#egg birth


Scaly Love: Complete

AN: An IYP submission I forgot to upload on here. Was originally divided into three parts but this is the whole thing.

Eleanor and Osmen were bastards. The product of their fathers infidelity and functionally useless as heirs. But, this would be a time of many “first's”. The Humans and Draconians, who feuded for many years, were under threat from 3 neighboring kingdoms. The two kings of their nations sought to form a long lasting alliance between them in order to combat the threat. The two kings agreed to wed one of their many children together, but neither of their wives would part with their children. This is where the human Eleanor and the draconian Osmen came in. Despite being bastards, the two kings agreed to have them wed and moved to an old castle fort on the border of their two countries. Forming a recognizable bond between the two countries and removing the two stains of their life from visibility. Neither child or their family objected to arrangement either. It was perfect. 

Eleanor now stood outside the castle waiting for her Draconian groom. She had never seen a real one before, most books depicted them as gargantuan monsters. The two were to meet alone at the step, with the entourage of each waiting a ways from the castle. Eleanor suddenly caught a glimpse of something coming up the steps to the main door. It was a young man in what she believed to be draconian formal wear with a dark purple shade of long scraggly hair and a pair of smooth horns protruding from the top of his head. The only other differences between him and other men of her country was the large tail swaying on the ground, and the dragon like scales that covered his cheeks and bear arms and clawed hand,

“I suppose you are, uh, ‘Lady’ Eleanor?” the young man asked with a smile, several razor sharp teeth coming to view. 

“Yeah…that would be me…and you are Osmen I suppose?” Eleanor was a bit underwhelmed by his appearance considering the books. 

Osmen nodded, “I guess this is where we will be staying, hm? Looks nice for a prison”

Eleanor chuckled at that, he wasn’t wrong, they were basically secluded to this little patch of land at the edge of both countries. Only existing on documents to the royals. 

Osmen blushed at her laugh, not sure she would actually take it as she did, “In any case, I hope we can become at least friends in this place.”

And that they did, the two 18 years olds were formally married with only their entourage and 2 representatives from each kingdom in attendance, becoming the first human-draconian couple. Despite being a married couple, they acted more as friends, trying to make the best of their lives on the lands. 

But there was a shift when Osmen turned 19. Three months after Osmen’s birthday on the first day of the warm season, Osmen had taken to avoiding Eleanor’s presence entirely. He wouldn’t eat breakfast with her, not travel in the same carriage, or even sleep in the same room. Everytime she approached him it looked like a predatory gaze entered his draconic eyes,  suddenly became rigid and then rushed to avoid her presence like he was an awkward school child. Eleanor was frustrated by this behavior that persisted for days. They were married and basically adults at this point, not the young kids they were 13 years ago. Eleanor confided in one of her long time attendants, Olive . 

“It’s just so frustrating, I don’t know what I did wrong and he won’t even talk to me to tell me.” stated Eleanor plainly. 

“Well maybe…maybe you should try surprising him in a place he’d least expect. He has to be sleeping somewhere right?” suggested Olive. 

“That’s true, i’ll surprise him! I’m sure one of the young servants will tell me where he is with enough pushing, Thanks Olive!” Eleanor dismissed herself from her room and went to the servant’s lodge to find someone to tell her where he was secretly staying. 

Later that night, Olive found herself in a small shack behind the horse stalls of the small castle. The shack wasn’t supposed to be used for much else other than storage but the room seemed reorganized to fit a small cot in the corner. “Why in the blazes would he be sleeping here?” thought Eleanor. As she studied the room, she heard the voice of Osmen. 

“Just one more day and i’ll be in the clear” 

Eleanor quickly hid behind a nearby shelf, if he saw her on the way in and he could just turn tail the other way. Literally. What did he mean by one more day? The door swung open and Osmen’s muscular frame, his long tail trailing behind him. Just as he started sniffing the air Eleanor jumped from behind the shelf, blocking him from escaping. 

“Caught ya! Can’t escape now!” Eleanor shouted triumphantly. 

Osmen’s face turned pale, a look of fear crawling over his face. 

“Y-you shouldn’t be here!” Osmen said alarmed. He stepped back from her crouching defensively, and she stepped a few steps forward in kind. 

“What’re you so scared of? Did I do something wrong?” Eleanor started to worry. She knew draconians had a lot akin with wild animals, but shrinking back like this was uncharacteristic. 

