#echo zane


Please let echo Zane be the next elemental master of wind please let echo Zane be the next elemental master of wind please-

The last drawing I posted I was feeling stressed about how far/much I could get done. So I decided to take a break from it for a few days. I feel better now, and done a few sketches.

Memes I’ve posted before (either here or on the other blog this used to be on), but are still (!) relevant.

I’m pissed about the Echo situation again.

Despite missing Echo’s birthday, I’m still gonna try to write something for him.




July 14th. Echo’s American debut (and personally I use it as his birthday).

I’m gonna try to write something again, but writing has been hard for me recently, so we’ll see how it goes.

Anything I make for Echo’s birthday will be tagged either as “echo’s birthday” or “echo’s birthday 2022” (I don’t remember if I used the tag without the date or used 2021 last year).

Feel free to use the tag for anything you guys make! I would love to see it!

Echo/Ezra and Lloyd as a Dragon Gym team.

I’m also tempted to give Echo/Ezra a Trapinch or Flygon.

Keep this up and he’ll eventually be a Dragon trainer XD

Though I guess his team could change depending on the Pokémon au.

I’m also thinking of him kind of having a Rotom.

He probably finds it injured, and takes care of it/takes it to a Pokémon Center so it can get better. It takes a liking to him, so it sticks around.

Dr. Julien still builds things, and the Rotom (which Ezra has started calling Gizmo) takes a liking to one of the things he makes, so he makes a few adjustments and the Rotom takes over.


I might look through a bunch of Pokémon and see which one gives me the most Gizmo vibes and make that Gizmo.

Juggernaut is represented by a Golurk, and Zane has some kind of bird Pokémon to represent Falcon.

I think I’m gonna give Echo an eventual Garchomp as well.

So his Pokémon so far are Sylveon, Duraludon (possibly shiny), Misdreavus/Mismagius, and Gible/Gabite/Garchomp.

July 14th. Echo’s American debut (and personally I use it as his birthday).

I’m gonna try to write something again, but writing has been hard for me recently, so we’ll see how it goes.

If Echo comes back as Mr. E I’m gonna be so disappointed.

Like, they could’ve kept the idea, but waited to do the reveal a season or two after SoG. But instead they killed E, and it was said that the idea of Echo being E was scrapped.

To bring the idea back after that would be a disservice to both Echo and Mr. E.

I was listening to the song “Echo” by Jason Walker (crazy right?), and while it is a sadder song, there’s a part that mentions a shadow being his only friend, and that made me think of Echo and Shadow (the Hedgehog) being friends.

Like, somehow Shadow ends up at the lighthouse and meets Echo, and while they aren’t friends initially, Shadow keeps visiting and they do end up friends.

Echo’s Photo Adventures

I was thinking of Smokescreen the other day, and that made me think of Echo Meets Smokescreen, but then I started thinking about Silver, and of course, Echo Meets Silver.

And now I’m thinking about a thing where all of the title characters of the Echo Meets stories all come together for some reason.

It’ll probably be for something happy, like maybe Echo’s birthday (the Ninja probably use Traveler’s Tea to get to the other worlds to gather Echo’s friends), but I’m also considering it being for a more serious reason, like having to come together to save Echo from something?

Though 1) I’m not too sure how that would work, and 2l) There’d have to be one hell of an antagonist to go against Zane, Smokescreen, Silver, Raihan (and his Pokémon), and Ed and Al. (Yoyo, Elliott, and James are friends of Echo’s too, but they don’t quite have abilities or creatures (in Raihan’s case) like the others, so while they’d want to help him too, they’d be lesser threats.)

Ezra and Lloyd get their Misdreavus (E) and Cottonee (L) at the same time.

They get these Pokémon because I view them both as somewhat mischievous. I think Misdreavus is obvious, but while I can’t remember if Cottonee and Whimsicott are actually mischievous, Whimsicott (at least) has Prankster, so I’m kinda working that into the personality of the one Lloyd gets.

An Echo who doesn’t know what hugs are because he was never hugged by Dr. Julien.

Zane is devastated to hear this.

Back when I had that Echo search history/rp blog thing, I had an idea that Echo uses some boxes and some kind of tarp or blanket and makes a bit of a fort thing in the corner underneath the staircase on the bottom floor (gosh I hope that makes sense).

I’m considering bringing that idea back for a thing where Lloyd meets Echo when he ends up at the lighthouse to wait out a storm while he’s patrolling. (Though this one isn’t that GC-similar thing I posted about where it’s Lloyd instead of Cryptor.)

I’m considering making an Echo discord again.

