#dreamsmp masterlist


Woes of An Immortal

(C!Technoblade x Reader)

Hello everyone! Thank you all so much for 3k followers and I’m sorry this post came a little late! The vote to win was a one-shot with you all guessed it Technoblade. Enjoy the fluff, smut, and angst that comes with this fic.

As always I love you all and if you have fanart send it my way!

Also if you enjoyed send me a Coffee: Thanks Souls


When Technoblade became immortal his father had told him of the woes that came with it, immortality was a curse, not a blessing. Technoblade would be forced to watch his loved ones and old friends die while he remained young forever. It wasn’t something easy to live with, the guilt he would experience would never truly go away. The curse came with what his father called the voices, they yearned for blood and emphasized he needed a strong will and mind to ignore them. At the time Technoblade didn’t care was young and naive only looking for the power that came with the idea of never dying. He believed he never would fall in love, who would love a piglin hybrid, he was antisocial and okay with living all on his own for eternity. He was okay with never-dying until he met you. 

You were a simple girl in a village he was visiting, you resembled a greek goddess in the old history books his father had gifted him when he inherited immortality. He wasn’t one to fall in love simply based on looks, but it helped. You were in the town center children gathered around your legs as you read them stories. He had just finished tying up Carl when he noticed you were packing up to leave, he kept his eyes trained on you until he saw you were walking in his direction. Technoblade looked away immediately face burning from embarrassment, in his one hundred years of life this was the first time he felt butterflies in his stomach. He heard a soft hum behind him and there you were, god you couldn’t have been older than twenty, a baby compared to him. 

“Are you new here?” 

The question was innocent and held no ill intent, his tongue felt heavy as he nodded. You smiled warmly reaching your hand out to scratch under Carl’s chin, he tensed worried the voices would scream at him for you to stop. They were rather protective of his horse but to his surprise they were silent, he watched you pull a carrot from your bag, and Carl whinnied munching on the snack happily. 

“Do you have a place to stay? My father runs an inn.” 

“I’m here with my father I don’t know his plans. But thank you miss,” 

“No problem. Well if he’s unsure, it’s on the corner just over there. I’ll even give you half-price rooms,” You batted your eyelashes at him, “I hope to see you before you leave.” He watched you wave your hand heading off towards the inn, he felt a large hand grip his shoulder. He glanced up at his father, he was a bit taller than Techno but looked the same age as he did when Technoblade was born. Scars littered his face, and his scruff had turned into a beard over the years. His one tusk was chipped and his red eyes were dull from years of exhaustion. 

“Who was that?” His father’s voice was more profound than his own and Technoblade huffed slightly, 

“Just some women,” Technoblade mumbled, his father watched his expression, raising his eyebrow. 

“That’s the innkeeper’s daughter. (Y/n) I think her name is, young and pretty.” 

“Don’t try it old man.” Technoblade scoffed shoving his father’s hand off his shoulder, “She’s way too young for you. For either of us.” 

“Either of us you say? You mean you would’ve tried?” 

Technoblade stopped dead in his tracks. Spinning on his heels, he turned to face his father, “Don’t.” 

“Don’t what? She’s a pretty little thing.” His father made a womanly shaped figure with his hands, wiggling his eyebrows cheekily. “The children loved her,” 

“Dad please.” 

“You’re almost 25 Techno-” 

“Only by human standards.”

“You’ve never dated a girl.” 


“Or guy!” Techno huffed clicking his tongue in distaste eyeing his father wearily and his father only chuckled in response. “Well, you’ll have a lot of time with her cause we’re staying with her and her old man.” Techno grunted pinching the bridge of his nose between his glasses, “It’s just until we make enough money to move to the next town.” 

“Fine. But I don’t want you playing matchmaker or whatever the hell you plan on doing.” 

“My lips are sealed, no matchmaking from your old man.” 

