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Jack Dylan Grazer while filming some videos with his friends and showing off his dad bod.  He had been feeling slight pains, which was getting stronger and stronger as time went on. And his friends were starting to get concerned about it, but Jack continued to deny that he was going in to labor.  That all change when his water finally broke and he felt the need to start pushing.

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The news broke of Jy Simpkin, but this time he was being a surrogate for his closest friend and childhood friend.  It turned out he couldn’t have kids, but when Jy found out about that he jump at the chance to help his good mate.  And his fans were so happy for him.  And Jy couldn’t help but share his growing bump with the world.  And with his friend and the friend’s girlfriend so excited about being parents they could help but send as much time with Jy as they humanly possibly could getting to know their little one.

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One thing any pregnant man need to do during his pregnancy is do a little exercise.  And Dylan Sprayberry is no exception.  He would always do a little light exercising while his buddies would box.  And before he found out he was pregnant he would too, but after getting the news he took it a little easier on himself and the baby. But he would aways watch the matches that would go on in the gym and usually if he was getting to riled up the baby would bring him back to reality.

If anyone already morph this picture please don’t tell me I didn’t do this to copy anyone if he or she already morph this picture I just choose it and it just happen

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Gregg Sulkin was taking a quick walk to his parents’ place when he started feeling contraction.  But since he was late in his pregnancy and confused them with the Braxton hicks contractions, Gregg just ignored them.  And he reached the driveway and his parents were out on the porch about to rush over to hug him was when Gregg let out a horrible scream of pain and clutching his stomach.  His parents rushed over and that’s when their son’s water broke and they all headed to the hospital to meet his triplets.

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James Maslow and his girlfriend, Caitlin Spears, where on one of their daily walks when James suddenly felt the need to go home and head to the hospital.  How ever Caitlin was a little confused by the continuous suggests to end the walk then and there and head home.  It was only when she noticed the massive wet spot between James’s legs.  And that when she knew that the triplets were coming.  And his water broke.  But eventually the couple arrived and that when they headed to the hospital where James and Caitlin met their three wonderful children, one girl and two boys.

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Phelps Twins, James and Oliver, were promoting the newest Harry Potter attraction at Universal Studios Orlando Resort.  But there was one thing the fans noticed the twins were sporting rather large bellies.  But when they revealed they were pregnant the fans just went crazy by the news.  The twins actually were surprised by all the gifts their fans were sending them, but it didn’t stop the boys from sending the fans a thank you basket.

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Kendall Schmidt and Micaela von Turkovich were packing up from the camping trip that Michaela had been protesting for the last month since Kendall’s water had just broke.  But he thought he would have more time since the triplets weren’t due for a few more weeks.  And Kendall thought they could go camping one last time before their kids would come.  But he was so wrong and as they had finally arrive that morning at the campsite was when the contraction started to hit him. But he was ignoring them until they were getting hard to ignore and only a few hours in to the trip was when it ended.

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Logan Henderson and his girlfriend, Jazzy, thought since their twins weren’t due for about three week.  So they scheduled a paternity shoot.  The was going fine and everyone was having a blast even Logan and Jazzy.  But that all change towards the end of the shoot. That was when he started feeling contractions.  But he figure it was the twins moving around.  And as the photographer snapped the last picture was when Logan knew the twins were coming that day.  As he felt a rush of warm water running down his legs.  That when he knew his water broke.

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Robert Pattinson and his girlfriend, Suki Waterhouse, were having a little bedtime fun when they interrupted by the contraction that Robert was having.  But thinking they were Braxton hicks contractions he just ignore the contractions as best as he could it was only when he felt his water break did he know that their sex fun would have to end early.  And that what he guest was their one and only child was coming, but it turned out they were have quats.


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Ryan Potter while taking some down time from filming season four he ended up pregnant.  Like many young people they wanted to try the Pregnancy Liquid and Ryan ended up getting his hand on it.  And being single he never knew who should be either the mother or father of his kid.  And after heading to the local club he was chatting up with a few of the club goers both guys and girls and finally got someone to help. Ryan got what he wanted and was now going to be a dad.

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Zak Butters once again showing of his dad bod while supporting his fellow teammates.  He had been so supportive of Jy Simpkin and Riley Bonner and finding out they both were pregnant but this time being surrogates, Zak thought he should be a surrogate too. And for a nice older couple, who waited to long to get pregnant.  And now they are going to be parents.  And that just made Zak so happy to do this, but since he had been pregnant before he knew what he was in for.

