#labor kink


Too Late to Reschedule

Summary:a pregnant midwife goes to assist a client in labour, goes into labour herself, and tries desperately to hide her own labour until she can leave.

Tags:birth denial, slight clothing birth, third person POV

Word Count:5431

As one of the most successful midwives in her city, Dana’s schedule was always booked and she always had a lot of pregnancies to look after. One of the pregnancies she looked after most closely was her own, as she was almost due with her third, and she’d hoped to take on clients whose due dates were not close to hers. Unfortunately, her last client was very overdue and did not want to go in for an induction, leaving Dana no time to go on her maternity leave.

Today Dana finally received the long awaited call and she put her phone down excitedly, grinning at her amused husband.

“I’m assuming Emily is in–”

“Emily is in labour!!” Dana cut him off before he could finish his sentence, bouncing in excitement as best as she could with her heavy bump weighing her down. “No more worrying, we can wait for this little one stress-free!”

She gathered her bag of supplies, always neatly packed up and stored under the coat rack, and her husband followed her to the door.

“Make sure you take care of yourself too,” he insisted, one of his hands raising up to caress the bump. “If something happens, get Emily to another midwife or a hospital and then call me.”

Dana rolled her eyes affectionately, leaning up to kiss him goodbye and shivering pleasantly at the feeling of his abdomen pressed up against her rounded belly.

“I promise we’ll be okay, I’ll text you updates!”

The drive to Emily’s house seemed to take forever, but Dana enjoyed the comforts of her tricked-out midwife van while she drove. After multiple instances of clients unexpectedly delivering inside her car, she added stain resistant fabric to the seats and soundproofed the vehicle in case another incident occurred– which had the added bonus of drowning out most of the traffic.

As soon as she pulled into the driveway, Emily’s husband was running through the front door towards the van. He was almost vibrating as he stood outside the driver’s side door, staring at Dana through the window with a nervous expression.

“Hi, how’s Emily doing? Any big changes?”

He shook his head as he led Dana into the house, taking her bag of supplies in order to hurry her along.

“Nothing major to report, the contractions are coming steadily at about five minutes apart and I’m trying my best to keep her relaxed and comfortable.”

Dana had to hide her smile at his pre-parental panic, and he rushed away at the sound of a pained groan from the other room. She followed at a more calm pace, and found him rubbing Emily’s back and whispering softly into her ear. Dana watched them sympathetically, waiting out the contraction before attempting to speak up.

“Hey Emily, I’m glad to see things are finally progressing. How are you feeling?”

The look on Emily’s face was pure relief as she saw her midwife in the room. Using her husband as support, she stood up from the couch and walked towards Dana with both hands cradling her overdue belly.

“I’m feeling tired but excited to not be pregnant anymore,” she joked wryly. “Contractions are pretty bad but I’ve been able to get through them so far. Glad you’re here to help out.”

Dana got into action, opening up her equipment and explaining each step to the couple. Between contractions, she took a moment to examine Emily and check the baby’s position as well as her dilation.

“You’re certainly doing well, baby’s head is engaged and you’re at six centimetres dilated. Do you want me to start filling up the tub for you, or would you rather labour out here for the time being?”

“Let’s do the tub, I heard that it might speed up labour if I do certain positions in there,” Emily said, starting to walk towards the stairs. Mid-stride, she stopped in her tracks and reached out for her husband to lean against him. “Fuuuck, there’s another contraction. Oooohhh…”

Emily swayed her hips in a figure eight as she moaned under her breath, her husband holding her up with his hands on her lower back. Wanting to give them privacy, Dana headed up the stairs to begin filling the bath up for her client. As she reached down for the tap, she could feel her back twinge and she pressed a hand against the aching spot. The pain radiated for a couple of seconds before slowly fading again, and Dana returned to her preparations. This late into her pregnancy she had been feeling Braxton-Hicks as well as the general aches of having such a swollen belly, but it was hard to discern what the source of this pain was.

“Is the tub ready? The bump is so heavy and my back is killing me!” Emily waddled into the room, stripping off her loose clothing as she lowered herself into the water. Her husband settled himself by the side of the tub, rubbing her back as she squirmed to find a comfortable position, allowing Dana to rest and sit on the toilet lid as she observed the labour.

Over the next hour, Emily’s labouring grew more intense as she switched positions to speed up the delivery. Dana’s periodic check-ins confirmed that everything was going well, so she sat back and allowed Emily to do whatever felt most comfortable. During this observation Dana also felt a number of strong Braxton-Hicks contractions, choosing to dismiss them as she looked after her client.

“My fingers are getting wrinkly, I want to dry off,” Emily cried out as she abruptly stood up from the tub, her husband catching her before she could wobble. “Help me into the bedroom!”

As Emily slowly moved back towards the bedroom, Dana followed and observed her movements and her lowered stance. The baby seemed to be much lower in Emily’s pelvis judging by her widened legs as she walked, and her turbulent behaviour made Dana think that she might be entering the transition stage, getting closer to delivery.

“Any changes in how you’re feeling, or still just the steady contractions?”

Emily grimaced, massaging her bump as she leaned back against the bed. Before she could respond, another contraction slammed into her and she groaned, reaching out shakily to squeeze her husband’s arm.

“It… ohhhh… it feels different, they’re worse now and it feels a lot tighter.”

Dana reached out, placing her hands firmly against Emily’s bump and applying even pressure as she rubbed circles around the swell. Her belly felt a lot firmer and the contractions had her muscles rock-hard under Dana’s palms.

“Feels to me like your water might have broken while you were in the tub. When you feel ready, I can check your dilation again to see how far your labour has progressed.”

“Wait, not yet, not–” Emily’s words were cut off as she focused all her attention on breathing through her next contraction. Dana leaned back again, rubbing one hand against Emily’s thigh to reassure her. As the pain subsided, she looked back up at her midwife and nodded. “Alright, check now before another contraction hits.”

As Dana carefully examined Emily’s cervix, she felt a similar tightening in her own stomach and had to steel herself from exclaiming out loud. Of course she’d felt Braxton-Hicks for a couple of weeks, but after two children she was fairly sure that she could recognize a contraction. It was stronger than she would have hoped for her first real contraction, but of course her third child would come much more quickly than her two older ones. Dana kept moving with muscle memory, her mind concentrating on keeping her expression calm. As the pain began to fade, she took note of Emily’s level of dilation and gingerly pulled her fingers out.

“Alright Emily, it feels like you’re in the transition stage, which means you’re dilating quickly and you’ll probably hit ten centimetres pretty soon,” she said with a reassuring smile.

Emily didn’t seem all that reassured, reaching a frantic hand out to grab her husband’s arm.

“No, it’s going way too quickly. I can’t do this yet!”

She attempted to stand up, wobbling as she grasped the bed for support. Rather than stop her, Dana encouraged the labouring woman to begin walking around the room with her husband.

“Remember how you were trying to speed labour up earlier? It worked, and you’re hopefully going to have your baby in your arms within an hour or two.”

As Emily’s husband reassured her, Dana left the couple to their quiet moment in order to clean up the bathroom and get all her equipment in order. She knelt down to mop up the spilt water around the tub, draining it to refill with fresh and warm water. A contraction suddenly hit her when she stretched to reach the tap, more intense than the previous one, and she had to stop for a moment to pant and catch her breath. In her kneeling position she rocked from side to side to lessen the pressure on her hips. Through the haze of pain, she could hear Emily crying out mid-contraction from the other room and couldn’t help but chuckle at the unfortunate coincidence.

“Hey, just stay in there for a little longer, alright sweetheart?” She whispered, cupping the underside of her bump.

Once the tub had been filled, she shut off the faucet and attempted to get out of her kneeling position, hampered by the weight of her heavy womb pressed atop her thighs. Dana felt ungainly as she reached the sink, but a glance in the mirror had her admiring the roundness of her belly. The various tools were disorganised on the bathroom counter, and she began to sterilise them one-by-one and place them on a tray so she could easily bring them to Emily. The sound of more moaning from the bedroom drifted through the door, and Dana peeked her head out at the couple, Emily now on all fours upon the bed.

“How are they coming along, any increased pressure or urge to push?”

Emily groaned angrily, and her husband made eye contact with Dana to surreptitiously shake his head in response. She nodded and left them to their privacy to continue her preparations in the bathroom, listening to Emily’s cries taper off and the sounds of quiet conversation between the couple.

Dana was wiping some water off of the blood pressure cuff when another contraction hit her, making her double over against the sink, her knees nearly buckling with the force of it. As her muscles tightened, she could feel the pressure intensifying between her hips, tempting her to switch positions to relieve the ache. Shaking her head, she pressed her face against the cool ceramic to focus herself. Once it abated, she gathered her equipment and carried it into the bedroom, setting it on the bedside table next to Emily.

“How are you doing? Is there anything you want me to set up before pushing starts?”

Emily was catching her breath in between contractions and looked up at her with a wan smile.

“Just some way to make it stop hurting. And something that will make me stop wanting to throw up,” she mumbled, leaning against her husband for support.

“I can’t make it stop hurting, but we can keep moving around and trying different positions to see what feels best during this stage.”

The trio moved around the room, Dana explaining different positions and techniques to alleviate pain as Emily tried them out. As another contraction hit, she batted her husband’s hands away angrily, hunched over on an exercise ball. Emily swayed her hips from side to side with her hands on her knees, beginning to vocalize deeply as the exercise ball eased her movements. Dana checked the contraction timer to ensure that things were moving steadily, watching as the wave of pain tapered off and Emily took a deep breath.

“Alright, it looks like we’re getting close to the finish line, I’m going to grab you some ice chips for the nausea and then we can decide whether you want to start off in the tub or in here.”

As Emily once again situated herself within her husband’s grasp, Dana headed to the kitchen to get some more ice chips as well as some bottles of water. Each step down the stairs felt like it was spreading her pelvis wider, allowing her baby’s head to descend lower and lower within her birth canal. Her phone vibrated in her pocket, and while she opened the fridge with one hand, she swiped open the notification on her phone with the other.

LOVER:How’s the birth going? Are you and baby doing alright? Let me know when you’re finishing up there.

Dana began to type out a message to her husband about the contractions, but stopped herself mid sentence as she finished grabbing the supplies. If she told him about her contractions he would insist on her leaving immediately to go to the birth centre, and he’d probably show up to take her there if Dana didn’t leave on her own. There was absolutely no way she was going to leave Emily this late into her labour. She’d been progressing remarkably quickly, especially for a first baby, and there was likely ample time for Dana to finish up the delivery and then get herself taken care of. She shot off a quick text telling him that everything was going well and that she was perfectly fine–not a lie–and headed back to the stairs.

Going up was even harder than going down had been, and it felt like a bowling ball had lodged itself in her pelvis, greatly restricting her range of movement. Finally making it up to the bedroom, Dana set the water bottles on the dresser and handed the ice chips to Emily’s husband to give to her.

“Any changes in what you’re feeling?”

Emily nodded, looking both alarmed and excited for what was to come.

“The pressure’s gotten a lot stronger and I definitely feel like I want to start pushing.”

Dana grinned, reaching a hand out to gently feel and examine her client’s bump, finding the muscles within to be much tighter than they had been an hour ago.

“Excellent, can I check your dilation one last time before we move forward? We don’t want to bruise your cervix by pushing too early,” Dana said, already moving forward as she spoke.

The final examination was fairly quick, Dana could easily tell that Emily had reached ten centimetres, and the excitement in the room was palpable.

“Alright, I’m going to go sanitize my hands thoroughly, and when I get back then we can get started.”

Dana quickly stepped back into the bathroom, closing the door behind her as she leaned against it nervously. She could feel another contraction beginning as she spoke with the couple, and it hit her harder than any of the others, nearly making her cry out before she bit her lips to hold back. She began to walk around the small space, catching a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror looking like a woman well in the throes of labour. She turned on the taps to mask any noises and to sound busy, then allowed herself some quiet groans as the pain peaked within her. It was only a couple more seconds until it began to subside, but the pain combined with the anxiety of feeling contractions in a client’s bathroom made it feel much longer.

Once the pain abated, she quickly yanked down her leggings and set one foot atop the toilet lid, wobbling for a moment due to her imbalanced centre of gravity. She struggled to reach around her heavy bump, visibly lower than it was even an hour ago. Slowly inserting her fingers, she fumbled around for the right angle to reach her cervix and nearly stumbled back off the toilet lid when she felt it. She was much more dilated than she anticipated, and had she been at home, this is the point where she would have called the babysitters and started preparing to head to the birth centre.

“Oh god, why now, baby?”

As she set her foot back on the floor and pulled her leggings back up, she felt a little pop within her and looked down to see a trickle of liquid running down her thighs and soaking the fabric there. Through the door, Dana could hear another contraction starting up for Emily, her moans faintly audible behind the sound of the running tap.

“Ffuck,” Emily groaned deeply, “I really need to push! NNgghhhhaahhh ooh ohh oohhhh pleaaaseee!!”

Hearing that, Dana raced into action in order to prioritise her client’s pain in the moment. She leaned down over the filled tub and splashed herself with the bathwater, making sure to get the front and the back of her leggings in order to cover up the evidence of her water breaking. Thoroughly washing her hands with the water that’s been steadily running into the sink, she finally turned off the tap and walked back into the bedroom as Emily’s noises died down.

“Alright Emily, I think we’re ready to start pushing now.”

Apparently the contraction had not completely ended, as Emily turned her head to glower at Dana.

“You keep saying ‘we’, we’renot doing anything! I’m the one giving birth here, not either of you!” She snapped, her words wavering as she grunts throughout them.

Dana smirked to herself at the irony of that statement, waiting for Emily to signal that the pain had finally stopped.

“Oh god, I’m so sorry Dana, I didn’t mean to yell at you like that,” Emily apologised as she felt the contraction end, and Dana just smiled and nodded in understanding.

“Why are you all wet?” Emily’s husband asked, furrowing his brow at how soaked Dana’s clothes were.

“Just a mishap with the tub, don’t worry about it. Did you want to start the pushing there or would you rather stay here in the bedroom?”

Another contraction had started remarkably soon after the last, and Emily only managed to point at the bed before succumbing to her groans of pain. Dana assisted her in slowly walking to the bed, helping her to kneel in front of it and rest her elbows against the mattress.

“Just breathe until this one ends, then we can get you into your ideal position and start pushing properly.”

Despite her instructions, it seemed like Emily had already begun pushing, as her chin was pressed down against her chest and she was grunting under her breath. Rather than say anything, Dana just rubbed the labouring woman’s back, applying some pressure where it would most relieve some of the ache. As Emily raised her head again, looking winded but satisfied, her husband and Dana supported her as she clambered atop the mattress, bringing the exercise ball atop the mattress so she could rest her arms on it as she kneeled. Dana moved around the mattress so she could kneel near her, close enough to reach out and help without crowding her.

“Okay, with the next contraction we- you’re going to push really deeply. You only push during your contractions, so make it count. Make whatever noises you want, you can grunt, pant, moan, just bear down as soon as that contraction hits.”

Emily nods, her husband sat next to her and whispering words of love and encouragement in her ear. Though Dana couldn’t hear them, the sight still made her smile and think about her own husband, wishing he was there to support her during her own contractions.

As another contraction hit Emily, she pressed her forehead firmly against the exercise ball, spreading her legs further apart as she pushed.

“Nggghgghh fuck fuck ff- UUHHHNNnnnn! huhh huhh ooohhhh…”

As Dana looked back and forth between Emily’s flushed face and her equally flushed cunt, she began to feel a contraction of her own rising and struggled to bury her reaction. She closed her eyes for a moment in pain, opening to see that thankfully neither of them had noticed. Emily’s contraction ebbs while Dana’s is still happening, but the couple whisper to themselves rather than seeking guidance from their midwife, allowing Dana to ride through the pain on her own.

This pattern continued for about fifteen minutes, Dana and Emily’s contractions happening in near tandem, making it difficult for Dana to concentrate on her job and equally difficult for Emily to notice her midwife struggling to hide her pain.

“OOOOhhhhhh oh god, oh god mmmmnnnnnnhhhh fuck,” Emily cried out with an especially bad contraction, holding her breath as she pushed.

“No, no, don’t hold your breath, you have to breathe or pant,” Dana corrected gently, rubbing Emily’s back. “hhhhuhhhh huhhhh huhhhh ooohhhhhhnggggghh!” Dana began to pant in order to demonstrate, but her contraction forced her to pant in earnest along with Emily, barely holding back from fully moaning. She vocalized alongside Emily for the next few contractions she experienced, pretending to coach her client as she found her own relief.


Dana gingerly moved towards Emily’s open legs, each shuffle feeling like her baby is dropping lower within her, placing a hand against Emily’s pussy to examine her.

“Good job, baby’s so close, you’ll start crowning in a couple more–” Dana wasn’t able to finish that sentence as another contraction slammed into her, but Emily’s renewed moaning would have drowned out her words anyway.

“Mnnnnnhhhhhhhhh huhhh huhhh hnnnngGGHHHHH oh my god, oh god, oh god AAAAHHHHH!” Emily’s groans suddenly turned into shrieks, and she attempted to lunge forward against her exercise ball, her pendulous belly beneath her stopping her from moving far. She tried to close her legs, Dana’s hands against her thighs not letting her, and her husband held her steady as she panicked to try and get away from the pain.

“PLEASEEE oh fffuck, it’s burning it’s burning OOOOHHHHHH MMMNNNggghhhhh…” Her cries tapered into grunts as she pushed through the pain, and Dana watched as Emily’s pussy began to bulge with the force of the baby’s head against it. She pressed her hands there, applying steady pressure as the sliver of visible skin began to widen, the head emerging from within.


Emily was no longer able to speak through her contractions, her vocalisations as she pushed were raw and animalistic moans, her body desperately working to get her baby out. Dana cupped around the head as it moved forward, inch by inch, and she could feel Emily’s body straining under her hands as she held them over her burning hole. As Emily pushed, Dana could feel an intense contraction hitting her as well, making her double over despite herself, her head resting just above Emily’s back and giving her the perfect vantage point to see her lips stretch as the head emerged.

Luckily, Emily was too consumed with her pushing to notice, and her husband was solely focused on her, so Dana was free to ride out her contraction without either of them noticing. Keeping her hands against the bulge of the partial crown, Dana closed her eyes and began to moan under her breath as she was gripped by pain. The only things she noticed were the pangs of her contraction, the heat of Emily’s cunt beneath her hands, and the earthy and intense scent of sweat and birth around her.

