#easy spell



Simple Spells

Some simple spells for my fellow lazy witches.

custodiat animam - “Protect Mind” ~To protect against psychological attacks

Beati mundo Tenebrae Responsories - “Clean of darkness” ~ A simple cleansing spell

beatus somnum - “Blessed Sleep” ~ For a good night’s sleep

visus posterum - “future sight” ~ for good decision making or insight

calidum et tutum - “Warm and safe” ~ To make a place comfortable or to enchant a blanket to be nicer



                                               WIP since 01|14|19

This is updated very often as it is a work in progress, so please go here for the most updated version! Links will become available as I complete the artwork for each topic! I also highly appreciate topic suggestions/requests! Please join me on this exciting (and very lengthy) journey! 


Brief History
“How It Works”
Types of Magic (Ongoing)
Types of Witches (Ongoing)
Cleansing Your Space
Casting/Closing A Circle
Writing Your Own Spells
Law of Correspondence 
Spirit Guides
Making An Altar
Keeping A Journal


Cardinal Directions
Days of The Week
Moon Cycles
Herbs (Ongoing)
Trees (Ongoing)
Floral (Ongoing)
Crystals (Ongoing)
Major Sigils 
Water (Includes Rain Types)
Deities (Ongoing)
Animal Energies (Ongoing)
Magical Alphabets (Ongoing)
Deities In Magic


NOTE:Need a spell not listed here? Just contact me! Also, alterations are available for all spells if need be, just shoot me a message.




Need a magic(k) word not listed here? Just contact me!



NOTE:Need a sigil for a purpose not listed here? Just contact me!



Lucid Dreaming
Astral Dynamics
Thought Forms
The Aura


 A History of Witchcraft: Sorcerers, Heretics, & Pagans by Jeffrey B. Russel

Condensed Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos Magic by Phil Hine

Astral Dynamics: A New Approach to Out-Of-Body Experiences by Robert Bruce


NOTE: All original, unbiased witchcraft profiles of those who like and/or reblog this will be will be reviewed and will have a chance to be added to this section!






Soon I may begin working on a Witchcraft Masterpost. This one would be a little different from my other masterposts as it would be strictly image based (some might be animated). Think “witch tips” but organized in a way that would allow a beginner to actually learn things in order. Images will be original and designed by me~! 

This is going to be a huge undertaking (sooo many topics to touch on, this is probably like a year or more in the making) but I’m ready for it and I think it’ll be a fun journey for both myself and all of you witches out there, both experienced and new! ❤

Please leave a like and/or reblog if this is something you’re interested in!

       Well it looks like I’m doing this!!  You guys seem as                 excited about this as I am. Thank you all~! ❤ 


It is believed by some that charging a crystal or stone helps it get its energy back to its fullest. Some crystal workers do not believe charging is necessary, such as Naisha Ahsian in her article: Stop Charging Your Crystals… Naisha makes a very solid argument, though I find charging my crystals to be a bonding experience that not only strengthens my spiritual relationship with my crystals but also serves as a means to thank and honor them.

If you so choose to charge a crystal, first clear any unwanted or negative energy from the crystal or other stone by cleansing them

With all methods of charging, first set your intention and state silently or aloud that you are doing this to charge your crystal for the best and highest good of all concerned.  After your stone is charged, thank the Divine by whatever name you know it for assisting in charging your stone. Now proceed with the method of charging your crystal. Here are several methods you can use.