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Tom Daley posing with other drivers showing off his pregnant belly. Showing off his triplet filled belly was thinking about how he and his husband, Dustin Lance Black got these miracles.He like many other couples used the the Pregnancy Liquid the Super-Fan used.  And Tom and Dustin couldn’t wait to be parents.  And many others were too.  And ever since the liquid was synthesized many couple whether they are straight couple or gay couple, could be parents.  And Tom so looking forward to having kids.  Yet Dustin would get turned on ever time he saw his husband getting bigger and bigger. But what neither Tom or Dustin didn’t see coming was Tom’s water breaking.

Happy President’s Day Everyone And Those Who Celebrate It

Well as the title suggest it Request Week again everybody and the first one of 2022.  So more than likely I’m going to do the request the last full week of the month. And maybe later down the line I’ll expend it to the first and last full weeks of the month.  Until then it’s the last week.  So this being the first one it starting now February 21st and will end on February 25th.  And I’ll post the request(s) on either Saturday and/or Sunday depending on how many I get.  So if you want to comment on here with your requests or you can message me the request and tell me the celebrity or celebrities you want me to morph.  Or if you would like me to morph a certain picture(s) just send it to me through messaging.

Here Are The Rules For Requests/Request Week:
1. Celebrities Must Be 18+ At The Time Of Request
2. No Nude Keep It PG (Celebs Must In At Least Their Underwear Or Speedos And Porn Stars Must Have Some Form Of Clothing On Or Something At Least Medium Size Covering Their Junk)
3. No Politicians, Government Leaders Or Members Of The Trump Family (They All Have Screws Lose And That Include Foreign Politicians And Leaders)
4. Celebrities Must Be Alive At The Time Of The Request
5. If A Band I Will More Than Likely Do About Half Of Members
6. Celebrities Must Not Be In Jail Or Under Arrest At The Time Of The Request
7. No Alcohol Or Drugs In The Pictures
8. No Racist Or Political Agendas In The Pictures
9. No Adult/Minor Relationships In The Pictures
10. No Bestiality, Incest Or Pedophilia In Pictures
11. No Requests Off Of Tumblr/Twitter
12. Don’t Be Super Specific About What You Want In The Picture

And I want to thank everyone who requested the morphs this week and the previous Request Weeks or just Requested anything from when I first start up until now.  I really enjoyed doing them and they have been a big help.  I have slowly been getting better with each morph and I know eventually they will be flawless.  I hope that you all like them and if you ever want to request a celebrity or celebrities outside of Request Week you can always message me or post your request on one of my post and I’ll do it.  There might be some exceptions too that like if I’m out of town for the week or weekend, that week is busy at work or school, or if life throw me a curve ball, some holidays, but I’ll get it posted the following week if that’s the case.  Anyway I want to thank you all again.

Thanks A Ton and Be Totally Awesome Everyone

Okay so I’m doing a special St. Patrick’s Day Morph and for some of the other holidays too.  And I was going to let you the followers vote on who I should do.  So basically what I’ll do is pick about 6-8 characters form a Movie franchise or TV Series that has been around for at least 2 years or longer. And once my choices are made then you the follower can pick up to 2 of the from both St. Patrick’s Day list. So for this one I have the list of 6 this time.  So you can either Write on this post or send me a message and vote that way I’ll keep it up until Feb. 21st to Mar. 11th so that 3 weeks and now here are your choices.

Ready Player One: Wade Watts/Parzival (Tye Sheridan)
Fantastic Four:  Johnny Storm/Human Torch (Michael B. Jordan)
X-Men: First Class:  Henry “Hank” McCoy/Beast (Nicholas Hoult)

American Horror Story:  Tate Langdon (Evan Peters)
MacGyver:  Angus MacGyver (Lucas Till)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.:  Robbie Reyes/Ghost Rider (Gabriel Luna)

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Back in 2020 in one of the MCU’s alternate Earths, two candidates ran for the presidency both republicans and democrats tried their best to run a good campaign, but neither of the candidates could compete with Loki. He managed to win the US 2020 presidential election and become the president of the US.  He had been one of the most controversial individuals to run for office.  But somehow he managed to win without using his tricks or magic or anything.

However a few years in to his first term President Loki manage to get pregnant and had decided to tell his stepfather, Odin.  And after taking a quick trip to Asgard to see his stepbrother, Thor, were he was welcome with open arms.  Where they were all surprised to see Loki with child.  And Odin was just as surprised by the news when he was told.
