

Here’s my piece for the @mysme-rbb!

We chose to have Yoosung and our male!MC (Daniel) make an apple pie together!❤️

My partner’s adorably amazing fic can be found over here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30866651

I’m super grateful to have been a part of this event and see the results. Everyone’s arts and stories are SO so good!!

This event is full of such amazing, super creative artists and writers; and of course, the mods- who did a fantastic job at organizing everything and made it possible for us to join!

Thank you, it really was very fun!!

littleaipom: Here is my collab piece for the Mystic Messenger Reverse Big Bang event! I got to partnlittleaipom: Here is my collab piece for the Mystic Messenger Reverse Big Bang event! I got to partn


Here is my collab piece for the Mystic Messenger Reverse Big Bang event! I got to partner with the talented writer @rune-writes to make something for Yoosung ⭐ Essentially we came up with a story idea together, and then I drew something for it while Rune wrote a fanfic for it! :D

We decided on a story centering on Yoosung’s eye injury post good ending, with a bit of messy feelings and tender moments.It was a joy to work with Rune, and the fic is a heartfelt sweet-and-sour story that I really enjoy, and totally recommend checking out

 @mysme-rbb hosted this fan event where plenty more artists and writers teamed up to make some great MM content. Feel free to check out the others over there!

If you want to check out the fic, you can read it here! On AO3andon Tumblr

Post link

Tending to a Wounded Heart

Fandom: Mystic Messenger

Word Count:3363


Summary: A look into how MC feels regarding Yoosung’s eye injury in the months following the Mint Eye incident.

Note: This is my piece for @mysme-rbb where I got to collab with the amazing @littleaipom. The idea about MC tending to Yoosung’s wounded eye came from her, and from there, we explore how both MC and Yoosung dealt with his injury in the months following the incident. It was such a pleasure working with her and a fun experience for sure! Be sure to check out her art too! It’s wholesome, heartfelt, and guaranteed to pull at your heartstrings :’))

Read on AO3.


Every time MC looked at Yoosung, a lump formed at the back of her throat. She tried to ignore it, tried to tell herself that she was over-thinking again. Yoosung always said that it was no big deal, that he could still see well enough with his good eye. But what if it was a big deal? MC suspected that with how often she spotted him groping blindly for things on his left side, or the way he had to pay extra attention when going down the stairs.

“I’m alright, MC,” he’d always say whenever she voiced her concern. “I got this for protecting you. If that had been a LOLOL raid, this’d be my badge of honor.”

If that had been a LOLOL raid, Yoosung wouldn’t have retained an actual injury. She tried to tell him that, to help him with menial tasks; it was the least she could do to ease his burden. But Yoosung always smiled and waved it off, saying there was no need and he could do it himself. MC’s heart broke a little every time she saw that.

Today was a surprise visit, a concern-in-disguise, as MC told herself that Yoosung needed to consume healthier meals. So that’s what she did, coming up to his apartment carrying a bag filled with freshly-cooked kimchi, grilled mackerel, and hot chicken soup. She wouldn’t say she was the best cook, but her mother had taught her the basics of a healthy meal, and she hoped they suited Yoosung’s palates. It was to her surprise, however, when she spotted him walking out of his apartment building with a big black trash bag in hand, sporting his left side.

Her heart constricted. MC paused midstep, watching him cross the pavement to the garbage dumpster on the side of the building. A limp on his left leg; Yoosung reached the dumpster, lifted the heavy bag, then tossed it inside. He sighed, stretching his back then stretching his arms, rolling his shoulders and neck. He massaged his left thigh, and MC thought she saw a glimmer of pain cross his features. Then he turned around, and for whatever reason, MC stepped back behind the bushes, keeping her eyes on his back as he made his way inside the building.

When Yoosung stumbled on the first step up the stairwell, MC half-moved, then stopped. She’d… probably just be a nuisance, wouldn’t she? Her worry would only stress him more. But to see him so weak and vulnerable… Her fingers twitched. MC bit her lower lip and watched as Yoosung let out a soft curse, one hand gripping the railing hard to keep himself from falling flat on his face. Then he straightened his back and sighed once more, gingerly rolling his left ankle before he slowly, and painstakingly, climbed the stairs, keeping his good eye fixed downward on the steps.

