#dream team imagines



requesthello! can I request a dream x female reader where they are publicly dating and reader gets hate for that? thank you<33


before requesting, read this.


“Great,” you sighed to yourself as you closed your DMs on Twitter.Somehow, they had found your Twitter despite you literally never interacting with Dream on any of his accounts and that you didn’t face reveal, either. All they knew was your name, so how the hell did they find you?

“What’s wrong?” Dream asked from his chair, currently editing a video for his channel.

“Nothing,“ you said, standing up from the bed. “I’m gonna go get something to eat. Want anything?”

“No thanks,” he hummed, not looking over at you. Sighing, you took your phone with you and went to the kitchen. Unable to help yourself, you opened your mentions and scrolled through it. Most of it were just people saying they found your Twitter and retweeting your picture of Patches. But somehow, your eyes always found the hate tweets directed to you.

Most of the hate tweets were very dramatic, talking about how you ‘ruined’ DreamNotFound or how you didn’t deserve Dream. Shaking your head, you wonder how they even came to those conclusions in the first place. You literally only said a few words on stream and even then, you watched what you said ‘cause you knew anything you said would be taken wrongly by certain people.

“These people are crazy,” you muttered to yourself, eyes widening as you caught sight of death threats. Luckily for you, you were thick skinned and knew to not take anything seriously from your boyfriend’s stans.

“What’s that?” Dream asked, very close to you and you jumped, your phone slipping from your grasp and hitting the counter. “Sorry.”

“It’s fine,” you breathed, shaking your head as you turned your head to glance at him. “What’s the matter?”

“Realized I was hungry,” he said, not looking at you as he picked up from your phone.

“Hey, wait–” You tried to take it from him, but all he did was raise his arm all the way up. “Not fair.”

“What the hell is this?” His eyebrows furrowed, lowering his arm as he scrolled through your mentions. “Are they being rude to you?”

Deciding it’d be best not to lie since he quite literally had your phone in his hand and seeing it in his own eyes, you sighed, leaning on the counter, “Yeah. But it’s fine, just annoying.”

“It’s not fine,” he argued, shaking his head, “They’re literally seeing death threats to you, Y/N.”

“I’m not going to kill myself over random fans telling me to,” you rolled your eyes, taking your phone away from him and adjusting your settings to people you followed only. “I just don’t know how they found me.”

“George and Sapnap followed you, I think,” he sighed. “I’m sorry, I thought they’d be more mature than this …”

“It’s whatever, I told you,” you wrapped your arm around his neck. “I mean..” you trail off, sighing when you thought about something. “It does upset me that not everyone’s gonna like me, but what can I do about it?”

“I’m going to tweet about it … Actually, no, I’ll stream about it so they can hear how upset I am,” Dream said, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “I’ll be back in like .. ten minutes.”

“Okay,” you said, knowing that was him telling you not to go up there. “I’m going to get started on making dinner.”

“I’ll come down and help,” he murmured, pressing another kiss to your lips before pulling away from you. “Wait, let me see your phone.”

You silently handed him your phone, watching him walk off and back into his streaming room. You waited another few minutes before quietly walking towards the closed door, leaning your head on the cool door to hear him.

“Not gonna be a long stream, but I wanted to talk about something,” you heard his voice, unusually stern. “Y/N and I literally came out about our relationship yesterday and somehow you guys have already found their social media. Which, y’know, alright. Inevitable. But I’ve seen the DMs, the mentions, sending my significant other death threats is not fucking okay.” He hit the desk, making you jump from surprise. “Whether you support our relationship or not, I don’t care. Just leave them alone. Nothing you guys say or do will get me to break up with them or them to break up with me. Anyone who sends them hate is nota fan of mine. That being said, leave them the hell alone and stop sending them death threats. … If I see it, I’ll actually contact the police. And don’t think I’m lying, either, ‘cause I will.”

Backing up from the door, you smiled and went back to the kitchen to finally get started on dinner. Moments later, you heard the door open and his footsteps come closer to the door.

“Hi,” you greet without turning around, turning on the stove.

“Hey,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “What can I get started on?”

mcytdream, george, sapnap

requestCould i request a reaction where the relationship is private but reader  is also a streamer and the reader comes in their room and chat knows it  them because of their voice? Sorry if it’s too specific!  

notesorry if it gets a little repetitive ! also you didn’t really specific so i just decided to do dream team only <.<

IVE TRIED TO POST THIS FOUR TIMES … PLS SHOW UP IN THE TAGS THIS TIME or im giving up and never posting again



before requesting, read this.



  • u dont live with him just visiting </3 and literally no one outside of dream team and you know that you’re there lol
  • you decided that y’all would tell everyone after you left bc yall are mean like that
  • anyways u literally just woke up and didnt even bother to check ur phone or anything
  • straight up just assumed he was talking to the other guys and not freakin streaming
  • come in saying shit like “it’s so late did you even go to bed–”
  • he literally so quickly jumps out of his chair to stop you from talking completely forgetting he could so easily mute the damn mic
  • yall literally stare at each other in silence for a good minute before u quietly leave and he goes back to his chair, hoping he could tell chat it was like his mom or drista
  • wants to die when he sees the chat freaking out about you being there
  • he acts like nothing happens and then ends stream 10 mins after lmao


  • okay so in this one we’re gonna imagine u just cant see his door
  • u had JUST gotten there and decided to surprise him completely disregarding that he could be streaming
  • walks in without a care yelling “IM HERE–”
  • and then u realize. Oh shit.
  • chat can see george staring off to the side with wide eyes and then he ends stream right then and there
  • fans kinda think hes freaking out but not really yall are just cuddling and hes kissing u mwah <3
  • hes very happy ur there
  • he doesnt really care that fans already know youre there lmao
  • u guys post a pic some time after <3
  • not that big of a deal in his eyes even tho ur kinda pouty fans know
  • he thinks its so funny that ur pouty ur so cute reader


  • for this one im gonna twist it around sorry
  • anyways hes visiting u and u guys wanted some time to urselves before ur friends and fans found out he was there
  • ur in the middle of ur stream for the first time in a while since he was there n he was cool with u streaming cuz he got to sleep lmao
  • he couldnt sleep and it kinda slipped his mind u were streaming cuz u hadnt so ?
  • starts like saying “i couldnt sleep” when he opens the door and u quickly mute ur mic but chat already heard him
  • idk about yall but sapnap has a very distinct voice i know that voice a mile away
  • so yall kinda like talk for a moment before deciding he’d just join the stream
  • unmute ur mic “um yeah surprise guest haha welcome, sapnap … in real life”
  • u even turn ur cam on bc why not
  • aaaa so many screenshots and clips of yall being cute together <3
  • ur friends r currently spamming ur phones abt “WHY DIDNT YALL INVITE ME????” but u guys ignore them<3