#varric cassandra critical



I know this is an unpopular opinion but I’ve never felt comfortable
with “Fenders’ as well as the romanticizing of Cassandra and Varric.
It just skeeves me out to see so many ship couples that dislike each
other. Now I know people have the right to ship who they want to
ship but its just too abusive for me. I do appreciate that dialogue
between Varric and Dorian about these type of ships though,
because its a valid point.

  • Dorian: Varric, are you and Cassandra… ?
  • Varric: What? No! Why would you even ask that?
  • Dorian: Truly? Bizarre.
  • Cassandra: I’m right here!
  • Dorian: See? She’s right there. What are you waiting for?
  • Varric: Just because two people dislike each other doesn’t mean they’re about to kiss, Sparkler.
  • Dorian: Not according to your books.
  • Varric: Don’t mistake me for that hack who wrote Hard in Hightown II. I can spell.