She waited until he was out of sight, then waited another five minutes or so until she was sure he was back at his room. MC strode inside the building and up the stairwell to the third floor. The thought that Yoosung had to make this climb every day, up and down, with only one good eye, while still refusing any form of help, made her teeth grit.

She reached his door, then rang the bell. His voice came from inside, telling her to wait. A moment later, the door opened, and Yoosung stood in the doorway. The bandage covering his left eye was half-worn, and MC made a mental note to change it later. Good thing she came after all. The other eye—the good eye—widened at the sight of her, before it glinted, his face breaking into a bright smile. “MC!” His radiant beam teased an involuntary smile out of her.

“I brought you lunch,” she said as he let her in. “I hope that’s okay.”

That was awesome, he said. He wouldn’t have to go out and buy lunch, and, most of all, he got to save money. The innocent grin made her chuckle.

Yoosung’s studio apartment was on the small side, but big enough for a college student. A short hall that immediately opened up to the living area—a combination of bedroom and kitchen in one place. His bed was positioned at the farthest corner by the window, with his desk, computer set, and bookshelves on the other side of it. Just around the corner of the hall was the small kitchen counter, with the small electric stove, small refrigerator, and cupboards overhead. The small dining table acted as a partition between the kitchen and the rest of the apartment, and that was where MC set her bag down. Yoosung’s eye sparkled when she took box after steaming box from the bag.

“It’s not much, but I hope you’ll like it.“

“Of course I will. You made it.”

A little smile graced her lips. She looked at the clock on the wall. “It’s not lunchtime yet though. Is it okay if I put these here first?”

“Sure. Let me get you something to drink. Is coffee good? I was just going to make some for myself.” He moved to the cupboards before she could say anything, then groped blindly for the coffee bag.

That little twinge of pain again. “Hey,” she said, “let me make the coffee.”

But Yoosung only chuckled, the soft, breathy chuckle that, in another occasion, would have sent her heart fluttering. “You’re the guest. I can’t let you do that.”

But you’re hurt, MC wanted to say. You’re hurt, and I’m your girlfriend. Please let me do something to help, even if it’s just making you coffee.

He found the grounds next to the teabags, then told her to sit as he went to the coffee maker. She would, but there was an unease in her heart that refused to quiet down. So she kept watch, with one eye at least, as Yoosung poured water into the machine and added coffee grounds above the filter. At the touch of a button, the machine whirred and shook, and coffee began dripping into the pot beneath it. Then, as though noticing her gaze, he looked over his shoulder and met her eyes. Her heart leaped at the flash of his disarming smile.

Maybe he was right. Maybe she was being paranoid. Only having one good eye didn’t mean Yoosung couldn’t do menial tasks like brewing coffee, or climbing down the stairs. MC reassured herself that everything was alright, forced herself to take her eyes off Yoosung’s back and resumed taking out the boxes. She was setting her lunch bag down on the floor when trouble occurred in a sharp hiss.

Something crashed. MC whipped her head up and saw Yoosung retracting his left hand then sucking it between his lips. Broken glass scattered over the countertop. What remained of the coffee pot now lay amongst a puddle of freshly-brewed black coffee, splashed across the counter and dripping onto the floor.

In the blink of an eye, MC had reached Yoosung’s side. She grabbed his hand, and he jumped, going tense when her grip turned hard.

“MC…” he tried to say. His hand was burned red, blisters already forming on the back of it. No cuts, thank God. Yoosung attempted to pull away but MC’s hold was firm. “It’s just a little burn,” he said again, even as his fingers twitched, hand strained under the pain.


MC shut off his protests. She brought him to the sink, then turned the tap water on over his burned hand. Yoosung hissed and winced, but he’d stopped struggling, the cool water slowly easing away the pain and the heat. Silence stretched between them, thick and palpable.

“I told you I’d make the coffee.”

Her voice was barely loud enough for him to hear, but he’d heard, and he called her name, the gentleness almost enough to draw her gaze to him, to let herself be lulled by that easy grin again. MC’s lips wavered. She bit her tongue and gritted her teeth, forcing back the tears threatening to spill.

No more.

“MC?” He bent over, trying to catch her eyes under her bangs.

“What am I to you?” Her voice was uncharacteristically cold. He stopped. “I’m your girlfriend. Don’t I mean anything to you?”

“What are you—?”

