#the craft

acecroft:THE CRAFT (1996) dir. Andrew Fleming acecroft:THE CRAFT (1996) dir. Andrew Fleming acecroft:THE CRAFT (1996) dir. Andrew Fleming acecroft:THE CRAFT (1996) dir. Andrew Fleming acecroft:THE CRAFT (1996) dir. Andrew Fleming acecroft:THE CRAFT (1996) dir. Andrew Fleming acecroft:THE CRAFT (1996) dir. Andrew Fleming


THE CRAFT (1996) dir. Andrew Fleming

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Bad bitches to the ‘flo.

Bad bitches to the ‘flo.

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vivienvalentino: You girls watch out for those weirdos. We are the weirdos, mister. THE CRAFT1996, dvivienvalentino: You girls watch out for those weirdos. We are the weirdos, mister. THE CRAFT1996, dvivienvalentino: You girls watch out for those weirdos. We are the weirdos, mister. THE CRAFT1996, dvivienvalentino: You girls watch out for those weirdos. We are the weirdos, mister. THE CRAFT1996, dvivienvalentino: You girls watch out for those weirdos. We are the weirdos, mister. THE CRAFT1996, dvivienvalentino: You girls watch out for those weirdos. We are the weirdos, mister. THE CRAFT1996, dvivienvalentino: You girls watch out for those weirdos. We are the weirdos, mister. THE CRAFT1996, dvivienvalentino: You girls watch out for those weirdos. We are the weirdos, mister. THE CRAFT1996, dvivienvalentino: You girls watch out for those weirdos. We are the weirdos, mister. THE CRAFT1996, d


You girls watch out for those weirdos. 
We are the weirdos, mister.

1996, dir. Andrew Fleming 

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Designed to bring good fortune in money matters.

Perform on a Friday at Dawn.

Stand, facing the direction of the sun and say the following :

“Oh Ra, send down your rays that I may bathe in your glory. Send to me your blessings that from this day forth I may have financial security and all the riches I deserve. Oh lovely Venus hear me call to you. Let me wash away my imperfections with your beauty. Give to me all the money that I wish for and by your power it shall be done. By the mighty God Ra, and by the lovely Goddess Venus It shall be so.”

Perform the spell again on the following Monday.

Items needed :

  • Small jar
  • Broken glass
  • Nails
  • Thorns
  • Steel wool
  • Wormwood
  • Thistle 
  • Vinegar
  • Salt
  • Urine
  • Black candle
  • Red marker

Fill the jar with everything listed and seal. On top of the lid draw a pentacle with the red marker and place the black candle on the lid and light it. Chant the following :

Candle of black and hexes of old. Release the powers that you hold. Reverse the flow of spells once cast. Leave pain and sorrow in the past.

Let the candle burn out and bury the jar near your home. It should protect you for about 6 months.

For a Peaceful Home - Burn blue candles on Thursday 

To Overcome Fear - Burn red candles on Sunday  ♨️

For Inner Peace - Burn silver candles on Monday 

For Self-Confidence - Burn red candles on Sunday  ❣️

For Physical Well-being - Burn green candles on Friday  ♻️

To Overcome Regret or Guilt - Burn white candles on Wednesday 

For Mental Clarity - Burn yellow candles on Wednesday  ⚱️

To Let Go Of Anger - Burn orange candles on Monday 

For Success at Work - Burn green candles on Friday 


*credit to original author

*not mine! Credit to original author.

  • Decide on an amount of money that will fulfill your financial needs. Write it down on a piece of green or white paper. 
  • On the back of the same paper write down your full name and address, if no address write date and time of birth.
  • Soak the paper in pure orange juice and leave it to dry.
  • Once it is dry, place the paper on your heart chakra and say : 

“I open up this centre and twin my talisman with it.”

  • Lay down your paper and put a bowl down next to it.
  • Command out loud :

“Oh spirits of the lands beyond, come here to me this day. Stretch time and traverse the universe to be here.

Spirits of money I call to thee do my bidding, Hear my cry and hearken to my words.

