’re… not gonna stab me and then leave me here to die, right?” she semi-joked.

He chuckled as he got out of the car and opened her door for her. “Here, you can see for yourself.”

She took three cautious steps into the darkness. “Okay… uhm… what did you want to show me-”



The lights turned on, revealing tables of her favourite food (oh, she loved food) and her beloved friends and family.

“Aww… you guys…”

“Happy Beth Day!” Courtney said with a flourish of enthusiastic jazz hands. “We know it’s not until tomorrow, but we thought it would be perfect to throw a little party at midnight for our Dr. Midnite!”

She looked around at the small crowd of her favourite people in the world. Courtney and Yolanda… Mr. and Mrs. Dugan… her Mom and Dad… and Mike and Jakeem (who even brought party poppers)…

… and of course, Rick.

Yolanda, hands full with Beth’s favourite strawberry cake, bent over to Beth’s ear and said conspiratorially, “It was actually Rick’s idea.”

“Happy birthday, Dr. Midnite,” he said, looking at her with the softest expression she’d seen on him. And for a moment, she just couldn’t bear to tear her eyes away.

“Oh! The candle’s almost burning out! Go on, Beth, make a wish!” Courtney said.

“Just make sure you don’t tell Jakeem what it is, or who knows what trouble we’ll have this time.” Mike joked.

“Hey! That was one time!” Jakeem protested.

Beth felt a fuzzy feeling in her chest, like it was bursting through the seams. She looked around at the people she loved and couldn’t help the smile that came to her lips as she knew exactly what to wish for.

She closed her eyes, put her hands together, and silently sent her wish to the lone candle and blew it out.

“Alright everyone, help yourselves to the food! We have plenty to go around here!” Beth’s Dad clapped Mike and Jakeem on the back and turned them toward the tables as everyone else began picking up their own plates.

Rick was the only one who stayed behind. “So, what did you wish for?”

She beamed. “It won’t be a secret anymore if I just tell you, will it?”

He let out a laugh. “Touché.”

As he turned and walked toward the tables, she looked at his retreating figure and silently repeated her wish in her heart.

Hournite Royalty AU (+ drabbles)

“Remember, Rick. You only have until midnight. Once the hourglass runs out-”

“I know, I know. I’ll be back to normal again.” He placed the hourglass in his front pocket. “Thanks for the help, Mike. I really appreciate it.”

“No problem, my man. After all, what are fairy godbrothers for?”

Rick was about to turn and head toward the carriage that Mike lovingly called ‘Stripe’ (which was weird, because there wasn’t any stripe pattern to be found), before his fairy godbrother called out, “Oh, and that’s Magic Mike to you!”

“Cool hourglass.”

He jumped. He wasn’t expecting to talk to anyone tonight. “Uhh… thanks.” His eyes scanned the stunning girl in front of him as his brain struggled to come up with something. What did people say when they meet someone for the first time?

“Catching some air too?” she gestured at the cool night air. “It can get kinda stuffy inside, huh?”

“Uh… yea.”

She took the spot next to him. “I didn’t expect tonight to be so… overwhelming.”

He nodded. The gold tapestry, the fancy champagne, and the tiny food that you can never get satisfied from… it all screamed of money. Something he and his uncle didn’t have. That didn’t stop his uncle from inviting himself to this swanky party and trying to land himself some wealthy heiress, though.

But from the dirty looks that the ladies (including the waitresses) have been sending his uncle, it would take a lot more than a fancy new suit (that he likely bought with the money his parents left for him) to turn that frog into a prince. Some ladies were even gossiping about how his uncle tried to accost the princess earlier that evening. The thought of his uncle trying to seduce a girl young enough to be his daughter sent a shiver down his spine.

“My parents thought it’d be a great idea. They keep pushing me to make new friends, now that they’re too busy with work and all to hang out with me. But I don’t quite fit in with the crowd out there. I never know what to do or what to say-”

“You’re doing fine,” he tried to reassure her, then realised it was kinda rude to interrupt her. “Oh, I’m sorry. Uh… you were saying?”

Her big round eyes narrowed. And narrowed further. Was she mad at him because he interrupted her?

“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt-”

He then noticed that she was leaning in, and her eyes didn’t look mad. They looked… bewildered.

“Wait, are you short-sighted or something?”

She jumped at the observation and put some distance between them. “Oh, haha…” she blushed. “You caught me.”

He couldn’t help but chuckle.

