#dream girl


in my dream world, i’m still your dream girl

no if, buts, or maybes

i’m still your baby ✨

Love stories don’t last.

They are just that, a story.

Lovely words made up into an idea that gets us by in the good times and the bad.

A story that stops time when you want the ticking to stop and everyone to just disappear.

A story where you’re the main character who decides who gets to fall in love and who can fuck off and die.

A story where life’s not so boring and hectic and god forbid someone’s there for you at the end of your shitty day.

But in reality love becomes lost and you start searching for a new story better than the first to continually get you by in this cold dull world.

In this search I’m left alone with bloody fingernails and the view of the dark abyss.

Empty pages, no spilled ink.

Where do i go if it isn’t you?

So instead of scratching my way out, I’ll just flow with whatever substance helps me float.

Because….at this point..

Floating sounds better than falling.

i always stalk and admire my own social media platforms just to get a glimpse of what an actual dream girl looks like. ♡

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Brand new photos from our Idol Collection of Sena Aragaki for @avidolz. Does any one wan to play with her ?

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