  • Sunlight or Moonlight Method: The sun’s and moon’s rays are very energizing, as well as energetically clearing. You can use this method to both clear and charge your crystals at the same time.  Find a safe place and leave your crystal for 24 hours or more (up to a week)  in sunlight and/or moonlight.  Some crystals colors will fade in Sunlight, so those should be charged only in moonlight. Some stones that will fade in the sun are amethyst, celestite, kunzite, opal, and turquoise. If you have any doubts at all, only use moonlight charging. This can also clear the stones of unwanted energies at the same time if you set your intent to do that as well. 
  • Charging Stones: Some stones can be very energizing to other stones. In most cases, they can also clear their energy. That makes using charging stones a handy method of charging a crystal.  Simply place your crystal needing charging on a cluster or larger piece of a stone that can charge others such as selenite, amethyst cluster, quartz cluster, or carnelian. Leave your crystal there for 24 hours or until it feels like it is at full energy.
  • Charging Grid: This is a variation on using charging stones. Take a group of quartz crystals (4 to 8 or more) and point them inward in a circle. Place the crystal or stone you want to be charged in the center of the circle and leave it there to charge for 24 hours or more.
  • Plant Method: Place your crystal among the leaves of a growing, healthy plant for 24 hours or more to charge it. This is said to bring growth energies to the charged crystal.
  • Burial: This method is good for grounding stones in particular, such as most any black stone, smoky quartz, red jasper, and others. Bury the stone in the ground for a week or more to charge it. This can also clear unwanted energies at the same time. Be sure when you bury your stone that you mark the area so you know where to find it when the week is up.
  • Use Energy: This can be called lots of things. When people use “energy” to charge a crystal, what they mean might not always be exactly the same. Directing one’s own energy into the object can refer to the act of imagining your aura/prana/chi/qi/spirit entering the crystal. Many people claim to be able to feel this occur. As it is an intuitive process, you may wish to rely on your own instincts or those of a mentor in order to determine if you are doing this properly. 
  • Unconventional Methods: Get creative with charging! Some individuals charge their crystals by simply kissing them! 

Whichever method you choose or come up with, the exact length of time needed for charging varies according to the state of the crystal or stone to begin with. Trust your intuition and higher self to lead you to the best methods and lengths of time for you and the stone.


This cleansing process isn’t a ‘physical’ cleaning with soap and water, but intended to cleanse the stone of its stored energies, both good and bad. Crystals that you work with or keep with you often should be cleansed more regularly than the ones that may simply be sitting on your desk or in a box. However, it is nice to give all of your crystals a nice energetic tune-up every now and then. Use your intuition on how often your crystals need a little extra care. Sidenote: You should always cleanse your crystals when you first obtain them. 

In this post I list the most common RISK and NON-RISK methods for cleansing.

                           ⚡RISKY CLEANSING METHODS⚡


Suitable crystals can be left out in the rain, soaked in a bowl, taken with you in the shower/bath, or simply rinsed under the facet if you’re in a hurry. 

Water is one of the simplest cleansing mediums, however certain crystals are too sensitive for water. I highly suggest only using this method if you know exactly what you are doing.When in doubt, don’t. Check my post on Crystal Caution to know what crystals to avoid cleansing in this way.


Suitable crystals can be left to soak in seawater or water mixed with sea salt. Cooking salt can also be used if sea salt/water is not available. You should fill a glass bowl (not metal) about half to one-third full and place your crystals so they are fully submerged in the salt water for anywhere between 1 to 24 hours. Many people leave them in salt water overnight but a crystal that needs a much deeper and more thorough cleansing can be left for up to 1 week. You should thoroughly rinse your crystals in cool running water after spending time in salt water to remove any remaining salt.  After use, the salt water must be flushed away and never re-used because it will have absorbed negative and unwanted energies.

Please be aware that this method must be avoided for certain crystals as it can have an adverse effect on them and even change their appearance and properties! I highly suggest only using this method if you know exactly what you are doing. When in doubt, don’t. Check my post on Crystal Caution to know what crystals to avoid cleansing in this way. 


Another salt method is to half-fill a glass bowl with sea salt (or cooking salt) and place your crystals directly into the salt. Either bury them into the dry salt or leave them on the surface. They should be left in the salt for several hours, overnight or for several days. Your crystals should then be rinsed thoroughly under cool running water to remove any remaining salt. After use, the salt must be thrown away and never re-used because it will have absorbed negative and unwanted energies.

Again, take care when placing your crystals directly onto dry salt as the salt can have an adverse effect on certain crystals, as explained above. I highly suggest only using this method if you know exactly what you are doing.When in doubt, don’t. Check my post on Crystal Caution to know what crystals to avoid cleansing in this way.