But Techno knew the look in his eye, he’d seen it a thousand times before mischievousness and joy that Technoblade never inherited. He knew this was going to be a long trip if his father continued to act like a child. He only clapped Techno on the back and led him into the inn, he was surprised to see you sitting at the front desk with a notebook in front of you. You seemed to be drawing something, or maybe it was writing something he couldn’t tell. A soft bell rang as they stepped inside and you turned to greet them, he noticed a small flicker of pride in your eyes as you stared at him specifically. His eye twitched feeling frustration bubble up in his gut, you had no right to look at him like that like you’ve won some competition. His dad nudged him forward a smirk playing on his lips and Techno huffed “We’ve come to hopefully take you up on your offer from earlier. If it still stands.”

“Course it does. My father’s out at the moment but I can set you up.” You motioned for them to make their way over, Techno’s father went first and introduced himself, 

“Orpheus. Techno’s father at your service I can cover the stay for both of us and we’ll have separate rooms please.” 

“Father? Why you don’t look any older than he does! What’s your secret? My father’s gonna kill you when he sees how young you look!” 

Technoblade groaned as his dad laughed with what seemed to be pride, “Why thank you pretty lady that means a great deal. Techno takes after me you know,”

“Oh, I can tell.” You mused, “you’re both very handsome.” 

Technoblade blushed, he knew he was blushing because he felt his cheeks and the tips of his ears burn hot with embarrassment. He shot his father a frustrated glare, “Ignore him. He’s an ass.” 

“I don’t find him to be that much of an ass.” You laughed grabbing two pairs of keys from behind the desk before walking out from behind it. “Surprisingly I’ve dealt with worse customers, follow me to your rooms.” Both men followed after you, Orpheus headed into the room that was assigned to him bidding you and Technoblade a goodnight. Technoblade noticed you still standing beside him and cleared his throat awkwardly, 

“Uh…thanks for the rooms…” 

“Seriously it’s not a problem at all.” You hummed giving your head a cute tilt to the side, “can I ask you something?” 


“You looking for a stepmom?” 

“HEH?” He knew his entire face was bright red and he felt jealousy bubble up in his gut unwillingly. You burst into hysterical laughter at his reaction and that only caused his face to burn hotter, 

“I’m messing with you oh gosh! I didn’t know you’d be so easy to tease.” You smiled covering your leftover giggles with your hand. “You’re much more my type,” 

“You’re bold…” He grunted nose scrunching in displeasure, although he didn’t feelthat displeased with your comments. 

“So I’ve been told, I’ve also been told it’s charming.” 

“Whoever told you that is lying to you.” 

You tossed your head back and laughed, shoulders bouncing up to your ears eyes filled with pure delight, “Sleep well Technoblade, and have pleasant dreams.” Technobalde watched with careful eyes as you headed off down the hall, he gave a small chuff in your direction. However he couldn’t help but watch your hips and ass sway as you disappeared from his view, he flushed turning away from your figure. God, every minute that passed Techno was turning more and more into his pervert of a father. 

Technoblade awoke with a start, pupils shrinking as the smell of smoke filled his nostrils. There were terrified screams coming from outside the inn and a distinct sound of someone pounding on his bedroom door. “Technoblade! Open up there’s a raid outside in the village, get your sword and get up now!”

Technoblade was out of the bed like a shot, he didn’t have any time to put on armor, he just slid on his briefs and grabbed his sword storming out the door. “Dad!” 

“What kid?” He turned to face Techno, his hair spread out all over the place eyes blazing red ready for the bloodbath. The words stay safe were on the tip of his tongue but instead, he said, 

“Where’s the (Y/n)?” 

“Somewhere in the fray. Find her and keep her safe.” 

Those were the words Technoblade needed to hear before he burst into action. As soon as he demolished the front of the inn the screams were only getting louder and more frantic. Blood littered the streets and the doors of the village and Techno felt his vision narrowing desperately searching for you and you only. He heard another shout and managed to block an incoming attack from a pillager the stopped his ax’s swing halfway with the blade of his sword before running the man through. Blood splattered his chest and face as he pulled the blade out and with a sickening thud, the man fell to the ground. “Mama help!” The voice of a young girl shrieked he turned and saw her cornered by the giant creature known as a Ravager. Before Technoblade moved a blur flew passed him sending loose locks of hair across his face, the smell of strawberries and cedar entered his nostrils and the only thing on his mind was you. He watched as you unceremoniously threw a rock at the beast, it huffed steam pouring out of its nose. 