Dana’s contraction finally ended and she was snapped back into awareness by a sudden jolt from Emily as the head moved even further out of her.

“No, no, nnghhhhh fuck I can’t do this!” She moved to stand up, her husband holding her up and looking at Dana in alarm. “Please, I need to be in the tub hhhhnnnnnngghhhhhh”

Dana nodded quickly, getting up from the mattress as best as she could with the feeling of pressure in her pelvis.

“Get her into the tub and I’ll be right behind you with the supplies.”

Dana couldn’t help but watch as Emily slowly made her way into the bathroom, barely able to walk and leaning heavily on her husband. Her legs were spread far apart, and with each step Dana could see the head peeking out between them. Another contraction slammed her before she could even cross the bedroom’s threshold, and she nearly crumpled to the ground, being entirely held up by her husband’s arms as she bore down in a squat and the baby’s head slid down even further.


As this contraction subsided, Emily’s husband swept her into the bathroom as quickly as he could, the head peeking out as she followed alongside him.

Dana was about to follow them in with her equipment when another contraction hit her and she found herself using the exercise ball for support in nearly the exact same position as Emily was. With the couple occupied in the other room, Dana allowed herself to vocalize, breathy moans escaping her as she contracted. She could feel the pressure getting more intense by the minute and as soon as it let up she scurried to the bathroom, eager to deliver this baby before her own arrived.

Emily was on her hands and knees in the water, leaned against the lip of the tub with her back facing Dana, allowing the midwife to easily observe the delivery. Dana could see the muscles tightening in Emily’s body as she pushed, screaming as her baby’s head reached a full crown.

“OOOOHHHHHH FUCK FUCK mnnnhhhhh mmmmmmnhhhh I’m gonna tear it’s TOO MUCH!”

Dana cupped her hand around the emerging head again, using her other hand to rub Emily’s back.

“The head is fully crowned, do you want to feel?” At Emily’s frantic head-shaking, Dana applied firmer pressure to her back and smiled. “That’s alright, for the next contractions I don’t want you to push, you’re just going to pant and let the baby emerge naturally so you don’t tear anything.”

Another contraction hit Dana as she finished speaking and she panted alongside Emily while watching the head slowly slide out. It took two contractions of the women breathing through them together before the head fully emerged and Dana was able to check for the cord.

“Head is out guys, just a couple more big pushes until you meet your baby!”

Emily straightened up her back, seemingly invigorated by this, and bore down again desperately.


Bizarrely, hearing Emily’s labouring noises was helping Dana feel a bit of relief, as if she were imagining that her own body was bearing down to get her baby out. Upon noticing her thighs shaking, Dana realized that she actually was bearing down, that she’d been holding back for so long that her body instinctively started pushing anyway.

“Pushpushpush, you’re doing so well! PUSH!” This was the first time the soft-spoken man had yelled out his encouragement, having previously whispered it to his wife intimately, but it seemed like the excitement of nearly meeting their baby had gotten to him too. This encouragement to push unfortunately also affected Dana, who widened her knees to push, even as she reached forward and caught the newly-born baby.

Dana rubbed the baby’s back until he began to wail and rested him against his mother’s bare chest.

“Congrats, it’s a boy,” she said, leaving the bathroom under the guise of giving the new family some space. Immediately upon reaching the bedroom, she rested herself against the bed and pressed a hand against the crotch of her leggings in order to determine how dire her situation was. Not feeling any external signs, just intense pressure within, she decided to complete the post-birth tests as quickly as she possibly could before making her escape.

Dana could not remember anything about her postnatal care of the mother and baby, relying solely on muscle memory as she worked on autopilot to focus on not giving birth on the floor right in front of her clients. Triple-checking the results of her tests to ensure she hadn’t missed something vital, she made a mental note to set up a follow-up appointment for them with someone before she haphazardly grabbed her bag and closed the bedroom door behind her.

“Ffuck fuck ohhhhhh huhhh huhhhhhhhhh…”

Dana dropped to her knees outside of the room, counting on the baby’s crying to drown out the sounds of her labour. A contraction had her doubled over on the floor, and she gathered all her energy to bear down desperately. She nearly cried out again in shock as she felt the baby slide down much farther than she expected, increasing the pressure between her legs. As it abated, she used the wall to stabilize herself and slowly shuffled down the hall.

As she stepped onto the top stair, she felt another jolt as her baby moved further down, feeling like the head was about to pop out of her if she took another step. The muscles of her womb tightened again and she squatted on the stairs, far enough from the bedroom to freely vocalize.


Once the haze of pain cleared, Dana was left with the realization that if she kept doing this she would end up giving birth on the stairs. Steeling herself, she placed a hand against her clothed pussy and pressed up, trying to hold back against the head coming out until she could get out of this house. Her desperation-fueled adrenaline allowed her to get all the way down the stairs before her next contraction where she was squatting in front of the couch, holding herself up with one hand and pressing between her legs with the other.

“hoooo hooo huhhhhhh hnnnnnhhHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHH FFFUUUUUUCK!”

Dana kept her face muffled against the cushions as she screamed, feeling the warring sensations of her body pushing the baby down while her hand pressed up to prevent it.

“MMMMMMMMMMMM NNNGGGGHHHHHAAAAA! NO no not yet baby, we’re almost out!” She pleaded with her bump, eying the door desperately and rushing towards it as soon as the contraction ended, beginning to feel a bulge pressing against her hand.

As she exited the house, another wave hit her and she was struck with the realization that giving birth in the house would have been much better than giving birth outside it. She pressed her head against the door to hide her expression from any prying neighbours as she moaned under her breath, tears pricking at her eyes from the strain.

Dana looked incredibly strange walking to her car soaking wet with a hand pressed against her pussy, but she stumbled into the backseat and locked the doors behind her. Immediately pulling down her leggings, she sat at the edge of one of the seats with her legs up against the headrest in front of her, bearing down with a shriek.


The hand that was holding the baby in was now ready to catch, and Dana could feel the head rapidly emerging from within her now that she wasn’t holding anything back. With her other hand, she fumbled for her phone to call her husband–or anyone who could provide moral support–but she dropped it to the floor as she was trying to call.

The burning sensation was beginning, and though this was her third child it never got any easier. The baby was coming quickly, stretching her skin thinly around it as she tried to hold it back once more to prevent tearing.


Dana knew not to push but she was tempted to do so anyway, needing to get her baby out after ages of holding back her labour. She made sure the baby was in the right position and that the neck was clear of the cord before making one final push and catching her baby in her arms.

“UHHHHH NNNNGGGGHHHHHH! Oh fuck, oh… oh my god,” she began to cry as she brought her baby to her chest, helping the newborn to latch on as she caught her breath.

“Baby? Can you hear me? Hello??”

Dana was startled by the sound of someone speaking, then looked down and realised that her phone call had connected after all. Incredibly sore, she leaned down to pick up her phone and responded to her husband.

“Dana, what the fuck was that?? Did you have the baby??”

“Would you believe me if I said that was the client?” She joked breathlessly.

Don’t mind me…just imagining myself with my arms around your neck, slow dancing through contractions while you rub my massive belly and kiss my forehead…

Master List

Finally got around to making one of these. Felt necessary now that I’m getting up there in the fic count. Right now the fics are ordered from oldest to newest, but I plan on reorganizing them later based on the content.

Also, thank you for over 450 followers! Didn’t expect to get this high at all.

Love Through the Years - a short, fluff fic following a couple’s journey from pre-dating to having their own family.

Without Use - Follows a princess who’s been disowned after admitting to falling in love with a stablehand. TW: Torture

A New lineage of Mages - Young college student endures a rapid pregnancy brought about by mysterious means.

M.I.E Part 1&M.I.E Part 2 - A young man tries masturbating for the first time in his life. The results lead to unpredictable incident.

Popping Branch - What happens when you’re extremely overdue and the village doctor has no idea what to do? Listen to an old lady’s tale about a tree of course.

Out of Retirement - A story following a villain that retires out in the country and starts a family. Unfortunately, circumstances lead to them getting dragged back into it.

Burn - A story following what happens when someone spends the night with a top tier hero and their agent sees them as an issue. TW: Dubcon/Noncon

Watching/Watched - perspective story. Someone watches what they believe to be a poor woman in labor. Unbeknownst to them, the woman planned for this.

Mage and Paladin - A mage jealous of her teammates big pregnant belly sets out to get an even bigger one.

Corruption: Demonic - A cult takes an expectant mother and turns her baby into a nightmare

Photogenic - A woman who loves the feeling of labor and husband who loves watching her in it even more.

The Satellite Campus - A Story following a group of college students enrolled in a campus where they have to go through a full pregnancy in a semester.

Demon Queen - A demon and a hero chosen by the gods get married. Not everyone is pleased with that though. TW: Torture

Accidental Cambirth - A popular cam model decides to do one last stream in her 9th month of pregnancy.

Lilith- A devout young woman chooses to be host to a Demon’s children.

Eggs of the Leviathan - The Leviathan gives you his Eggs and you carry them joyfully.

Scaly Love - A series following the relationship of a draconic man and a human young woman.

Retribution - A doctor gets his comeuppance after treating a witch’s sister wrong. TW: Medical Malpractice Torture

Angel’s Cage - A princess is taken as a war prize for the king of a kingdom of conquerors. TW: Dubcon

For the Clan - You are chosen to be one of the lucky few to bear the children of the warriors.

Labor Crisis - A doctor thinks shes fine to work with overdue triplets in her belly, but she might be wrong.

Labor Crisis

Request: [What if an overdue Nurse/ doctor/ ObGyn/Midwife/ Doula / any other healthcare staff like pharmacist still working while in Labour with multiple babies?]

“Good. Good, you’re doing great Maya. Just one more push,” Selina held the baby’s head as the new mother bore down hard. 

The mothers stomach squeezed down hard with her push and the shoulders spread her wide. The mother screamed and moaned right as the shoulders burst from her, the baby sliding out into the doctor’s arms. The nurse beside Selina called out the time of birth and Selina gave the mother their crying baby. 

Selina huffed as she stood up, her own heavily pregnant belly swaying in front of her. It was always a joy to see the mother embrace her hard fought fruits of labor. A nurse ran into the room frantically, interrupting Selina’s musing.

“Dr. Mason! Mrs. Klein has been demanding to see you for the past 10 minutes,” the nurse said.  

Selina sighed and waddled her way out of the room, leaving the mother with some of the other nurses. Selina walked past a wide window on the floor and out of the corner of her eye she saw the rush of ambulances pulling into the hospital. 

The hospital was a whirlwind of activity. The lot was filled to the brim with emergency vehicles. EMT’s, nurses and doctors were rushing in and out of the main hospital. 

Selina only took a moment to observe the scene from her spot in the maternity ward building. It was pure chaos. A natural disaster would do that though. An absurd earthquake only a mere hour ago downed an entire Highway bridge. The hospital she worked at was just at the edge of the worst of the quake, making it the closest hospital for critical condition patients. Considering her own condition, she was the only doctor in the ward and minimal nurses were assigned to the area right now. 

Selina rubbed her stomach as a slight contraction ran through it. Her belly hung low, barely being covered by her oversized scrubs. She was 38 weeks pregnant with triplets -which was extremely overdue. She was really low risk for a triplet pregnancy and she was scheduled for induction tomorrow, so she was just fine in her mind. Her husband, a doctor in the ER, was pretty vocal with his objections to her coming to the hospital though, thinking the stress might set her off or harm the babies. But what else was she supposed to do in a situation like this? Let these laboring patients go it alone with limited help. She couldn’t let that happen. 

Selina walked into the room where Mrs. Klein was in labor. Klein was an extremely affluent businesswoman and she held herself as such even in labor. The woman had her hair styled in an orderly bun and a slight bit of makeup on her face. Her husband, who had been no more than a wallflower since they got his wife to the room, carefully dabbed her forehead with a towel. 

“Well there you are! Took you long enough to get here!” Mrs. Klein said, brushing her husband away. 

“There were other patients I had to attend to, Mrs. Klein,” Selina rolled her eyes. “What is it that you need me for?" 

Mrs. Klein rubbed her swollen stomach. "I have been in labor for far too long. I have a flight tomorrow morning and I don’t wish to be in labor all day." 

Selina sighed. She had no idea how to explain to this woman that babies came in their own time, even with medical intervention. Mostly because she’d told her twice already in the relatively short time she was here. Selina felt a cramp circulate through her stomach and lower back as she pondered her response. 

"The nurse said I am 5 centimeters dilated, surely you can break my water and speed things up?” Mrs. Klein continued. 

“Uhm, yes we - oooh - could, however that would rapidly increase the speed of your labor and the pain,” Selina said, rubbing the underside of her own heavy swell. 

“Then do it and get me an epidural! That would be the perfect scenario!" 

Selina waved over one of the nurses with her freehand and gave them the all clear to break her water as well as prepare an epidural. The tightening in her stomach persisted and intensified as she quickly shuffled out the door. Selina dodged nurses rushing through the halls and quickly dipped into a nearby employee bathroom. She allowed herself to let out a moan. The babies felt so low and heavy. She already carried low throughout her pregnancy, but the weight on her pelvis felt so much bigger now. 

Selina bent forward to put both hands on the sink and let her belly hang under her. Her breathing quivered, trying to keep her composure. She lifted her shirt to examine her belly.

If any of the nurses saw it, they’d likely drag her onto a birth bed. The contractions and amount of babies made her belly oblong and torpedo shaped. It had long red tiger stripes for stretch marks scattered around the middle. Her belly button, that used to point straight out earlier in pregnancy, was a huge point that now angled downwards with the rest of her bump. Selina couldn’t fit the belly support band she’d bought anymore, so now the underside of her belly had grooves from the textured band of her scrubs engraved in it.

This wasn’t her first contraction of the day or even her second. She woke up in the wee hours of the morning to her stomach being a hard ball. It happened twice before the accident and right after she argued with her husband about going to the ward to help. The day before, Selina had been having more consistent contractions as well, but this was the first time the pain was becoming more intense. 

"Fooo, babies please, you have to wait for mommy to finish working,” The contraction started to ease. “After I’m done, you can come out. We’ll have a nice room for you.”

Selina pushed herself off the sink, put her shirt down and started waddling out the door with one hand on the small of her back and the other under her lowering bump. The halls were still bustling with activity. 

“Doctor Mason!” A nurse’s voice came to her ear. “We need your assistance!" 

Selina sighed. Today was going to be a long day.  

~ 4 hours later ~

Selina should’ve denied working today. It was too much. Too long. Selina leant her full weight on the back of the toilet seat while her baby filled belly contracted and rocked her hips. The pressure had increased tenfold within the last few hours. She felt like her pussy could be filled with a baby any minute.  For the past few hours she’d quickly migrated from one birthing mother to another. Bending between their legs, waddling down the halls to their rooms, you name it. The more she moved the further her own labor progressed. 

 Her stomach was so low that she couldn’t even properly check herself anymore. At the very least, her waters had yet to break. But that wasn’t much insurance. 

"Doctor Mason! I’m sorry, but we need assistance immediately!” A nurse shouted into the bathroom. 

Selina sighed in exasperation. “Alright, I’ll be out in a minute." 

Selina heaved herself up off of the toilet and felt the full weight of her babies low in her pelvis. Selina groaned and waddled as fast as she could outside of the bathroom. If anyone had been watching her closely these past few hours they would have noticed that her gait had widened substantially. 

The ward was still bustling with an activity that only being understaffed could provide, but the nurses had gotten a lot more efficient. 

Selina followed the nurse who called her with a hand on the small of her back and the other under her belly. She did her best not to stop and moan since walking made it feel like she was driving her first baby lower and lower. 

The Nurse entered the room and Selina trailed in to see a younger woman in a college hoodie along with a young man in a Letterman’s jacket holding her hand. Her bottom half was already exposed and the hoodie was hiked up over the girl’s huge swell of the stomach. 

"I can’t have the baby now! Not now please!” The girl screamed. 

“How long have you been in labor?” Selina asked as she put on the gloves and got between her legs.

“It’s only been 2 hours!”

Selina cursed under her breath. The young woman was 9 centimeters dilated and quickly transitioning to 10. A first time mom experiencing a rapid labor wasn’t an ordeal she needed right this moment. Selina’s stomach contracted hard underneath her scrubs as if to remind her of her own crisis. The head of her first baby was sitting extremely low in her pelvis, basically knocking on her cervix. The pressure made her squat slightly before she stopped herself. 

“No! I can’t push. I can’t. Not now,” Selina thought. Pushing would just send her into further labor. 

The college student’s breath slowed as the contraction ebbed away for a moment only for her to start moaning anew after a few seconds. 

“Oh god I can feel the head!” The student howled, clutching her stomach. 

“It’s going to be ok, what’s your name?” Selina asked through the pressure of her body. 

“Bella,” She managed to growl out. 

“Ok Bella, when you feel your next contraction, you have to push.” Selina instructed then turned to the nurse and the other student. “Pull her legs back as far as they can go." 

Bella groaned as her stomach started to spasm with a contraction and she did as Selina instructed. The nurse and the student pushed Bella’s legs back. Bella bore down and her stomach squeezed. 

Selina saw the head of the baby quickly begin to spread its mothers lips at the base. Somehow the view made the pressure in Selina’s bottom and her back worse. Just seeing it made her want to give in to her own desire to push when her next contraction came.

Selina moaned under Bella’s grunting. She kept her hands around the speedily bulging lips of Bella’s vagina. 

"It fucking burns! It burns!” Bella screamed hoarsely while pushing.

Her lips opened easier than Selina expected. The head came into a full crown quickly and then immediately fell into Selina’s gloved palms along a sizable gush of fluid.

“Keep pushing!” Selina instructed. 

Bella continued to bear down and holler. Her stretched stomach squeezed the harder she pushed. The shoulders of the baby opened the young students’ crotch once more. Bella’s face was red with effort. Selina held the baby up as it started to slide out the woman’s lips and then with another spray of fluid, the baby came completely free of its mothers canal. 

Bella gasped and cried as she felt her baby be born. Selina quickly brought the child up to its mothers chest. 

“Oh my baby, my baby!” Bella cried out at the same time her baby started to wail. Even the young man who was with her started to get teary eyed. 

Selina let out a sigh of relief. Rapid births can usually go wrong fast, but she was lucky. Suddenly a tightening sensation sprawled across her own mountainous belly. The bodies of her babies felt like they were all driving downwards, just threatening to break her waters against her dilating canal. Selina did everything she could not to moan out loud with the increasing pain and pressure.