“I just-” she sighed. “You see… I had this idea to notwear my glasses tonight, 'cause it didn’t match with my dress. But right now, it doesn’t seem as smart as I originally thought.”

“I see…”

“Yea, my eyesight is really bad, so I gotta squint really hard to see clearly, but even then, it’s not perfect. Ahh… curse it. I really wanted to see you-”

As if realising what she was about to say, she cut herself off promptly and took a step back. Just then, the sound of several musicians tuning their instruments came from the ballroom.

“Oh! They’re preparing to play the next waltz. I must head back before my parents wonder where I went.”

Just as she turned to leave, she felt a tug on her sleeve.

“Don’t go,” he said, his voice cracking. He cleared his throat. “I mean, not before we have a dance.”

She couldn’t see his face, but the sincerity in his voice sent warmth through her body.

Her lips tilted up in a sweet smile. “I’d love to.”

This is for Nikki, whose wishlist contained a royalty/fantasy AU! :D I couldn’t get the idea of a genderbent Cinderella AU out of my head, so here you go! I know this Secret Santa came a little late, but I hope you had a merry Christmas and that 2022 will be a blast for you! <3

Merry Christmas! ❄✨

It’s still a little hard to believe that we’re near the end of the year! I feel like so many things have happened this year, my mind is still stuck trying to process all of it :’) Brb imma go rewatch Stargirl for the holidays hehe ⭐ How are yall celebrating Christmas this year? :D

Beth Chapel: Fashion Icon

He protec, he attac, but most importantly, he got Beth’s back

I wasn’t planning on posting this so soon but I needed the Hournite fluff to deal with all the angst from last night’s episode. Why does episode 8 have to be so intense? I love how Beth finally got the chance to shine and really showed up as the strongest and most underrated member of the JSA, but the contrast with Rick tho?! This show didn’t need to go so hard but it did I’m still trying to process the ending Send hugs please :’)

Beware the evil lurking in the darkness~ ♦️

Here’s my entry for this year’s DC Fandome fanart challenge! ✌ I worked super hard on this piece and I hope everyone liked it! I’m still recovering from the masterpiece of Stargirl 2x06 I was on the edge of my seat the entire time!! I saw the synopses for the next few episodes and I AM NOT READY If yall haven’t caught up with the show yet, what are you even waiting for?! Also, welcome to the new Hournite fans who have just discovered my art :’) Yall are very welcome to join me in my trashiness

Also, it would mean the world to me if you could like/share my entry on Talenthouse below! I’m trying really hard to win DC Fandome this year, can you tell?! ✌✨

Milkshake Date

“This is so good!”

“Mm… yea it’s not bad.”

“We should come here more often!”

“Yea, and we can-”

“-to support Yolanda! She looks so stressed out lately. I hope she’s okay! Sorry Rick, what were you gonna say?”

“Nothing. I mean, yea… everything you said.”


Is it just me or are these two getting closer?! Ngl I was expecting crumbs, but @cwstargirl really be feeding us a full meal this season Can’t wait to hear the cast talk about the show during the Stargirl panel at DC Fandome (crossing my fingers for one!!) Speaking of which, I’m doing a sixfanarts challenge in the weeks leading up to #dcfandome! I’ve posted a suggestions box in my Insta stories (and highlights)! Do drop me suggestions there for six DC characters to draw! :D

⏳ Late nights at the pitstop

“Hey. Mind if I sit here?”

“Oh, hey. I thought you left with the others.”

“I could say the same for you. Why’re you still here? Are you still working on…”

“Chuck? Yea. I’m trying out a new algorithm today, and I thought a change of environment might help. It was starting to get stuffy at home.”

“Won’t your parents be worried about you staying out so late?”

The light in her eyes dimmed at the mention. “They’re working late again tonight, so it’ll just be me and an empty house anyways, so it doesn’t really matter.”

He paused, unsure what to say. Then, a thought crossed his mind. “Would you… mind if I stay?”

Beth paused in surprise, and for a second there he thought she might say no, but a soft smile soon spread across her lips. “Sure.”

And as Rick sank in the seat right next to her, he felt the corners of his mouth tilt in the same way…

Also, special shoutout to @hournites! Happy birthday, queen!! Thank you so much for blessing the fandom with your amazing fics! :’D We’re so lucky to have you :’)

Here’s to the next generation

(don’t be mad that not all the young heroes are on here, I haven’t watched everything, these are just a few of my favorites)