“Why don’t you pick on someone your own size!” Your voice was like a knife as it cut through the pandemonium around you, the creature turned to face you and it gave the girl time to run away in the direction of her family. It stomped its hoof against the ground its voice was a mix of many different animal snarls and you reeled back, Techno saw the panic settling across your face. As soon as Technoblade moved towards you the beast began to charge, your body locked up in panic and fear as a response. Luckily Techno reached you before the monster did and curbed its attack with a swift slice across the side of its face. The Ravager screamed bloody murder turning its sights on Technoblade officially, Technoblade turned to you, his eyes a blazing red, 


His voice didn’t even sound like his in his own ears, it was the first time he heard them so mad, the voices all shouting to kill the creature in front of him. 

“Come back to me.” You stated sternly grabbing him by the pants and pressing a kiss to his lips, it was quick and he almost couldn’t process it with everything going on around him. You were gone from his body like smoke in the wind, and Technoblade could solely focus on the monster who was in front of him. 

“Alright you freak” he grinned flashing his teeth, “Bring it on.”


After that the two of you were joined at the hip, Technoblade and his father saved the village and were always welcome there anytime they happened to be in this direction. The village also said they could get any supplies they wanted for an amazing discount, which they both took advantage of without argument. Techno more often than not found himself not going on hunts with his father unless it was necessary and instead spent most of his time by your side. He helped you in the inn, even though he was less than personable to many patrons trying to get rooms he did have amazing stories to keep the patrons who frequented the bar on the edge of their seats. He also had a great habit of convincing you to slack off from your duties leaving most of it to your father, who could only bite his tongue because his daughter had caught the eye of the village hero. 

“Techno not right now…” 

“Are you not on your break?”

“I am but-” 

“Then come on no one’s gonna know.” He mused pulling you close by the hips leg expertly slotting in between them making you shiver against his thigh. “Have a little faith in my ability to please you,” He purred nipping and kissing along the column of your neck. 

‘Need. need. Need. want. Want. want.’ Now that the two of you were offical the voices had started referring to you as Techno’s and he was just realived they all could agree on something for once. 

“Fine…you horny bastard. But you only have until my breaks over!” 

“I can make that work,” He pulled you into the storage closet somehow being able to keep his lips interlocked with your own. You moaned sofly against his lips as his hands found your butt giving it a squeeze before lifting you up against the wall. Your legs instinctively went around his waist only serving to pull him closer to your flushed body, your breathing hitched as his tongue entered your mouth only briefly battling for dominance. You let Techno take over rather quickly his one hand began sliding up your waist and landing on the swell of your breast giving it a tight squeeze. He felt you moan at the sensation against his lips and he pulled away from you a string of saliva connecting the both of you, you whimpered and began to unbuckle his pants, he hoisted you a little higher so he could shimmy them down his waist. You purred sofly leaning forward to kitten nip and lick at his neck, he grunted feeling your legs tighten around him, he thanked the gods that you mostly wore skirts and dresses cause all he had to do was hike up the dress to your hips. “Hm?” He panted his hand poking and prodding at your entrance, “You’re already so wet for me? I barely touched you.” He snickered as his fingers disappeared into your folds you let out a needy groan head tossing back against the wall with a soft thud. 

“Hm…Techno more…” You panted pupils blown wide and hazy, “Add another so I can take you…” 

“Yes ma’am.” He purred adding another finger and curling it against the tight spongy-ness of your core. You moaned his name breath hitching in between the moans and he’s never felt more turned on in his life. “Yeah? You like that?” You only groaned louder your walls fluttering rythmically and tight around his fingers.

“I’m close.” You whimpered panting loudly, 

“You ready?” 

“Hmhm.” He watched with glee as you bobbed your head eagerly, as soon as he got confirmation he sheathed himself inside your folds. You both moaned, his head fell onto your shoulder as he panted against your wet skin. 