As she went to touch Osmen, he snatched her arm, shoving and pinning her to the ground. Osmen mounted on top of her, his eyes completely dilating into narrow slits. Deep below reverberated from within him, his tail sweeping in large arcs across the room. The pointed fangs in his mouth and size of his body seemed to increase. Eleanor was shocked, horrified even, but something else startled her more. The growing bulge in the crotch of Osmen’s trousers. Before Eleanor could try to calm Osmen down he ripped the clothes off of her piece by piece and tearing off his now tightened trousers revealing his long member. The tip of it grazed her slit, his tongue traveling between her exposed midriff and modest breasts. 

“Osmen wait! Please!” Eleanor screamed fear saturating her voice. 

Osmen’s eyes slightly returned to their round shape and he loosened his grip on her. A look of horror scrawled over his face as he became aware. Eleanor could tell he wasn’t completely aware of his actions. This was probably why he kept avoiding her. The primal urge to actually seal her as his and breed children was starting to boil over. Eleanor knew that one day she and him would probably do “it” but not like this.

“I-i-im so sorry El! I need to go, I don’t want t-” Osmen began to move away but Eleanor quickly reached her hands toward the scaled parts of his cheeks, pulling him close. 

“I-its fine Osmen. It was just a bit of a shock, just happening all of a sudden.” Eleanor caught her breath and stared deep into his purple eyes. “See? I just needed to prepare myself a bit, so…let loose, i’m ready.”

“But what if-" 

"Shut up and just do it!” Eleanor said fiercely.

Osmen was already having trouble holding back for that moment, but her words set the dam loose. Osmen’s eyes returned to slits and he shoved his member into Eleanor’s untouched vagina. Eleanor jerked in pain, but made an effort not to show it on her face, as the meaty spear broke through the proof of her virginity. Eleanor let out a whimpering moan as Osmen began thrusting his member deep within her tight walls. Just the thought of them doing this would make her wet at times, but this was beyond her imagination. The two entered a solid rhythm, their hearts aligning with the thrusts of sex and the heat of their breathing, Eleanor could already feel herself approaching orgasm, a tingling sensation flooding every part of her body. Osmen began sensually licking and lightly nipping at Eleanor’s bouncing breasts.

“Ooooooh Osmen,I-I-I’m so close” Eleanor moaned aloud, she could feel the girth of his member getting larger. The heat between them was almost interrupted when Osmen bit down on Eleanor’s shoulder. Before she could even react to it, she felt her vagina tighten on his member. Osmen thrusted in deep as a stream of cum flowed from him, the tip of girth locking him into her. Eleanor tightly gripped Osmen’s scaly back, her mouth agape as the thick fluid pumped into her like flowing water from a pipe. Her vocal moans reached a fevered pitch as she came with him. A slight bulge started to form at the base of her stomach as the fluid continued to pump. Eleanor was breathless coming down from the sexual high, Osmen returned to his senses as the last bit of semen seeped out and planted a kiss on Eleanors lips. She could feel the excess cum spill out of her slit as Osmen pulled out.  

“Are you ok El? I’m sorry if i got…rough” Osmen asked, his eyes swimming with concern. 

Eleanor caught her breath, “Yeah, I’m fine, well, more than fine. I feel…good.” Eleanor felt a slight tingle on her shoulder where Osmen bit. There weren’t any bite marks, but a soft light formed a sigil on her shoulder. 

“What is that?” Eleanor asked puzzled. 

“It’s an, uh,  a mark symbolizing us as a mated pair, bonded for life,” bared his shoulder that showed a similar sigil. 

“Mated for life, huh?” she put her fingers through his hair, “That doesn’t mean we only do this once right?” Eleanor showed a mischievous smile. 

“No, not at all, but this time I’ll be ‘awake’ for it,” Osmen smiled in kind.

The two went at it again, and again throughout the night. It wasn’t until the early morning sun broke over the horizon that one of the servants found the two wrapped up in a light bed cover, the smells of the night’s passions permeating the space. 

It wasn’t long after that night that Eleanor found that a subtle firmness started to take form on her abdomen. When she started getting sick, Eleanor decided against telling Osmen about her suspicions. The horror stories of women losing their children early on in pregnancy dissuaded her from making any announcement. Who knows what could happen with a child of two different races, especially when one laid eggs and the other had live babies. She always knew “removing” them was an option if it was too much of a risk but she felt that would be a betrayal to Osmen. 