Money spirits whose power is great, give to me this thing I ask. By the power of the money spirits So Mote It Be!”

  • Take the paper over the bowl and light the corner of it with matches or a lighter.
  • Place it in the bowl and wait for it to burn out. 
  • Spread the ashes over your front door.

Credits to source. This is not my original piece, I just use it regularly.

Needed : 

  • Rose Quartz
  • Mirror
  • Pink / white candle.

Place the lit candle in front of the mirror. With the Quartz in your hands, stare at the flame’s reflection and chant :

Oh blessed and reflected light, bring to me peace this night. Let my mind and heart be free; and filled with love and harmony.

Look into the mirror and try to see what you want to get rid of. See them being pulled into the flame’s reflection. Once all the negativity is cleared, place the mirror face down. Let the candle burn out or let it burn for 1 hour and put it out. Clean the mirror with your favourite purification solution or salt water once you are done.

Cap the lid tightly. At this point you can seal the bottle with candle wax if you choose. Add symbols of protection, your family seal, or anything you feel compelled to draw on the lid or the jar itself. When you’re finished, take another few minutes to sit quietly and add your intentions to the jar, then bury it as close as you can to your front door.

What you need : 

  • A jar 
  • 1/3 cup of salt
  • 3 sewing needles (or other related pins)
  • 3 iron nails (as big as will fit in the jar)
  • 9 tines from your broom
  • 3 tablespoons of protective herbs
  • A teaspoon of dirt from your yard
  • Red wine (or even your own urine)

Pour the salt into the jar and say: Salt for purification. 

Add the sewing needles, saying: As I myself sew the threads of my family life, may these needles sew safety around me and mine. 

Place the nails into the jar and say, As the nails in our home pierce the wood to hold our home strong, may these nails pierce all negativity and hold it safely away from us. 

Place the broom straw into the jar and repeat: As the broom in my home sweeps away dirt, so may these straws sweep negativity away from this home and its inhabitants. 

Add the herb and say: (Name of herb/herbs) strengthens this protection charm. 

With the addition of the dirt from your yard say: This soil binds this jar to my home and property. 

Pour in the liquid until the jar is almost completely filled, and it’s covered all of your ingredients. Hold the jar, concentrating on your feelings of protection toward your family, pets, and property, and say: Let this wine (urine) drown all evil that would seek to touch me and mine.

Cap the lid tightly. At this point you can seal the bottle with candle wax if you choose. Add symbols of protection, your family seal, or anything you feel compelled to draw on the lid or the jar itself. When you’re finished, take another few minutes to sit quietly and add your intentions to the jar, then bury it as close as you can to your front door.

*Credit to original author as I found this on pinterest. 

Here are some ways to cleanse the space where ritual or spellwork will take place.

  • Plants are a great natural filter for negative energy. Not only do they purify the air but they are also a beautiful decoration. Having a couple of houseplants in the room will make the energy very different. This works with flowers as well.
  • Take rock salt or sea salt, there are a few ways to cleanse a space with this.
    • Dilute in water and spray around a room.
    • Put in bowls and place at each corner of the room.
    • Simply sprinkle it on the floor or other surfaces and clean up after a bit. The longer it is left the better.
  • Physically remove it by walking around the house and verbally banish any negative energy that might be around you. Verbally and visually bring positivity back into the space.
  • Smudge the place. Buy or make your own smudge sticks and smudge the space. Be sure to leave doors and windows open when doing this.
  • Make a room spray with either salt (as previously mentioned) or with essential oils and other herbs used for cleansing. Spray it around the room.
  • Sweep the space to rid of physical and spiritual dirt. 
  • Ring a bell at each corner of the room to rid of any stagnant energy in the space.
  • Add any cleansing or banishing crystals like black tourmaline or selenite to the room. Placing it in the corners of the room, the windowsill or about all entrances.
  • Burn incense with cleansing properties. Let it burn out and monitor the smoke.
  • Light candles, especially white candles, to help banish negativity. They also give off a beautiful ambiance.
  • Open all the doors and windows! Let fresh air in and let the breeze blow through the house. Change your bedding, curtains and couch cushions and asperge everything.


