#duchess meghan

Duchess of Sussex Remembrance Day 2018 - 2020Duchess of Sussex Remembrance Day 2018 - 2020

Duchess of Sussex

Remembrance Day 2018 - 2020

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“She wanted to come by and just see everything that was going on with the blood drive, and to help — her whole thing was she wanted to help,” Rankin said. “She was going to be incognito, he told me that she was going to be wearing a T-shirt and ripped blue jeans and a hat and a mask and no one was going to — he didn’t want anyone to know who she was because she did not want the press attention.”

Rankin said she was told Meghan was on her way to a nearby H-E-B grocery store to pick up food platters for the center’s volunteers and people who were giving blood.

“She went and picked up trays and trays of sandwiches and snacks and everything for the people who were coming in and giving blood. It was for our workers. It was for myself,” Rankin said. “It was for anybody that wanted to, you know, have lunch.”

When Meghan arrived, she said, the duchess’s security team did a sweep and then asked the director to meet her outside the center. “I did, and we visited for a few minutes. She did have her mask on. She kept it on the whole time. There were no cameras whatsoever.”

Rankin brought Meghan from the back door into the kitchen, where she was introduced as a volunteer.

“There was no ‘Look! It’s Meghan Markle!’ Nothing. And she introduced herself as Meghan,” Rankin said.

“She said, ‘My name is Meghan,’ and didn’t go into any more detail,” Rankin added. “She started passing out sandwiches to the people who were donating [blood] and it was, she was delightful.”

“I didn’t even tell my poor husband,” she said. “So when she came here, he walked in and he met her and she said, ‘Oh, you must be Jimmy!’”

A number of volunteers at the center told BuzzFeed News on Thursday that they had conversations with Meghan and didn’t know who she was until after she departed. Rankin confirmed this, saying that after the news that Meghan was in Uvalde spread, she was approached by several people at the center who chided her for not revealing Meghan’s identity while she was there.

“One of the nurses … came over to me and said, ‘I cannot believe you did not tell us Meghan Markle was here. We were standing right next to her,’” Rankin said. “And the head of the volunteer crew said, ‘I stood there and talked to her for 10 minutes. I had no idea.’ And I said, ‘That’s what they wanted. They didn’t want you to know that she was here.’”

‘That’s what they wanted. They didn’t want you to know that she was here.’”

Rankin said that she spoke with Meghan for about 20 minutes about the tragedy, the blood drive, the work that the center does — and the Sussex family’s life in the United States.

“I asked her, ‘So, how’s your husband doing?’” Rankin said. “She said, ‘He’s doing very well.’ And then she whispered to me, ‘Don’t believe what you read.’”

Rankin also told Meghan about the community center’s Quilts of Grace program and how they give quilts to kids who have been removed from their homes because of abuse and neglect.

“And tears came in her eyes,” she said. “And tears came in her eyes when she was talking about the tragedy that happened here, and the families, and the children,” she said.

Rankin also shot down internet speculation that Meghan visited the center with an accompanying camera crew or personal photographer.

“It was not a photo op,” she said. “I reiterate: Meghan did not bring any cameras with her. She didn’t bring any reporters.”

In fact, she said, Meghan had expressed a desire to stay at the center for more time, but she and her security team left when Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke arrived with a crew of news reporters in tow.

“As a matter of fact, as soon as his team arrived for him to get notoriety of giving blood — when Beto’s crew arrived, they left. And I didn’t know that they had left.”

Rankin said she got a call from Meghan’s security team apologizing for the quick exit, as they didn’t want the duchess to be recognized by the members of the press arriving with O’Rourke.

She said Meghan told her that she had made several other quiet stops at various locations around Uvalde.

“There were other places in town that knew she was coming because she did the same thing,” she said. “She went into other places around town incognito. No one knew she was here.”

Rankin said that, because of the promise she’d made to keep the visit secret, she only agreed to talk with BuzzFeed News after her contact from Meghan’s team told her it was OK, as news of the duchess’s Uvalde visit had been made public.