Eleanor was consumed by these thoughts for days, but right now she had something to occupy her mind. Helping a woman give birth. One of the draconian estate workers, Astraza, had fallen pregnant and Eleanor volunteered to assist before she found out she too was expecting. Eleanor entered the room to the grunting and moaning. Astraza was slowly walking with the support of another servant, her distended orb of belly bare for all to see. 

“Oh, Lady Eleanor, it’s an hon–ooouuuugh” another contraction rippled through the skin of her stomach, even the scales on her sides buckling with the strain. The midwife, Ostella, a human from Eleanor’s original entourage, brought Astraza to a wooden stool and sat her on it. The swollen orb of a belly hung low between the scaled girl’s thighs, it looked as if it would fall right off her. 

“You arrived just in time, Eleanor. This one is about ready to pop, all I need you to do is to take the eggs and place em in that there basket in the young lads hands, yellow belly too squeamish to hold em himself,” Ostella pointed to a young draconian awkwardly sitting a couple feet from the stool, the father she assumed based on the matching sigil he and Astraza bore. Draconian men didn’t usually attend the laying of eggs, or so Eleanor heard from Osmen.

Another contraction belted through Astraza’s belly, but she maintained her focus and breathing. Eleanor tensed silently as a solid round object started to part Astraza’s lips. A hissing breath came through her mouth as the unscaled skin spread thin trying to birth the huge egg. 

“That’s it girly, nice even breaths and solid pushes. Don’t exhaust yourself.” Ostella coached as she rubbed her firm belly. 

Astraza nodded and gave another measured push, the large solid orb popping out of her slit into Ostella’s hands. Ostella quickly passed it to Eleanor’s near unprepared hands. Eleanor felt the pulse of life from within the bowling ball sized egg. 

“W-wow…it’s amazing…” Eleanor marveled.

“Yes, dearie, don’t keep it away from its father now, we got another one fast approach’n” 

Eleanor quickly placed the eggs in the blanketed lap of the young father, another bout of tight breathing sounding in the background. Astraza’s belly was already tight with a vice like contraction, her tail starting to whip around as another large sphere made its way down her canal. Ostella wiped away a bit of the sweat on the pained woman’s forehead. Eleanor was amazed by the young woman’s strength, to be able to birth something so large and without breaking out into tears was amazing. 

“That’s it, here it comes. Oh my, got a warrior in this one huh?”

Astraza’s belly flexed inward even stronger, an even bigger sphere spreading wet opening wide and colorless. Eleanor started to get nervous for the young draconians safety as the sphere halted in progress. 

“Is she going to be alright?” Eleanor whispered in Ostella’s ear.

“Of course dear, whether we like it or not, our bodies were made ta handle stuff like this.” 

As soon as she said that, Astraza let out a hissing grunt. The huge egg popped out of her hole, Astraza recoiling from the sudden release. Eleanor looked at her in amazement, not even a single tear in her crotch. 

“See?” said Ostella confidently as she passed the egg to Eleanor. 

That evening Astraza laid 2 more large eggs. Eleanor left the house with a new feeling. Something she couldn’t describe as she absentmindedly patted her own slightly firm belly. Even though hers might not be the same, just seeing Astraza lay with such strength set her at ease. Her mind drifted to the scene she left the new family on, Astraza and her mate curled up on their bed, clutch of eggs between them, tails intertwined. She hoped she and Osmen could be like that with their own newborn. 


Eleanor took a deep breath as she walked up the stairwell to her room. Eleanor moaned as she cradled the underside of her huge, stretched belly. It had been a full 8 months since she and Osmen conceived their “little” bundle or bundles of joy and while she was excited at first, the novelty and glow started to wear off on her.  Every task felt like she had run up and across every country side, her back started to ache, stomach felt like it was stretched thin and her breasts felt like they were going to explode. She slowly took a tired step up to the top, a dull kick hitting her palm at the base of her belly. 

“Yeah, yeah, we’ll stop moving in a minute, calm down,” Eleanor rubbed soothing circles around her distended orb. Truth be told, She and Osmen had no idea how many children she was carrying. Ostella said it was like there was something muffling her ability to hear a heartbeat, only way they knew that there was a live baby in there was the kicking. 

