#dream girl


Sticky Sheets

It is dark, I’m tired but I’m not sleepy. I am lying naked in bed, half beneath a white cotton sheet. A cool rush of air through the open bedroom window had sent the curtain rippling out into the room and prompted my awakening. I lie semiconscious, staring up at the ceiling; the room shadowed in darkness except for a ray of moonlight piercing its way across the wall opposite. The gentle breeze from the window ebbs across my body. I feel a sense of well being.

Suddenly the curtain billows once again and fills the room. As I turn to look, the image of a girl’s face appears within the folds of swirling linen. I watch transfixed as she glides into the room, shrouded within the curtain, the outline of her body unfolding before my eyes. Using her hands she finds a way through her snare and is finally able to free herself. Rising high, she circles above me and I see her in all her splendour for the very first time. A semitransparent figure with long dark hair and a slender body dressed in what appears to be a cream satin dress. As she continues to roam about the room in a shark like manner, her hair and dress flail wildly in the wind. I am captivated as I struggle to remain focused on her enchanting smiling face. I long for her to stop a while and allow me a moment to absorb her beauty. As if reading my mind she does just that. She hovers high above me for ten, maybe twenty seconds. There is no doubt she is everything I desire. There is also no doubt that she knows it too. In a sudden graceful action, she dives down towards me, stopping inches from my face. With a ghostly outstretched hand she motions as if to caress my forehead. We stare knowingly into each other’s eyes. I find myself unable to stop from softly uttering her name…

She smiles warmly, rises once again and begins to dance excitedly around the room. I long to rise up and join her but I find I am unable to do so. Reluctantly I am forced to watch as she continues to merrily flirt about me. Diving once more she swoops low to the foot of the bed and then climbs towards me, her shimmering form brushing the length of my body. In an instant I am aglow with an overwhelming tingling sensation which penetrates deep between my legs. Sensing my pleasure she circles round for another pass. I feel another powerful surge as her body rushes past me a second time, sending a further stiffening jolt to my penis. As she rises to pass me a third time I reach out in an attempt to grab her. To my surprise my hand passes through her and at the point of contact bright white sparks light up the room. As she climbs higher my hand falls down through her body, emitting sparks all around, electrifying to the touch. When I reach the hem of her dress I seem able to take hold of it and as she continues to rise high into the room, her dress is torn from her and falls to the floor in a glittering shower.

Unconcerned, she approaches me again, this time more slowly than before. And as she does so, her translucent appearance suddenly transforms before my eyes into someone very real. I am now aware of her naked body all over me as she hovers up my legs. My penis is throbbing uncontrollably as she approaches it. My balls are tight and aching with anticipation. I watch as she gently begins kissing my thighs as she works her way higher. All of a sudden her tongue is feverishly working away at my balls. And then up to the base of my penis, gently nibbling all the way. Licking her way up my shaft I shiver at the sensation of feeling her warm lips around my tip. Her hot mouth opens to consume me, her tongue eagerly lapping up my freshly oozing pre-cum. Ever upward she is soon kissing my stomach, making her way to my chest. I feel her warm breasts pressing against my balls and penis, her erect nipples gently caressing my skin. I am paralysed with ecstasy as her mouth reaches my neck and she begins to suckle on my ear. I am in raptures from the warmth of her breath against my cheek as she gently kisses her way across my face. Our mouths meet at last and we kiss for what seems like an eternity, constantly staring into each other’s eyes. I can taste myself on her lips as our juices mix.

Throughout the passion of our kiss she has been motioning her body around me. I am now aware of her warm wet pussy gently brushing against my penis. Her hips begin to rise higher and higher around me. She seems eager to find me. She has a wickedly naughty look in her eyes. Suddenly the tip of my bulging penis finds her gorgeously wet lips and they part instantly before me. With one small thrust I am sent plunging deep inside her. Still locked in our embrace she lets out a long deep moan of pleasure, which sends a shudder down my spine. I sense it will not be long before I am ready to explode.

She senses it too. Riding up and down my shaft for no more than a dozen times, she reluctantly continues her upward journey. As her body rises, her pussy gently eases away from me, leaving my penis throbbing wildly, coated in her warm juice. Her full breasts now press against my chest, bearing down on my face. I smell for the first time her delicate scent, which is now driving me crazy. I cup each breast in my hand, caressing her nipples between my thumb and forefingers. As soon as I am able I take one of her breasts into my mouth and begin gently teasing her nipple with my tongue. My hands then begin caressing her back, working their way down to the soft cheeks of her buttocks. As my hands work away she starts to grind her body against mine. Sliding my fingers between her cheeks I am able to gently stroke the inside of her pussy, which causes her to writhe against me more urgently, thrusting her clitoris into my chest. As she continues to drift higher my mouth now works its way down her stomach, all the while my fingers playing with her pussy from behind. Reaching her navel I am aroused by the very feminine scent of her sex. I have never been hungrier with desire. I am like a starved animal, deprived of nourishment by a cruel master. I would surely have died had this creature of beauty not come to feed me. And she is eager to feed me. As her body slowly rises up before me, she arches her back and allows her legs to ease open around my face. For several seconds I remain transfixed on the vision before me. The heat and aroma of her succulent wet pussy is truly overwhelming. Her pulsating clitoris, sitting proudly within her glistening lips, demands my affection.

