#goblin hoard



A jade burial suit from the Han dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD) in China.

goblin hoard

Here are my bracelets, I dunno if they’re aesthetically pleasing to you but I like them

I collect dead bugs that I find, this was my first moth that my mom found when I was really little. I know it’s a hawk moth and it looks like an Oleander Hawk Moth but I’m not completely sure. Either way it’s beautiful.

I found this on the side of the road hehe


empty glass bottles and jars: *exist*


Got two button bucks and I love how different they look! One has more of a reddish hue while the other has very beautiful distinct white patches on his eyes and nose ❤️

Question for my göblins out there

Are you a

snail goblin

Or a

frog goblin?

Goblin core is always looking for the iconic Adventure Time Snail in every episode

PSA garden snails as pets!1!!!1!!11!!1

I didn’t know that it was okay to have garden snails as pets!! Like for real pets!!

As a kid, I always put them in a little tub for a few hours at most before I released them back to their mossy home.

But I have recently discovered!!!! That you can make them a little tank and stuff!!! And keep them!!!

I, an adult person, am going to the pet store and I’m gonna get all the best stuff for my snails and then!!! I’m gonna walk outside!!! And pick the sweetest little darlings!!! And have snail friends!!!!

That’s goblin core babeyy!!!!!

Things to hoard

Sometimes it’s fun to stray from the typical goblin hoard items and find some other little things to collect so here’s a list of my favorite out-of-the-box goblin hoards

- silly bandz!

- scissors/knives/other sharp things

- pins n buttons

- cool soda bottles

- socks!

- pennies

- more scissors

- I love scissors

- CDs

- necklace pendants (like from the craft store)

Hoarding any valuable (from my point of view) knowledge I can find is the sophisticated goblin in me.

sorry my fellow bastards i just had dental surgery so posts are gonna be slow for the next few days. thanks for staying tuned though! all the support has been great.

big fat i love you to everyone who’s been liking/sharing my posts lately it really do be meaning a lot to me.

anyways here’s a sewn froggie boy!!! he was made by carnelianseeker on instagram :))

edit: holy fuck you guys really like frogs huh

vv nice vibes. i have a few guitars of my own, but i’d really love a shaped base like that.

i’ve seen heart and star shaped ones circling the internet.. i want one.

edit: due to a ton of people asking, it’s a 1965 Crucianelli Spazial

i enter a public bathroom stall. after the door closes, you hear pants unzip, but the rustle of fabric is interrupted by all the rocks in my pockets clattering to the floor