Eleanor waddled down the hall and into the room. Eleanor gave a breathless sigh as she plopped down on the soft bed, heaving her swollen form to the side. She pulled up the dress over her stomach exposing her taut skin to the cool air. She traced her finger up the dark line in the middle of her belly a d through the tiny round point of her belly button.

“You guys happy now?” she poked the overly solid surface. Another dull thud reverberated from within. 

“Already a spoiled lil bugger aren’t you?” she muttered softly. Everytime the child moved it made her heart flutter. Eleanor couldn’t wait for her little bundle of joy to be in her arms. “Only a few more weeks,” she said aloud. 

The door to the room creaked open.  Osmen’s muscular form sauntered in, his long tail sweeping behind him. Osmen’s red eyes settled on Eleanor’s  swollen body.

“I see that you three have gotten comfortable,” he said with a smile as he laid himself on the other side of the bed and snuggled up close behind Eleanor. He wrapped one of his large scaled hands across her sizable sphere. 

“We’ve been over this. There is only one in there!” Eleanor spoke knowingly, “Maternal instinct and all that.” 

Osmen chuckled.“I’m sure my ears might be a bit more accurate than instinct.” 

“No more accurate than that stethoscope old ostella uses.”

Osmen gave a hearty laugh at that which pewter out into a serious sigh. His tail wrapped around her and her taut sphere, pulling her even closer into the curve of his body. A soft below vibrated from within him like a purr, he started to gently move his hand up to her supple breasts.

“You’re insatiable..” Eleanor moaned as his hand started to fondle her milk filled tits. She started to feel something from his crotch poking up against her. 

“I just can’t help myself when you look like this…” Osmen whispered in her ear sensually. 

“I won’t be like this much longer, we should do it while we can,” Eleanor pulled her panties down to her legs. Osmen had already unbuttoned his trousers and she could feel his already erect member graze her pregnant slit. Eleanor moaned as he entered her from behind, the huge girth filling vaginal opening completely. 

Osmen began to steadily thrust into her. His hand shifted under the top of her dress to clutch her bare, firm breast. As sensitive as they were, the sensation flooded Eleanor completely. 

“Ahhhhh fuck, Osmen…” she moaned as the draconians cock pressed up against her inner cavity repeatedly. Each thrust was like a shock to a system. Eleanor could feel herself reach climax as her walls tightened on his throbbing member. Eleanor’s moans started to reach a higher pitch as Osmen’s cock filled her even more, he was getting close. 

Eleanor’s huge belly undulated and flexed with her breathing. Her slit tightened even further on his member. Osmen let out a deep growl as the pressure built up in his long spear, his huge hand solidly gripped her belly as he felt himself start to cum. 

“You feel so, so good babe,” he whispered in between breaths and thrusts.

“Ah ah ah ah, fuck, I’m cumming! I’m cummi-AHHHHHHH” she howled as she squirted all over his dick. In sync, she felt his hot gooey liquid funnel into her like a hose. Eleanor’s entire body trembled with the orgasm, so much so that the life inside her kicked roughly against her taut dome. 

“Oooh, momma and papa woke you up didn’t we,” Eleanor huffed as she came down from her orgasmic high. As semen continued to leak from her wet slit, a slight tightening encompassed her stomach that made her flinch a bit. 

“What’s wrong? Are you ok? Was that a contraction?” Osmen started belting off worry filled questions as he started to clean up the mess. 

“No,no,no, calm down, Ostella told me about these, um, practice contractions. Just means our little one will come soon. 

Osmen studied her, then let out a sigh, "ok…if you say so, if you feel anymore let me know." 

Eleanor nodded, pulling her gown over her now steady globe, "we still have a bit of time to do this again don’t worry.” Eleanor smiled mischievously. 

“I wasn’t worried for that reason!" 

"I know, I know, just teasing,” Eleanor chuckled, and rolled over facing Osmen.

 "though…I wouldn’t mind going another round…"

“Me neither,” Osmen trouser already begun to tent again with vigor anew.

-3 weeks later-

Eleanor woke up in the middle of the night with a start. A strong band of steel wrapped around her stomach. Eleanor groaned in discomfort as she rubbed her gargantuan fertile orb. It’s been several hours since her labor pains started. Several hours of constant back pain. Several hours without her waters even hinting of breaking. Osmen stirred behind her as the contraction reached its peak. 

He rolled over and put a hand over hers as she gripped her fecund mound. 