She tightened her grip. Yoosung flinched and almost backed up, but her hold rooted him to the spot. MC whipped her head at him, eyes flashing with anger, hurt, frustration, guilt.

I’m your girlfriend!” So much vehemence. So much force. As if that single sentence was the reason everything happened. “But you wouldn’t—you’re pushing me away! Keeping me in the dark; acting tough when you’re clearly in pain! Don’t you know how that makes me feel?” Her breath hitched. Her sight blurred.You hurt your eye because of me!

The dam broke. Angry tears burst free. She glared through them, glared until his one bright violet eye widened. In surprise? In realization? She didn’t know. MC swallowed past the lump in her throat as tears after tears streamed down her face.

If only Yoosung hadn’t gone with Seven that time…

When Seven had gotten the bomb situation at Rika’s apartment under control, she’d thought the worst had past. But then Jaehee had received suspicious emails and someone had begun stalking Zen—though, given how popular the actor was, that shouldn’t have raised alarms. But after the bomb, they’d all been paranoid, prompting Seven to investigate the emails’ source. Everyone, including Yoosung, had been under the impression that those developments had been connected, and that, in turn, had led to the thought that MC’s life was still in danger. So when Seven had finally found leads to a place called Mint Eye, Yoosung had offered to come with him.

She should’ve felt something was amiss; should’ve stopped him from going when he’d called to let her know. But MC knew, even as the thought kept haunting her mind for the months following it, that Yoosung would have gone with Seven whether or not her life had been at stake. That was just the person he was. He cared about his friends more than his life. And if Yoosung hadn’t been there, Seven might not have escaped the place unscathed. MC knew he would have blamed himself for that.

Her hold loosened. MC hung her head, stepping back. “It’s my fault.” Her voice was quiet, broken, shaking. “And you’re not giving me any chances to apologize.”

Silence fell. She moved away to fetch the first-aid kit from the bathroom. When she returned, Yoosung was still at the kitchen sink, burned hand held still beneath the pouring water.

She called him, and he jumped, as though coming out of a trance. She nodded toward the bed, lifting the first-aid kit box to emphasize her intention. He fumbled then, turning the tap water off and reaching for a rag to… wipe the messy counter maybe. But MC called again, and he discarded the rag and rounded the dining table where his steaming lunch still waited. MC dragged the desk chair to the bed and sat as Yoosung settled in front of her, jittery, tense, nervous. She set the box down on the low-lying table next to her and opened it.

The tap water should have cooled his hand, but the blisters looked nasty. She searched for burn ointments in the box, found it next to the bandages, then applied it to Yoosung’s hand, gently, carefully. Yoosung hissed, biting his lower lip, and still he acted like the tough guy he was not. So MC pressed a little harder on his tender skin. He gasped. “MC!” His eye flashed, but his indignation quickly died when he remembered her earlier outburst. Silence fell again.

“I’m changing the bandage.”

She reached up and around his head, finding the edge then unwinding the dirty gauze. She felt his gaze follow her, felt it waver and hesitate; saw, from the corner of her eyes, his mouth opening at the beginning of something. But he closed it before anything came out. Yoosung averted his gaze, fidgeting under her touch.

“If you hate the idea of me helping you so much, the least you could’ve done is take care of your eye properly. What if it gets infected?” MC scoffed, soft, under her breath. “And you call yourself a vet student.”

He mumbled something that sounded like "I don’t hate it,” but it was too quiet, and he made no effort to say it louder, so MC let him be. As the last of the bandage came off, a half-healed jagged scar greeted MC’s eyes, stretching from his eyebrow to just above his cheek bone. Short enough to think that he had gotten away before anything serious happened, but the hacker had to have some skills with the knife, because even with the short gash, he had inflicted permanent damage on Yoosung’s eye.

The doctor had done a marvelous job stitching everything together; MC could imagine it wouldn’t even leave a scar once everything healed. But now it was red and looking tender. When was the last time Yoosung changed the bandage? He flinched when MC applied the disinfectant and antibiotics ointment, flinched again when she wrapped the eye with a fresh gauze then held it in place. He kept his good eye down throughout the whole process, his fingers twitching before he clasped them together.

