
A kayaker explores the shipwrecks of Mallows Bay-Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary

Paddling through history ‍♂️

Can you envision what it would be like to kayak through the remains of over 100 wooden WWI steamships in Mallows Bay-Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary?

A partially-submerged yellow submarine

Today is National Submarine Day! What popular song does this photo remind you of?

This brightly colored submersible, called Delta, has performed more than 7,000 deep-water dives, many of which were in and around Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. It’s also nicknamed “the Jeep of the Seas”!

Manatee swimming underwater amongst other manatees in shallow waters

Today is the last day of #WorldWildlifeWeek and our final #WorldWildlifeWeek two truths and a lie game. Can you guess which of these three statements isn’t true about the West Indian manatee found in Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary?

  1. Full grown manatees typically weigh between 400 and 500 pounds.
  2. Manatees eat up to 150 pounds of plants each day.
  3. Manatees are mammals.

Let us known the comments!

Sand tiger shark swims over a shipwreck

Monitor National Marine Sanctuary is home to the sand tiger shark. Our #WorldWildlifeWeek two truths and a lie game continues- can you guess which of these three statements is not true?

  1. Sand tiger sharks are only found in shallow depths (less than 100 feet).
  2. Sand tiger sharks are migratory within their region.
  3. Sand tiger sharks can be found in warm and temperate seas around the globe.