

this is important.

i just really need to know.

every time i read fanfiction in which not only Draco but also Theo has special feelings for Hermione i begin to doubt and mentally argue with myself whom to choosefor her but at the same time i do CLEARLY UNDERSTAND that i will eventually choose Draco anyways.

is it considered OKAY for a true dramione shipper to doubt like that? or is it happening only inside my head… (well tbh there definitely are several stunning Theo’s head canons in it but that’s not the point)

every time i feel so sorry for this little pumpkin… and so freaking happy for ‘eventual-dramione’

here goes the quote everyone-knows-where-Manacled-from:

“I don’t want to choose. I always have to choose, and I never get to choose you.”

this is what i would have told Theo if i could.


and i also could not resist… so here you are:

Aesthetic ofTheomione which did-not-have-eventual-happy-ending but they wereandthat should be appreciated.

thank you so much@paulineflorenzi for creating this absolutely beautiful artwork for us!

i literally lost my breath when i saw them together sitting next to each other – so real. light, forms, colors, expressions… you’ve translated the atmosphere of the story just perfectly.

i commissioned this cover for @scullymurphy and her fanfic Bending Light, which gives me warm and shiny summer vibes each time i translate a new chapter from it.

i am not able to express my feelings, which are taking over me when i immerse myself into this italian atmosphere. bright smile crosses my features with each and every Draco’s stubborn thought, Theo’s devious phrase, Blaise’s joke and Lavender’s sinful smile. and Hermione… she is our light, which bends and makes us feel. thank you for this opportunity, for these emotions, and for the fact that despite being almost in the end of this stunning story – which (i won’t hesitate to mention) made me cry we-know-where-we-all-are-falling-dark – you are still close and this is what a story is about: it stays real through the times leaving footprints of its creator. i love you and those, whom you’ve created. and i really hope you will love these threetoo

Experimentally, she stroked lightly at the back of his neck. His eyes instantly darkened and dropped to her mouth. She bit her lip, feeling a little surge thread through her. Theo bent his head to her ear and whispered, “you shouldn’t have done that.” The smile in his words combined with the lightest touch of his lips on Hermione’s ear, caused a throb in a distinctive part of her anatomy. She blew out a surprised breath. Draco who? He could hug as many tarts in bars as he wanted.

Bending Lightwritten by @scullymurphy//russian translation here

Fic Rec #748

BlindsidedbyCinnamon Silver Tiger

unrequited Hermione x Draco Malfoy

It took Draco a few moments to realize that he could see her face clearly, signaling that his eyesight was back, and even though it had only been mere months he felt like he was seeing her clearly for the first time in years.

COMPLETE: Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,643

Fic Rec #759

SleeperbyNautical Paramour

Hermione x Theo Nott

“She will talk like a pureblood, act like a pureblood, understand pureblood traditions better than a pureblood. By the time she reaches Hogwarts, no one will question her.” After the death of James and Lily, Sirius and Hermione become a sleeper cell, determined to take down the Death Eaters from the inside. 

COMPLETE: Chapters: 31   - Words: 124,873

Like Honey(Draco/Hermione/Theo)

When did you know you were in love?

With Theo, it snuck up on her. A collection of little moments that built overtime until finally it was there.

Malfoy was different. She could pinpoint the exact moment the feeling burrowed into her chest and latched on.

Theodore Nott met the thestral

Dreomione . Glad to see more of this triad out there, because two are better that one ;3 . #dreomion

Glad to see more of this triad out there, because two are better that one ;3
#dreomione #theodorenott #dracomalfoy #hermionegranger #slytherin #triadlove #dramione #theomione

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