“Just a few more hours, babies. Please, wait until daddy and I end our shifts.” Selina silently begged while rubbing her belly. 

Suddenly, another Nurse ran into the room looking frantic. 

“Doctor Mason, I need you you in Mrs. Klein’s room!” The nurse said dashing off.

Selina sighed tiredly and groaned through the contraction as she followed behind the nurse. Selina felt so much heavier in her bottom. The pressure was starting to drive her insane. She wanted to break her waters, she wanted to push, she wanted some kind of relief for the pain. The underside of her belly had dropped so much that it had begun to poke out from the bottom of her shirt. 

She entered the hall with her ever widening waddle to Mrs.Klein’s room.

Selina walked in to see Mrs.Klein looking completely disheveled. Hair was matted to her face, her hands gripped the rails of the bed with white knuckles and sweat poured off her body. The head of her baby was almost out of her labor worn vagina.

2 hours ago when she found out the epidural had slowed her labor, she demanded that they’d turn it off and of course she ignored Selina’s warnings about the pain of labor increasing. 

“What’s wrong?” Selina asked, getting a good look at Mrs. Klein’s crotch. 

“The baby won’t come out you damn incompetent!” Mrs. Klein shouted with a rough cry. The back arching contraction intensified 

Selina ignored her insult, and studied the situation. She put her fingers into Klein’s spread lips and was met with the hard surface of the shoulders. Selina understood immediately. Shoulder dystocia. The baby wouldn’t have a chance of moving without intervention. 

“Get this baby out of me Doctor!” Mrs. Klein screamed. 

“ok, you need to get on all fours. One knee and one foot on the bed,” Selina turned to the amateur nurse and Mrs. Klein’s husband. “ Help her get into that position. 

The nurse and Mr. Klein scrambled to Mrs. Klein’s to get her propped up. This position was known to work for dystocia in the past. 

Mrs. Klein’s legs quivered in the position trying to support her weight. Selina felt around the head and to the shoulders once more. There was a bit more space for her to adjust the shoulders herself. 

"Ok, next contraction, push,” Selina instructed. 

“It fucking hurts!” Klein threw her head back, screamed and then pushed. 

Selina felt the first shoulder become dislodged from where it was stuck. The second came pretty close after. Mrs. Klein continued to push and shriek her baby out now that she could feel progress being made. 

Once again, Selina desired that. She felt her own knees start to bend in a squat almost instinctively. The pressure within her was mounting again, like her body was reacting to her wanting to get her babies out. 

“You - ooooough - You’re doing great, Mrs. Klein,” Selina said as the baby’s head freed itself.

Mrs. Klein wasn’t listening however. Her face was buried into the pillows as she bore down on her baby. The shoulders finally free, slid out of her battered hole and into Selina’s hands. Selina quickly passed the newborn off to the nurse, feeling the contraction within her grow stronger.

Mr. Klein worked to help Mrs. Klein lay back down comfortably. She gasped, hair and makeup scattered every  which way on her face. 

“Thank you, Doctor,” Mrs. Klein said with a tired smile as the nurse handed her her newborn. 

Selina had barely registered the thanks and only gave an affirming nod as she rushed herself out of the room with both of her hands under her belly. 

She felt like her bottom was about to explode. Selina waddled as fast as she could to the bathroom, praying to god no one would stop her. She could almost feel the viscous sack of her waters bulging through her cervix. Her body was painfully teasing her with the idea of her babies coming out. 

The contraction got even harder somehow, causing her legs to give a little and make hold on to the handrail embedded on the wall.

“So low, so low…holy shit,” Selina thought, gripping the side rail and her extremely tight belly. 

Then Selina heard a young woman scream from nearby.

 "Something is wrong! It hurts too much! I feel like I have to push!“ 

Selina recognized the scream as Bella’s. What the hell was going on? Selina followed the screams back to Bella’s room and entered to see the young mother digging her nails into her bump. 

"Oh thank goodness you’re here,” the nurse tending to Bella said. “I don’t know what’s going on!" 

"Mmf, ok, let me see,” Selina already had an idea of what was going on given the state the student was in when she arrived. She put her gloved fingers into the students already canal and felt a 

“It looks like you’re giving your baby a twin tonight!” Selina said. 

“T-twin???” Bella said between labored breaths. 

“You have to push now!" 

Bella did as she was told. Her stomach lurched forward as she strained to get her surprise out of her pussy. The baby progressed as fast as its sibling. The head started to bulge the base of Bella’s vagina and up to her clit. 

Selina couldn’t help but crave doing that now. Just pushing her babies out of her. Relieving the pressure. Getting rid of the pain. A contraction seized her belly. Selina unconsciously bore down a little with Bella. She slightly gasped in surprise as she felt something move downward to edge out of her cervix. Then she felt a bit of moisture.

"Oh no, oh no, no, no, no.” Selina thought. 

Bella let out a high pitched scream as her baby came to a full crown and quickly shot from her vaginal lips. Selina barely registered the speedily moving baby she was supposed to be supporting. She could feel herself involuntarily lowering as the thing in her cervix pressed out more and more. 

Selina absentmindedly checked for a cord and gave Bella the ok to push again as if she had stopped. The shoulders of the baby came easily and the surprise baby fell into Selina’s waiting hands. Just like its sibling, it started to cry immediately. 

Selina quickly brought the child up to its mother who could only look at the baby with shock and tears. 

Selina couldn’t muster a word of congratulations. The pressure was building even more. It felt as though something was trying to fall out of her. The first baby was so close to moving into her cervix at this rate. 

Selina felt the eyes of the Nurse tending to Bella and the young man on her. Selina didn’t realize that they’d been looking at her strangely since she walked in. Nor did she realize the growing splotch of wetness form on the crotch of her pants. She gathered up the already amniotic fluid stained sheets in one palm as her stomach compressed harder and harder under the other. 

“Doctor Mason…are you in la-” the Nurse started to ask. 

“N-no, I’m fine, just a Braxton hic-”

Then, the pressure peaked within Selina and she finally felt a release. Fluid splashed through her scrubs and the head of her first baby pressed hard on her cervix. Selina’s knees quivered and gave into the pressure. Her knees fell into the liquid and her belly grazed the floor.

The nurse and the young man looked at the fluid and Selina’s soiled pants in shock. 

“I…I think I need to get in one of those beds now…” Selina said, just as the first baby’s head started pressing hard on her canal.

Guess her extra shift ends early today. 

For the Clan

You are a young woman who belongs to one of the strongest warrior clans in the world. The warriors were bred to be battling machines from birth, strong and ruthless to anyone that isn’t one of their clansmen no matter their gender. 

However, only specific people can be chosen to breed new warriors. At the age of 18 everyone not born a warrior is purposed with some other task to support the clan through divination. Carpenters, metal workers, chefs farmers; all are tasks chosen by the matriarch of the clan. Warrior breeders were the most regarded, and rare task to be given to someone.  

Your family was ecstatic when the clan matriarch announced you to be a warrior breeder. Of course, why wouldn’t they be? You and them would be blessed for life, given riches and the best care. But…you were not so happy with it. Standing at only 5 feet tall and slim as can be, knowing that for the rest of your life you’d have to carry warrior children was frightening. Warrior babies were notorious for being gigantic in size. But, you didn’t have much of a choice, it was your responsibility to birth the next generation of warriors along with two other young women. 

The night you were chosen, a warrior male was sent to lay with you. There wasn’t any conversation with him, he just thrusted his huge cock into your petite hips until you were overflowing with his cum. Warrior Breeders weren’t allowed to marry, they just had sex with one warrior until a pregnancy happened, and it didn’t take long. The chosen warrior filled you with his seed every morning and every night, until you were plagued with morning sickness and a firmness covered the base of your belly. 

Once it was confirmed, the warrior stopped visiting and you were catered to and taken care of by the midwives and maids of the clan. 

The months went by in a flash. You are nearing your 9th month of pregnancy and you sported the biggest belly of the 3 new breeders. The child of the warrior is huge in your womb. Your formerly flat belly is now a huge, distended mound of flesh hanging off your abdomen. Your belly button is now poked out like a tiny knob at the end of your stomach. Everything was swore. Your feet and back constantly strained to support the swollen girth of your belly and the skin stretched to it limit trying to keep the massive babe inside.

You rubbed oil on your aching sphere to soothe it. Not much else for you to do but to wait for labor to start since the midwives ordered you to bed rest. A part of you desperately wished for the baby to come out of you, but another part of you couldn’t wait for the next time you could bear a child. Something about feeling the child squirm and rubbing it made your body and heart tingle. So far, only one of the warrior breeders had given birth so far; a premature, yet still strong baby girl.  The 2nd breeder was expected to give birth very soon. You however are still waiting, not expected to give birth anytime soon. The child not at all wanting to leave the warmth and coziness of your womb despite already being in position.

You could barely move with how big your belly was on your slight body, especially now that it had dropped. Most of your days were now spent comforting your aching swell or talking to the first Breeder and helping her care for her new child. Despite being so small, the little babe sported a strong grip of a warrior. It made you all the more excited for your own. 

That night, you awoke to a slight cramp going through your belly. It wasn’t painful, just uncomfortable. Only a second later, you heard a loud moaning scream echo through the walls of your room. The 2nd breeder was in the midst of labor it seemed, her room was right above yours so hearing the pained throes was easy. 

Her throat sounded raspy and ravaged as she cried and groaned. You imagined her belly seizing, red and wet with sweat, her long hair matted to her body, and the head of her child opening up the lips of her vagina. For some reason, the thought didn’t scare you…it made you yearn for pleasure, the same way you felt when you rubbed your own stomach. The young woman screams continued and you snaked your hand around your belly and to your sensitive clit. You started rubbing it slowly and as the breeder’s labor intensified, your mix of rubbing and fingering sped up as well. 

You became synced with the woman in your own moans. As you reached climax, you heard the midwives coaching the breeder through releasing the shoulders. Your. Baby squirmed as you continued to pleasure yourself, one hand flicking your sensitive clit and another fondling your pregnancy engorged breasts. The sounds of labor made you impossibly wet now, your belly undulated with every gasping breath you made in pleasure. You were so very close to release. As soon as the you heard the breeder gasp in relief as her huge child erupted from her opening, you came aggressively all over your bed sheets. You laid there staring at the ceiling, gasping for air as you came down from the high. Everything still tingled, that orgasm was more intense than any of the sex you had. 

The wailing of a newborn made its way to your ears, snapping you out of your ecstasy fueled daze. Soon you would be the one screaming out your child and praying for the end of the pain. You returned to sleep praying you could have the same amount of pleasure birthing as you did minutes earlier.

—3 weeks later—

You shrieked and threw your head back in pain. your gargantuan, contracting belly was hanging heavily between your squatting legs. The labor tinting its skin red and making it wet with your sweat. Your hands white knuckled the birthing silks that dangled from the ceiling. You have been in labor for almost two days now, your waters breaking 10 hours ago. Your midwives made every attempt to soothe the pain and pressure to no avail. You were small and your pelvis not as big as one needed for such a seemingly big baby, but you pushed all the same. The pressure was insufferable with the head of your baby battling to get through your dilated cervix and you were desperate for it to be free. 

The muscles in your abdomen constricted harder on you, making your birth canal full of your baby until it released. You moaned loudly as the gripping pain ebbed away. You were in intense pain, but the fullness of the baby, your own screams; it took you back to the night a few weeks ago. The feeling of birth felt orgasmic to you for some reason. You want to push just so you can feel the baby open you up more, so you can feel your sensitive lips spread around its head. 

A band of steel seized your round, sweaty gut yet again. You pushed downward with all your might. The lips of your swollen opening began to bulge and a sharp burn started to course through it. The Midwives strongly advised you to stop pushing and you did even though the contraction still bludgeoned your uterus. You scrunch your face as the intense burn of the full crown overtakes the pleasure you were feeling.  Your opening was still small despite the expansion of your hips due to pregnancy and labor. The head felt like it could snap your tiny pussy in half. You felt a tear stream down your cheek as you resisted the urge to push. 

Your belly trembled as the  contraction continued to belt through you. You started to give small pushes, like the midwives advised, and then the head slowly emerged, face and all. It was slow going though. The contraction stopped with the head hanging half way out of you. The lips of your vagina still were bulged out, gripping to the festures of the head, with the skin almost turning bloodless from the strain. Another contraction started to build in your core and you began pushing immediately. Your stomach compressed hard enough to outline your womb while you pushed until finally you felt release. You recoiled from the strong release of pressure, a gush of fluids accompanying it. The painfully stretched skin of your genitals went fully around the child’s face and down to its neck. 

The contraction persisted and the Midwife gave the ok to push yet again. You brought your chin down to your achy breasts and squeezed hard. The hard shoulders slowly pulled you back open. You were more used to the pain and now the orgasmic feeling of birth started to overwhelm you. The midwives thought you were moaning purely from pain, but no. The sensation of birth, pushing out something so huge made your battered canal wet. 

Your breath shook as the feeling of orgasm mixed with the painful contractions,the shoulders and the rest of the body slid out in a wave of mixed fluids. You gasp in relief when the pressure subsides and your belly slightly deflates.  The child, a girl, starts to scream and wail when the Midwife dries the child. You stared at the huge babe in admiration and desire. You were proud of yourself for being able to birth a child so big through your small hips, yet you wished you could go through it again despite it being customary to rest for 4 months before falling pregnant again.

Suddenly, another vice pressed itself on you as the Midwives assistants guided you to your bed for rest. You thought it was just your body trying to expel the placenta, but something hard opened your already spread cervix. The pressure, the pain, and the need to push all came rushing back as the contraction peaked. You were carrying twins, a twin just as big as its sister. 

A scream erupted from your already worn throat as the huge mass bore down through your canal. Your hand clutched the hard surface of your fecund mound and You collapsed to your knees despite being held up by the assistants. You instinctively pushed the child down your canal. It already being stretched and worn made it find its way to your vaginal opening quite fast.

The burn was already setting in again. Your wet lips spreading taut and coloring pale white. Your still huge stomach compressed harder, causing you to moan. Before the midwife could get in position to check, you gave into the pressure and the need to push. The feeling of arousal coursed through you yet again as the head spread you wider. The pain’s effect had numbed further; you felt so close to orgasm. Your hips bucked forward as the head gushed out of your swollen slit, you threw back your head in a loud moan as you came with a wet orgasm. Quickly, the rest of the huge baby slid slowly out and on the ground under you.

The midwife scrambled to pick up the big baby, a boy this time, and make sure it was healthy; an attempt that was soon met with loud cries from the babe. Your head was dizzy, as the assistants got you on the bed. It was a rarity and a blessing for a breeder to birth twins safely. The midwife and their assistants showered you with praise at the success and proof of your fertility. You reflected on how scared you were when you were chosen and let out a tired chuckle. You couldn’t wait to get pregnant again…hopefully with another set of twins…or maybe even triplets. 

Angel’s Cage 

CW: Dubcon

It had been 1 month since Hayliel lost everything. 1 month since everything around her burned. 1 month since everything she loved was stomped out and taken. The war that no one remembered who started, came to a fiery and death saturated end. Hayliel was the last living member of the royal family of Foresong, one of only hundreds of her people left, and now she sat in her isolated tower room at the edge of her bed waiting for that cold king to come take something else.  

Hayliel was considered one of the most beautiful young women in all of the lands. Full figured in all of the right places and a face as stunning as precious gems, fitting to her namesake, “Angel of the Forest “.  It was clear why the aged warrior king would claim her amongst several dozen women taken from Foresong’s now ashen land. The cold silence of the bedroom was broken by the door creaking open.  A large Man in an ornate breastplate and cape entered the room, King Farna. He absentmindedly scratched his thick salt and pepper beard, his eyes scanning the lightly dressed young girl. 

“…are you prepared?” he asked tersely. 

“Yes.” In truth, she wasn’t ever going to ‘prepared’ to have sex with the man who caused her so much pain, but it’s not like she had a choice anyway, might as well submit to it rather than struggle. 

“I will not mince words. You only exist here now to bear me heirs. Gender is as irrelevant as yours or my happiness in the matter.” His voice was as cold as the air in the castle. “Strength is the only thing that matters here, you will be the only one responsible for your well-being. Understood?” 

Hayliel nodded stiffly. 

Farna grumbled and unbuttoned his trousers without even taking off his ceremonial armor. He gently pushed Hayliel flat onto the bed and lifted her light dress. Hayliel was shocked at how direct he was, she expected him to relish this a little bit. He moved aside her thin garments and roughly inserted his huge member and began thrusting. Hayliel flinched slightly as roughly penetrated her, his girth not unrelenting to her untouched slit. She bit back the sensation to moan with each thrust. This wasn’t to be like the stories she heard from older women. The passionate and sensual love that was sold to her no longer exists. 

This was passionless. Cold. there was no love, no heart. Eleanor stole a glance at the aged king. He wasn’t even looking at her, just staring distantly out the frost glazed window,  as he took away one of the only things she had left. Hayliels brow furrowed as she bit back the sensation to moan in pleasure. “I don’t care about how it feels. I can’t…let him…”her thoughts were interrupted by the growing strikes of sensual release flooding her wet slit. The king’s member twitched inside her, and with a deep thrust, a thick stream of warm fluid coated the walls of her vagina. Hayliel bit her lip and closed her eyes tight as the cum pumped into her. Hayliel let out a tight breath as Farna jerked his dripping cock out of her. 

“I will return in a week’s time.” The tone of the King’s voice unchanging as he buttoned up his trousers. As he went to leave the room, he turned to look at her still trying to collect herself. “I…apologize…”

“What?” she thought. The man who destroyed her life, giving a simple apology like that. Hayliel felt disgust and rage rise up from the depths of her heart.  Farna exited the room, leaving her to the hollowness of the room. 

"This is my life now, huh…” she whispered. She put hand to the base of her stomach. This was nothing but a breeding ground for his majesty now. 

Weeks passed. Farna and Hayliel’s weekly hollow ritual persisted until finally, Hayliel was plagued with sickness and the lack of a monthly. There was no celebration from Farna when the pregnancy was confirmed, he just gave his typical terse grumble and left the manor and only a few of the tower servants offered their hollow congratulations with pitied looks. Hayliel didn’t blame them, she was basically a breeding cow given the task to give birth to something destined to be too big for her, to do it more than once, and alone according to Glace traditions. 

The 1st trimester came and went, the 2nd halfway through, and Hayliel already looked as though she could pop in a short time. King Farna scarcely visited anymore and even when he did, he would never speak words to her, just observe his handiwork and leave.