It wasn’t until MC closed the first-aid kit and made to throw the used bandage that Yoosung caught her arm. “MC,” he called, hesitant. She glanced at him, at the way he hung his head, or the firm yet lax hold he had on her arm. She could pull away, but she settled back down. He fumbled with his words then, stammering as he tried to find the right thing to say, and MC stayed and waited, because he was holding her hand and she wanted to give him this chance.

“It’s not your fault,” was the first thing he said. The muscles along her jaws twitched. “No—I—I mean—um—” He pressed his lips, eyes darting away as he drew back into himself, looking so small that MC almost felt sorry. Or maybe she did feel sorry. Despite the pain it’d caused her, she knew he’d never meant any harm. The thought made her anger subside. The tension left her in a quiet sigh.

“Is it so hard to ask for help?” she asked. MC looked down at the hand on her wrist. She slipped out of his grasp, then turned his right hand palm-up, holding it, cradling it. He was so precious to her. Why couldn’t he see that? Why couldn’t he realize that him hurting also caused her pain? That, no matter what he said, she had a role in getting him blind.

Permanently damaged. The first time she heard that, when Seven broke down in front of them, she didn’t know what to think, what to feel. Everything had gone muted. The lights had gone dim.

Her fault.

It had been like a chant, or a curse. When MC saw him entering the party with a bandage covering one eye, she had forgotten how to breathe. Even though he’d said that it was no big deal, that everything was over and done with, that she was safe and that was all that mattered.

“What if you got hurt even more? Broke your leg or cut your hand—” she flicked an eye to his left hand, “—burned your hand. Is one eye not enough? Would you wait until you lose a limb before you accept people’s help?”

Would you still say it was nothing even then?

MC choked. Her chest felt tight, suffocating. Why couldn’t he see that?

On her lap, Yoosung had enveloped her hand in his. She noticed his burned finger too late, too close to her face. He wiped her tears, the touch featherlight, gentle, careful.

“I never meant to make you cry.” It was a soft murmur, remorse flickering across his eye. “I thought… I thought I was doing the right thing. That I was protecting you. That I needed to be strong, to act like everything is alright, so you wouldn’t feel guilty.” His jaws clenched, Yoosung shuddered in a quiet breath.

When he said nothing more, MC swallowed her sigh. “Did you know that by refusing help, when it is clear that you need one, you only put the other person in a difficult position?” she asked. “I was in a difficult position. I’m your girlfriend. I know we met through unusual circumstances, and we still barely know each other, but… the way you pushed me away…” Her hold on his hand tightened. “It felt like you didn’t need me, that you were saying this was my fault.”

“That’s not what I intended—”

“But that’s how I perceived it.”

They stared at each other, mouths pursed as they fought to contain their confusion and frustration. MC was the first to break eye contact, dropping her gaze to their joined hands. She brushed the back of his hand with her thumb.

The clock ticked, the seconds dragging long and slow until MC wondered how much time had passed, though in reality, one minute had barely gone by. In front of her, Yoosung sat still, stoic as a statue. She felt his gaze but refused to meet it. When at last he spoke, his voice was contrite:

“I’m sorry I made you feel that way.” He returned the strength of her hold, prompting her to look up. “I didn’t realize. I’m sorry.” He shifted his gaze downward, an apologetic crease to his face. “I guess… I don’t know, I guess I didn’t want to appear weak in front of you. Like you said, we’ve only just known each other, and I didn't… I didn’t want to look so pathetic. Losing an eye—after all that bravado I had when I asked you to be my girlfriend.” He gave a self-deprecating scoff. “I was upset, to say the least. Distressed. Angry. But the thought that I did it for you, that I lost an eye for someone I love… it made it worthwhile, bearable. So I thought that I shouldn’t mope or whine or complain, because this is my badge of honor, and I should wear it proudly.”

The clock ticked again. Yoosung didn’t lift his eyes.

“There’s nothing wrong with whining,” MC said. “In fact, you should whine. You lost an eye, for God’s sake! It’s only natural that you’d be distressed. But for you to have to deal with all of that yourself… That’s not what I want. That’s not what any of us want. The others—they’ve been worried about you too. You’ve been too cheerful. You act like nothing is wrong when something certainly is. And I understand wanting to appear strong in front of people, I do, but we’re your friends! I’m your girlfriend. Shouldn’t you trust us to help you figure all this out?”

Yoosung pressed his lips together. “I’m sorry.”

She tugged at his hand. “Don’t do that again!”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

Her throat closed up again. More tears welled in her eyes. Before MC realized what she was doing, she had pulled Yoosung into her arms, crushing him in a tight embrace as sobs overtook her. It was a moment before his arms snaked around her, slowly encompassing her entire being. He whispered “I’m sorry” over and over to her ear. “I’m sorry, I won’t do it again, I’m sorry.”

When they finally broke free, both of them smiled. She stood up then, reaching for him with one hand winding around and resting on the back of his head. Her lips landed over the softness of his bangs in a gentle kiss, and Yoosung broke into a contented smile.

“Thanks, MC.”

MC pulled away and tilted her head to the side. “For what?”

With the aches of their argument behind them, he reached for her hand, intertwining his fingers in hers. He met her gaze, his eye crinkling as his smile grew into a brilliant beam.

“For being here for me.”

~ END ~


MysMe RBB: Saeyoung x CMC: Drive-In Datesaster

What’s a big bang without a finale, right??

This is my written piece for the @mysme-rbb !I was partnered with the wonderful tajee_art of Instagram, (@tajee-arts) who came up with a gorgeous piece featuring my cmc, Tanya, and the loveable goof Saeyoung! She’s also got a lot more wonderful works that are


Rating: Everybody

Summary: A movie marathon date at the drive-in doesn’t exactly give Saeyoung all the results he wanted.

Warnings: None

Word Count: 1028


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tajee-arts:Seven with CMC Tanya on a date - at the drive-in cinema!I had the honor to work along w


Seven with CMC Tanya on a date - at the drive-in cinema!

I had the honor to work along with @thatfanfictionchick, who Tanya belongs to and wrote absolutely perfect fanfiction to go along with this fanart! Please, go check it out!

This project is a part of of MysMe Reverse Big Bang @mysme-rbb ! Which basically means that there are tons of new fanfictions and fanarts from Mystic Messenger fandom!

Our idea was about a date with Seven. What does he like? Cars. And cosplays. Oh, heck you, drive-in cinema with a cosplay! We decided to choose Harry Potter fandom, since me and my fanfic partner both love it!

Post link


Here is the second fic I wrote for the @mysme-rbb​​! I’m just losing my mind over my partner Luci’s beautiful artwork. Working with her was a dream—and god, I want to lose myself in Jaehee’s eyes, too. Check out her post here!


You’re off the train and halfway to her home when the sky opens.

It is sudden: the day has been gloomy, the gray sky dotted with ominous clouds—but the weather report had said there was a low chance of rain. Low chance, you’d repeated to yourself as you’d gathered your belongings, wondering vaguely when you’d last seen your umbrella. You were already running late, and the umbrella was nowhere to be found. Should be fine, you’d told yourself, darting out the door with your jacket dangling off one arm and your keys swinging in your hand.

So you are started by the raindrops (unusually large, you think) that are suddenly splattering your face. It’s one of those strange spring storms—the kind that come on so hard and fast that the streets are flooded instantly, cold rivers of rainfall rushing over the pavement, making little waterfalls as they pour into the gutter.

You start to run, hands over your head (as if this will somehow protect you). You’re soaked instantly, of course—your jacket sticks unpleasantly to your arms and your shirt clings to your sides. And naturally you’ve worn the wrong shoes: the little boots that you’d picked out so carefully aren’t made for rain (or running, for that matter), and your feet ache as you sprint through the rain river. You’re bombarded on all sides by icy water: you kick up fountains of it as you run, and the wind blows it into your face, making your eyes sting.

You picture her: pristine, perfect, waiting for you quietly in her neat little apartment. God, you think frantically, skidding a little as you round a corner, turning onto her street. What will she think of me, showing up on her doorstep in this state?

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Hello hello lovely Artists and Authors!

We are just absolutely astounded by the beautiful works you guys have created and collaborated on. A big bang is no small feat so be sure to celebrate your accomplishment!

That being said, today is the last official day of posting but True, this Eggcellent event is now coming to a close did I just make a pun to include the other mods, yes.

Today is the last official day for you guys to post BUT the mods will not be starting the masterlist until late Sunday, so if you guys just happen to need to sneak in on Saturday or Sunday morning…yknow…I won’t say anything

Congrats again guys!!! Thank you contributors AND fans for bringing a fabulous fandom spark back to life!


When she rose above the waves, lingering beneath the warped boards of the dock, Rika could close her eyes and imagine herself among them. While her brethren in the deep sea scrapped over food and territorial disputes, the fleeting lives of humans seemed to be filled with so much more. Love and hate, fear and hope, anger and sadness and joy… They laughed, and cried, and fought, and sang, and Rika wanted nothing more than to understand them, to experience the highs and lows of their mortal lives.

My final piece for the @mysme-rbb is actually ART! Thank you SO much @hawkewyrd for saving me and for being the best braincell buddy I could hope to have. Check out her AMAZING fic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30856676


Here’s my piece for the @mysme-rbb!

We chose to have Yoosung and male!MC make an apple pie together!❤️

My partner has yet to upload his story that goes along with this; but as soon as he does, I’ll update that here!!

I’m super grateful to have been a part of this event and see the results. Everyone’s arts and stories are SO so good!!

This event is full of such amazing, super creative artists and writers; and of course, the mods- who did a fantastic job at organizing everything and made it possible for us to join!

Thank you, it really was very fun!!


Love Will Teach Us the Way

I wasn’t sure if I’d post this to tumblr since I’m just getting started on this platform, but why not! Participating in the Mysme RBB (@mysme-rbb) has been such fun. It was a pleasure to work with Rose. The lovely Ami and the story idea all belong to her! You can see both Zen and Ami staring lovingly into each others eyes in Rose’s beautiful rendition of the story.
The story on A03
Check out the art to this piece here:

Summary: Zen plays the part of a wandering minstrel in As You Love It. Even though he isn’t playing the main role, he is busier than ever as the sole provider of music for the entire play. He hasn’t been able to spend much time with his beloved, even missing out on her birthday, much to her dismay. To make up for it during rehearsal season, he wanders to Ami’s favorite spot on campus to serenade her an old ballad.

The song Zen sings is based off a 17th century British folk song called Love will find out the Way.
Original Lyrics

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No Matter How You Look at it, My Loving Girlfriend is a Cat Now!

Working with Gam has been such an honor! Her art is absolutely gorgeous, and I’m so glad she enjoyed my whimsical cat idea enough to draw it. Working with her MC, Cho, was a lovely experience, and I hope Cho forgives me for turning her into a cat. <3Thank you to @mysme-rbb for providing this opportunity!

Link to Gam’s art
Instagram: gammam0n
Read the story on A03

Summary: Saeran and Cho have been living together for a couple weeks in their new apartment. Co-habitation has had its up and downs, but Saeran thinks he has started to get the hang of everything. He’s even able to cook her favorite breakfast and separate the laundry. Things are looking swell. That is, until his girlfriend turns into a cat.

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“Recovering the lost time..”

Now that they’re finally reunited, they can make up for the time they were without each other, and what a better way to do it with a bro-only special date

What did they do? Only them know! But once the day is over they were so exhausted and found comfort in each other’s arms.

If you want to know how was their day, please go to check the next link!!


This is written by the wonderful @doridoripawaa that helped me finish this little project when it was so little time left i really appreciate your help, support and work!! You did a marvelous work

This project is part of @mysme-rbb, thank you for hosting this event!!!

I just want to add i love my twins so much, I just want to see them happy and together and


Time was fickle, with too much power in her hands

Leaving foolish mortals subject to her demands.

One never seemed to know just how much time had passed

Or which breath they breathed would become their very last.

Relentlessly, the sands of time had flowed each day

And the lives these twins should have shared, drifted away.

When they should have been together, they were apart

Until they ceased to understand the other’s heart.

Fate would have denied them a chance to live at all.

But they faced their demons with their chins held tall.

Side by side, the star-crossed twins had once again met

And acted together without any regrets.

Now reunited, only one question remained.

The time the brothers had lost… could it be regained?

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W0w, so this is actually my submission for the mysme rbb!  (@mysme-rbb) and ofc my partner @ivoryearana on Instagram with a very lovely piece ✨ This story takes place in an alternate universe where Rika actually becomes the guardian of the twin boys none other than Saeyoung and Saeran, and here they are at the park, lol

“Saeran!” Rika’s grin could’ve lit up the entire world at that moment. “You and Saeyoung go play, when you get back there will be a surprise waiting.” Saeyoung had a mischievous look carried across his face, as if he knew what surprise Rika has mentioned. Saeran could only pout at Saeyoung’s reaction. “What’s with that look?” he questioned, earning a giggle from his twin. Saeyoung reached out to grab a confused Saeran by his wrist and pull him away. Rika laughed as she waved them off.