“Another one? Are they getting any closer?” Osmen muttered sleepily. Eleanor’s face was still scrunched up as the contraction persisted. 

“No, still irregular, but they are hurt a lot more than before…” Eleanor breathed an exhausted sigh as the seizing released.“and they last only a few minutes,still no baby I guess." 

Osmen sighed, the danger of childbirth already made him anxious, the wait for it even more so. 

"You can go back to sleep, I’ll be fine, might just need to walk around for a bit” she turned to give him a reassuring smile as she got up. She placed around for a bit until she heard a strange cracking sound rumble through a belly and she felt something shift to the base of her stretched globe. 

“That’s odd…” Eleanor thought to herself just before she felt a sudden release of pressure accompanied by a few sharp, jagged pieces passing through her inner walls. 

“Ah!Owowowooooowwww!” She yelped. The jagged pieces clattered to the ground with a sizable amount of steaming fluid. Eleanor didn’t have a chance to be shocked, another, even stronger contraction seized her belly intensely, bringing her to her knees. 

Both hands wrapped around her now softer belly as she groaned loudly in pain. Some had already leaped out of the bed and ran to his wife’s side. Eleanor could feel an iron ball grind up against the base of her pelvis.  

Osmen picked up one of the fragments. “An eggshell…”

“Oooooooooh, I guess we know why belly was so hard now,” She said as her hands gripped her contracting orb and rocked her hips. The pain of the contraction now that she was both without water and apparently a shell, increased exponentially. Even the kicks within her felt more intense. Despite losing water and a shell, her fecund mound didn’t decrease much in size.  

“I’m going to wake Ostella, will you be fine here yourself?” Anxiety pierced through Osmens voice. 

“Y-yes,  I should be ok.” Eleanor whimpered breathlessly as the iron grip on her abdomen persisted. 

Osmen dashed out the room to wake up the old midwife. 

15 minutes later, Osmen reentered the room with Ostella and a younger draconian girl, Leena, who was Ostella’s assistant. Eleanor was leaning over the bed,  hands gripping the sheet of the bed tightly, her sleeping gown was matted on her huge contracting belly. Her face was scrunched up concentrating on her breathing and bearing through another intense contraction. 

Osmen sidled up to the side of her and rubbed her back as she breathed. “El, Ostella is here” 

“Oh great, uuggghhhhh-just in time, yeah?” Eleanor said through pursed lips. 

“Now dear I need you to sit on the edge of this bed here,” Ostella instructed as she put down her medical bag. Eleanor heaved her swollen body around and sat on top of the bed and lifted her sweat drenched gown over her strained sphere of skin. 

“Might feel a small pinch dear, just needa check your dilation,” Ostella fitted two of her fingers down Eleanor’s wet slit. Eleanor jerked back a bit as Ostella’s fingers reached up through her sensitive canal. 

“Oh my… you’re progressing extraordinarily fast, a whole 7 centimeters already.” Ostella then took out her hearing instrument and pressed lightly on the taut surface. Ostella smiled, “Well, well, looks like Osmen’s ears won; It’s twins!”

“Oh great, two bodies instead-oooooouggghhhh- of one.” Eleanor groaned as another contraction tore through her abdomen, the skin visibly seizing on her womb.

Ostella chuckled, “If you can stand; walking around a bit may help the labor progress faster. But that’s just my advice, as the one giving birth, it’s up to you." 

Eleanor nodded, and motioned for Osmen to help her get up. Eleanor staggered a bit even with support, but made it to her feet. For the next 30 minutes, Eleanor and Osmen paced the large room, no less than 5 minutes in, Eleanor discarded her sweat drenched nightgown. Her engorged breasts swung like pendulums over her heavy belly. 

Every step felt like she had just run across the countryside. Even with Osmen’s support and frequent back rubs, her back was in just as much pain as the swollen globe that hung off her. The constant pressure made her feel like she needed to push, but Ostella stated that she was still not yet fully dilated. 

After 30 minutes of waiting and constant breathing through contraction after contraction, it was time. Ostella and Osmen helped Eleanor onto the birthing stool.

"Ooooouuughh, how much longer.. ” Eleanor gasped as a contraction started to build up within her, the head of her first child started to pry open her cervix. 

“It’ll be over soon El, you’re doing great,” Osmen whispered in her ear as he soothingly rubbed her stress reddened belly that became solid with a contraction. 