This is considered the safest salt-cleansing method and should be used where the crystals may otherwise be damaged by direct contact with salt.  This is also a good method if you are cleansing gemstones found in jewelry or gems surrounded by metal.

First, fill a glass bowl half to two thirds full with dry sea salt (or cooking salt). Then place a smaller glass container or shallow drinking glass and half-bury this glass into the salt.  You can then place your crystals directly into the empty glass which is sitting half buried in the dry salt.  The salt will still be able to draw out the stored energies within the stones but this method will take longer to work than direct contact with salt.  

You may also pour just enough water (preferably pure, distilled or mineral water) into the smaller glass container, just enough to cover the crystals.  This will protect them and prevent direct 'salt exposure’ or 'salty air’ from causing any corrosion or adverse effects to any metals or other fittings that may surround the gems. 

The used salt should be thrown away and never re-used.

Again, bear in mind that certain crystals should not be left to soak in water. I highly suggest only using this method if you know exactly what you are doing.When in doubt, don’t. Check my post on Crystal Caution to know what crystals to avoid cleansing in this way.

                         SAFE CLEANSING METHODS


One of my favorite techniques. All crystals can be cleansed safely by placing them inside an Amethyst Geode Cave overnight or for 24-48 hours.  An Amethyst Druse, Cluster, or Bed can also be used in the same way.  

It is believed by some that a Clear Quartz Geode, Bed or Cluster provides a faster cleansing process than Amethyst, but both methods are equally as effective. 

Simply place no more than a few crystals onto the crystal points and leave for anything up to 24-48 hours. These crystal cluster formations (both Amethyst and Quartz) have the ability to absorb the energies contained within crystals, neutralize the energies and then release 'good’ energy from the cluster back into the crystals being cleansed, so they can effectively cleanse and energize at the same time.


This is my favorite cleansing technique as it is safe for all crystals. This involves burning a medium and holding the crystals in the smoke to cleanse the stored energies. Some suggestions for burning mediums are sage sticks (avoid white sage as it is endangered), incense sticks/cones, or palo santo. 

Several types of incense are specifically recommended for this because, when burned, they release certain elements into the air via the smoke which can effectively remove bad and built-up energies. The following incense sticks are particularly recommended for effective smoke cleansing: Sage and Sweetgrass, Sandalwood or Cedarwood.  

A feather can be used to fan the smoke across the crystals and this only needs to be done for a short amount of time. 20 to 30 seconds should be long enough.  

That all being said, any type of natural/earthy smoke will cleanse effectively. 


This is another one of my favorite cleansing techniques, as it is also safe for all crystals. You can use visualization or 'thought energy’ to cleanse crystals. Simply hold the crystal, focus on it, and visualize a bright white light surrounding the crystal, followed by a beam of white light coming down through the stone, passing all the way through the stone, taking away stored energy within the stone.  

Do this until you feel happy that the white light has done its job and flushed away the stored energies.  The 'thought energy’ generated by you will be transmitted to the stone and this cleansing energy will do the job of clearing the stone of its stored energies.


The power of the mind is often underestimated when it comes to magic/energy. If you believe you are cleansing your crystal, then the energy you are creating in your mind in thinking this way will cleanse your crystal. I also believe that coming up with your own cleansing techniques offers a more powerful cleansing in general.

For example, if you believe simply giving your crystal a kiss will cleanse it, then it will. If you believe swinging a selenite pendulum around your crystals will cleanse them, then it will. If you feel that you are adequately cleansing your crystal, then you are. Go with your intuition and have fun! You aren’t “chained” to the most common cleansing techniques. Get creative!



Sunlight can cause certain crystals to fade. The following is a list of the some of the more common crystals that should avoid direct sunlight. 

  • Amethyst 
  • Citrine 
  • Ametrine 
  • Aquamarine
  • Celestite
  • Fluorite
  • Sapphire
  • Opal
  • Kunzite
  • Turquoise 
  • Topaz
  • Quartz Varieties


The scientific truth is that water is corrosive to certain types of crystals. Water can change the color of certain minerals, cause rust and can also make cracks appear. Any porous or softer crystal should not be cleaned with water. Any crystal with an iron content should avoid water. Any crystal with a hardness less than 5 should not come in contact with water. The following is a list of some of the more common crystals that should avoid water. 

