#dyn jarren


I need Loungefly to start making some “The Mandalorian” mini backpacks and wallets.

They currently have a Boba Fett mini backpack tho

Come on Loungefly

Give me so Mando and baby yoda backpacks!

Spoilers for Episode 7. Look away! If you haven’t seen it.

So you’re telling me that Kuiil died but that red devil looking thing from episode 6 didn’t die after getting double smashed?

Girl BYE.

P.S I have a feeling that the Mandalorian Squad is going to make an appearance once again. I’m ready to see my thick blue boii !!(the heavy infantry)

Mando & Baby Yoda Phone Case!

GetItCreations did “The Mandalorian” inspired phone cases. She will be releasing these for samsung by the end of January. She currently has them for iPhone on her website. Please visit her shop on etsy!


I drew this inspired by this post by @ahs0ka-tano​ so please enjoy a father dropping his son off at Wizard School

[Rbs > likes]

In honor of being broken from the season finale, here’s what I drew from last weeks episode

#Out of character nonsense.

Mandadlorian is protective over his aliitALT

Later that evening…

“Where are you going?” Omera asked without looking up from the soft toy she was sewing. Next to her, the boy eagerly eyes the bo-toad taking shape in her hands.

Mando slapped the last of his hunting gear onto his person before exiting the Razor Crest. “Scouting,” was all he said.

A minute passed between Omera and Cara after the mandalorian departed. Another minute trickled by before the ex shock trooper exhaled loudly and made her way towards the side exit.

“Might as well keep him from doing anything stupid.” She grumbled while setting her blaster to stun.

“We’ll be right behind you.” Omera called out as she terminated a knot.

The baby wasted no time fitting the finished doll into his mouth as the widow made her way towards the weapons rack. Only after securing a collapsible rifle under her skirt, she scooped up the boy (and gently pried the toy out of his mouth) to join Cara outside.

The baby cooed happily to his new toy, blissfully unaware of the exchange between his caretakers.

A.k.a. #mando says don’t touch my babies

I’m thinking, and in the same vein as the writing style…

The Cargo

#mandalorian auALT

A couple of years from now, Mando spots Winta in an underground slave auction, freshly purchased off a previous master (‘slave’ branded onto her wrist) and looking malnourished. He talks to her handler for information on how and where they acquired her and if there are any others. After some dealing gone wrong (because, Mando), he takes Winta with him and tries to find out more about her mother’s fate and Sorgan.

Sorgan has been swept up in the early path of the First Order, with Omera sold to a brothel in another system. Mando leaves Winta in a safe shelter and calls up Cara for a favour (to find Omera and other Sorgan survivors, and to reunite the mother and daughter). He takes off to handle the next task on his list, but suddenly gets attacked in mid flight.

Turns out, Winta has snuck on board (she has a tracker sewn under her skin) and refuses to leave the Mandalorian and the Baby. The handler’s hired goons board the Razor Crest, forcing Mando to abandon the cockpit to deal with the trespassers all the while talking Winta through the flight controls.

They exit the orbit and into an asteroid belt, and Winta successfully shakes off their pursuers while Mando spaces the goons. Mando comes up to the cockpit and spots the kids huddling each other. He awkwardly praises Winta on a job well done, and is interrupted by a call by Cara.

Cara informs him that the transport vehicle that was supposed to take Omera to the other system had been hijacked en route a couple years back. Most of the Sorgan survivors have landed on a nearby planet and were accounted for, but Omera isn’t among them. The last thing Cara is able to track is a landspeeder that the widow has stolen to a space port, possibly to get Winta back.

Mando quietly decides to reunite Winta with the other Sorgans (as the first step) and they try to deactivate her tracker along the way.

Nothing always go according to plan.

(Or single dad adopts another kid, finds his budget getting tighter, and realises he may have to fight off more wolves while the girl is more interested in piloting/ship manuals and playing with the baby brother)