“All right dear, nice strong pushes.” Ostella instructed. 

Eleanor tucked in her chin and scrunched up her face and gave an almighty push. Slowly, she can feel the head of the first child edge forward into her canal.

“Shit! It hurts!” Eleanor yelled in clenched teeth. Her pregnant sphere constricted even harder as she continued to push, the tightening was already intense but it had reached a new level. 

The contraction released and Eleanor gasped for air. Ostella motioned for the assistant to bring her a cool, wet rag. Eleanor leant back on Osmen’s chest exhausted. She felt like she’d been sitting near an open fire, everything hurt and every part of her felt hot. 

“Am I supposed to feel…this hot…” Eleanor asked anxiously. 

Ostella put a hand to Eleanors stomach,“Not normally no…but draconian children tend to run high temperatures in development. The shell that came out you may have been the only thing protecting you from it." 

"Great…that’s great, just fantastic.” Eleanor’s anxiety started to rise. Osmen planted a kiss on her warm forehead. 

“It’s going to be ok El, you’re strong, you can get through this,” Osmen encouraged.

Eleanor groaned and recoiled into Osmen’s body as another band of iron tightened on her swollen abdomen. 

“Nnnnngghhhhhhhhh GAAAAAAAAH.” Eleanor gave another strong push she could feel the large body progress further, a hard object quickly reaching the opening of her vagina. Ostella took 2 fingers and surveyed the beginnings of the childs head. 

“Huh, would ya look at that, got itty bitty little horns,” Ostella smiled and then grew serious. “Dearie, on the next contraction, if you start to feel a burn down here, you need to stop pushing." 

"Huh? W-why, is something wrong?” Eleanor asked frightfully. 

“No dear, we just need to make sure you stretch healthy, tears will wear down your stamina and put ya risk,” Ostella instructed. 

Eleanor nodded as another strike of pain went through her stomach and around to her back. She howled as the large started to spread wet flaps, an intense burn starting to set in around the ring. 

“Oooooouuuuggghh, it’s burning, it’s burning!” Eleanor yelped as she stopped pushing. Eleanor held back from pushing for what felt like forever. Contraction after contraction barrelled through her, the huge head slowly spread her pussy thin. 

“You’re spreading very nicely dear, next contraction big push, ok?” Ostella said. 

One started to build and tighten her swollen, sweat covered stomach. Eleanor tucked in her chin and gave a strong push. The horned head of her child gushed out of her stretched opening with a stream of hot fluid. Eleanor gasped and recoiled into Osmen’s body.

“You’re doing so well El!” Osmen started to choke up at the sight of their child, “here, look.” Osmen took one of Eleanors hands that was tightly gripped to the stool and moved toward the head. 

Eleanor had managed to keep her composure throughout the process, but this made her weep. 9 months of effort was in her hand, something she will devote her life to for the rest of her days. As she gently held the head, another contraction tore through her. The scaly shoulders started to painfully spread her stretched vagina. Ostella carefully coaxed the rest of the body out as Eleanor pushed. Soon, the big baby slid out into Ostella’s hands with a gush and she placed them on Eleanor’s heavy breasts. Tears flowed freely as she held her horned and slightly scaly child. She turned to see Osmen with a huge grin and teary eyes. 

“Congratulations on your first son you two,” Ostella smiled. As soon as Ostella tied and snipped the pulsating cord from the baby. The child’s wailing cries echoed in the room, but they were immediately followed up by Eleanor’s loud moan of pain. Her still swollen belly continued to spasm in order to get the second child out of her already enlarged hole. 

Ostella’s assistant took the squealing babe out of Eleanor’s arms and swaddled it gently so she could get back to the throes of labor. The second child progressed easier than the first, but Eleanor was exhausted nonetheless. It didn’t take long for her to be in the same position as she was a mere moment ago, a burning ring opening up her sore pussy.  

“Hnnnngggggg-hoohoohooooooOOOOOOHHHHHH FUCK!” Eleanor cried out as the burn intensified. With a small pop and gush, the head freed itself from her vaginal lips.  Eleanor’s still swollen belly shrunk ever so slightly as the rest of the slightly scaled body slid out of her body.  Eleanor laid back into Osmens body as Ostella brought the child squealing babe up to her chest. 

“Look at them…our beautiful children,” the pride in his wife and newborns swelled into Osmens voice. 