Hayliel grumbled at the thought of that old man as she immersed herself in the tower’s books. The library was the only form of entertainment she had within her “home”. A soft patter hit the inside of her growing belly as she read. Hayliel reached down and massaged her lightly covered belly. 

“Stop poking me while I read you little ankle biter.” Hayliel responded poking back affectionately at the kicking foot. When She first felt the firmness start to form at the base of her belly, she hated it. All it was, was a reminder of what she lost and what she was prisoner to do for the rest of her life. But, once the child started to move, it was the first real warmth she felt in a long time. Hayliel got up from her seat, cradling the underside of her growing belly and made her way back to her room. 

When she opened the door, she was greeted by the giant figure of the king. The white streaks of hair glistened in the candle light. 

Hayliel closed the door behind her and placed her books on one of her shoddy dressers. 

“What…can I do for you, your majesty…” Hayliel spoke stiffly. 

Farna turned and studied her swelling body.  Her breast, while modest before, grew to be somewhat large and voluptuous as her pregnancy progressed. Even her ass and hips seemed to fill out more. Farna could barely disguise the lust in his eyes. 

“I…haven’t been entirely transparent with you.” Farna took a few steps closer to Hayliel laid a giant hand on her stomach. “My wife-the queen- has been unable to birth a healthy heir who could rule, as you may have assumed.” 

It was true, Hayliel figured his wife had failed him in that regard, but that can’t be the only reason he came to her now. 

The king massaged his temples and continued. “And…I find that sharing the marriage bed with her to be tiresome…but with you I find myself struggling to maintain the facade of disinterest. Your beauty…taunts me.“ The king grumbled.

Hayliel’s mouth opened in shock. “I-I…what do you want.” Hayliel stammered, the hunger in Farna’s eyes was growing. A noticeable tent in the man’s trousers started to grow as he started to  step closer to her. Hayliel couldn’t deny that she missed the way his cock filled her despite not showing it. She craved any source of pleasure in these hollowed halls at this point.

Hayliel opened her mouth to protest, but Farna quickly pressed his lips to hers, stifling what she was going to say. It surprised her at first, but the yearning of her privates made her lean into the kiss herself. Farna pulled the thin dress over her protruding bump and reached two of his broad fingers into her wetting slit. Hayliel moaned through her still occupied lips as her clit sent sensations through her. 

Farna undid his trousers with his free hand and swiped its girth up and down her vaginal flaps.  Farna then lifted and pressed her firmly against the closed tight doors and penetrated her with his throbbing girth, gripping her filled out ass all the way. Hayliel finally released her lips from the lock of Farna’s, she looked in his eyes as she felt his cock fill her and he looked into hers. This time felt different, it felt like they were actually connected.  Hayliel moaned aloud as he started thrusting into her, the tip just touching her sealed cervix that sent strikes of pain and pleasure lanced through her. 

Hayliels hands gripped Farna’s back as he continued to thrust into her, her engorged tits bouncing with each pierce. Farna and Hayliel moaned in unison as his thick member grew larger and they both approached the climax.  With a few more strong pulses, Farna brought Hayliel close and unloaded thick wad after thick wad of cum into her tight pussy. Hayliel screamed out in pleasure when it filled her. But, farna wasn’t finished, he carried Hayliel over to the edge of her bed and laid her down. Farna stripped off the rest of Hayliel’s dress as she recovered from her orgasm. Without hesitation, Farna bent down and kissed her solid sphere of skin and up to her milk filled breasts. He flicked his tongue over each teat, a soft whine coming from her lips with each swipe. Despite cum already dripping out of her wet pussy, Farna thrusted into her again for another round. Hayliels heavy belly bounced and undulated with each moan and thrust. Farna gripped the taut sphere as she shrieked in orgasm and he pumped another load of cum into her. 

This continued for hours until the room smelled of sweat and semen. Even further, this continued for the days and months to come. Farna would swoop in during the night, early in the mornings, and even in the middle of the day in the study if he felt daring. The pair managed to keep their escapades a secret but even Hayliel would admit that their appetites made it hard. 

4 months passed and Hayliel had grown immensely with the king’s baby. It hung underneath her and swung with each of the king’s thrusts. It only restrained its swing when it decided to contract. Hayliel could have the king’s heir any day now and she still craved the pleasure of a cock. She gripped the sheets as the contraction intensified. Her back bowled out and her belly grazed the bed. The pain in both was insufferable, but the pleasure in pussy made it all the better. 

Sometimes she felt ashamed of this. Her family and friends would turn in their unmarked graves if they saw her from the afterlife. But she did what she had to survive. To cope with her situation. They’d understand. 

Hayliel suddenly felt Farna’s dick grow stiffer. His grunting was becoming even more audible as well. Hayliel buried her face into the winter pelt covers as she felt the an orgasm build over the still persistent contraction in her stomach and back. Her voice rose to out pitch Farna’s. Her pussy clenched his cock as she came first. The tightening was enough to push Farna over the edge as well and he began spilling his cum into her with a few thrusts of finality. 

After he was sure he’d released everything, he fell to Hayliel’s side on his half of the bed. Hayliel awkwardly slid onto her side with her back towards him. At this stage of pregnancy, everything made her exhausted. So this was how every other night ended. With her drifting asleep and Farna leaving the mark of his body on the bed. 


When she awoke, Farna had one large arm wrapped around Hayliel’s overtaxed girth, a slightly strong contraction hardening its surface. This was more comfortable than he was supposed to be around her. They were only lovers. He didn’t deserve to touch her like they were married. 

“I need you to leave…” Hayliel groaned. 

“I couldn’t possibly while your like th-” 

“I don’t care. We’re only lovers in bed…nowhere else, i’ll do it alone.” Hayliel responded coldly. Throughout the months of fucking, Hayliel had not once accepted Farna as someone she loved. She never forgot what he did to her people, but he fulfilled a primal desire within her. 

Farna was silent for a moment. “…fine, I will not allow you to die however.” Farna clamped a bracelet onto her wrist. "This is a magic bracelet that will let me know if you or the child are in danger. I’ll be only a few floors down.” Farna got out of the covers and dressed back into his regal garbs. 

An intense pressure forced itself on Hayliels pelvis as she saw him leave. For a second she considered asking him to stay but she kept her lips shut as the contraction passed through her tight belly. 

She laid in the bed a while longer, cradling the underside of her strained dome until it became unbearably uncomfortable. Hayliel groaned as she swung her legs over the side of the bed. The smooth belly settled in between her legs. A dark line split down the middle of the stretched sphere, her belly button tented out like a pimple. Hayliel didn’t bother redressing after last night’s events and just let her milk filled breasts hang out in the cold air. Large kicks started pressing against the top and center of her belly. 

That was reassuring to her, the child was in position. She’d been in labor throughout the day before the sex last night. Hayliel reached an arm around her fecund mound and fit her fingers up her wet slit. 

“Feels so open and still no wa-OOOH.” Hayliel was cut off by a sudden gush fluid spraying out of her. “Well there…we…goooaaaah.” Hayliel moaned as the huge head started to grind into her pelvis without the cushion of water. 

Hayliel breathed through contraction after contraction laying on the fur covered bed, walking around the room, rotating her hips; anything to relieve the pain. Her belly dropped lower in her hands as the baby became more engaged in her hips. Her ever widening gait made her walk awkwardly and drip fluid from her pussy with every shift. Hayliel thought the pressure would never end until she suddenly felt something shift downwards.  

Hayliel didn’t have to check to feel the ball like head start to descend into her canal. The room was filled with pained moans as a vice gripped her strained stomach and pains lanced through her back. It was so big. So big that it felt like she could barely shift her hips. She could feel the head stretch her insides out to their limit.

“Please, baby, please come soon…oh..oh. oooooAAAAGGH,” Hayliels knees buckled as she pushed with the contraction and the head forced itself further into her canal and toward its exit. Hayliel scrunched her face trying to grit through it. 

Hayliel labored for another hour more until she finally felt the head start to spread the lips of her labia. Hayliel was spent by this point. Sweat matted her normally glossy blond hair, her belly was red and quivering constantly with effort. Even her breathing was becoming ragged with each effort to expel the huge baby. Hayliel couldn’t muster up the energy to stand or squat anymore and was just lent up against the front of the bed frame.

“Please, baby, your mom needs you to cooperate.” Hayliel said breathless as another steel vice snaked its way around her swollen abdomen. She tiredly put her arms under her spread open thighs and pulled them toward her chest and gave a full push. A burning sensation began to form around the ring of her stretching vagina. Hayliel hissed out a sharp breath as the burn increased in intensity, the skin reaching its capacity to stretch. But, Hayliel didn’t relent. For what felt like hours, she bore down on the huge head of the baby. The burn had branded itself onto her crotch, the baby only slightly moving in and out in time with her pushes and resting. 

Hayliel was beyond exhausted, but she continued even further. Against her better judgement, she bore down for an entirety of a contraction. Five minutes. For five minutes she continuously pushed until finally, with a gush of fluid, Hayliel felt the skin of her crotch of rubber band over the huge head. Hayliel desperately gulped in air as the pressure and contraction released and reached over her still sizable dome to check for a cord. Finding that the way was clear, Hayliel let out a sigh of relief. It only took a second for another contraction barreled through her and the huge shoulders started to pull her open once more. Hayliel shrieked loudly as the burn intensified far beyond what was done before. She felt a sharp sting and warm liquid start to leak around her pussy. The bracelet that Farna had given her started to give off a faint glow and under her screams were the heavy footsteps of those waiting for the birth below.  

Hayliel screamed even louder, the sound echoing through the entirety of the tower. Hayliel grit her teeth as she could feel the slight beginning of a tear in her labia, but again, she persisted to get the first of many out of her. Then with the buck of her hips and with a flood of fluid and blood, the shoulders popped out of her hole. Hayliel quickly picked up the babe and brought it to her chest and hugged it tightly. It started to wail and coo at the touch of it’s mothers skin. 

“Look at you already making noise…” she smiled tiredly at the crying infant, the only thing she really loved with all her heart now.  

King Farna barged through the door with his entourage to see Hayliel’s disheveled yet still beautiful figure in front of the bed of where he first took her. A doctor hustled past him to attend to his heir bearer and child and his guards who had followed shouted congratulations. Hayliel’s tired vision could see Farna’s smile. 

Hayliel knew her life would be an endless cycle of gestation and pleasure. But, she didn’t exactly mind the thought of it. 


Lance Buchanan loved his job. Hearing women suffer and screech as they pushed out overgrown babies was a delight to him. He didn’t have a fetish for birth or pregnancy, mind you. No, he just liked seeing them in pain and his Job and privileges facilitated that. He couldn’t hear pain like this in any other place in the hospital, patients were too reduced by painkillers or anesthesia to give him those cries. But here, as the head doctor of the maternity ward, he could just tell birthing mothers that they had progressed too far for epidurals or any pain relief. The Nurses would protest his decisions if his father didn’t own the hospital or if his Mother didn’t have a whole firm of lawyers and personal investigators to ruin their lives should they blow the whistle. 

Lance sighed, as he walked away from one of the rooms, loud cries of grief emanating from within. This happened from time to time. Breech births and large babies were the most enjoyable to him. Too enjoyable. Once in a while, like today, he would get someone with both and typically…the mother wouldn’t exactly be a mother anymore once he got his fill. This produced issues for him occasionally but nothing a check wouldn’t solve. Nothing wiped up tears like money, and he had a lot of it. 

“Wish I enjoyed that one a bit longer, these normal ones don’t cut much anymore,” he mused as he walked out into the waiting room on his way out of the hospital. As he walked through he felt a piercing gaze burn through the side of his head. He turned to see a young woman glaring at him, her visitors pass indicating she was with the woman he just left. 

“How unfortunate…,” he thought. Not about the loss, but about the money he was about to lose. He recognized that look. 

He ignored her and kept his stride and continued to the private parking garage, it was getting late and he needed some rest before any more expectant mothers came up. 

On his trip to the garage he felt like someone was following him. Probably just a nosy investigative reporter he would have to shoo off later. He put his key into the door and suddenly his vision started to fade. 

“What the…,” lance staggered and collapsed onto the cold ground. 

Lance’s eyes fluttered open and groaned. His vision was blurred for a but he could tell he was in one of the basement level wards that were under renovation. Cold air glossed over his body, he must have been fully nude. “This some kind of prank or scheme?” Lance thought. 

Aside from his surroundings, Lance noticed something else, a heavy weight sitting on top of his abdomen. He moved his head, stiff neck and all, to get a view of what was on him. What he saw had to be fantasy. 

A gargantuan sphere of his skin was pulled taut and distended from his body. A dark line cut through his now poking out belly button. even his muscular chest grew in size, but not in muscle, they felt strained and achy, like they were holding fluid inside of them. He could feel a large amount of wiggling from within the taut surface of his skin. Lance’s breathing started to meet a rapid pace. 

“What the fuck is going on,” he gingerly placed a hand on the drum tight skin of his belly. It was real, it was warm, and there was SOMETHING in it. Lance did his best to calm himself as reality started to set in with each squirm and kick inside. 

“Finally…you’re awake…" 

A thin, sultry voice echoed in the unfinished room. Lance looked up from his pulsating dome to see the woman from the waiting room leaning on the shoddy door frame. 

"You! What-what did you do to me?!” Lance yelled aggressively. He started to move off the shoddy hospital bed, gravid form and all. 

“Ah ah ah, you’re not going anywhere,” the young woman snapped her fingers. Wires wrapped around Lance’s legs and across his chest right under his milk filled tits. The wires pulled him back onto the bed and held tightly snug into the beds surface. 

“W-who are you, what’d you want? I have money, I can pay you right now, I can give you blank checks!” Lance tried to barter his way out of…whatever this was. 

“I have no need for money, I just want to see you suffer. Not such a different motive than the one you had when you refused to help my sister and her child, yes?” The woman’s cold gaze drilled into him. 

“She waited so long for that child…tried so hard for it, she wouldn’t even let me intervene…,” her solemn tone started to give way to rage. “But you took that away…you caused her so much pain for nothing, so I’m going to do the same to you.” The woman snapped her fingers. 

Lance’s giant orb seized in on him, a large amount of pressure increased at the base of his belly. A large dome like object pressed firmly on his pelvis. 

Lance’s hands gripped the contracting orb. “You can’t seriously expect me to give birth! I don’t even have a birth canal or a vagina!” Lance shrieked as the contraction tightened. 

“Don’t worry I’ve made the necessary…modifications." 

Lance suddenly felt a gush of fluid spew from his penis. The next contraction rolled in even harder, the head grinding on his pelvis without the cushion of water. 

"I’ve created a path from your womb to your little penis there. Don’t worry, I’ve given it the capacity to stretch. Not enough to make this easy though.” The woman sneered as Lance’s belly convulsed with a contraction. 

Lance howled in pain. “P-please stop thissaaaaaaaaaughh, I’ll pay you anything you want! Thousands? Millio- AUUUUUGGGGGRRRRR!!!!!" 

The woman clapped her hands in the middle of his bartering. The vice on his stomach seized even harder on him, his teeth grinded as the head seemed to move through his new canal. 

"Try to tempt me again and I’ll make your labor even harder. Do. Not. Tempt. Me.” she looked upon him in disgust. 

What felt like hours had passed. Lance was drenched in sweat, his fertile swell beat red and quivering with constant contractions. Ever since that woman clapped the contractions felt like he was getting slowly rolled over by a semi-truck. Lance could feel the head of the child at the base of his member. A deep throb started coursing through it as the large head started to stretch it beyond what was normal. Lance’s voice was hoarse from pushing and screaming out the child, for he had long given in to the manufactured desire to push. He had no idea that this was what it felt like. The pain, feeling that he could just collapse in on himself at any point. 

His stomach seized in on him again, his tented out belly button piercing the air as his womb became visible. He could feel the huge body enter the long canal of his penis, the sheer weight of the child pressing on his balls causing him to buck his hips upward. 

“GAAAAAAAAAARGGGGGHHH!” he shrieked hoarsely as he tried to push the child out. The entire body was now snuggly fit in his genitals, the head opening up the thick tip of it. The burning ring started encompass the entire surface of the tip.


The woman gave him a faux look of pity. “Begging for it to end huh? Hmmmm, I think I’ll take a play out of your book instead." 

She pointed at his spread open crotch. The baby started sliding back through him, half of it reaching back into his womb. 

"NOOOOOOO, YOU BITCH, I SWEAR I’LL END YOU!” Lance snarled as he dug his fingers into his taut, steel hard sphere, the progress he made all for naught. 

The deconstructed hospital room echoed once more with pained shrieks as he pushed the child back to the tip of his throbbing member. The burn came yet again as the humongous head spread the tip wide. 

“Would you look at that, you’re spreading beautifully now. Looks like I made the right choice, hm?” The woman sneered

Lance was too delirious from exhaustion to retort, but he knew he hadn’t spread any more or less than before.  

Lance gave another howling pushing, his sweat drenched belly constricting to the max. The head bursted out of the tight hole with a gush of fluid. Lance gasped at the sudden release. The shoulders quickly spread him back open. Through clenched teeth, squenched eyes, and a contraction that felt like his organs and bones were gonna snap in half, lance pushed the rest of the baby out his genitals. He fell back heaving and exhausted, his stomach nothing but a mound of pudge slightly contracted to get rid of the after birth. Lance expected to hear more of the woman’s spiteful jeers but a cursory glance around the room told him she was no longer there. Where had she gone? 

Suddenly the room shimmered with bright sparkles, the entire space transforming into one of the ground maternity wards, the doors wide open and a mass of reporters standing in front of them. The baby shrieked to life and the reporters turned to notice Lance. Completely nude, disheveled, and a baby between his legs. 

Amongst the sudden flash of pictures and the uprise of questions, Lance caught a glimpse of the witch who did this to him. Half cocked smile and all. 

Scaly Love: Complete

AN: An IYP submission I forgot to upload on here. Was originally divided into three parts but this is the whole thing.

Eleanor and Osmen were bastards. The product of their fathers infidelity and functionally useless as heirs. But, this would be a time of many “first's”. The Humans and Draconians, who feuded for many years, were under threat from 3 neighboring kingdoms. The two kings of their nations sought to form a long lasting alliance between them in order to combat the threat. The two kings agreed to wed one of their many children together, but neither of their wives would part with their children. This is where the human Eleanor and the draconian Osmen came in. Despite being bastards, the two kings agreed to have them wed and moved to an old castle fort on the border of their two countries. Forming a recognizable bond between the two countries and removing the two stains of their life from visibility. Neither child or their family objected to arrangement either. It was perfect. 