  • Desert rose
  • Selenite (Gypsum)
  • Tourmaline
  • Pink Himalayan 
  • Calcite Varieties 
  • Unpolished Malachite 
  • Angelite 
  • Celestite 
  • Calcite
  • Mica
  • Opal
  • Lepidolite 
  • Muscovite
  • Unpolished Turquoise
  • Hematite
  • Lodestone
  • Pyrite
  • Dioptase
  • Lapus Lazuli
  • Magnetite


Salt isn’t for every stone. If salt gets humid, it can liquify and cause the same problems that immersing the stone in water would. So because of that, I would suggest not using the salt method for any stone with a water sensitivity (above), or any stone that could get a shard of salt trapped within it (geodes, etc). Any crystal with a hardness less than 7 should not be cleansed with salt.


Some crystals are sensitive to heat, such as Malachite.


When in doubt, avoid these methods of cleansing/charging or use the non-contact method. Do your research before cleansing/charging your crystal. 

If you know of a specific crystal that should avoid any of these methods, please list them in the comments and I will add them to this post!  


No one can yet say categorically how crystals work, although there have been many suggestions based on vibrational resonance and the water and crystalline content of the human body.

Michael Gienger postulates that the power of a crystal to generate light interacts with the cells of the physical body. What is clear is that crystals have an energy field that interacts with any other energy field near it. The interaction of the energy field of a crystal and a human being can, for example, be photographed with a Kirlian camera.

At the simplest level, many crystals contain traces of therapeutic minerals that pass across the skin barrier to bring about physiological changes. Kunzite, as already mentioned, contains lithium, which is used by doctors to medicate depression and bipolar disorders. Crystal users hold Kunzite or place it on their heart and feel uplifted.

Similarly the copper content in Malachite alleviates arthritic discomfort – although too much is toxic. It’s a matter of maintaining the balance. However, as Michael Gienger puts it, crystals are actually an information system that radiates energy. Find the right information, and the correct crystal carrier, and the body will be brought back into balance.

As we have seen, crystals have an orderliness of structure at the molecular level, with each molecule vibrating at the same rate as all the others. Synchronization takes place so that all the units within the crystal – and every other crystal of the same type – vibrate in unison (a harmonic convergence). Each crystal type has its own fundamental frequency or harmonic note. This creates a coherent, resonant system with a stable frequency template.

Coherent systems are difficult to disrupt. Even if there is disharmony or discord nearby, their energy remains stable – and can restore equilibrium to the disrupted energy.

Crystal energy is shaped, amplified and discharged from a crystal’s termination and goes out rather like ripples in a pond, creating a rhythmic pattern that pulses in harmony. The basic template can be modified or directed by other energy, such as magnetism, color waves, intention or the power of thought, passing through it.

Scalar waves may well be the mechanism through which all energetic healing is effected. We’ll get to that in a moment.


At the most basic level, everything is energy. How it manifests is simply a matter of vibrational frequency and the crystalline structure (organic or inorganic) that enfolds it. The human body is no exception. It is a conductive energy system with crystalline structures in and around the blood, lymph and cells and it is repaired and maintained by a complex electrochemical system.

In other words, it runs on vibrations.

This is not only with regard to physiological processes. Emotions and thoughts also have their own vibration (see the work of Bruce Lipton and Valerie Hunt), which go out of kilter during stress and can distort an internal crystal lattice in the body.

Through resonance and entrainment, crystals can restore equilibrium to us. But there is more to it than this. Crystal healing works at a distance. A subtle electromagnetic current passes between a crystal and a person whether or not they are in physical contact. What links and activates them is, I believe, consciousness and intention.


Einstein coined the term ‘uniform field theory’ when trying to find an overall system that would link all the known forces in the universe with fundamental particle physics. But thousands of years before that the Hindu text the Mundaka Upanishad declared:

‘The sparks, though of one nature with the fire, leap from it, uncounted beings leap from the Everlasting, but these, my son merge into It again. The Everlasting is shapeless, birthless, breathless, mindless, above everything, outside everything, inside everything.’