“God, you feel so good baby…so tight.” He snapped his hips and your moans began to echo off the walls of the room. “It’s like your pretty little pussy was made by the gods just to take me, so good.” Techno continued to growl in your ear nipping and biting at the skin there as he sang praises to you like a mantra. “S-shit-” His eyes shot wide open taking you full force as you began to clench and spasm around him, you shouted his name as you came and he wasn’t that far behind. He stayed inside you for a moment or two longer before you kissed the side of his head, 

“Gotta get back to work…I’m ruined…” 

“Hm good. You’ll think of me all shift,” He mused setting you on the ground watching your mixed fluids run down your legs before you let the dress fall covering up the mess successfully. 

“You’re an ass.” You grumbled opening the door to the broom closet with a huff, 

“You love me.” He spoke without really thinking, it was the first time he ever said it to anyone let alone you, you looked back over at him with surprise. He winced slightly, “er…sorry-” You cut him off with a kiss, 

“I love you too…” You flushed slyly before scampering off back to your job at the inn he felt his heart clench. 

You really were just too adorable. 


A letter arrived on his desk by a crow, Techno always kept the window of his study open he liked the fresh air to filter through his stuffy office. The crow let out a caw jumping around a little as Techno took the letter from his leg. He recognized it as one of Phil’s crows almost immediately and tore the letter open with his nails, he grunted a little feeling weight on his leg. He looked down to see his daughter clinging to his pant leg, all smiles and a toothy grin. “Now just what do you think you’re doing nugget?” He mused picking her up by the back of her shirt, she giggled loudly as he plopped her in his lap. Holly had your hair and face shape but she was gifted with Technoblade’s red and black eyes as well as her pointed ears. 

“Mama wanted me to come to get you! She said it’s almost time for dinner,” she hummed nuzzling into his chest, his face softening considerably. 

“Tell her I’ll be in, in a minute alright? I just have some last-minute work to do, tell her your Uncle Phil sent a letter.” 

“Okay, Papa. Love you!” 

“Love you to nugget.” He hummed watching as she squirmed off his lap and disappeared through the door. Techno released a breath he wasn’t even aware he was holding in as he unfolded the letter, his eyes scanned over the ink and he felt his jaw tensing at every word. Phil was practically begging for Techno to head North to help his eldest son Wilbur, apparently the man had gotten himself kicked out of his own country by a dictator. Wilbur and his young companion seek to overthrow this new form of government and need Technoblade’s help. A favor for an old friend. His past accomplishments spread that far, he was always known to be calculated, cold and ruthless, but he was younger than. He didn’t have anything to live for, no weaknesses, now, however…he looked up to see you standing in the doorway brow creased in stress.

Even worried you still looked ethereal to him, motherhood and age had taken to you kindly. So far your mortal body had barely any grey hairs and you were still as agile and lively as you were when you first met him all those years ago. “Holly said it was Phil?” 

“I need to leave by tomorrow.” He hated the way his voice shook, he had to clear his throat before continuing, “He’s cashing in a favor…” 

“Then Holly and I will come with you, we’ll pack up our things and-” 

“No. No, you can’t come.” Technoblade stood from his desk taking your hands in his own, they were always so small. He cradled them gently as a deep frown settled across your lips, “It’s going to be a revolution. If you and Holly get wrapped up in it who knows what you’ll be used for it’s too dangerous.” He kissed the top of your head in hopes to soothe you, he could smell your anxiety and could practically hear your thoughts spinning. “It won’t be too long…I promise to get you as soon as it’s safe and I’ll send crows to you every single moment I get. You…probably shouldn’t send any back though…in case they’re intercepted.”  

“Techno, what if we lose you and I never know? What if something happens here? I can’t lose you not to something like this, just because you’re immortal doesn’t mean you can’t be killed.” 

“Sweet Thing.” He tutted a smirk resting on his features, “Technoblade never dies remember?” 

“You’re such an ass.” 

“Yeah but I’m your ass.” He snickered capturing your lips in a kiss, and he felt heat like an ignition curl in his gut. His hands reached around to squeeze your ass and you let out the cutest squeal, 

“Techno not now! Holly’s waiting for us for dinner!” You scolded hitting him lightly on his broad chest, he chuckled softly watching your cheeks puff in frustration. 