Eleanor now stood outside the castle waiting for her Draconian groom. She had never seen a real one before, most books depicted them as gargantuan monsters. The two were to meet alone at the step, with the entourage of each waiting a ways from the castle. Eleanor suddenly caught a glimpse of something coming up the steps to the main door. It was a young man in what she believed to be draconian formal wear with a dark purple shade of long scraggly hair and a pair of smooth horns protruding from the top of his head. The only other differences between him and other men of her country was the large tail swaying on the ground, and the dragon like scales that covered his cheeks and bear arms and clawed hand,

“I suppose you are, uh, ‘Lady’ Eleanor?” the young man asked with a smile, several razor sharp teeth coming to view. 

“Yeah…that would be me…and you are Osmen I suppose?” Eleanor was a bit underwhelmed by his appearance considering the books. 

Osmen nodded, “I guess this is where we will be staying, hm? Looks nice for a prison”

Eleanor chuckled at that, he wasn’t wrong, they were basically secluded to this little patch of land at the edge of both countries. Only existing on documents to the royals. 

Osmen blushed at her laugh, not sure she would actually take it as she did, “In any case, I hope we can become at least friends in this place.”

And that they did, the two 18 years olds were formally married with only their entourage and 2 representatives from each kingdom in attendance, becoming the first human-draconian couple. Despite being a married couple, they acted more as friends, trying to make the best of their lives on the lands. 

But there was a shift when Osmen turned 19. Three months after Osmen’s birthday on the first day of the warm season, Osmen had taken to avoiding Eleanor’s presence entirely. He wouldn’t eat breakfast with her, not travel in the same carriage, or even sleep in the same room. Everytime she approached him it looked like a predatory gaze entered his draconic eyes,  suddenly became rigid and then rushed to avoid her presence like he was an awkward school child. Eleanor was frustrated by this behavior that persisted for days. They were married and basically adults at this point, not the young kids they were 13 years ago. Eleanor confided in one of her long time attendants, Olive . 

“It’s just so frustrating, I don’t know what I did wrong and he won’t even talk to me to tell me.” stated Eleanor plainly. 

“Well maybe…maybe you should try surprising him in a place he’d least expect. He has to be sleeping somewhere right?” suggested Olive. 

“That’s true, i’ll surprise him! I’m sure one of the young servants will tell me where he is with enough pushing, Thanks Olive!” Eleanor dismissed herself from her room and went to the servant’s lodge to find someone to tell her where he was secretly staying. 

Later that night, Olive found herself in a small shack behind the horse stalls of the small castle. The shack wasn’t supposed to be used for much else other than storage but the room seemed reorganized to fit a small cot in the corner. “Why in the blazes would he be sleeping here?” thought Eleanor. As she studied the room, she heard the voice of Osmen. 

“Just one more day and i’ll be in the clear” 

Eleanor quickly hid behind a nearby shelf, if he saw her on the way in and he could just turn tail the other way. Literally. What did he mean by one more day? The door swung open and Osmen’s muscular frame, his long tail trailing behind him. Just as he started sniffing the air Eleanor jumped from behind the shelf, blocking him from escaping. 

“Caught ya! Can’t escape now!” Eleanor shouted triumphantly. 

Osmen’s face turned pale, a look of fear crawling over his face. 

“Y-you shouldn’t be here!” Osmen said alarmed. He stepped back from her crouching defensively, and she stepped a few steps forward in kind. 

“What’re you so scared of? Did I do something wrong?” Eleanor started to worry. She knew draconians had a lot akin with wild animals, but shrinking back like this was uncharacteristic. 

As she went to touch Osmen, he snatched her arm, shoving and pinning her to the ground. Osmen mounted on top of her, his eyes completely dilating into narrow slits. Deep below reverberated from within him, his tail sweeping in large arcs across the room. The pointed fangs in his mouth and size of his body seemed to increase. Eleanor was shocked, horrified even, but something else startled her more. The growing bulge in the crotch of Osmen’s trousers. Before Eleanor could try to calm Osmen down he ripped the clothes off of her piece by piece and tearing off his now tightened trousers revealing his long member. The tip of it grazed her slit, his tongue traveling between her exposed midriff and modest breasts. 

“Osmen wait! Please!” Eleanor screamed fear saturating her voice. 

Osmen’s eyes slightly returned to their round shape and he loosened his grip on her. A look of horror scrawled over his face as he became aware. Eleanor could tell he wasn’t completely aware of his actions. This was probably why he kept avoiding her. The primal urge to actually seal her as his and breed children was starting to boil over. Eleanor knew that one day she and him would probably do “it” but not like this.

“I-i-im so sorry El! I need to go, I don’t want t-” Osmen began to move away but Eleanor quickly reached her hands toward the scaled parts of his cheeks, pulling him close. 

“I-its fine Osmen. It was just a bit of a shock, just happening all of a sudden.” Eleanor caught her breath and stared deep into his purple eyes. “See? I just needed to prepare myself a bit, so…let loose, i’m ready.”

“But what if-" 

"Shut up and just do it!” Eleanor said fiercely.

Osmen was already having trouble holding back for that moment, but her words set the dam loose. Osmen’s eyes returned to slits and he shoved his member into Eleanor’s untouched vagina. Eleanor jerked in pain, but made an effort not to show it on her face, as the meaty spear broke through the proof of her virginity. Eleanor let out a whimpering moan as Osmen began thrusting his member deep within her tight walls. Just the thought of them doing this would make her wet at times, but this was beyond her imagination. The two entered a solid rhythm, their hearts aligning with the thrusts of sex and the heat of their breathing, Eleanor could already feel herself approaching orgasm, a tingling sensation flooding every part of her body. Osmen began sensually licking and lightly nipping at Eleanor’s bouncing breasts.

“Ooooooh Osmen,I-I-I’m so close” Eleanor moaned aloud, she could feel the girth of his member getting larger. The heat between them was almost interrupted when Osmen bit down on Eleanor’s shoulder. Before she could even react to it, she felt her vagina tighten on his member. Osmen thrusted in deep as a stream of cum flowed from him, the tip of girth locking him into her. Eleanor tightly gripped Osmen’s scaly back, her mouth agape as the thick fluid pumped into her like flowing water from a pipe. Her vocal moans reached a fevered pitch as she came with him. A slight bulge started to form at the base of her stomach as the fluid continued to pump. Eleanor was breathless coming down from the sexual high, Osmen returned to his senses as the last bit of semen seeped out and planted a kiss on Eleanors lips. She could feel the excess cum spill out of her slit as Osmen pulled out.  

“Are you ok El? I’m sorry if i got…rough” Osmen asked, his eyes swimming with concern. 

Eleanor caught her breath, “Yeah, I’m fine, well, more than fine. I feel…good.” Eleanor felt a slight tingle on her shoulder where Osmen bit. There weren’t any bite marks, but a soft light formed a sigil on her shoulder. 

“What is that?” Eleanor asked puzzled. 

“It’s an, uh,  a mark symbolizing us as a mated pair, bonded for life,” bared his shoulder that showed a similar sigil. 

“Mated for life, huh?” she put her fingers through his hair, “That doesn’t mean we only do this once right?” Eleanor showed a mischievous smile. 

“No, not at all, but this time I’ll be ‘awake’ for it,” Osmen smiled in kind.

The two went at it again, and again throughout the night. It wasn’t until the early morning sun broke over the horizon that one of the servants found the two wrapped up in a light bed cover, the smells of the night’s passions permeating the space. 

It wasn’t long after that night that Eleanor found that a subtle firmness started to take form on her abdomen. When she started getting sick, Eleanor decided against telling Osmen about her suspicions. The horror stories of women losing their children early on in pregnancy dissuaded her from making any announcement. Who knows what could happen with a child of two different races, especially when one laid eggs and the other had live babies. She always knew “removing” them was an option if it was too much of a risk but she felt that would be a betrayal to Osmen. 

Eleanor was consumed by these thoughts for days, but right now she had something to occupy her mind. Helping a woman give birth. One of the draconian estate workers, Astraza, had fallen pregnant and Eleanor volunteered to assist before she found out she too was expecting. Eleanor entered the room to the grunting and moaning. Astraza was slowly walking with the support of another servant, her distended orb of belly bare for all to see. 

“Oh, Lady Eleanor, it’s an hon–ooouuuugh” another contraction rippled through the skin of her stomach, even the scales on her sides buckling with the strain. The midwife, Ostella, a human from Eleanor’s original entourage, brought Astraza to a wooden stool and sat her on it. The swollen orb of a belly hung low between the scaled girl’s thighs, it looked as if it would fall right off her. 

“You arrived just in time, Eleanor. This one is about ready to pop, all I need you to do is to take the eggs and place em in that there basket in the young lads hands, yellow belly too squeamish to hold em himself,” Ostella pointed to a young draconian awkwardly sitting a couple feet from the stool, the father she assumed based on the matching sigil he and Astraza bore. Draconian men didn’t usually attend the laying of eggs, or so Eleanor heard from Osmen.

Another contraction belted through Astraza’s belly, but she maintained her focus and breathing. Eleanor tensed silently as a solid round object started to part Astraza’s lips. A hissing breath came through her mouth as the unscaled skin spread thin trying to birth the huge egg. 

“That’s it girly, nice even breaths and solid pushes. Don’t exhaust yourself.” Ostella coached as she rubbed her firm belly. 

Astraza nodded and gave another measured push, the large solid orb popping out of her slit into Ostella’s hands. Ostella quickly passed it to Eleanor’s near unprepared hands. Eleanor felt the pulse of life from within the bowling ball sized egg. 

“W-wow…it’s amazing…” Eleanor marveled.

“Yes, dearie, don’t keep it away from its father now, we got another one fast approach’n” 

Eleanor quickly placed the eggs in the blanketed lap of the young father, another bout of tight breathing sounding in the background. Astraza’s belly was already tight with a vice like contraction, her tail starting to whip around as another large sphere made its way down her canal. Ostella wiped away a bit of the sweat on the pained woman’s forehead. Eleanor was amazed by the young woman’s strength, to be able to birth something so large and without breaking out into tears was amazing. 

“That’s it, here it comes. Oh my, got a warrior in this one huh?”

Astraza’s belly flexed inward even stronger, an even bigger sphere spreading wet opening wide and colorless. Eleanor started to get nervous for the young draconians safety as the sphere halted in progress. 

“Is she going to be alright?” Eleanor whispered in Ostella’s ear.

“Of course dear, whether we like it or not, our bodies were made ta handle stuff like this.” 

As soon as she said that, Astraza let out a hissing grunt. The huge egg popped out of her hole, Astraza recoiling from the sudden release. Eleanor looked at her in amazement, not even a single tear in her crotch. 

“See?” said Ostella confidently as she passed the egg to Eleanor. 

That evening Astraza laid 2 more large eggs. Eleanor left the house with a new feeling. Something she couldn’t describe as she absentmindedly patted her own slightly firm belly. Even though hers might not be the same, just seeing Astraza lay with such strength set her at ease. Her mind drifted to the scene she left the new family on, Astraza and her mate curled up on their bed, clutch of eggs between them, tails intertwined. She hoped she and Osmen could be like that with their own newborn. 


Eleanor took a deep breath as she walked up the stairwell to her room. Eleanor moaned as she cradled the underside of her huge, stretched belly. It had been a full 8 months since she and Osmen conceived their “little” bundle or bundles of joy and while she was excited at first, the novelty and glow started to wear off on her.  Every task felt like she had run up and across every country side, her back started to ache, stomach felt like it was stretched thin and her breasts felt like they were going to explode. She slowly took a tired step up to the top, a dull kick hitting her palm at the base of her belly. 

“Yeah, yeah, we’ll stop moving in a minute, calm down,” Eleanor rubbed soothing circles around her distended orb. Truth be told, She and Osmen had no idea how many children she was carrying. Ostella said it was like there was something muffling her ability to hear a heartbeat, only way they knew that there was a live baby in there was the kicking. 

Eleanor waddled down the hall and into the room. Eleanor gave a breathless sigh as she plopped down on the soft bed, heaving her swollen form to the side. She pulled up the dress over her stomach exposing her taut skin to the cool air. She traced her finger up the dark line in the middle of her belly a d through the tiny round point of her belly button.

“You guys happy now?” she poked the overly solid surface. Another dull thud reverberated from within. 

“Already a spoiled lil bugger aren’t you?” she muttered softly. Everytime the child moved it made her heart flutter. Eleanor couldn’t wait for her little bundle of joy to be in her arms. “Only a few more weeks,” she said aloud. 

The door to the room creaked open.  Osmen’s muscular form sauntered in, his long tail sweeping behind him. Osmen’s red eyes settled on Eleanor’s  swollen body.

“I see that you three have gotten comfortable,” he said with a smile as he laid himself on the other side of the bed and snuggled up close behind Eleanor. He wrapped one of his large scaled hands across her sizable sphere. 

“We’ve been over this. There is only one in there!” Eleanor spoke knowingly, “Maternal instinct and all that.” 

Osmen chuckled.“I’m sure my ears might be a bit more accurate than instinct.” 

“No more accurate than that stethoscope old ostella uses.”

Osmen gave a hearty laugh at that which pewter out into a serious sigh. His tail wrapped around her and her taut sphere, pulling her even closer into the curve of his body. A soft below vibrated from within him like a purr, he started to gently move his hand up to her supple breasts.

“You’re insatiable..” Eleanor moaned as his hand started to fondle her milk filled tits. She started to feel something from his crotch poking up against her. 

“I just can’t help myself when you look like this…” Osmen whispered in her ear sensually. 

“I won’t be like this much longer, we should do it while we can,” Eleanor pulled her panties down to her legs. Osmen had already unbuttoned his trousers and she could feel his already erect member graze her pregnant slit. Eleanor moaned as he entered her from behind, the huge girth filling vaginal opening completely. 

Osmen began to steadily thrust into her. His hand shifted under the top of her dress to clutch her bare, firm breast. As sensitive as they were, the sensation flooded Eleanor completely. 

“Ahhhhh fuck, Osmen…” she moaned as the draconians cock pressed up against her inner cavity repeatedly. Each thrust was like a shock to a system. Eleanor could feel herself reach climax as her walls tightened on his throbbing member. Eleanor’s moans started to reach a higher pitch as Osmen’s cock filled her even more, he was getting close. 

Eleanor’s huge belly undulated and flexed with her breathing. Her slit tightened even further on his member. Osmen let out a deep growl as the pressure built up in his long spear, his huge hand solidly gripped her belly as he felt himself start to cum. 

“You feel so, so good babe,” he whispered in between breaths and thrusts.

“Ah ah ah ah, fuck, I’m cumming! I’m cummi-AHHHHHHH” she howled as she squirted all over his dick. In sync, she felt his hot gooey liquid funnel into her like a hose. Eleanor’s entire body trembled with the orgasm, so much so that the life inside her kicked roughly against her taut dome. 

“Oooh, momma and papa woke you up didn’t we,” Eleanor huffed as she came down from her orgasmic high. As semen continued to leak from her wet slit, a slight tightening encompassed her stomach that made her flinch a bit. 

“What’s wrong? Are you ok? Was that a contraction?” Osmen started belting off worry filled questions as he started to clean up the mess. 

“No,no,no, calm down, Ostella told me about these, um, practice contractions. Just means our little one will come soon. 

Osmen studied her, then let out a sigh, "ok…if you say so, if you feel anymore let me know." 

Eleanor nodded, pulling her gown over her now steady globe, "we still have a bit of time to do this again don’t worry.” Eleanor smiled mischievously. 

“I wasn’t worried for that reason!" 

"I know, I know, just teasing,” Eleanor chuckled, and rolled over facing Osmen.

 "though…I wouldn’t mind going another round…"

“Me neither,” Osmen trouser already begun to tent again with vigor anew.

-3 weeks later-

Eleanor woke up in the middle of the night with a start. A strong band of steel wrapped around her stomach. Eleanor groaned in discomfort as she rubbed her gargantuan fertile orb. It’s been several hours since her labor pains started. Several hours of constant back pain. Several hours without her waters even hinting of breaking. Osmen stirred behind her as the contraction reached its peak. 

He rolled over and put a hand over hers as she gripped her fecund mound. 

“Another one? Are they getting any closer?” Osmen muttered sleepily. Eleanor’s face was still scrunched up as the contraction persisted. 

“No, still irregular, but they are hurt a lot more than before…” Eleanor breathed an exhausted sigh as the seizing released.“and they last only a few minutes,still no baby I guess." 

Osmen sighed, the danger of childbirth already made him anxious, the wait for it even more so. 

"You can go back to sleep, I’ll be fine, might just need to walk around for a bit” she turned to give him a reassuring smile as she got up. She placed around for a bit until she heard a strange cracking sound rumble through a belly and she felt something shift to the base of her stretched globe. 

“That’s odd…” Eleanor thought to herself just before she felt a sudden release of pressure accompanied by a few sharp, jagged pieces passing through her inner walls. 

“Ah!Owowowooooowwww!” She yelped. The jagged pieces clattered to the ground with a sizable amount of steaming fluid. Eleanor didn’t have a chance to be shocked, another, even stronger contraction seized her belly intensely, bringing her to her knees. 

Both hands wrapped around her now softer belly as she groaned loudly in pain. Some had already leaped out of the bed and ran to his wife’s side. Eleanor could feel an iron ball grind up against the base of her pelvis.  

Osmen picked up one of the fragments. “An eggshell…”

“Oooooooooh, I guess we know why belly was so hard now,” She said as her hands gripped her contracting orb and rocked her hips. The pain of the contraction now that she was both without water and apparently a shell, increased exponentially. Even the kicks within her felt more intense. Despite losing water and a shell, her fecund mound didn’t decrease much in size.  

“I’m going to wake Ostella, will you be fine here yourself?” Anxiety pierced through Osmens voice. 

“Y-yes,  I should be ok.” Eleanor whimpered breathlessly as the iron grip on her abdomen persisted. 

Osmen dashed out the room to wake up the old midwife. 

15 minutes later, Osmen reentered the room with Ostella and a younger draconian girl, Leena, who was Ostella’s assistant. Eleanor was leaning over the bed,  hands gripping the sheet of the bed tightly, her sleeping gown was matted on her huge contracting belly. Her face was scrunched up concentrating on her breathing and bearing through another intense contraction. 