Eleanor’s tired eyes stared at her second babe, “They are so-uuuugh-perfect…but for-uggghh- I just nee-AAAAAAAIIIIGHHH,” Eleanor through her head back as she felt an intense pressure and pain in her cervix. 

“BY THE GOD! AUUUUUUGGHHHHH!” She shrieked as her belly compressed inward. Just by how it felt, she could feel that whatever was inside was bigger than the other two babies. Ostella quickly took at her stethoscope and pressed it gently on the base of Eleanors gravidity. 

“T-there is another heartbeat, it’s faint, but it’s there!” Ostella’s face grew in shock. 

Eleanor wasn’t even listening, just pushing with or without the contractions. Her head was pounding and her breathing ragged as the huge body roughly travelled through her canal. The shoulders felt especially huge as they peeled open her cervix. 

Tears of pain streamed from her eyes as the huge dome spread her opening beyond its limit. One contraction after another bulldozed through her back and sweaty sphere.

“HNNNNNNGGGGHHHHHHHH, FUCK IT BURNS SO BAAAAAGGGHH!!!” Eleanor shrieked and her hips bucked upward as the thrusted out of her further and further. A gush of steaming fluid signalled the freeing of the head. 

Ostella quickly supported the huge, scaled head of the baby, and checked Eleanor’s spread hole. Ostella’s eyes grew big as saucers.

“Ostella! What’s wrong! Is El going to be ok!” Osmen roared. 

“Eleanor, you have to stop pushing and let yourself sprea-” Ostella shouted too late. 

“AAAAAUUUUUGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Eleanor screamed over her. The still giant globe seized in on her completely, making her womb nearly visibly. A lightning strike of pain coursed through her crotch as she pushed the abnormally large shoulders out her canal. Eleanor let out a soundless shriek as she felt the shoulders come out and fell limp in Osmen’s arms. Through her fading vision she saw Ostella pick up the huge babe dripping in fluid and blood. 

“My…baby…” Eleanor muttered as her consciousness started to fade. 

“El stay with me! Don’t close your eyes!” She heard Osmen scream. 


A mewling sound echoed in the darkness. Eleanor could feel her chest ache in tandem with the crying. Eleanor’s eyes fluttered open sleepily and looked around the room. “Still in the bedroom it seems…” Eleanor thought lucidly. Eleanor groaned as a dull piercing pain coursed through her stomach and crotch. 

“Eleanor? El!? Oh thank goodness you’re awake,” a deep voice sounded to the side of her. She turned her and saw Osmen next to a large crib.  

“Osmen…are the children ok? Are they healthy…” Eleanor’s asked with a raspy voice. 

Osmen was teary eyed and put a hand on Eleanor’s cheek. “They’re fine and beautiful El, I’m more worried about you." 

Eleanor’s mind was solely focused on her new children. "Can I see them?"she said as she painfully sat up in the bed

"Of course, just don’t move too roughly you might remove your stitches…you didn’t tear too badly, but you don’t want to open them up.” He cautioned as he brought up 2 bundles to her. Eleanor took the two cooing bundles. Small purple scales reflected on their chubby cheeks. 

“They’re beautiful…,” Eleanor said lovingly. 

“And here is our little winged surprise,” Osmen brought up another big swaddled child. The only difference was the size and the purple colored wings flapping aimlessly in an opening behind the blanket. 

“Well didn’t you give me a shock…” Eleanor chuckled 

“First draconian child to be born with wings in a long time. Well I guess our two boys are the first halfling ever born too” Osmen stated with a chuckle. 

Eleanor could feel tears begin to drip from the corners of her eyes just looking at the trio. These three were their world now. Eleanor and Osmen shared a brief glance after breaking their eyes away from their children. Silently between them they swore to trust them better than their own parents and make a place where they wouldn’t have to deal with what they did. 

 Eggs of the Leviathan 

Request [Birthing/Laying 3 eggs at the beach, “the children of a humanoid sea creature, Leviathan himself” and the eggs hatch near the end. ]

You waddle across the beach, the sand spreading underneath your feet. The moon shimmered off the ocean water and the sound of the waves crashing on the nearby rocks surrounding a dark sea cave entrance. This is where he wanted you to go. It was time. You cradled your misshapen stomach, the hard surface of the eggs inside shifted around and could be felt pressing low into your pelvis. 