“Hm…not now,” He mused trailing kisses down your jaw and onto your neck, he felt you shiver beneath his hand. “But tonight. I won’t get to taste you in lord knows how many weeks after today, you’re all mine once Holly is put to sleep.” He could smell the arousal coming off of you in waves and he smirked against your neck, “Yeah sweet thing? Sound good?” 

“Yes…” You whispered quietly face as red as blood, 

“Good girl.” 

When morning came you didn’t want to let Techno out of bed, “Princess I need to go.” He sighed as you buried your face deeper into his chest, you were still stark naked, body covered in bruises and bite marks for last night’s escapades. 

“Just stay here with us…” 

“I wish I could. I need to say goodbye to Holly, she was devastated when we told her.” 

“You are her favorite.” 

“I am not.” Technoblade huffed although a bit of pride swirled in his chest, he caught you giving him a look. “Maybe a little, but she’s a daddy’s girl I couldn’t ask for anything better!” 

“Yeah…yeah. I love you.”

“I love you too.” He smiled sadly brushing hair away from your face, “I’ll write every day.” 


“I swear.” Technoblade noticed the furrow in your brow wouldn’t disappear and he placed his large hand on your cheek. “What’s wrong…other than me leaving that is.” 

“Depending on when you return I’m not…I won’t look the same. I’ll be older…What if you don’t recognize me?”

“Even if I’m gone for years I’ll always recognize you. You’re my wife it’s not your beauty that wormed its way into my heart it was your personality. I told you when we got married that even though I’m immortal you’ll always have my soul until the day you die.” He kissed your forehead softly, “Plus I love me an older woman.”

“Okay time to leave.” You huffed and he chuckled fondly peppering your face in light kisses, “Send me a letter as soon as you can.”

“Of course. Love you.” 

“Love you too.”


Trust was always something Technoblade valued, he’s been away from his wife and daughter for years now. Only sending letters and never getting anything in return was slowly killing him, however, he finally began to believe he was safe on the far outskirts of what was once known as L’manburg. His execution came and went and he showed those who were after him that he was never to be trifled with nor was anything he held dear. He felt like it was finally safe for you and Holly to be by his side forever, the only problem was Tommy. This kid was now living with him and Technoblade was beginning to see him as an apprentice, he had always emphasized how important trust was with the boy. He showed him his Wither Skull bunker and that seemed to get the point across and Tommy was much more forthcoming with the hybrid. 

“Tommy pack your stuff we’re going on an adventure, I got one more secret to show you.” 

“Oh fuck yeah!” Tommy seemed more excited about the idea of an adventure than whatever the secret Techno had. “When are we leaving? It’s been so boring here lately! All the training has been b-o-r-i-n-g!” He punctuated by throwing an arm around Technoblade’s shoulders, the hybrid shoved him off with a huff. 

“Sorry for wanting you to be able to protect yourself.” 

“Sorry for wanting you to be able to protect yourself.” Tommy mimicked wiggling his fingers, 

“You know maybe I won’t take you with me-” 

“Big man! Big man come on I was kidding! Don’t be like that!” 

“We’re leaving at dawn. You’re in charge of packing the food and water for yourself understand? I’ll let you borrow one of my horses.” 


“Absolutely not.”

The morning rolled around and it was Tommy who was up and awake first, on occasion Tommy reminded him of Holly, even if it has been a few years since he saw his daughter. They both had the same energy at times and maybe that’s why Techno always had an odd sort of soft spot for the blonde boy. Technoblade got both of their horses set up and put the saddlebags on making sure to fill it with enough rations for the both of them because knowing Tommy he probably wouldn’t listen to Technoblade’s instructions. Tommy was beside him with his turtle shell helmet on top of his head and the ax of peace was strapped securely to his back. They set off due South, every so often Technoblade would look at the sky to make sure they were going in the proper direction. Even though he hadn’t been to your village in years he still knew the way there like the back of his hand. 

After all, Technoblade never forgot a place that held such meaning. 

It took them about a full day to get there, the moon was rising in the sky as they approached the village. Tommy’s face was set into a frown his eyebrows raised practically into his forehead, “So…is this a pit stop for the night or?” 