Osmen sidled up to the side of her and rubbed her back as she breathed. “El, Ostella is here” 

“Oh great, uuggghhhhh-just in time, yeah?” Eleanor said through pursed lips. 

“Now dear I need you to sit on the edge of this bed here,” Ostella instructed as she put down her medical bag. Eleanor heaved her swollen body around and sat on top of the bed and lifted her sweat drenched gown over her strained sphere of skin. 

“Might feel a small pinch dear, just needa check your dilation,” Ostella fitted two of her fingers down Eleanor’s wet slit. Eleanor jerked back a bit as Ostella’s fingers reached up through her sensitive canal. 

“Oh my… you’re progressing extraordinarily fast, a whole 7 centimeters already.” Ostella then took out her hearing instrument and pressed lightly on the taut surface. Ostella smiled, “Well, well, looks like Osmen’s ears won; It’s twins!”

“Oh great, two bodies instead-oooooouggghhhh- of one.” Eleanor groaned as another contraction tore through her abdomen, the skin visibly seizing on her womb.

Ostella chuckled, “If you can stand; walking around a bit may help the labor progress faster. But that’s just my advice, as the one giving birth, it’s up to you." 

Eleanor nodded, and motioned for Osmen to help her get up. Eleanor staggered a bit even with support, but made it to her feet. For the next 30 minutes, Eleanor and Osmen paced the large room, no less than 5 minutes in, Eleanor discarded her sweat drenched nightgown. Her engorged breasts swung like pendulums over her heavy belly. 

Every step felt like she had just run across the countryside. Even with Osmen’s support and frequent back rubs, her back was in just as much pain as the swollen globe that hung off her. The constant pressure made her feel like she needed to push, but Ostella stated that she was still not yet fully dilated. 

After 30 minutes of waiting and constant breathing through contraction after contraction, it was time. Ostella and Osmen helped Eleanor onto the birthing stool.

"Ooooouuughh, how much longer.. ” Eleanor gasped as a contraction started to build up within her, the head of her first child started to pry open her cervix. 

“It’ll be over soon El, you’re doing great,” Osmen whispered in her ear as he soothingly rubbed her stress reddened belly that became solid with a contraction. 

“All right dear, nice strong pushes.” Ostella instructed. 

Eleanor tucked in her chin and scrunched up her face and gave an almighty push. Slowly, she can feel the head of the first child edge forward into her canal.

“Shit! It hurts!” Eleanor yelled in clenched teeth. Her pregnant sphere constricted even harder as she continued to push, the tightening was already intense but it had reached a new level. 

The contraction released and Eleanor gasped for air. Ostella motioned for the assistant to bring her a cool, wet rag. Eleanor leant back on Osmen’s chest exhausted. She felt like she’d been sitting near an open fire, everything hurt and every part of her felt hot. 

“Am I supposed to feel…this hot…” Eleanor asked anxiously. 

Ostella put a hand to Eleanors stomach,“Not normally no…but draconian children tend to run high temperatures in development. The shell that came out you may have been the only thing protecting you from it." 

"Great…that’s great, just fantastic.” Eleanor’s anxiety started to rise. Osmen planted a kiss on her warm forehead. 

“It’s going to be ok El, you’re strong, you can get through this,” Osmen encouraged.

Eleanor groaned and recoiled into Osmen’s body as another band of iron tightened on her swollen abdomen. 

“Nnnnngghhhhhhhhh GAAAAAAAAH.” Eleanor gave another strong push she could feel the large body progress further, a hard object quickly reaching the opening of her vagina. Ostella took 2 fingers and surveyed the beginnings of the childs head. 

“Huh, would ya look at that, got itty bitty little horns,” Ostella smiled and then grew serious. “Dearie, on the next contraction, if you start to feel a burn down here, you need to stop pushing." 

"Huh? W-why, is something wrong?” Eleanor asked frightfully. 

“No dear, we just need to make sure you stretch healthy, tears will wear down your stamina and put ya risk,” Ostella instructed. 

Eleanor nodded as another strike of pain went through her stomach and around to her back. She howled as the large started to spread wet flaps, an intense burn starting to set in around the ring. 

“Oooooouuuuggghh, it’s burning, it’s burning!” Eleanor yelped as she stopped pushing. Eleanor held back from pushing for what felt like forever. Contraction after contraction barrelled through her, the huge head slowly spread her pussy thin. 

“You’re spreading very nicely dear, next contraction big push, ok?” Ostella said. 

One started to build and tighten her swollen, sweat covered stomach. Eleanor tucked in her chin and gave a strong push. The horned head of her child gushed out of her stretched opening with a stream of hot fluid. Eleanor gasped and recoiled into Osmen’s body.

“You’re doing so well El!” Osmen started to choke up at the sight of their child, “here, look.” Osmen took one of Eleanors hands that was tightly gripped to the stool and moved toward the head. 

Eleanor had managed to keep her composure throughout the process, but this made her weep. 9 months of effort was in her hand, something she will devote her life to for the rest of her days. As she gently held the head, another contraction tore through her. The scaly shoulders started to painfully spread her stretched vagina. Ostella carefully coaxed the rest of the body out as Eleanor pushed. Soon, the big baby slid out into Ostella’s hands with a gush and she placed them on Eleanor’s heavy breasts. Tears flowed freely as she held her horned and slightly scaly child. She turned to see Osmen with a huge grin and teary eyes. 

“Congratulations on your first son you two,” Ostella smiled. As soon as Ostella tied and snipped the pulsating cord from the baby. The child’s wailing cries echoed in the room, but they were immediately followed up by Eleanor’s loud moan of pain. Her still swollen belly continued to spasm in order to get the second child out of her already enlarged hole. 

Ostella’s assistant took the squealing babe out of Eleanor’s arms and swaddled it gently so she could get back to the throes of labor. The second child progressed easier than the first, but Eleanor was exhausted nonetheless. It didn’t take long for her to be in the same position as she was a mere moment ago, a burning ring opening up her sore pussy.  

“Hnnnngggggg-hoohoohooooooOOOOOOHHHHHH FUCK!” Eleanor cried out as the burn intensified. With a small pop and gush, the head freed itself from her vaginal lips.  Eleanor’s still swollen belly shrunk ever so slightly as the rest of the slightly scaled body slid out of her body.  Eleanor laid back into Osmens body as Ostella brought the child squealing babe up to her chest. 

“Look at them…our beautiful children,” the pride in his wife and newborns swelled into Osmens voice. 

Eleanor’s tired eyes stared at her second babe, “They are so-uuuugh-perfect…but for-uggghh- I just nee-AAAAAAAIIIIGHHH,” Eleanor through her head back as she felt an intense pressure and pain in her cervix. 

“BY THE GOD! AUUUUUUGGHHHHH!” She shrieked as her belly compressed inward. Just by how it felt, she could feel that whatever was inside was bigger than the other two babies. Ostella quickly took at her stethoscope and pressed it gently on the base of Eleanors gravidity. 

“T-there is another heartbeat, it’s faint, but it’s there!” Ostella’s face grew in shock. 

Eleanor wasn’t even listening, just pushing with or without the contractions. Her head was pounding and her breathing ragged as the huge body roughly travelled through her canal. The shoulders felt especially huge as they peeled open her cervix. 

Tears of pain streamed from her eyes as the huge dome spread her opening beyond its limit. One contraction after another bulldozed through her back and sweaty sphere.

“HNNNNNNGGGGHHHHHHHH, FUCK IT BURNS SO BAAAAAGGGHH!!!” Eleanor shrieked and her hips bucked upward as the thrusted out of her further and further. A gush of steaming fluid signalled the freeing of the head. 

Ostella quickly supported the huge, scaled head of the baby, and checked Eleanor’s spread hole. Ostella’s eyes grew big as saucers.

“Ostella! What’s wrong! Is El going to be ok!” Osmen roared. 

“Eleanor, you have to stop pushing and let yourself sprea-” Ostella shouted too late. 

“AAAAAUUUUUGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Eleanor screamed over her. The still giant globe seized in on her completely, making her womb nearly visibly. A lightning strike of pain coursed through her crotch as she pushed the abnormally large shoulders out her canal. Eleanor let out a soundless shriek as she felt the shoulders come out and fell limp in Osmen’s arms. Through her fading vision she saw Ostella pick up the huge babe dripping in fluid and blood. 

“My…baby…” Eleanor muttered as her consciousness started to fade. 

“El stay with me! Don’t close your eyes!” She heard Osmen scream. 


A mewling sound echoed in the darkness. Eleanor could feel her chest ache in tandem with the crying. Eleanor’s eyes fluttered open sleepily and looked around the room. “Still in the bedroom it seems…” Eleanor thought lucidly. Eleanor groaned as a dull piercing pain coursed through her stomach and crotch. 

“Eleanor? El!? Oh thank goodness you’re awake,” a deep voice sounded to the side of her. She turned her and saw Osmen next to a large crib.  

“Osmen…are the children ok? Are they healthy…” Eleanor’s asked with a raspy voice. 

Osmen was teary eyed and put a hand on Eleanor’s cheek. “They’re fine and beautiful El, I’m more worried about you." 

Eleanor’s mind was solely focused on her new children. "Can I see them?"she said as she painfully sat up in the bed

"Of course, just don’t move too roughly you might remove your stitches…you didn’t tear too badly, but you don’t want to open them up.” He cautioned as he brought up 2 bundles to her. Eleanor took the two cooing bundles. Small purple scales reflected on their chubby cheeks. 

“They’re beautiful…,” Eleanor said lovingly. 

“And here is our little winged surprise,” Osmen brought up another big swaddled child. The only difference was the size and the purple colored wings flapping aimlessly in an opening behind the blanket. 

“Well didn’t you give me a shock…” Eleanor chuckled 

“First draconian child to be born with wings in a long time. Well I guess our two boys are the first halfling ever born too” Osmen stated with a chuckle. 

Eleanor could feel tears begin to drip from the corners of her eyes just looking at the trio. These three were their world now. Eleanor and Osmen shared a brief glance after breaking their eyes away from their children. Silently between them they swore to trust them better than their own parents and make a place where they wouldn’t have to deal with what they did. 

 Eggs of the Leviathan 

Request [Birthing/Laying 3 eggs at the beach, “the children of a humanoid sea creature, Leviathan himself” and the eggs hatch near the end. ]

You waddle across the beach, the sand spreading underneath your feet. The moon shimmered off the ocean water and the sound of the waves crashing on the nearby rocks surrounding a dark sea cave entrance. This is where he wanted you to go. It was time. You cradled your misshapen stomach, the hard surface of the eggs inside shifted around and could be felt pressing low into your pelvis. 

You waddle into the hollowed out rock and steadily make your way to the back of it. 10 weeks ago, this was where you’d promised to take his young. You remember the feeling of him pressing his cock into you and forcing his eggs into your body. They were only the size 

of golf balls then. You remember his sea foam like cum filling and creating a pouch in your stomach. It was a euphoric experience, you wouldn’t have minded doing it again. 

You reach the end of the cave. The sea water barely reaches the back, making it a solitary beach within the rock. The tide would come in soon to change that. You stand in the shallow waters of the cave beach and take a deep breath. You feel your belly drop and the eggs shake beneath your palms as the smell of salt water reaches your nose. It was a lot more concentrated here, the children within the eggs must have sensed it.

Your tight belly begins to contract, the first egg pressing hard out of your womb. You take your knees into your hands as you continue to stand in the water and bear down. The pain coming steadily, Your moans echo through the cave and harmonize with the waves. The full feeling of the smooth and wide egg going through you was better than you imagined. The egg is big but it moves easily through you. The contraction stops, and you’re left with the egg completely inside your canal. You rock your hips back and forth to relieve yourself of the pressure. You can feel the egg slip through a bit while you move.  

Another bout of pressure and your muscles contorting command your focus. You bear down once again, lowering yourself even more under the weight of the egg. Slowly but surely, the hard egg begins to spread you wide, a dull burn inflaming your bottom half. 

You try to keep your breath under control but it’s hard with all of the sensations assaulting you at once. You begin to doubt your ability to birth the eggs, but suddenly a familiar figure appears, sitting on the clear water before you. The Leviathan. He was in his most human form. Skin still blue and scaled, eyes golden green and narrow like a snake. He sat there with one arm over his raised knee, the lower half of his face nestled in his forearm. He stared at you intently, waiting to see if he made the right choice of who would host his children. 

The contraction around your stomach intensifies. You bear down even harder, your belly contorting with your action. The egg stretches you wider and wider, you feel the widest part of the egg edge out of you until finally you feel a pop and release. The egg falls between your legs into the soft beach sand. The silky blue egg shifted and wiggled on its own. The child within was going to break free soon. 

The second egg came faster. It felt a size smaller than the first and it went through your already stretched canal easily because of that. You still felt the pain of each contraction and the slight burn when it had begun to crown. You drop to your knees and push the small egg to its widest point until it falls out on its own. You sigh in relief as the egg rolls next to the first. It started shifting and shuddering just the same as well. 

Your stomach was still very round despite being empty of two of three eggs. You soon felt another contraction press the final egg into your canal. This one felt humongous as it passed through you. Every fiber in your canal screamed at you in pain. The pressure in your crotch was unbearable. With every push, little progress was made. The cavern echoed with your voice, you fell back into the sand and clutched your stomach between both hands. The Leviathan kept staring at you with the same expectant eyes that judged how well you birthed his young.  

The tip of the egg spreads your outer opening wider and wider. Its size dwarfed that of the first two. Your crotch burns like it was being branded with a hot iron. Each push made it more excruciating, but you couldn’t bear to stop. However, the egg had no intention of making it that easy. Just as it reached its roundest and widest point, it stopped moving. You bear down desperately with each seizing of your womb, even pressing both of your hands onto the top of your hard belly to get it out. 

It edged out slowly, you arch your back and buck your hips under the pain and pressure, until finally, with a plop and a gush of seafoam like liquid, the egg fell out of you and rolled next to its siblings and began shaking in kind. 

You do your best to get up on your elbows and look at your eggs. The fruits of your effort. You couldn’t rest until you knew that they hatched safely. 

You and the Leviathan look at the eggs shaking and rattling against each other. The first egg began to crack open. Small splinters of the shell flew into the water. The eggs started rattling violently. A visible hole popped open through the third egg and slimy, webbed hands came out of it. The first and second followed. 

Slowly but surely, you watched as the pale blue babies of the Leviathan came out of their shells and slid into the water. They looked even more human than the Leviathan did, save for the tadpole-like tails they had instead of eggs. Their faces were rounder and eyes a more natural, human color as opposed to the Leviathan’s unnatural blue. 

You watch as the three children swim towards their father and run circles around him. The Leviathan smiled for the first time since surfacing before you. He looked up at you with the same smile and said in a low tone. 

“Thank you" 

The Leviathan sank back into the waters and swam off his new young. 

You wouldn’t mind coming to his service again in a few years you thought, massaging your empty stomach. 


Scenario Time

You hear your neighbors fighting through the walls of your apartment. They’re a young couple, but one is pregnant and overdue. A door slams and everything goes silent. You brush it off and continue with your day alone. Hours later, you leave to get food but find your very pregnant neighbor who is obviously giving birth behind the dumpsters.

What would you do? Help them deliver the baby right there, take them to a hospital/birth center, or bring them back to your apartment and let them give birth there?

I was stunned to see her out by the garbage like this behind our building. She was huffing and puffing like she’d just run a marathon, the solid girth of her belly moved with each breath under hands. I look up to the windows above us where I estimated where her and her boyfriend lived. The lights were still on. Why hadn’t she gone up? The fight they had earlier couldn’t have been that bad, right? I wouldn’t have tuned out after the first five minutes if I knew this was going to happen. I decide to approach her evidently laboring form and pull out my phone.

“Hey, are you ok? Do you need me to call ambulance?” I ask.

She looked up at me abruptly. “No! No hospitals! I can’t aff- OOUUUGHH!” The young woman digs her fingers into her belly, I can see its surface contort slightly underneath the fabric of her shirt.

I clicked my tongue. Couldn’t very well force her into something she didn’t want. But she couldn’t give birth in a place like this, I see a pair of rats scurry down the alley with a spoiled banana in their mouth’s. I bend down and put her arm around my shoulder.

“Its not safe to have your baby out here though, at least let me get you somewhere safe.”

She looked hesitant, but she began getting up from her squat from behind the dumpster and leaning her weight onto me.

“Ok, just a safe place…thank you.”

I nod and we start moving toward the inside of the building. It was hard holding her up, but we eventually got to the elevator. I look down at her as we ride up. She looked a lot younger than I expected when I saw glimpses of her around the complex every once and awhile. Wouldn’t surprise me if we went to the same campus.

The door opens we both shuffle down the halls. It might be best to just tell her boyfriend what was going on, I think as we approach our end of the hall. She starts to groan loudly right then, most likely another contraction. I let her lean on the wall and work through it so I can get her boyfriends attention.

I go to knock on the door, but my nose is immediately met with the smell of hard liquor and cigar smoke and my ears hear the rambunctious laughing of her boyfriend as well as others. I look back at my neighbor, their eyes tightly shut and sweat starting to bead on her brow. One hand bracing the wall and the other holding the underside of her belly like it would prevent her overdue baby from dropping into her canal.

Her apartment was probably worse than the garbage dumb at this point. I take her arm over my shoulder again and slowly walk her to my apartment. After we’re in, I usher her into my living room where she finds the kitchen table to brace herself against now. I steal a glance at the crotch of her maternity jean’s. They were completely drenched. I couldn’t see it out in the dark, but it was pretty clear now that she wasn’t in early stages of labor at all. This baby could come out at anytime now.

I think about where best to leave her. My bed would be the most comfortable, but I’d rather not have to add a new mattress to my expenses. Same with the living space and couch. I went and checked my bathroom. It was clean but it was hardly big enough . I sigh and direct her towards my bedroom. I’d just have to stack a dozen towels under her and sleep on the couch after this was over with.

“This is the best I can do, I’m sorry.”

“N-ngh, no, it’s fine, this is good,” she mutters half breathlessly. She begins to pull off her pants.

I avert my eyes quickly and feel my face flush. “Well, uh, do you need anything else?” I ask, backing out the room

“Please, ooough, could I get some water…”

“Of course, sure,” I hurry out the doorway to get hee water.

When I wished that I could spend a Saturday evening with a pretty girl, this was the absolute last way I wanted it. I get a bottle of water for her and every available towel that I have, and walk back to the room.