In response to a request for comment from BuzzFeed News, a spokesperson for the duchess confirmed that Meghan had made “multiple stops” in Uvalde but declined to provide details of the other locations that were visited. The Sussex spokesperson emphasized that the duchess had traveled in her personal capacity as a mother, without any press or media coordination.

“‘It’s about the kids. It’s about the families. And I don’t care if anyone knows that I’m here’ — she told me that herself personally,” Rankin said.


Meghan Markle @ Uvalde

I’m gonna say it again but I think a lot of the people who have issues with Meghan Markle need to do a deep dive and ask themselves why they have issues with her because their hatred of her is looking very unhinged.

It was unsettling as a Texan and as a black woman to see an act of good will be misconstrued into an act of “selfishness”… She DONATED and help plan funeral arrangements!!!!!

These people need to get a grip of reality and understand and realize that Meghan Markle is not the big bad monster who has come out to hurt them and their ‘precious’ members of the royal family. THIS IS NOT A SOAP OPERA.

What the Tinhats thought:

What the people of Uvalde thought:

Night and Day.


The amount of hate Cambridge Stans and royalists are throwing at Meghan making the freaking victims’ family’s have to defend her?? Y’all rancid. Imagine being so vile that people facing unimaginable pain feel the need to rebuke you. Find shame.

“I just want to say Meghan Markle is a wonderful person. Her intentions are pure. She spoke to my mother on the phone & offered to help but of course we have received so much already. Meghan is still going to send the kids something. We are grateful for her.”

Emo Anthony is related to Irma Garcia ( pictured above)

Tragically Irma’s husband Joe has suffered a fatal heart attack two days after his wifes death. Joe and Irma’s children are now under the care of their grandmother.

Meghan trended for days because she wore a black hat and gave her husband a peck on the lips. She doesn’t need pull stunts for PR purposes. I don’t doubt that Meghan is fully aware of how everything and anything she does brings a tsunami of criticism.

Meghan has consistently volunteered, donated, and given back over the years to causes that are near and dear to her heart. This is not the first time that she has personally visited the scene of a horrific event in an effort to give back and to pay her respects. She didn’t show up with a bunch of cameras and she didn’t show up with a huge crew. She brought donations, donated blood, helped out with the other volunteers and offered financial assistance to families who are in need. If her actions does some good and the families are happy with the visit then that’s all that matters to me. ‍♀️

Meghan flew to Las Vegas after the massacre there and also honored the victims.

Locals have praised Meghan who has been privately supporting the parents who lost children in the shooting.

“Please keep in mind that this is such a broken community right now. Every person that showed up is truly making a difference.”

Another added, “As to critics? Well. People who aren’t here in Texas or who aren’t Texan maybe should step back & refrain from criticizing.”

19 children and two teachers were killed in the Uvalde shooting on Tuesday, May 24th.

Full article here

The reporter who broke the story sharing how Meghans visit was captured

South Texas Blood & Tissue thanking Meghan for her donation❤



According to blood drive volunteers, Meghan, wearing a baseball cap and a black mask, quietly dropped by the community center’s kitchen to drop off two “large” bags filled with sandwiches, beverages, and desserts for blood donors.

“She was just really sweet,” another volunteer, Georjean Burnell, 46, told BuzzFeed News. “She just kind of walked in with her crew and started putting ice waters in the bucket with us and laying out chips for the people who were needing snacks before and after donating.”

“It’s funny, we didn’t even know it was her until after she left and now we’re so sad. I mean, to be honest, we thought she was our neighbor.”


The Duchess of Sussex paid a visit to a memorial for the victims of the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, on Thursday morning.

Accompanied by a bodyguard and wearing a baseball cap, white T-shirt and jeans, she looked down at crosses left to memorialize the 19 children and two teachers killed in the attack. Ignoring calls from reporters, she placed white roses tied with a purple ribbon at the cross for 10-year-old Uziyah Garcia.
