#dragon hoard

pixelsnparchment: Aww its a little dragon! Maybe it will help you forget we haven’t been posting. So


Aww its a little dragon!
Maybe it will help you forget we haven’t been posting. Sorry for that. We will be back to weekly content soon!

Smol dragon boi

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manyworldspress:Stephen Hickman, cover illustration for Dragon Hoard, by Tanith Lee (Ace Books, 1985


Stephen Hickman, cover illustration for Dragon Hoard, by Tanith Lee (Ace Books, 1985). Oil on board, 32 x 19.5 inches.

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I’m not like OTHER dragons. I don’t raid castles for polished jewels and gold coins. My hoard consists mainly of

  • Silverware in various absurd sizes
  • Metal bits from dog collars and leashes
  • Tiny, but real tools and pocket knives
  • B u g s h e l l s
  • Empty drawstring bags



A dragon who decides to hoard mint and various types of mint plants (and not knowing that mint has the mushroom’s blessing of inevitability were ever its planted) can go one of two ways.

1: The dragon is absolutely horrified as the mint engulfs and takes over its den. Its gold? Mint. Its gems and goblets? Mint. Its stores of wine? Mint.No matter what they do they can’t get rid of it.

2: The dragon is delightfully ecstatic as the mint engulfs and takes over its den. It’s a self growing hoard. No matter what any adventurers or knights do, they can’t get rid of it.

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