I enter and I was greeted to her fully nude on the edge of my bed with every article of clothing discarded onto the floor. Her stomach was covered with long, red strechmarks, belly button completely smoothed over and it jutted off of her frame like a beach ball. It looked so much lower than it did when she was clothed as well. Her belly hung between her spread out legs, one of her hands still holding the underside of it. Her breasts were even more surprising, with veins spread throughout them and areolas as large as saucers.

I was quickly snapped out of my trance when I heard her scream louder than she had before, her stomach shrinking beneath her palms, fluid dripping from her crotch. I quickly come to her side, tossing the towels between her legs. When the contraction stops I left the bottle to her lips, She only gets a few sips in before she breathlessly tries to speak.

“I think…I think…,” she whimpered.

“What is it? Do you need something else?”

Her stomach seizes hard and she falls back onto the bed, more fluid drips out onto the towel covered floor. “It’s coming! My baby is coming!” she yelled. I wish I had turned way fast enough, but my eyes were quickly exposed to her pussy beginning to spread around her big headed baby.

I had no idea how wide a women’s vagina could stretch during birth and my neighbors baby looked like it was just starting. The young woman pulled her legs up and back toward her chest, her large contracting belly still towering high and framed between her legs.

Her pussy began bulging outwards with more of the baby’s head. She shrieked about how bad her pussy was burning and stretching. I had no Idea what to do but watch. How did she make it look she was completely in control and struggling at the same time?

The head somehow kept spreading her until eventually it popped out of her pussy with a gush of fluid and blood.

“AUUUGGGGHHHH- Catch it!” She screamed, continuing to bear down.

I was snapped out of my shock and went between her legs, grabbing a wet towel. I put the towel around the head. The body comes forward, the shoulders spreading her wide. again.

Her scream echoes in my ears, fluid and blood spurts out of the gaps between the babe and her pussy. I saw her still big stomach contract on her, outlining her pained womb and heard scream louder than before. The shoulders and body of the baby slid out into my hands with a large amount of fluid splashing on the floor.

In my hands was a big, wet baby girl, just beginning to cry out for its mother. I get up and put the baby on my neighbor’s chest.

What an eventful Saturday.


Request: [Hello! This is a prompt that has been on my mind for a while. “A young human mother carrying/births the children of demons.”]

When Lilith was a child, and even a young teenager, she wished to make herself useful  to everyone. Helping carry around hefty sack bags of flour, babysitting younger children around the village, and even assisting in the rituals at the church, she did everything she could to be of service. That last one is probably how she got to waking up with a bump on her stomach. 

When she turned 18, she was chosen by the church to carry their patron’s child. It was an honor to be chosen for such a position, for someone hadn’t been chosen for nearly a millennium. Lilith was ecstatic and agreed to it immediately. The village celebrated her acceptance for the rest of the day, uninhibited. Children being conceived were always cause for joy in the village, but a child of their patron demon? It was basically a festival. 

Lilith was paraded around for hours until she was brought back to her home at the dead of night. In her bed was where the deed would be done. Lilith was blindfolded and was laid on top of the bed. Observing the patron was expressly forbidden in their culture, even for the one that was going to be bred. Lilith felt the presence of the patron, a sudden and oppressive weight laying itself on her. The pressure of his power.  

Lilith felt the patron’s cock force its way into her relentlessly. With just one deep thrust, she felt the tip smash up against her cervix. It made her squeal each time he thrusted in. Lilith had never felt so maddeningly full in her life, it made her want to grind up against the patron but she restrained herself. As time progressed and as the patron’s thrusts grew harder, Lilith desperately wanted to rub her clit. Her hand slowly glided toward her clit and she heard the Patron make a noise. A chuckle. He was amused by her attempt to seek pleasure in this. He took her hand and forced it between her legs, pressing it onto her clit. Lilith arched her lower back as the pleasure intensified. 

The sensation in her crotch engulfed her entire body in heat, her breath even becoming more lustful. Just as Lilith started to feel herself orgasm, the patron drove his dick deep within her and a burst of cum coated her insides. Lilith’s mouth was wide with her own moaning yell. She could feel it pump into her and, when she was full, feel it ooze out of her. The patron chuckled again and removed his cock from her, leaving her dripping cum and slick. All Lilith could do was pant with her legs sprawled out on the bed, wishing she could have more. 

The Patron only had to visit her once for his seed to take. Within a few short weeks, Lilith was walking around the village with a slight bump and growing breasts. When she started to show, everyone would dote on her. Instead of being the one to help everyone, she was the one being helped. The villagers also loved seeing her belly grow and loved to feel its roundness. When her stomach moved with kicks, it would attract all who could see it. Lilith had actually taken to wearing a shirt that allowed everyone to see her belly as it grew over the months just so they wouldn’t miss it. 

As each month passed, Lilith impressed the village with how big she would be. When she reached her 6th month, Lilith was already carrying a pronounced bump that looked akin to how large most villagers would be during the final days of their pregnancy. Her belly button had popped out and a dark line had crossed through it. By her 9th, her uncovered and stretch mark covered stomach would enter a room before she did and as time grew closer to the moment they awaited for, her huge stomach would seem to hang low as if it would fall off of her. 

The week of her due date, Lilith was out helping the Baker with their moving of wheat and flour, an activity a bit too strenuous for her state of pregnancy, but her helpful spirit didn’t relent despite her baby’s kicks of protest. She’d just moved a heavy bag in its place when her stomach contracted hard. Her hands shot to her bump to ease the pain, a constant effort these days. The contractions had been coming off and on the last few days, but today had been different. Within an hour, Lilith experienced two more contractions until she finally thought it was time.

Lilith waddled to the church and told the father of her consistent pains. The father and his acolyte’s quickly undressed Lilith and put her in a loose fitting white dress. It was a ceremonial garb for the Patron’s chosen. 

It was custom, as told by the ancient books, for the mother of the patron’s child to visit every citizen under the patron’s watch once the pains of labor started. Only after, would the mother be allowed to give birth in the same place where the child was conceived.

The father of the church and a few acolytes ushered Lilith around the  village so that the people could offer her blessings and pray for the safe passage of the Patron’s baby. Lilith had to cradle her belly in her hands to give some relief towards increasing weight and pressure on her hips throughout this. 

Lilith’s gait became more pronounced with each step she took. Her mountainous stomach  dropped lower with each house and villager she visited. The movements inside her womb became all the more erratic and a solid mass drove on her cervix. The pressure in her womb mounted higher and higher. The tightening of her muscles grew more intense like crushing vice breaking apart a melon.

“Father, I think it’s time. I can’t walk any longer…” Lilith groaned and massaged the side of her belly fruitlessly, the skin tight with a contraction. She felt like her waters could break at any moment. 

“Only a little bit more child,” The father continued to usher her and the procession around the village. 

They visit many more houses after that. A thin sheet of sweat covered Lilith’s body by the time they finished. Her belly had further dropped and her walk was wide as if she was attempting to squat. Her breathing was growing more ragged as she approached her home and the head grinded on her pelvis like it could fall into her canal at any moment. The surface of her stomach had changed from its perfect round sphere to an uneven and oblong shape under the strain of the contractions. By the time Lilith was brought back to her home, the acolytes had to support her through each laborious step. 

Lilith had taken to moaning loudly through each contraction. Every tightening made her squirm and twist as she was brought into her bedroom. She was sure this child would make her shriek soon with how heavy it felt. The acolytes laid the laboring girl on to her bed. The acolytes also acted as midwives for the village and immediately set to checking her progress. 

“You’re ready to give birth, however we must break your waters,” the lead acolyte said. “Brace yourself, for labor to become more difficult.”

Lilith could only moan and nod in response as another seizing of her tightly packed stomach occupied her. The acolyte produced a small hook and slipped it down her canal. Lilith felt the Acolyte flick their finger, followed instantly by a release of pressure. Lilith yelped as her waters squirted from her pussy. Lilith immediately felt the head of her child grind up against her cervix. Lilith arched her back and squirmed in her bed as the pain increased dramatically.

Lilith’s labor was slow going yet fast after that point. The Patron’s demonic child quickly pushed its way through her tight cervix. Lilith white knuckled the wooden back free of her bead with each push she made. Her hair was matted to the sides of her face and her stomach heaved up and down with her pained breaths. The baby filled her canal more and more each time she brought her chin down between her swollen breasts. 

Lilith eventually felt the base of her vagina bulge outward. Only a tiny sliver of the head could be seen at the moment. Every time Lilith pushed now, the burning sensation increased. The lips of her pussy clung to the huge head of the baby as it slid out. Lilith screamed as her pussy bulged further and spread open wider. 

The current contraction stopped and the baby receded. Lilith laid back and panted through the pain. She remained in that cycle through 3 contractions. The baby would move slowly, bit by bit. Lilith thought the baby would tear her until she finally felt the baby’s head shoot forward. Fluid splattered all over the bed and her lips receded around the head. 

The contraction distorting her stomach persisted and she continued to push. The Acolytes made sure there was no cord around the head, but they intervened no further. 

The shoulders began to make Lilith’s pussy bulge again. She squinted and moaned loudly as the baby’s broad shoulders spread her sore lips open once more. Fluid leaked and squirted from her crotch with each movement the baby made until finally the shoulders and the body slid out onto the bed. 

Lilith gasped for air, but mustered the strength to sit up on her elbows to see her baby. Its skin was stark white, black veiny streaks curved from its eyes. It was the closest she’d ever get to seeing the patron himself. The Acolytes quickly get to work cleaning and detaching the child from the cord. 

The baby began to cry and kick to life. Lilith was happy her hard work paid off, but now she desperately wanted to rest. Just as the thought left her mind, her still large stomach contracted hard. A familiar pressure pressed on her cervix like it was forcing its way out. Lilith screamed as the pain mounted on her. 

One of the Acolyte’s pressed on Lilith’s tight belly and shoved a finger into her pussy. 

“Uuuugghhhh, what’s going on?!” Lilith asked as the acolyte felt her belly.

“There is another Baby, you have been blessed by the patron!” The acolyte proclaimed proudly. 

“There’s a second?! AUUUUUGHHH!” Lilith threw her head back and shrieked as the head pried open her battered cervix. She bucked her hips upward as the second large mass moved through her. It felt slightly bigger than the first, making Lilith howl as the baby moved past her cervix. 

Lilith pushed for what felt like an eternity. The head slowly opened her worn hole until she was in the same burning position she was in with the first. She was tired. She didn’t want to push anymore. But she remembered she agreed to this. She couldn’t quit or die. She had to do this for the Patron. 

Her stomach seized hard, she leant forward and bore down while also pressing on the top of her belly. Her pussy bulges outward much like the first and the slit opens wider and wider until the head pops free. But Lilith wasn’t finished. She screamed as she pushed the shoulders through her tight opening. 

Her face was red with effort as well as her heaving stomach. The shoulders felt as though they were threatening to tear her apart. She kept bearing down against the burn and finally with a large gush of fluid and the deflation of her belly. The baby fell out of her pussy and onto the bed. Lilith fell back on the bed exhausted. The Acolytes went to work immediately to take care of the baby and afterbirth. The baby started crying out and Lilith felt her tits ache in response. 

The ordeal drained her immensely so she couldn’t imagine breastfeeding both of her babies right now. Lilith was glad she could help give the Patron two children.  

Accidental Cambirth 

You’re a cam model. A very popular one at that. Before taking a hiatus, you were ranked within the top 10 of cam models in the world. The reason for your hiatus is the life currently growing inside of you. You and your partner thought it best to take a step back from streaming in order to focus on your pregnancy but you missed streaming and with your pregnancy reaching its end you wanted all of your fans to see you live at least once. 

You are currently 39 weeks pregnant with a very big baby girl and it showed. Your stomach was smooth aside from the stretch marks that were scattered across your underbelly and your belly button poked out like a large knob. Being so late into pregnancy made it so that your belly was settling low to the top of your thighs and you had to spread your legs every time you sat down to make room for it. 

You sit down in front of your computer and webcam, your subscribers start flooding in immediately to see your big belly. You moan a bit as you insert your Bluetooth vibrator into your swollen pussy. You haven’t used it since before your hiatus so you’d forgotten how intense it would vibrate when you’d get donations.  

A mere ten dollar donation made your stomach contract when the vibrator stimulated you. You moan softly at first, but you soon get pulled into flicking your clit with the continuing sensation. You still had a week until your due date, so the contraction didn’t scare you. It must’ve just been Braxton’s or the sensation triggering some. You rub oil all over your large breasts and belly. That seemed to get your audience riled up even more, bringing on more stimulation and contractions. Oh how you missed this.

Three hours pass. Your now completely nude with your milk engorged breasts rest on top of your bump and your swollen pussy exposed to the public. You begin to bring the stream to an end by challenging your subs to make you squirt. your loyal subs started donating various amounts just to see you cum on live.  Each donation made you moan loudly, your belly heaving with each sensual breath. Your stomach seized with each one as well, just like it had earlier in the stream, but you decided it was nothing. You’d worry about labor if your water broke and you still didn’t feel any sign of that happening. 

Another string of sizable donations comes in. Your tight stomach undulates with the tightening of your muscles and the movement of your child. They’ve been getting stronger as time went, but you were still unconcerned. 

“Oh shit, you guys might make me give birth!” You say jokingly as another one passes even without getting stimulated by the vibrator. The contractions are getting closer too but your waters still haven’t broken and this always happened when your partner was in the process of making you cum. 

As soon as you say it, a one thousand dollar donation comes in and your vibrator activates wildly. Your eyes and mouth go wide, you throw your head back as the vibration stimulates your clit and wet canal with an electrifying intensity. Your stomach and back seize hard and you recoil into your chair as your pussy throbs with ecstasy. 

“Hooooly fuck, guys oooooohhhh” you gasp, grabbing hold of your large belly with one hand and swiping at  your clit with the other. You were in pain, but you couldn’t resist. It was fine, you weren’t in labor yet. 

More donations come through. All varying sizes. Five hundred dollars. Fifty dollars. Three hundred dollars. Seventy dollars. The donation alarm was a siren. The vibrators strength increases and lowers, but never stops. Just like the pressure within you that you’ve been ignoring. You kept telling yourself it was just the weight of the baby on your pelvis. You weren’t entirely wrong. Something fleshy had been pressing it out of your cervix for a while now but you were ignorant to it. 

A one hundred dollar donation was the one that did it. You buck your hips in the air, still furiously rubbing at your clit and fluid bursts from your labouring canal. You keep rubbing in spite of that, howling in orgasm. Your belly heaves with your breath and the start of a contraction. 

“Oh my God guys, you -ooough- made me squirt so muuuuuuhhhhch,"  your words are jumbled by a sudden hard, ball-like mass spread open your cervix. The contractions you’d been having increase in intensity, causing you to grip your belly hard. 

"Hoo, hoo, hoo. guys I think it’s time for a bre-" 

Another donation comes in and the vibrator bursts to life, stimulating your sensitive spot again. Pain and pleasure mix, but the only thing keeping you from flicking your clit again is the intense desire to push. 

"W-wait guys I think I mi- OOOOOOUGHH!" 

You howl as another large donation comes through. Your stomach seizes on you harder and the downward pressure inside your pussy starts to make you panic. You frantically search for the end of the vibrator to pull it out, but another donation comes in, making your stomach turn into an even tighter ball. Your nails dig into the stretch marks of your underbelly and your chair, giving into your instinct to push. You feel the head go through your canal speedily and start pushing  the large vibrator out of your pussy. Just as it exited, another large donation came through, sending a shock through your body. 

"I’M HAVING MY BABY!” you scream and push. Your canal quickly filled and stretched with your baby. You must have been in labor throughout the stream. Your pussy begins to bulge and you can feel the head start to spread it out.You arch your back as an intense burning sensation takes over your crotch. Everyone on the stream could see the huge head of your baby crown and thin out the skin of your wet pussy. 

You bear down again and the head bursts forth with a large gush of fluid. You recoil from the release of pressure and fall back into the seat of your chair. The shoulders didn’t wait for you to catch your breath and started to slide out as well. 

You quickly move to catch the baby as you feel the shoulders shoot out from your slit. Fluid gushes out and your belly deflates, your big baby squirming in your hands. You bring the baby up to your bare and still oiled chest.

The chat was going ballistic from what they just witnessed. You gasped for air while watching more donations come in. People seemed to enjoy watching you give birth. 

Your baby started to cry loudly into your chest and you heard the garage to your house open. Your partner would have a very big surprise when they got into the house. 

Demon Queen

“Now, behold! King Adam and Queen Bell!" 

A tall young man, with short black curls for hair and bright golden eyes stood out on the balcony. He was clad in ornate, ceremonial red armor, with a golden trim and by his side was a young woman with slightly brown skin and flowing, long dark-brown hair. 

She was also dressed extravagantly in similar red and gold robes, but everyone only took notice and excitement from the huge and round protrusion of her belly that stretched the fabric.

Today was the celebration of the soon to be born heirs or heiresses of the new kingdom and of their queen’s apparent fertility for having bore two children within only a few weeks of marriage. Their subjects, clergymen, soldiers, and nobel’s would likely party and feast all night for the unborn children.

The products of the king and queen’s union were the start of a new dynasty after the defeat of the demon emperor who’d reigned for nearly a quarter of the century. It was an understandable parade of joy. 

A parade that some didn’t want to partake in. Bell could feel the eyes of Archbishop Romani on her. He was already an old grump of a man, who had a prudish attitude, but today it felt like he was being particularly intense. 

Bell ignored it as best she could throughout the parade. It wasn’t particularly difficult considering, but as soon as her attendance met its need, she made her exit off the open balcony and went to her quarters to rest.

Bell dismissed her retainers so they could join in on the festivities themselves. She stripped off her clothing roughly, tired of being dolled up and hot. It was tailored to fit her gravid form, but it still chafed in all the wrong places and caused her temperature to rise. As soon as she relieved herself of the formal wear, her form began to change. Her skin turned pale like the midnight moon, hair changing to a blackened shade. Skin and flesh wings unfurled themselves from her shoulder blades and a tail with shiny ebony scales curled out of the base of her back. Bell’s hands turned as black as her wings and developed claws that one would more likely find on a beast. This form and her real identity was no secret to her nor Adam’s retainers. But it was a necessary magical disguise. 

Bell’s real name was Beleth and she used to be both general and princess to the demon king who ruled previously. In the final battle, Beleth was mortally wounded and forced to hide in the same room she and Adam now shared. It was strange looking back at that moment in the state she was now. Adam had found her one night, a week after he slayed the king, with infected wounds and the first thing he did was treat them. 