“Nah this is it.” 

“Er…I hate to break it to you but this is just like any old village? What’s so special about a dumb village? They got like epic trades or some shit?” Techno rolled his eyes hopping off Carl and tying him safely to a fence post and motioned for Tommy to do the same, his young companion did the same with a little trepidation. 

“Come on I’ll show you,” Technoblade began to walk through the rows of houses the villagers who were awake seemed to stop and grin at the very sight of the hybrid. Hushed whispers began to filter through Tommy’s ears and he subconsciously pressed himself closer to Techno, 

Is that Techno?’

‘No way he hasn’t aged a day!’ 

‘Someone tell (y/n)!’ 

Tommy wasn’t sure who this ‘(y/n)’ person was but ran into Technoblade’s back as he suddenly stopped short. They were standing in front of a cottage, beautiful vines wrapped around the wood and it seemed like wisteria were growing. You always loved to garden and the house looked beautiful, even more, beautiful than when he left it. The door swung open and before them was a young, teenage girl her (h/c) hair was pulled into two twin braids little tusks poked out from her bottom lip. Her eyes seemed to swell up with tears a pout settled on her face, Tommy looked between the girl and Techno and his stomach flipped the resemblance was uncanny. 

“Hey Nugget…” The girl made a noise launching herself at Technoblade, Tommy moved quickly to grab his sword but paused seeing Technoblade wrap his arm tightly around the girl. She was sobbing and Technoblade kissed all over the side of her head, looking at her more gently than he’s ever looked eat everyone. “I missed you…” 

“I missed you too dad…”

Tommy blanched, “Did she just say, dad?! Techno man what the fu-” 

Techno didn’t seem to be listening to Tommy because an older woman appeared in the doorway, the late thirties or early forties at most, her hair was speckled with grey but she was still beautiful. Her eyes were as wide as saucers an apron was tied around her waist, “Technoblade?” 

“Princess!” Techno let out an almost wet laugh charging to the door and wrapping you in his arms. Your scent was the same cedar and strawberries he almost cried smelling it on your skin, you were just as beautiful as he remembered you being. “I’m home…” Now she did begin to cry, weep openly in fact, she pulled away smashing her lips against Techno’s who gave a soft groan of pleasure. How he missed the feeling of your lips on his own, he wanted to sweep you off your feet and kiss you senseless but his daughter and friend were watching. He rested his forehead against your own, he Tommy was cursing like a disgusted sailor behind him but he didn’t care, he only cared about your voice.

“Safe? Are we finally safe?” 

“Yes, sweetpea. We are safe.” Technoblade whispered softly before pulling away completely, “Tommy come here.” Techno waved the boy over, he hesitantly walked towards the two aware of the teenager following behind him. “Tommy this is my wife (Y/n) and our daughter Holly,” He introduced and Tommy’s jaw went slack, “Sweetpea this is Tommy, my apprentice.” 

“You have a wife and you never told me! A wife! Am I the only one without a wife!” He practically shrieked, “And you have a kid? What the fuck Technoblade! How?! Why?” Tommy looked at you in awe, “this one really? What the living fuck! Who else knows about this!”

“Just Phil and now you.” 

That seemed to stun the blonde into silence, “Only me and Phil?” 

“Phil and I.” Holly corrected with a cute twitch of her ears, Tommy glared at her out of the corner of his eyes.

“Holly be polite.” You scolded softly opening your arms and wrapping Tommy in a hug, he made a sound of stress blinking a few times, “Welcome to the family Tommy.” He grew stiff in your hold before letting out a shaky breath and hugging you back in return, he held on probably a little longer than necessary. 

“Thank you…” He whispered against your neck before pulling away with a cough, “It’s nice to meet you wife and child of Technoblade.” 

“The pleasure is ours, please come in I just finished making dinner. There’s more than enough to go around, I never could break the habit of cooking for three.” You laughed softly feeling Technoblade’s hand on your back grounding you to the moment, “Do you like steak?” 

It took Tommy a moment to register she was talking to him, “Er yeah. Sounds good to me, I’m not one to complain about free food.” 

“Potatoes just the way you like it too Techno.” 