This description sounds exactly like the universe from the perspective of a quantum physicist or a modern mystic such as the systems theorist Ervin Laszlo, who says: ‘The primary “stuff” of the universe is energy and not matter, and space is neither empty nor passive – it’s filled with virtual energies and information.’ This also describes crystal energy.


Quantum physics suggests energy is not continuous but rather exists as packets of energy – energy that behaves like particles and yet acts like a wave.

Theoretical quantum physicist Dr. Fred Alan Wolf suggested that consciousness was a huge oceanic wave:

‘Consciousness is a huge oceanic wave that washes through everything, and it has ripples and vibrations in it. When there are acts of consciousness, the wave turns into bubbles at that moment, it turns to froth.’

He pointed out that everything, human beings included, was composed of quantum ‘froth’ and that under an electron microscope we would see:

‘A rather bizarre-looking light show, of things popping on and off, vanishing and reappearing, matter created out of nothing and then vanishing. And in that vanishing and creation, an electromagnetic signal is piped from one point to another point.’

This perfectly describes how I perceive crystal energy moving from a crystal to a body, or going out into the future to bring back information (in quantum physics, particles of energy move forward and backward, see below), or entraining two energy fields.


Entrainment is an energetic interaction. It is defined as ‘the synchronization of two or more rhythmic cycles’. In conventional entrainment, a smaller energetic field takes on the characteristics of a larger field, but this works both ways, and the larger field can take on the characteristics of the smaller, especially when directed by intention.

So, the crystalline structures in the body, especially its flowing tides of blood, lymph, intercellular and synovial fluid, can be entrained into a more perfect energy pattern.

Time and distance have no relevance here. Research has shown that the brainwaves of a healer and the recipient synchronize, or entrain, no matter what the distance. The same may well be true of crystals.

A crystal’s pulsing energy field has perfect equilibrium and its sympathetic resonance stabilizes a larger field through the energetic synchronization of two crystalline structures.


Quantum physics has demonstrated that simultaneous transfer of energy is possible. A particle can be in one place and in another at the same time and thought has an instantaneous effect over vast distances. So it seems feasible that crystal energy can travel from a crystal to the recipient.

It is my belief that what unifies and pervades the quantum and the crystal field is consciousness, which is present in and around everything in the universe. Although consciousness studies are increasing, research has not yet turned its attention to crystal consciousness.


Research has, however, been conducted into bioscalar waves. A bioscalar wave is a standing energy field created when two fields interact from different angles and counteract each other so that the field reverts to a ‘static state of potentiality’.

Research scientist and Professor Emeritus of Physiological Science at UCLA Dr. Valerie V. Hunt says that bioscalar waves are ‘alive with checked and balanced energies that cancel each other out so that they cannot be measured or evaluated by the instruments in current use’. It is, she says, a ‘strong, huge, and yet passive [force]… Only its effects tell us that it exists in space and has power.’

Laser therapy specialist Kalon Prensky describes a scalar wave as ‘a non-linear, non-Hertzian, standing wave capable of supporting significant effects including carrying information and inducing higher levels of cellular energy, which greatly enhances the performance and effectiveness of the body and immune system.

Additionally, it helps to clear cellular memory by shifting polarity, similar to erasing the memory of a cassette tape with a magnet.’ He states that ‘Scalar Waves travel faster than the speed of light and do not decay over time or distance.’ This sounds very much like crystal energy, and depictions of scalar waves look incredibly similar to the crystal energy perceived by a Kirlian camera or the intuitive eye.

Many of the newer crystals such as Anandalite, Que Sera, Quantum Quattro and Rainbow Mayanite contain concentrated bioscalar energy. All healing crystals probably have this energy within their matrix and generate it through their crystalline structure.

If, as subtle energy researcher Lilli Botchis asserts, ‘When the human body enters a scalar wave field, the electromagnetic field of the individual becomes excited [and] this catalyzes the mind/body complex to return to a more optimal state that is representative of its original, natural, electrical matrix form,’ we can see how a crystal with its optimal energy pattern might operate on the human – and planetary – energy body.