Once they were far from her view she pulled a box from behind the bench. They were popsicles, “Strawberry”, labeled on the box. The blonde smiled to herself. I wonder how happy this will make them, how big of a smile it’ll bring to their faces. she rubbed the back of her neck. These will melt, won’t they? Rika pondered as her hands rummaged through the box of popsicles. I might have to call them back a bit earlier. she thought. The two boys were far from where she could see. They were like little ants playing together. Rika set the box aside, not wanting them to melt quicker from the heat of her hands. She could now only focus on the flowers surrounding her presence. They were beautiful, she thought. She only wished the twins would come back so that Saeran, the flower boy himself could sit to experience the fine view.

She let her mind zone out for a while, until she heard a voice very familiar. “Rika, Rika!” It was Saeyoung, Saeran parading behind him. They both looked as if they had saw something incredible. The blonde woman giggled. “What’s with those silly smiles?” before Rika realized it the duo had two pairs of arms pulling her in for a hug. “Nothing. We just wanted to see you.” Saeran said. Rika’s heart fluttered a bit, but eventually she returned the hug and Saeran stopped to observe the surrounding area.

“But wow… the flowers bloomed! And they look so pretty!” Saeran jumped around excitedly. Rika was happy to know that Saeran acknowledged and took a somewhat interest in the world of flowers. She had never exactly met a boy like him or Saeyoung before, and it fascinated her. These boys cared for Rika as if she was their biological mother, and it made her feel content.

The blonde pulled the box of popsicles up to her lap. “Now go ahead and eat, your popsicles will melt if you don’t.” Rika handed the duo the popsicles from the box before Saeran realized. “Is this the surprise?” he asked and Saeyoung hid a smirk from the said boy as he ate the popsicle.

Rika nodded. “This is the surprise.” Saeran’s eyes sparkled. “It tastes good! Thank you thank you thank you Rika!” he continued eating and Rika lay back in sweet relief. She loved the sight of her happy children—maybe not from blood, but none of that mattered to her as long as they were happy. She was happy.

Rika felt something hit her shoulder. “Hm?” she hummed and turned her head, before giggling. There lay Saeyoung, sound asleep with sticky ice cream stuck to his face and hands. He fell asleep with the popsicle still in his hands half eaten, so Rika took it and threw it out before getting a napkin to clean the sleepy red-head.

“Saeran have you-“ before the blonde had realized it, there two twin boys, worn out from playing, and sticky from eating popsicles, laying their heads against either sides of her shoulders… sleeping softer than kittens. Rika couldn’t move. There was no way she’d want to disturb their slumber at that moment. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt something like this. It felt warm… like the sun was blanketing over her.

Rika, frozen in place, shut her eyes and started to drift off, mentally and physically smiling. This is like a dream, except it’s real. No… I’m not actually dreaming, am I? This is too good to be true. Saeyoung and Saeran…they’re happy… I’m happy. she let every last scent of the blooming flowers fill her nostrils, before exhaling deeply. Even just to hear the riffles of petals was like a sweet song ringing through her ears.

The twin boys were fully exhausted and a mess, but that all somehow didn’t matter because they were with their beloved guardian, Rika. Their protector, practically their mother. Ever since Rika had taken them in, she felt as if she couldn’t do it. There were multiple times where she sat down and doubted her abilities to be able to parent the young boys. That’s what she thought, however.  Rika never knew how much of a turning point Saeran and Saeyoung would’ve been for her. Acknowledging their existence made her happy—happier than she’s ever been.

Saeran adjusted his position a bit and let out a yawn. “Rika,” he mumbled. Rika glanced over to the sleepy boy. “Yes, Saeran?” she whispered, in an attempt to not wake up Saeyoung. Saeran yawned again and his eyes were still closed. Was he sleep talking? Rika thought.

“Can we,” Saeyoung said, still looking fast asleep. It seemed as if Saeran’s sleep talking was contagious.

