#stargirl cw


Hournite Royalty AU (+ drabbles)

“Remember, Rick. You only have until midnight. Once the hourglass runs out-”

“I know, I know. I’ll be back to normal again.” He placed the hourglass in his front pocket. “Thanks for the help, Mike. I really appreciate it.”

“No problem, my man. After all, what are fairy godbrothers for?”

Rick was about to turn and head toward the carriage that Mike lovingly called ‘Stripe’ (which was weird, because there wasn’t any stripe pattern to be found), before his fairy godbrother called out, “Oh, and that’s Magic Mike to you!”

“Cool hourglass.”

He jumped. He wasn’t expecting to talk to anyone tonight. “Uhh… thanks.” His eyes scanned the stunning girl in front of him as his brain struggled to come up with something. What did people say when they meet someone for the first time?

“Catching some air too?” she gestured at the cool night air. “It can get kinda stuffy inside, huh?”

“Uh… yea.”

She took the spot next to him. “I didn’t expect tonight to be so… overwhelming.”

He nodded. The gold tapestry, the fancy champagne, and the tiny food that you can never get satisfied from… it all screamed of money. Something he and his uncle didn’t have. That didn’t stop his uncle from inviting himself to this swanky party and trying to land himself some wealthy heiress, though.

But from the dirty looks that the ladies (including the waitresses) have been sending his uncle, it would take a lot more than a fancy new suit (that he likely bought with the money his parents left for him) to turn that frog into a prince. Some ladies were even gossiping about how his uncle tried to accost the princess earlier that evening. The thought of his uncle trying to seduce a girl young enough to be his daughter sent a shiver down his spine.

“My parents thought it’d be a great idea. They keep pushing me to make new friends, now that they’re too busy with work and all to hang out with me. But I don’t quite fit in with the crowd out there. I never know what to do or what to say-”

“You’re doing fine,” he tried to reassure her, then realised it was kinda rude to interrupt her. “Oh, I’m sorry. Uh… you were saying?”

Her big round eyes narrowed. And narrowed further. Was she mad at him because he interrupted her?

“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt-”

He then noticed that she was leaning in, and her eyes didn’t look mad. They looked… bewildered.

“Wait, are you short-sighted or something?”

She jumped at the observation and put some distance between them. “Oh, haha…” she blushed. “You caught me.”

He couldn’t help but chuckle.

“I just-” she sighed. “You see… I had this idea to notwear my glasses tonight, 'cause it didn’t match with my dress. But right now, it doesn’t seem as smart as I originally thought.”

“I see…”

“Yea, my eyesight is really bad, so I gotta squint really hard to see clearly, but even then, it’s not perfect. Ahh… curse it. I really wanted to see you-”

As if realising what she was about to say, she cut herself off promptly and took a step back. Just then, the sound of several musicians tuning their instruments came from the ballroom.

“Oh! They’re preparing to play the next waltz. I must head back before my parents wonder where I went.”

Just as she turned to leave, she felt a tug on her sleeve.

“Don’t go,” he said, his voice cracking. He cleared his throat. “I mean, not before we have a dance.”

She couldn’t see his face, but the sincerity in his voice sent warmth through her body.

Her lips tilted up in a sweet smile. “I’d love to.”

This is for Nikki, whose wishlist contained a royalty/fantasy AU! :D I couldn’t get the idea of a genderbent Cinderella AU out of my head, so here you go! I know this Secret Santa came a little late, but I hope you had a merry Christmas and that 2022 will be a blast for you! <3

Beware the evil lurking in the darkness~ ♦️

Here’s my entry for this year’s DC Fandome fanart challenge! ✌ I worked super hard on this piece and I hope everyone liked it! I’m still recovering from the masterpiece of Stargirl 2x06 I was on the edge of my seat the entire time!! I saw the synopses for the next few episodes and I AM NOT READY If yall haven’t caught up with the show yet, what are you even waiting for?! Also, welcome to the new Hournite fans who have just discovered my art :’) Yall are very welcome to join me in my trashiness

Also, it would mean the world to me if you could like/share my entry on Talenthouse below! I’m trying really hard to win DC Fandome this year, can you tell?! ✌✨

Milkshake Date

“This is so good!”

“Mm… yea it’s not bad.”

“We should come here more often!”

“Yea, and we can-”

“-to support Yolanda! She looks so stressed out lately. I hope she’s okay! Sorry Rick, what were you gonna say?”

“Nothing. I mean, yea… everything you said.”


Is it just me or are these two getting closer?! Ngl I was expecting crumbs, but @cwstargirl really be feeding us a full meal this season Can’t wait to hear the cast talk about the show during the Stargirl panel at DC Fandome (crossing my fingers for one!!) Speaking of which, I’m doing a sixfanarts challenge in the weeks leading up to #dcfandome! I’ve posted a suggestions box in my Insta stories (and highlights)! Do drop me suggestions there for six DC characters to draw! :D

“I know it can be difficult, the moving, your stepfather, but we are going to make a good life” - barbara whitmore

@bestofstargirl (me) on instagram