Research suggests that bioscalar waves assist cell membranes in switching on the most beneficial genetic functions and switching off detrimental patterns encoded within DNA. It has been demonstrated that they directly influence tissue at the microscopic level, bringing about a healing balance.

They have been shown to enhance the immune and endocrine systems, stabilize chemical processes, improve the coherence of the biomagnetic field and accelerate healing at all levels. They also release stored emotions and ingrained thoughts from the cellular structures of the body, removing a root cause of psychosomatic dis-ease. Exactly what is claimed for crystal energy and crystal healing.


Points to consider:

  • Only one thousand millionth part of our body is matter. The rest is energy.
  • Water is a crystalline structure.
  • The human body is around 57 percent water, and that water is found in every part of the body, therefore the human body is crystalline.
  • Crystals generate, store and radiate energy.
  • Quantum physics describes energy as controlling
  • matter.
  • Fundamental particles such as electrons influence each other at a considerable distance.
  • Each individual crystal carries the energetic resonance of the crystal type, no matter where in the world it may be.
  • Everything is interconnected in such a way that the smallest piece contains the properties of the whole (the holographic universe).

So it would appear that crystal healing works by bringing back into equilibrium all the separate elements of the body, utilizing universal energetic forces that are encoded into the crystals.

The information field of a crystal interacts with that of a human being or a particular environment, with each part influencing the other. This can work at a distance, powered by intention and consciousness.

In other words, as Professor John Wheeler puts it, ‘In some strange sense the quantum principle tells us that we are dealing with a participatory universe.’


The more you understand about crystals, the more effective they are! Crystals were created as the earth formed and they have continued to metamorphose as the planet itself has changed. Crystals are the earth’s DNA, a chemical imprint for evolution. They are miniature storehouses, containing the records of the development of the earth over millions of years, and bearing the indelible memory of the powerful forces that shaped it. Some have been subjected to enormous pressure, others grew in chambers deep underground, some were laid down in layers, others dripped into being–all of which affects their properties and the way they function. Whatever form they take, their crystalline structure can absorb, conserve, focus, and emit energy, especially on the electromagnetic waveband. 


Because of chemical impurities, radiation, earth and solar emissions, and the exact means of their formation, each type of crystal has its own specific “note.” Formed out of an array of minerals, a crystal is defined by its internal structure–an orderly, repeating atomic lattice that is unique to its species. A large or small specimen of the same type of crystal will have exactly the same internal structure, which can be recognized under a microscope.

This unique geometric crystal lattice is how crystals are identified and means that some crystals, such as Aragonite, have several very different external forms and colors, which at first glance could not possibly be the same crystal. However, because the internal structure is identical, they are classified as the same crystal. It is this structure, rather than the mineral or minerals out of which it is formed, that is crucial to crystal classification. In some cases the mineral content differs slightly, creating the various colors in which a particular crystal can be found. 

While a number of crystals may be formed out of the same mineral or combination of minerals, each type will crystallize out differently. A crystal is symmetrical along an axis. Its regular external planes are an outward expression of its internal order. Each matching pair of faces has exactly the same angles. The internal structure of any crystalline formation is constant and unchanging. 

Crystals are built from one of the seven possible geometric forms: triangles, squares, rectangles, hexagons, rhomboids, parallelograms, or trapeziums. These forms lock together into a number of potential crystal shapes, which have generic names based on their internal geometry. As the name suggests, a hexagonal crystal is formed from hexagons built into a three-dimensional shape. A collection of squares forms a cubic crystal, triangles a trigonal, and rectangles a tetragonal crystal, while rhomboids form an orthorhombic crystal, trapeziums a triclinic, and parallelograms a monoclinic crystal. The outer forms of the crystal will not necessarily reflect its inner structure. 

At the heart of a crystal is the atom and its component parts. An atom is dynamic, consisting of particles rotating around a center in constant motion. So, although a crystal may look outwardly serene, it is actually a seething molecular mass vibrating at a certain frequency. This is what gives a crystal its energy. 


