

Seasonal bimbo crush

It is around this time of year when I am reminded of my huge crush on Anna Kendrick as as Noelle Kringle in Disney’s Noelle. In my personal opinion, based on my own personal preferences she has the perfect level of ditzy bimbo.

Now hear me out. Sure it’s a Disney movie and there is no sex in the movie, although Anna Kendrick can’t help being stunningly beautiful. The bimbo part comes from the fact that Noelle is so consumed with the Christmas spirit and being jolly and making other people jolly she is often oblivious to practical matters of the real world. She is reasonably functional, not completely out of it, but she does better when there is someone looking out for her. Which is exactly the level of delightful ditziness that I like to see in my bimbos. Not brain dead, or dumb to the point of being handicapped, but so focused on being happy and making others happy that she comes across as ditzy.
