#dw fanart


Doctor Who doodles!

Donna Noble ⭐️✨

“I suppose, if it’s my last chance to say it… Rose Tyler-“

 sous la pleine lune immobile reblog/follow for more ActionFigures FanArtprompts and drabble(?) unde

sous la pleine lune immobile

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prompts and drabble(?) under the cut >>>>

doctober themes: COMFORT, HOPE, WORRY (but also BRIGHT, PURPLE & SCARF)

she sits down beside him and pulls him towards her, though the anxious tides in his mind threaten to sweep her under as well.

koschei crumples into her arms, but not without stretching the thick woolen blanket he was wearing around her shoulders, too. even inside the TARDIS’s narrow atmospheric field, it’s cold up here on the roof.

this never gets old, does it?! the expanse, the infinite possibilities of space… so many choices and so much nothingness between.

emptiness and fullness at once: like us, she thinks into the nest of his hair. she’s not even sure what she meant by that, but it triggers a warm burst of recognition.

i’ve got your back, theta. show me the stars.

she pretends to take him literally: you might want to open your eyes, love?

show me he tucks his face into her neck.

the doctor holds him close and looks around. the planets and lights within eyeshot shine out clearer and more appealing than ever, the depths between them more mysterious.

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depression(for a flickr group theme)he surrounds himself with cheerful chaos but some days the emptidepression(for a flickr group theme)he surrounds himself with cheerful chaos but some days the empti


(for a flickr group theme)

he surrounds himself with cheerful chaos but some days the emptiness and uncertainty are stronger than all his plans and optimism.
it doesn’t help that pain from old injuries often keeps him from staying active… what would otherwise reassure him of his own identity.

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Oh you know, just an insane amount of amy and rory related fanart. In the year of our lord 2021. Im normal