“You’re such a saint,” He breathed leading you through the door and everyone else followed behind the husband and wife duo. Tommy looked around the small cottage taking in everything that involved Technoblade in his earlier years, before L’manburg before the war. He fell back and watched as Holly took her seat at the table, and Techno sat beside her it’s when he could really take in the resemblance between the self-proclaimed blood god and his daughter. You were cooking on the stove smiling to yourself, he still couldn’t believe he was hiding an entirely new life and one that was so domestic. “Tommy. Take a seat. You look like you’re going to shit your pants.”

“Language.” Holly hummed and Techno let out a disgruntled ‘heh’ in response to his own daughter’s scolding. Tommy snickered sitting on the other side of Technoblade turning to you, 

“So I have to ask how good is Techno in bed?” 

“Tommy!” Technoblade snarled face glowing red, you only laughed in response to his question, 

“You’re a troublemaker aren’t you?” You mused setting dinner down in front of him, and Tommy scoffed 

“Nah I’m a basically a saint lady. Don’t I just radiate angelic innocence?” 

“You radiate something all right,” Techno grunted, and this time it was Holly who snickered clearly enjoying the bickering. 

After dinner, you helped Tommy set himself up in the guest room, which he was very much grateful for, loudly declaring that you two love birds and keeping the volume down before disappearing. Techno’s arms immediately snaked around your waist squeezing you tightly, lips and trailing down your neck tenderly. He felt your neck vibrate as you let out a pleased and breathless hum, “Bed?” 


Once the two of you were secure and safe inside the room Technoblade allowed himself to finally fully relax in the presence of his once own home. He glanced over at you and felt himself smiling, mostly due to the fact that you haven’t stopped smiling since he arrived back here. “Come here, Sweet Thing.” He opened his arms and you fell into them, “We’ve both had quite the adventure huh?”

“Shut up and hold me…” 

He chuckled running his hands through your hair, “It looks good all salt and peppery I like it.” You pulled away to glare up at him, he noticed the wrinkles by your eyes and lips and felt his heart swell with adoration. “What? I do you’re aging like a fine wine. I love it age looks good on you. Just like pregnancy did- Ow don’t hit me!” 

“You’re just as horny as when I left. Age didn’t do you well it seems, you didn’t mature at all.” You scoffed but your voice was light and airy, showing no real malice and Techno’s grin only widened. 

“I’d argue I’m hornier because we’ve both had quite the dry spell, a few years now right?” He teased and he watched you flush pink. His hands were already on your ass giving it a playful squeeze, “unless, of course, you’ve been a naughty little girl hm?” 

“Of course not.” You answered quickly, “you’re my husband. You’re the only one for me, I love you.” He felt his heart swell immensely hearing those three words and he captured your lips in a kiss and he sighed softly against them. Your arms wrapped around his neck and you pulled him flush he awkwardly backed up his legs hitting the bed before pulling you down on top of him. 

“You’re coming home with me. You and Holly, it’s safe I’m never going to be without you again. Neither of you girls. Phil, Tommy, and I will protect you I’d trust them with my life.” 

“Promise me.” You whispered lips hovering above his own, “That we’ll be with you for the rest of our lives?” 

“I swear it,” Technoblade assured, hands cupping your cheeks, “We will spend the rest of our lives by one another’s side.” He groaned once more as your lips connected with his own, he really couldn’t believe how touch-starved he was without you by his side. “You’re so hot seriously, you’re like a sexy mom.” 

“I am a sexy mom.” You snorted as he broke the heated kiss with the comment, 

“Yeah but I feel like I’m like you’re my friend’s mom and we’re home from school and me and you are having a scandalous relationship-” 

“You’re disgusting.” You sat upon his hips throwing your head back in laughter, he smiled bringing his lips to your neck nipping at your jugular.


“You’re a child.” You snorted letting out a small whine as he dragged his tusks down the collum of your neck, “Techno…” 


“Fuck me?” 

“You don’t need to tell me twice,” He purred.


