#dr strange and the multiverse of madness


Honestly, what is it? The cool cloak of darkness? The cursed demoni shiva arms display? The scars? The missing cheek a-la captain Daimio?? Strange, why are you hotter dead than alive?

Why is zombie Strange the hotter Strange? WHY?



pairing: dr strange x female!reader

wc; 1.3K

warnings; angst </3

synopsis: everything he’s wanted at his fingertips…

a/n: first time writing for the doctor! so I hope it’s good <3

Masterlist|Taglist|Prompt list

Something had gone wrong.

Terribly, terribly wrong.

He wasn’t quite sure what had gone wrong, just that something had. He could sense it, traveling from his fingertips all the way to his heart. One minute he had been casting his spell, and the next, he felt a shift, and now he was here.

Stephen brushes his hand on his shirt, glancing around the busy street and trying to place a familiar sight. This was still New York, the same Empire State in the distance. But he knew better, there was a hint of something in the air, and Stephen knew to always trust his instincts. He thinks through his options and concludes that the best one is to find the sanctum. If he’s right, he assumes he was in another universe and that they probably had their own Dr. Strange. He always did want to meet another version of himself. The question was, would they be best friends or enemies?

He walks down the familiar streets, noting that the names are consistent and nothing looks out of place. Which was a little odd given he had yet to find out what made this world different from his. Yet, that idea was quickly negated when he stepped foot in front of his home.

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