You waddle into the hollowed out rock and steadily make your way to the back of it. 10 weeks ago, this was where you’d promised to take his young. You remember the feeling of him pressing his cock into you and forcing his eggs into your body. They were only the size 

of golf balls then. You remember his sea foam like cum filling and creating a pouch in your stomach. It was a euphoric experience, you wouldn’t have minded doing it again. 

You reach the end of the cave. The sea water barely reaches the back, making it a solitary beach within the rock. The tide would come in soon to change that. You stand in the shallow waters of the cave beach and take a deep breath. You feel your belly drop and the eggs shake beneath your palms as the smell of salt water reaches your nose. It was a lot more concentrated here, the children within the eggs must have sensed it.

Your tight belly begins to contract, the first egg pressing hard out of your womb. You take your knees into your hands as you continue to stand in the water and bear down. The pain coming steadily, Your moans echo through the cave and harmonize with the waves. The full feeling of the smooth and wide egg going through you was better than you imagined. The egg is big but it moves easily through you. The contraction stops, and you’re left with the egg completely inside your canal. You rock your hips back and forth to relieve yourself of the pressure. You can feel the egg slip through a bit while you move.  

Another bout of pressure and your muscles contorting command your focus. You bear down once again, lowering yourself even more under the weight of the egg. Slowly but surely, the hard egg begins to spread you wide, a dull burn inflaming your bottom half. 

You try to keep your breath under control but it’s hard with all of the sensations assaulting you at once. You begin to doubt your ability to birth the eggs, but suddenly a familiar figure appears, sitting on the clear water before you. The Leviathan. He was in his most human form. Skin still blue and scaled, eyes golden green and narrow like a snake. He sat there with one arm over his raised knee, the lower half of his face nestled in his forearm. He stared at you intently, waiting to see if he made the right choice of who would host his children. 

The contraction around your stomach intensifies. You bear down even harder, your belly contorting with your action. The egg stretches you wider and wider, you feel the widest part of the egg edge out of you until finally you feel a pop and release. The egg falls between your legs into the soft beach sand. The silky blue egg shifted and wiggled on its own. The child within was going to break free soon. 

The second egg came faster. It felt a size smaller than the first and it went through your already stretched canal easily because of that. You still felt the pain of each contraction and the slight burn when it had begun to crown. You drop to your knees and push the small egg to its widest point until it falls out on its own. You sigh in relief as the egg rolls next to the first. It started shifting and shuddering just the same as well. 

Your stomach was still very round despite being empty of two of three eggs. You soon felt another contraction press the final egg into your canal. This one felt humongous as it passed through you. Every fiber in your canal screamed at you in pain. The pressure in your crotch was unbearable. With every push, little progress was made. The cavern echoed with your voice, you fell back into the sand and clutched your stomach between both hands. The Leviathan kept staring at you with the same expectant eyes that judged how well you birthed his young.  

The tip of the egg spreads your outer opening wider and wider. Its size dwarfed that of the first two. Your crotch burns like it was being branded with a hot iron. Each push made it more excruciating, but you couldn’t bear to stop. However, the egg had no intention of making it that easy. Just as it reached its roundest and widest point, it stopped moving. You bear down desperately with each seizing of your womb, even pressing both of your hands onto the top of your hard belly to get it out. 

It edged out slowly, you arch your back and buck your hips under the pain and pressure, until finally, with a plop and a gush of seafoam like liquid, the egg fell out of you and rolled next to its siblings and began shaking in kind. 

You do your best to get up on your elbows and look at your eggs. The fruits of your effort. You couldn’t rest until you knew that they hatched safely. 

You and the Leviathan look at the eggs shaking and rattling against each other. The first egg began to crack open. Small splinters of the shell flew into the water. The eggs started rattling violently. A visible hole popped open through the third egg and slimy, webbed hands came out of it. The first and second followed. 

Slowly but surely, you watched as the pale blue babies of the Leviathan came out of their shells and slid into the water. They looked even more human than the Leviathan did, save for the tadpole-like tails they had instead of eggs. Their faces were rounder and eyes a more natural, human color as opposed to the Leviathan’s unnatural blue. 

You watch as the three children swim towards their father and run circles around him. The Leviathan smiled for the first time since surfacing before you. He looked up at you with the same smile and said in a low tone. 

“Thank you" 

The Leviathan sank back into the waters and swam off his new young. 

You wouldn’t mind coming to his service again in a few years you thought, massaging your empty stomach. 