It wasn’t long after you returned with Tommy and Technoblade when you fell ill for the first time, neither you nor Holly seemed used to the cold atmosphere where he made his home. It remind Techno how fragile you were and he fretted over you like a nervous parent would a toddler. You assured him it was just the flu and you’d be recovered in no time, you were right as usual and you soon adapted to the cold. Holly fell in love with her new home, she especially liked to spend time with Uncle Phil and Techno’s new neighbor Ranboo. As the years went by no one dared to mess with him or his happy little family, especially after the SMP got word of what Technoblade did to Quackity when he kidnapped Techno’s horse. They couldn’t even begin to imagine what Techno would do to someone who harmed his wife or child they would shiver at even the thought of the repercussions. As the years grew Techno remained the same age, the same looking he watched the world around him grow and change while he and Phil remained the only constants. He watched as Holly grew into a lovely young woman, with a knack for adventuring and getting into trouble with Ranboo, Tommy and Tubbo. She was just as reckless as Technoblade was at her age which was saying a lot, he felt like he always had to have one eye out for her which was hard to do when he had the other eye trained on you. Your hair had finally went fully white and it matched the snow outside their home, but you still held your smile and the light in your eyes. However, he couldn’t help but fret over you, it was clear your body was growing weaker and weaker as the years continued to tick by. 

Then you got sick. 

Not like the flu, this one swept you all too quickly one winter leaving you throwing up and coughing blood up into tissues in a way like Techno had never seen before. Phil and he tried all sorts of healing potions but nothing seemed to work, you only grew worse until you could barely get out of bed. Phil had whispered to Techno that night that he needed to prepare to lose you a little sooner than he expected. Techno felt his heart shatter at the idea, they didn’t have enough time together. He fell into a spiteful rage bubble in his gut, not at you but at the gods for cursing you with the ability to age. Cursing the gods of time that so much of his had to be spent away from you and his daughter, it wasn’t fair. You were still so young…weren’t you? He had stopped counting, as the numbers increased it only made worry and anxiety churn in his gut. Maybe he should’ve kept better track, if he did maybe he would’ve caught the illness more quickly and you would still be okay. 

“Mate you need to go be with her…” Phil interrupted his self-destructing thoughts, “You should spend however long you have left with her by her side and smiling.” 

Death was never easy, not for anybody but especially not for an immortal. As he held his lover’s hand, he watched her eyes close peacefully, her white hair framed her face like a halo. He took in her appearance, smile lines, and forehead wrinkles, but she kept her love and her sharp wit throughout their life. He thought back on the many times as he got older that you told him he should move on but he never did. You were his soulmate, his lover, and his person. The child the both of you made was in the other room weeping softly, but he wanted- no needed- to stay with his wife. 

“It’s okay…we’re all here you can let go now sweet thing. My beautful, princess.”

A whisper like a butterfly’s breath was all it took for you to go. He watched her breathing slow, the breaths were long until they finally came to a stop. It didn’t stop the tears from falling, fat and wet down his cheeks. He wished he could’ve died with you, he would’ve given up everything for you. He would’ve fought even the strongest Gods if it meant he could have even one more night by your side. He felt his body shaking as he leaned down to place a kiss on your forehead, you were older physically but to him, you were still the same you from all those moons ago. It was then he realized his father had been right all along. 

Immortality was a curse.

Tag List: @bloodrose0723@lovestruckfool@judas-draws@friday-dsv@xx-smiley-xx, @dreamslittlebitch, @thatguythatsshy, @little-odd-dude, @theultimatewifu32, @hee-hee-haw, @thegeekisheere, @honeyco0kie, @victory-is-here, @theoneandonlyyeti, @abovenyx, @boiled-onionrings, @fiorenc, @sandyy-woo, @pastelmoonwitche, @royaltytheo, @mack4676, @luluwinchester

Dream Smp Masterlist

Masterlist for all my Dream SMP Stories:



⚘ -Smut


Technoblade x Reader:

Wilbur Soot x Reader:

Philza Minecraft x Reader:

Karlnapity x Reader:

Fundy x Reader

Platonic Ranboo x Reader:

Platonic Tommyinit x reader:

C!Jschlatt x Reader:

Family SBI x Reader:

Dream Smp Headcanons:
