#dramione fic


Before a Hogwarts representative had given Hermione the letter that would alter the course of her life, she spent her early evenings watching her dad work on his labour of love.

Chapter 2; Measure of a Manby@inadaze22

With no other option, Hermione put it on, tied it tight around her waist, and scowled.

About Last Night by@dreamsofdramioneand@inadaze22


Love a Lie

20k words
Forced marriage/marriage

Malfoy’s hand is unforgiving against her own, squeezing hard enough that it aches. Hermione digs her nails in, knowing the sensitive expanse of his pale skin will be marked for hours. 

A fair trade, considering the heavy diamond ring on her finger that feels like a shackle. Her hand and arm still tingle from the binding magic, and she can’t risk looking down at it. She knows if she does, she’ll remember the gold strand that wrapped around her skin, tying them together for the rest of their miserable lives.

Read it on ao3 here.

Art credit to @catmintandthyme

Blessed once again

Any relevant content warnings are included in the tags/notes of each work. Please check tags and full synopses for more details. Inspirations/prompts are credited in the relevant fic.

Almost a Fresh Start (2.3k words) [Hermione/Draco] - Hermione can’t sleep, so she goes to the Astronomy Tower to do some homework only to find that Malfoy is already there and working on the same essay as her. But for once, they can talk. Written as part of SOFTober 2020.

And Where’s the Purpose of Symbolism? (7k words) [Hermione/Draco] - Draco hates working at the little coffee shop on his campus, but when he returns a dropped book to an incredibly articulate woman, his days become a lot more interesting.

Cat and Mouse (5.2k words) [Hermione/Draco] - A short folklore-inspired story about a witch named Hermione whose four suitors compete for her hand in marriage by attempting to obtain a key from around her pet cat’s neck. What they don’t know is that Hermione can shape-shift, and their task is rather harder than it first seems.

Scars That Heal (110k words) [Hermione/Draco] - A novel-length fic following Hermione as she returns to Hogwarts post-war to complete her eighth year. Struggling with PTSD, anxiety, and the altered state of her parents, she ends up in an unlikely alliance with Malfoy as he battles his own demons. Although this story is centred around recovery, it deals with many dark themes and was the first fanfic I ever wrote; take care as you read. Trigger warnings are listed at the start of each chapter, and support resources are listed in the foreword. 

A Little Less Broken (77k words) [Hermione/Draco] - Incomplete. The sequel to Scars That Heal, following Hermione and Draco as they begin their adult lives, working in the Ministry and realising that there is far more to recovery than what they can offer each other. The themes and explorations of recovery are a lot lighter in this story, but there are references to events from the first story and those same themes are still touched on. Trigger warnings are listed at the start of each chapter.

She Drinks Coffee, He Drinks Tea (1.6k words) [Hermione/Draco] - A short exploration of the contrasts between Hermione and Draco, and how their differences make them better for each other. Mostly based on personal headcanons. Written as part of SOFTober 2020.

Take My Breath Away (6.8k words) [Hermione/Draco] - It’s the eighties, and Hermione is determined to have the prom night that every movie she’s ever watched has promised her. But when the guy who’s pursued her all this time ends up dancing with someone else, Hermione finds herself alone on the school balcony with someone she never thought she would talk to - or dance with.

The Lead (5k words) [Hermione/Draco] - As a leading journalist, Hermione is intrigued by rumours of a huge donation made to a Muggle-relations charity under the name of Draco Malfoy, so she goes to investigate and report. However, the Draco that she meets is not the one that she expected to find. Written as part of SOFTober 2020.

Under Freshly Painted Ceilings (4k words) [Hermione/Draco] - Hermione attends a masquerade ball held at Hogwarts, and starts talking to a man who seems to be everything she might want - until he takes off his mask, and she finds out that she has been dancing with her enemy all evening.

Title: sandalwood and gardenias


Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger

Rating: E

Word Count: 9372

Prompt #: 12 - She always knew when he was approaching.

Senses: Smell

Warnings: Not applicable


A balanced fragrance of sandalwood and something musky and earthy followed him like a shroud. Draco Malfoy smelled like a magical forest’s best kept secret. Like the moment following a storm when the sun peeks back over the clouds and living beings stop what they’re doing and pause to marvel at being able to roam outside again. It was a crisp top note with more robust undertones, and just a hint of sweetness. She thought she might love the scent if it lived on anyone else other than him.

Read on AO3

This work is part of the Taste of Smut Fest, a Harry Potter-centered fest dedicated to the five senses: taste, touch, smell, hearing, and sight. If you’ve enjoyed this work, please do shower our content creators with kudos and comments!

Like Honey(Draco/Hermione/Theo)

When did you know you were in love?

With Theo, it snuck up on her. A collection of little moments that built overtime until finally it was there.

Malfoy was different. She could pinpoint the exact moment the feeling burrowed into her chest and latched on.

Minds Amidst the Mist by ginnyruin

A Dramione/Tomione oneshot written for the Pumpkin Spice smut fic fest 2021

Words: 5075

Rating: Explicit

He didn’t want his presence known to Granger. She would surely hate to be found in such a vulnerable position by her enemy.

Read it @ Ao3

Hi friends! Although I’m definitely still working on Double Heart (new chapter comes out today!) I’ve also been working on a Dramione fic and decided it’s time to start posting it! Here’s the summary: 

With tensions between Purebloods and Muggleborns at a high point eight years after the War, the Ministry of Magic unveils its newest idea: Pair Muggleborn volunteers with Pureblood volunteers as roommates for a year.

Hermione signs up so no Muggleborn child will ever have to go through what she did. Draco signs up to show the world that he’s changed and to bring respect back to his family name. The two never expected to be paired, but bravery and pride keeps each from backing out. Now, with Hermione sharing the Manor with Draco for the next year, each must learn to work through their fears and hesitations in order to grow into the people they want to be.

And if they happen to fall in love along the way, well, no one can begrudge them that.

I’ll be posting it only on Ao3, so feel free to check it out there:) 

Let me know if you have any questions! I hope you are doing what you can to take care of yourselves <3