Gripping the cheeks of her buttocks more firmly, I pull her towards me. Her body quivers with pleasure as my tongue sinks deep inside her. Lapping away at her sweet tasting juice, my nose plays with her clitoris, all the while inhaling deep lungfuls of her scent. I crave more and more as she thrashes uncontrollably about my face. And as I continue to feast, her body begins to suddenly shudder to the joy of her orgasm and I am powerless to prevent her soaring high into the air, her blood-curdling scream of pleasure piercing the night air. I watch spellbound as she once again darts about the room, her body dancing with delight all around me. Aware that I am also close to reaching my own goal she suddenly stops in mid-air and dives towards me.

We begin to kiss passionately once more, the taste of her own cum on my lips seemingly driving her more insatiable. Reaching down between my outstretched legs she takes hold of my penis and delicately begins to milk me with deliberate, purposeful strokes. I am more ravenous than ever with a desire to consume her and as we continue to kiss, her body begins to degenerate once more into its misty form and I am able to devour her. With each frantic nibbling action she slowly passes my lips, makes her way down my throat and into my body. For a split second there is a calm in which we both feel we are one. But then I can wait no longer. When she reaches the very core of my rage I cannot hold back. Spasm after spasm sends my molten cum high into the air. And in celebration she too rises from within me as I continue to enjoy the orgasm of my life.

As peace and tranquillity return once more I open my eyes and look around. I am soaking wet with sweat and my stomach and legs are drenched in my juice. I sit up and look around. My wilting penis lies before me. Outside the moon shines bright. A cool breeze drifts in from the open window. I lay down and watch the curtain as it gently motions in the wind, its lazy rhythm sending me slowly back to sleep.

any girls wanna hang out on roof tops, listen to loud music, go to underground concerts, drink, smoke and do our makeup together?

Só depois que nasceu nosso primeiro filho que minha amada teve coragem de me contar o que acontecia

Só depois que nasceu nosso primeiro filho que minha amada teve coragem de me contar o que acontecia depois daquelas tardes de amasso no quarto dela quando ainda namorávamos, em que ela sempre segurava minha mão quando nossos beijos ficavam muito quentes: “Vamos com calma, amor: não vamos estragar tudo…

Eu a amava e sabia que a queria para ser a minha esposa, por isso me continha; mas eu não suspeitava que assim que eu ia embora, o namorado da mãe dela à época, um homem bonito e forte [e, ao que me lembro, um cara muito legal comigo e atencioso com a minha sogra], entrava em seu quarto e transava com ela até pouco antes de sua mãe voltar do trabalho. Então me dei conta de que a primeira vez que tive nua em meus braços ela já trepava a quase um ano com o namorado da mãe: “Você sempre foi o meu amor: sempre sonhei em casar e ter filhos com você. mas aquele homem - meu Deus! - que pau delicioso!

Eu não conseguia articular uma palavra sequer… ela acariciou me rosto e perguntou como quem pergunta a uma criança: “Você me perdoa? Hm?” Segurei-lhe as mãos e fiz que sim com a cabeça. Quando me recompus, perguntei com curiosidade: “Seja sincera, amor: transou com mais alguém depois que nos casamos?” Ela respirou fundo depois de um breve silêncio e começou: “Então…

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Nosso namoro ficava mais sólido a cada dia: nos gostávamos cada vez mais e fazíamos de tudo para tor

Nosso namoro ficava mais sólido a cada dia: nos gostávamos cada vez mais e fazíamos de tudo para tornar o dia um do outro mais feliz. Ela já conhecia meus pais, adorava meus cães. já sabíamos os sabores preferidos um do outro e o tanto de açúcar que ela colocava no café. Já havíamos confessado muito dos nossos sonhos e dos nossos segredos: eu já sabia que ela havia chupado o pau de cinco caras diferentes na festa de formatura do ex-noivo dela [e ele até hoje não faz a menor ideia de quem era a “putinha” que estava chupando todo mundo no banheiro porque queria aproveitar a noite ao lado da noiva] e ela já sabia o quanto eu lamentava ela ainda não ser minha namorada quando me formei. Eu já sabia extamente que tipo de homem a excitava e sussurrava-lhe coisas impublicáveis cada vez que algum passava por nós. Eu conhecia de cor cada uma das tatuagens espalhadas por aquele corpo lindo e sempre comentava quanto a tinha nua em meus braços: “E se você tatuasse o nome de cada um dos homens com quem você foi infiel, amor?” E ela respondia sorrindo: “Ia faltar pele, amor”.

Nossa paixão ainda ardia forte e ela ainda não havia estado com outros homens desde que admitimos um para o outro que éramos namorados, apesar de ela nunca ter sido fiel e ter traído todos os seus namorados com vários homens. Olhei com carinho para ela e sugeri: “Começa uma lista nova agora, amor” Ela baixou os olhos e eu continuei: “Você não está pensando em parar logo agora que encontrou o homem da sua vida, não é?”. Ela sorriu e levantou os olhos, falando suave e decididamente: “Se é isso que você quer de mim, amor, vai faltar pele para tanto nome…

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Linda, inteligente e carinhosa: para minha amada ser perfeita só falta uma qualidade… Se bem

Linda, inteligente e carinhosa: para minha amada ser perfeita só falta uma qualidade… Se bem que essas fotos que ela sempre posta em companhia dos seus amigos na praia, na piscina e na balada indicam que ela está no caminho certo!

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