The earth began as a whirling cloud of gas, out of which was created a dense dust bowl. This contracted into a white-hot, molten ball. Gradually, over eons, a thin layer of this molten material, magma, cooled into a crust–the earth’s mantle. The crust is relatively about as thick as the skin on an apple. Inside that crust, the hot, mineral-rich, molten magma continues to boil and bubble and new crystals form. 

Some crystals, such as Quartz, arise from the fiery gases and molten minerals in the earth’s center. Superheated, they rise toward the surface, propelled by stresses caused by movement of huge plates on the earth’s surface. As gases penetrate the crust and meet solid rock, they cool and solidify–a process that may take eons or may be fast and furious. If the process has been relatively slow, or if the crystal grows in a gas bubble, then large crystals can grow. If the process is fast, then the crystals are small. If the process stops and starts, effects such as phantom or self-healed crystals are possible. If the process is exceptionally fast, a glass-like substance, such as Obsidian, is formed rather than crystals. Crystals such as Aventurine or Peridot are created at high temperature from liquid magma. Others, such as Topaz and Tourmaline, are formed when gases penetrate adjoining rocks.

Yet other forms arise when magma cools sufficiently for water vapor to condense into a liquid. The resulting mineral-rich solution lays down crystals such as Aragonite and Kunzite. When it penetrates fissures in surrounding rock, the solution is able to cool very slowly and lay down large crystals and geodes such as Chalcedony and Amethyst.

Crystals like Garnet are formed deep in the earth when minerals melt and recrystallize under intense pressure and enormous heat. These crystals are known as metamorphic because they have undergone a chemical change that has reorganized the original lattice.

Calcite and other sedimentary crystals form from an erosion process. Rocks at the surface break down and mineralized water dripping through rock or traveling as a river lays down weathered material as new crystals, or the minerals become cemented together. Such crystals are often laid down in layers of a “bedrock” and tend to be softer in texture. Crystals are often found still attached to the bedrock on which they formed or cemented together as a conglomerate. This bedrock is known as the matrix. 


As many of you may know, this is a special month! On January 31st we will experience a blue supermoon which will reach a total lunar eclipse/blood moon. Here are some aspects you can work with during this upcoming rarity:

  • Protection
  • Strength
  • Beginnings of Positivity
  • Endings of Negativity
  • Overcoming Addiction
  • Healing
  • Ultimate Power
  • Spirit Work
  • Heightened Sensitivity 
  • Psychic Ability
  • Knowledge and Wisdom
  • Developing Magical Skills
  • Divination
  • Honoring Divinity
  • Water Magic
  • Hexes and Curses (If you so choose.)


  • Lately, a few people seem to have latched onto the idea that it’s just plain dangerous to perform magic during a lunar eclipse, especially if you’re a “newbie.” There is absolutely no logical basis for this theory. If you’re worried enough about the state of your psyche that you believe it could be somehow damaged by doing magic during an eclipse, then you need to either (a) not do magic at all, or (b) learn how to ground, center and shield so you won’t self-sabotage any workings you do.
  • Some practitioners see the eclipse period–which is generally pretty short–as being the equivalent of an entire lunar cycle packed into one brief event. 
  • In some modern magical traditions, a lunar eclipse is considered a sort of metaphysical bonus round–in other words, any spellwork you do during this period is amplified and has a bit of extra power behind it. If you’ve been waiting around for a good time to do some serious spell work, this is it. Pick a goal that serves your or others in a big way. 
  • Looking for something a little different? Raise power during the supermoon by catching the light in a magnifying glass and charging the altar or spell elements with it.   
  • The supermoon creates an especially strong pull on the ocean tides, making it an ideal time to work with the element of water.
  • Perhaps your schedule doesn’t permit you to use this event at the height of its power. In that case, leave out some crystals or make some moon water to store the supermoon’s energy for later use.
“I am kind, compassionate, and understanding.”This sigil offers assistance in remaining kind, compas

“I am kind, compassionate, and understanding.”

This sigil offers assistance in remaining kind,compassionate, and understanding in difficult situations. 

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