


Here is the second fic I wrote for the @mysme-rbb​​! I’m just losing my mind over my partner Luci’s beautiful artwork. Working with her was a dream—and god, I want to lose myself in Jaehee’s eyes, too. Check out her post here!


You’re off the train and halfway to her home when the sky opens.

It is sudden: the day has been gloomy, the gray sky dotted with ominous clouds—but the weather report had said there was a low chance of rain. Low chance, you’d repeated to yourself as you’d gathered your belongings, wondering vaguely when you’d last seen your umbrella. You were already running late, and the umbrella was nowhere to be found. Should be fine, you’d told yourself, darting out the door with your jacket dangling off one arm and your keys swinging in your hand.

So you are started by the raindrops (unusually large, you think) that are suddenly splattering your face. It’s one of those strange spring storms—the kind that come on so hard and fast that the streets are flooded instantly, cold rivers of rainfall rushing over the pavement, making little waterfalls as they pour into the gutter.

You start to run, hands over your head (as if this will somehow protect you). You’re soaked instantly, of course—your jacket sticks unpleasantly to your arms and your shirt clings to your sides. And naturally you’ve worn the wrong shoes: the little boots that you’d picked out so carefully aren’t made for rain (or running, for that matter), and your feet ache as you sprint through the rain river. You’re bombarded on all sides by icy water: you kick up fountains of it as you run, and the wind blows it into your face, making your eyes sting.

You picture her: pristine, perfect, waiting for you quietly in her neat little apartment. God, you think frantically, skidding a little as you round a corner, turning onto her street. What will she think of me, showing up on her doorstep in this state?

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