A ceremonial blade with a black handle, used in ritual for ceremonial magic. Traditionally are double-edged blades, but don’t NEED to be. Often decorated at the handle with carved symbols or crystals. Used to channel and direct energies mostly.


Used for magical evocation. Usually printed on altar cloths, painted on altar tiles or work on jewellery or clothing. Used for multiple different purposes; protection, summoning energies or spirits, among other things. Symbol for air.


A witch’s wand can be made of almost anything that she/he is drawn to. Used in most spell work to raise and direct energy. A lot of witches decorate their wands with an array of crystals and magical objects to make it prettier. Symbol for air. 


Symbol for water. Used to hold wine or any other ceremonial liquid. In some cases symbolizes the physical body or the womb of the Goddess.

B O L I N E 

White handled knife, often with a curved blade. This blade is strictly for harvesting or cutting herbs, also anything that has to do with carving or cutting during spellwork.

C E N S E R 

Holds the incense.

 I N C E N S E 

Symbol for air. Different incense scents have different properties and you would pick one based on the intent of your ritual work or spellwork.


Mainly used in Wicca as a belt to signify rank, but in other paths it is just used in spellwork. The cingulum is basically a 9ft long chord made from natural fibers or materials.


Mostly used to sweep away negative energy. Most witches make their own besoms.

C A U L D R O N 

A pot used for potion making, brewing or for safely burning out candles or incense in spells or rituals.

J E W E L L E R  Y

Enchanted rings, necklaces or even earrings that are used in ritual or spellwork.

S T A N G 

A forked staff. Symbolic of horned deities.


A designated place for worship or witchcraft. Normall adorned with symbolic items and offerings. 

A L T A R   C L O T H 

Used to decorate the altar, store tarot cards or runes. Normally decorated with symbols of the craft depending on it’s purpose.

A L T A R   T I L E 

Placed on the altar for symbolic purposes. In old texts it was said to trap and hold spirits.


In some cases used in place of athame. Also never used to cut anything physical. Said to keep negative spirits at bay.


Different coloured candles are used to represent different things within spellwork or ritual work. Burnt for intent.


Used in spellwork to hold concoctions or other witchy items together. 


Used for a wide variety of magical purposes. Each crystal has individual purposes and can be used in many ways to channel these properties.

D I V I N A T O R Y   T O O L S

Tools used for psychic practices are a staple for any witches looking to practice this.

H E R B S 

The oldest magical tools. Probably the most important tool and has been used for centuries to treat ailments and other purposes. Different herbs have different properties.

 E S S E N T I A L   O I L S

These contain the properties from the plants from which they are made. Their scents also have effects on people and are wonderful to use in the craft.

M O R T A R   &   P E S T L E

Used to crush herbs and other ingredients.

O F F E R I N G   B O W L 

Used to hold offerings for the Gods / Goddesses that a witch sometimes worships.

S T A T U E S   &   R E P R E S E N T A T I O N S 

Figurines or symbols used to represent deities honoured, this is normally kept on the altar.


The vibrations from ringing a bell is said to banish unwanted spirits and clear stagnant energies from a room. This is normally done before any magical workings.


Normally used to help prep one mentally and also to get into the mood. Putting on ritual attire is mostly to help you focus and this in turn will help boost your intent. it’s also a lot more comfortable than jeans.


Used similarly to the wand to draw and direct energies.

D R U M 

Often used the same as if one were to chant. The rhythm helps induce a trance like state and I am assuming that it would work the same as the bell in some sense.


Used as a divinatory tool but also in spellwork.


As some witches do rely on the cardinal directions in spellwork it is handy to have a compass near or on ones altar.

P A P E R  &  P E N

Have spells written down or to help quickly jot down any visions one might have during divination or other psychic practices.

S A L T 

Strong protection and purification properties. Most witches will use salt in nearly everything. Symbolic of earth.