Beleth was sure Adam saw her as a project to be fixed at first. A test to see if Demons could be just as human as he was. Beleth already knew Demon’s and humans were similar aside from cultural differences and only certain stigmas from the past got in the way, but she entertained him nonetheless. They eventually got more attached as the months went and here she was. 

The shift from being a warrior general to queen wasn’t a hard change. She’d opposed her fathers war from the onset and was basically groomed from birth to lead someday.  Just not people of the wingless and tailless persuasion. 

Beleth attended to the weak and ill. Brokered peace with a nearby nation. She’d even fought in a border dispute or two. The last point riled up some traditionalists, the Archbishop included, in the court but the people didn’t care. 

But those in the court soon had reason to rave about her. All they cared about was a queen who could produce a sizable number of heirs. 

Beleth cupped the underside of her elongated belly. Being heavily pregnant had to be the worst thing Beleth experienced. Ever since the start, she’s had worse morning sickness than most, more painful cramps than most, and even achier breasts then most. Arthur said it was because she was carrying twins but she was sure it was one of the gods or her father cursing her for daring to carry two half-demon, half holy-blooded children. 

But simultaneously, it was the best thing she’d felt in her life. Everytime she felt a kick from one of her children it made her heart flip and swell. Feeling them grow and Adam putting his ear to her bump did the same. Beleth couldn’t wait to hold their babies. 

She’d never imagined she’d be pregnant, and with the new king’s children no less. The king she was tasked with killing in that bloody war. A lot has changed since then but it was for the better. Beleth still had to hide her true form from the church, but everyone in Adam’s inner circle was so kind and proved themselves to be a true friend to her.

Beleth put on a light night gown that let her belly hang out in the air and laid down on the huge bed she and Adam shared. She caressed her bare bump. She used to have abdominal muscles that displayed her strength. She was proud of them as one more focused on curses and magecraft. But now, she had a solid looking bump that would tremble now and then with the kicks of her children. It looked mountainous and round like a fortune teller’s glassy orb. Her pale skin maintained the smooth quality it had before and her belly button had protruded out for the surface like a solitary mountain peak. Her breasts, previously moderate in size,  had grown immense  - veiny and filled with milk. She shifted her black claws to the underside of her bump. The twins had been restless for the past few days. Seth, one of Adam’s close retainers estimated that she was still a week away, so there was still a bit of time left until birth despite looking like she was ready to pop with one false move.

"How are you three doing,” Adam said, leaning on the door to the room. He’d gotten rid of his ceremonial attire and was now dressed in casual trousers and shirt. He had an overly concerned look on his smooth face, his golden eyes studying her swollen form sympathetically. Adam was an extremely caring man. That side of him was the only reason she was alive in the first place, but he could get a bit overbearing when it came to making sure she and their children were ok. 

“I’m fine, just a little tired,” Beleth responded, giving her belly an assuring pat as the skin’s surface rolled with the shifting of the babies. Adam’s face eased up when he saw the movement and joined Beleth on the bed, nestling close to her body. He rested his head right at the top of her bump

“They’re really active today, huh?” Adam said, rubbing his hand over the still undulating stomach and planting a kiss on its surface. “You two are little trouble makers already, huh?”

“They only get like this when you’re around,” Beleth sighed and jokingly shooed him away. “Now go do your kingly duties, so I can actually rest!”

“Oh come now, can’t I get a little bit of a break to spend time with my family?” Adam said while tracing his finger around the kicks and punches coming through the skin of her belly. 

“Fine, but only because your hands are so relaxing,” Beleth said, curling her tail around Adam to pull him closer and taking a smooth bottle off their night stand. 

“Ah ha, putting me to work are you,” Adam smiled, taking the bottle in his hands. He uncorked it and tilted it over Beleth’s belly, a creamy gold liquid dripped onto her taut skin - special massaging ointment just for her aches and pains. Adam began rubbing the ointment into her skin with smooth circles and kneading her belly lightly with his fingers. 

Beleth closed her eyes and sighed in satisfaction. His hands never failed to soothe her, but now her mind was on something else. 

“Do you think they’ll be ok?” She asked. 

“Hmm? We know they’re going to be healthy, we have Seth’s assurances, ” Adam said. Seth was one of Adam’s closest retainers and a former member of the clergy before Adam took up arms against the demon king. 

“What about the church then? What would they do if they found out they were half demon?” 

Beleth could feel Adam’s hands tense over her belly protectively. Beleth knew the church would mark her for death or exile at the very least if they ever found out she’d birthed two demon children. Even if she were human, it would mean torture and a nun’s life in some far beyond priory for the rest of her days. 

“You don’t have to worry about anything. Seth is a trusted member of my circle; he wouldn’t dare let the church find out about you or them,“ Adam said, a sharpness entered his voice and his hands felt firmer on her belly. 

"If they do anything to you three, I’ll have their heads. All of them,” he said sternly.

Beleth took comfort in that. Adam had been extremely protective of her since he found out about the babies, going so far to even scribe several protective charms against sickness and blades on her body. 

But she hoped that the time the charms would be a use and for Adam to take up his sword would never come to pass. Adam was a kind man. She didn’t want that to change. 

They remained there in peace for a few moments until Beleth felt something rub up against her clit. She recognized the careful touch of Adam’s fingers instantly. 

“Getting a little handsy, my love,” she moaned with a smile.

“I’m just attending to my kingly duties, like you asked,” he said softly. “I’ll take your mind off of the church." 

Adam moved down her body until he found his face at the lips of her vagina. He started slowly, his tongue only grazing the pregnant swollen, sensitive surface of her folds. Beleth let out a whispery moan and her tail started to curl. As Adam’s pace quickened, Beleth felt the pleasure course through her body. So much so that her dome-like belly slightly contracted.

She groaned and clutched the sides of her aching sphere as Adam continued to pleasure her. His hands moved to the sides of her belly and met her own, interlocking with each other. Beleth’s moans shifted into a sequence of high pitch squeals as she neared orgasm. Her wet pussy was throbbing with the need to cum and Adam sensed that. 

He increased the pace of his tongue movements up and across her slit, even going as far as to suck on her throbbing clit.

"By the gods! Oooough,” she moaned out loudly as her stomach contacted and the feeling of euphoric release coursed through her as she orgasmed.

“Are you ok?” Adam asked, moving back up to her face with gue hands still on her contracting bump. This tended to happen when she and Adam would pleasure each other.

“Yeah, but I think I’ll need more of your royal attention later…” She said, still stroking her


“Of course, I’ll try not to get tied up in the festivities,” Adam planted a kiss on her lips and put on some of his less formal wear for the party. Then he left the room to leave Beleth to rest.

Beleth thought she’d change her mind when he left, but another uncomfortable flip and contraction told her she’d rather rest than party. 

That Night: 

Beleth awoke to a knock on the door. She vacantly fluttered her eyes open. She reached for the bed space beside her to find it empty. Adam must have still been at the party. 

Beleth sighed and got up from the bed as another knock came through. She shifted back to the bell disguise she wore in public and opened the door. 

“What is the mea-”

Before her was a tall man dressed in the blue and white church robes that covered half his face. In an instant a cloud of white smoke enveloped her face. 

It was like Beleth’s body went completely limp in that moment and fell into the man’s arms. Her lips couldn’t form shapes and her brain started to muddle as she quickly drifted back to sleep. 


Beleth next awoke to the chaffing of irons on her wrists and ankles, and her wings bound and folded to her back. Her eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness of the space she was confined in. It looked like the walls were made of solid, well aged cobblestone, probably from an age before her time. Directly in front of her was a single door. 

“Shit…” she muttered, recognizing the shape and formation of the sigils. Exorcism magic. A spell of this caliber couldn’t kill her, but it would hurt like hell. 

“I see our ‘Queen’ is awake,” said a gravelly voice. An older man dressed in ornate robes with the colors and crest of the church. Archbishop Romani. 

“What do you want with me?” Beleth asked sharply. 

“Well, I wish to wash you and your children’s tainted existence from the world,” Romani spat. “However, the good king Adam has taken too many precautions…" 

The protective runes Adam placed on her and the babies were probably the only reason Beleth wasn’t dead right now. Blades and poisons wouldn’t do a thing. 

"So, I have opted to bring you to these grand ruins to conduct your release from life,” the old man clasped his hands together and sneered. “Unfortunately, the path there will be quite painful." 

The sigil underneath Beleth started to radiate a pale white. A burning sensation started to encompass her body like a wildfire in a dry forest.  

Beleth started out with a low groan, then reached a guttural scream as the sigil intensified in power. It felt as thought her body was being forcefully pulled apart. Her eyes felt like they would boil in her head. Beleth squirmed wildly under the weight of her belly and against the tight shackles. 

"FUCK,” she cried as the pain mounted further. The bishop smiled and increased the power. 

The torture lasted long enough that Beleth had forgotten where and why she was even in pain. The beginning of burns and bruises speckled her body. Her children were still as lively as ever though, kicking around her swollen stomach. That gave her a little bit of hope. 

The bishop sighed like he’d just sank in a heated bath. “I hope you aren’t too exhausted, we will begin anew tomorrow." 

Romani had to have found enjoyment in seeing her writhe in pain. But the only thing she could do was pray that Adam would find her. 

4 Weeks later: 

Four weeks of pain. Screaming. Being tortured. Beleth’s breathing was constantly haggard. Everyday she endured the same torture of a priest coming to activate light sigil under her. Everytime it felt like her body was being seared, inverted, and battered. The only thing that kept her from falling apart were her babies. They were as lively as ever. The blood of their father probably kept them safe from the church’s magic. 

The children still continued to grow as well. Stretch marks had started appearing more frequently and the weight of her belly had increased considerably. If her body wasn’t so weak, she’d probably have noticed that a hard sphere sat right on her pelvis. 

At the very least, Beleth had a better grasp of the situation than before. From the idle chit chat she picked up from the guards, the church had conducted a half effective coup against the "demon fucker” king as they called Adam. The night of the celebration, most, if not all of the clergymen started to paint the walls of the castle red. Unfortunately for them, they were in a den of warriors who’d fought far worse than spindly scripture readers. 

Their only prize from that night had been her and for the last four weeks they’d been enjoying her capture to the fullest. But that was going to change. Romani hadn’t come by in at least two days, which gave Beleth time to recover at least a fraction of her strength. 

Beleth took a deep breath and recited a spell - enchantment.  She heard the two guardsmen shift a bit and then after a second, they unlocked the door. They approached her and undid the locks on her shackled arms and legs. Beleth heaved her swollen form off the ground and with the snap of her fingers, the guards fell to the ground. 

Beleth walked over the comatose guards and nearly fell onto the side of the rock wall. Her body was still exhausted and she had to move away fast. 

Beleth traveled as speedily as she could through the catacombs. Her pointed out bump hung low as she lent onto the catacomb walls, one hand holding her up against the stone and the other supporting the underside of her belly. She hadn’t stood on two legs in weeks and her body never adjusted to having a heftier load of overdue twins. Even worse was the ever strengthening twinges of pain that coursed through her belly. 

“Ouughh, please, you have to hold on, I can’t give birth right now,” she mumbled. They felt so low. She needed to get out of the catacombs before the guards woke up or Romani came back. 

She continued waddling into the catacombs, following the scent of fresh air. Each step felt like she was getting closer and closer to bursting. The dusty air of the tunnels didn’t help, her breathing became harder to control as labor pains washed over her. She stopped every couple minutes to catch her breath. Each stop made the pressure feel heavier and heavier. 

Beleth stopped and leant all her weight on the wall, a particularly contraction gripped her entire stomach. The pressure peaked in her cervix. It felt like something fleshy was bulging out of her, threatening to burst. 

“Ahhh fuck, fuck, oooou-OUUGH!” Beleth moaned and cried out as a gush of water splashed out between her legs. The weight of her first baby’s head pressed hard on her cervix. 

“No, no, no, not now!” Beleth felt like breaking down. The exit wasn’t in sight, the guards were probably on their way and the babies were coming. She wanted Adam at her side. She NEEDED Adam right now. 

Despite the overwhelming pressure and the feeling of needing to bear down, she propped herself up and continued waddling down the corridor. 

Walking probably made things worse. The baby felt like it was moving lower and lower despite her resistance against pushing. She hadn’t thought to check herself when her waters broke, but now she was certain she was close to fully dilated if she wasn’t already. Her gait widened with the feeling of her big headed baby opening her cervix.  

Luckily the smell of the outside got stronger, but the sound of metal scraping metal, order shouting, and footsteps became louder as well. Beleth cautiously made her forward, biting her lip through another painful contraction. The sound of a group of footsteps started to get closer.

“Alright men, fan out. The monster couldn’t have gotten far,” said a gruff voice. “We gotta hurry up before the king gets here." 

 Beleth quickly ducked into a pathway away from the church soldiers. Her hastening movement made the baby crawl downward even further and make fluid drip from her folds. Beleth cursed as she waddled down the winding ways until she came across another room akin to the cell she was captured in down a narrow pathway; the only difference was that a few cave rocks had tumbled over the entrance. She squeezed her way in, heaved her heavy bump over the rocks and went inside the room.

Beleth’s legs finally caved underneath her. The pressure was too great now and she could feel the baby reach the opening of her vagina. She whimpered as the burn started to encompass her. 

"Hey, look! This gotta be from her!” A voice echoed from beyond the abandoned cell door. They probably found the spattering of fluid she’d been leaking.

The contraction intensified and the baby started opening her up more. She quickly put her hand between her legs and held the head steady, even moving it back a few notches. If she gave birth, its cries would alert them to her immediately. 

Beleth had no idea how long she was restrained there. Contraction after contraction compressed her womb and tried to force her baby against her palm as the soldiers continued poking around the nearby tunnels searching for her. 

“C'mon and leave you bastards,” she hissed. Sweat matted her hair to her shoulders, her body was exhausted from the constant contractions without progress. Beleth worried that she might not have the stamina to escape the catacombs even if they did leave. The baby was still bulging the lips of her crotch and with each passing moment Beleth felt like giving in to the persisting urge to push.

After what felt like an eternity, Beleth heard screaming and the clash of steel echo through the rock corridors. She still kept quiet amidst the ruckus and screaming soldiers. 

After 15 minutes, the battle started to move farther into the caves. Beleth moved her hand away from her mouth, her breathing immediately rougher than before. 

Suddenly, Beleth heard a familiar set of voices. 

“Adam, they must have moved her." 

"No! I know she’s here, I can feel it!”

Adam and Seth!

“I’m here! Oouuuugh, I’M HERE BEHIND THE DOOR, HURRY!” Beleth screamed hoarsely. Her stomach contracted hard on her, she couldn’t restrain the head any longer. She removed her hand and bore down hard with the full pressure. 

Adam and Seth slammed open the door to see her legs spread wide with a huge head at full crown in her pussy. Adam nearly slid to Beleth’s side. 

“By the gods Beleth, I’m so sorry!” He took her hand into his. Through her blurred vision, she saw tears streaming from his eyes. 

“The babies are coming, they’re so big!” Beleth clutched her contracting stomach as she bore down. She began to wonder if she needed to hold the baby back at all with how slowly it seemed to pull her open. 

Seth tore off his armored gauntlets and gloves and knelt between Beleth’s legs. The head of the first baby slowly spread out her pussy.

“It fucking burns, Aaaaaauuuuhhgh!” Beleth continued to push with the pain. She could feel every little feature on her child’s face as it passed through her. Her hard stomach heaved and contracted further making Beleth bear down even stronger. Soon, she felt a release. The head finally gushed forth from her pussy. Seth caught the head in palms and checked the head for a cord. 

Beleth lent on Adam’s body and panted for a bit, trying to catch her breath. Adam rubbed soothing circles around her still large stomach. The respite didn’t last long, the shoulders of the baby quickly shoved their way toward Beleth’s strained slit with a strong contraction. Her skin was still tight, but it relented easier with having just birthed the head. 

Her whole face turned red as she pushed down and the shoulders slowly slid out. Seth helped to bring the long overdue child out of her. Beleth’s still hard dome of a stomach shrank only a bit and amidst the contraction, the second child began its descent. Beleth fell back onto Adam’s body again. 

“Congratulations, you two have a healthy prince!” Seth announced as the baby started crying. He tore off a large piece of his cape and swaddled it after cutting the cord. 

“I’m so glad you’re here…” Beleth whispered to Adam. 

“I am too,” Adam planted a kiss on her sweaty forehead. 

The second child began its slow arrival soon after the first. However, Beleth was far too weak at this point. The torture, having to endure contraction, it had finally settled into her body.  

Seth shook his head as another contraction passed without progress. The baby’s head was just at the cusp of beginning to crown, but Beleth’s pushes were far too weak and she was in no condition to stand. Seth only had one plan. 

“You both won’t like this,” Seth said, observing Beleth’s worn state. “Adam, on her next push, press down on the top of her belly. Beleth, you’ll feel more pressure, but you need this baby out." 

More pain was the last thing Adam wanted to inflict on his wife. Beleth wrapped her tail comfortingly around Adam’s waist. 

"It’s ok, I can take it.” Beleth said softly with a rasp in her throat. She heard him swallow hard behind her as he put his hands firmly on top of her belly. The surface hardened under his palms and Beleth recoiled into his body. 

She bore down with what little strength she had and Adam pressed down hard on the top of her belly. Beleth grit her teeth as she felt the pressure increase with his help. Their baby started to crown steadily until Seth was able to put his fingers around the head. 

Beleth arched her back as the contraction tightened even harder and the big head stretched her into the ring of fire. Her face scrunched up as the baby moved further and further.

Then with a small tug from Seth, the baby’s head erupted from her vagina with a large gush of fluid. The contraction started to soften, but Beleth continued to push. She was desperate for this to be over. 

The shoulders slid steadily out of her and then the body. Seth caught the last babe and brought it up to Beleth’s tired arms. 

“A second prince for you two,” Seth said proudly as he brought the first twin up to the royal parents.

All Beleth wanted to do now was sleep, but finally holding the babies she’d long waited for kept the exhaustion at bay. Adam was beside himself as well. He’d thought the worst had happened when Beleth was taken but here he was staring, tears in his eyes, at his children and exceptionally strong wife. 

Once the placenta was birthed, Seth and Adam carried her and the children out of the cave. The bodies of Romani’s men were scattered about the cavern walls, no doubt Romani himself would be amongst them. 

She didn’t care about vengeance right now though. She only cared about the two bundles of joy in her arms. 