“Can we…call you Mom?” The twin boys said in sync. The blonde was at a loss for words. She felt something running down her cheeks. Water—no no, tears—definitely tears—she couldn’t contain them. Rika was crying.


Author’s note: Hello hello! I’m even more exicted to post the second of two pieces created for the @mysme-rbb, alongside the wonderfully talented @pili-art !!! It has been beyond an honour to get to work on both of these pieces, and I’ve had more fun than I can even put into words <3

Summary:  Saeran spends his sweet summer days in the only way he knows how; surrounded by all the things that love him as much as he loves them.

Read on AO3: here!

Make sure to check out the beautiful artwork this was inspired by: here! 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Seconds ago, Saeran had been running through his garden, with bubbles and butterflies and the feeling of bliss chasing after him as he chased down MC and Saeyoung. The bugs that landed on him left little kisses on his glowing skin, and the sun’s rays hugged him close in the warmth of their embrace. The day prior, MC had told him that freckles had begun dotting his skin, and he found it impossible not to continuously recall the ghost of her lips as they had traced the path across his nose and cheeks that the tiny sun stars had created. This was summer. This was what it was to not just exist, but to really live beneath the sun. It had been almost a year since his reunion with his brother, and yet he still found it hard to believe that he was living his own life. It was hard not to feel like an imposter. Yet there he had been moments ago, running around like a kid as he tried to tag his brother, both of their laughs twinkling in the balmy air. 

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Hey hey everyone! As you probably noticed there is quite big flood of awesome arts and fanfics for @mysme-rbb, so here is my collaboration with @angelik0w !! That was awesome experience and a had great time I highly recommend checking the fanfiction because It’s so pretty and Saeran and freedome and everything but you have to check on your own.I hope ypu like it ^^


April Showers Bring May Flowers

Hi hi! This is my piece for Mystic Messenger Reverse BigBang (@mysme-rbb), and also my first piece! This is also on AO3 here. This piece is paired with the wonderful artist Saia (@saiare._) on instagram!

Words: 1553

Warnings: N/A

Synopsis: Saeran and MC are hit with rain.

Saeran X MC

The cool scent of petrichor and mellow rain had made Saeran uneasy. Ray had always attributed such specific weather conditions to unforgiving pouring outside of their childhood home. Conditions which barred them from escaping, leaving the twins alone with their sole caregiver. Ray seemed to house those memories close. Saeran on the other hand had always felt that the rain was somewhat of a catharsis. He’d remembered dumb idioms V had told him, phrases he’d learned to grasp onto. Sayings such as “You can’t have a rainbow without a little rain,” and their like. Ray hung onto quotes during his time in Magenta. Drinking down the translucent, turquoise concoction of elixir, smelling the copious amounts of medication and hoping his rainbow would come soon after. Saeran tasted bittersweet, Linking Rika to the rain, and MC as the rainbow. But this time around, it was difficult to see the distinguishing features of each contradicting party.

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✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧

Second piece for the Mystic Messenger Reverse Big Bang project by @mysme-rbb

Again, make sure to check out the accompanying story by amazingly talented @starlightsaeran!!


Mysme RBB

My second piece I did for the @mysme-rbb ! A little Jaehee X MC angst.

My partner for this was @lonely_weeb_art (will post link when available for the art)

It was such a blast to do this, my first ever BB! I met many new friends and reconnected with some old ones! I love Mystic Messenger and hope to have many more years of fan content!

Thank you @mysme-rbb for putting this together. Nod to the mods! Who were super awesome!!

MC giggled, her long brown hair fluttering around her shoulders. She was glued to her phone, her golden-brown eyes sparkling with amusement.

“What’s so funny?” Jaehee asked as she wiped the counter down in her kitchen. A little too roughly perhaps.

“Oh it’s just Zenny!” MC said as she waved at Jaehee.

“You’ve been texting a lot with Zen lately.” she said off handedly.

“He’s entertaining.” The brunette said, not taking her eyes off her phone, her fingers flashing across the small keypad, a smile from ear to ear.

“I… thought you were here to see me.” Jaehee stated, trying to be lighthearted.

“Aw, are you feeling jealous?”

“No. Just, well, like I said, you’ve been getting pretty close to Zen lately, is there something I should know?”

“What is that supposed to mean?” MC’s smile was completely gone as she stood from where she had been comfortably laying on Jaehee’s sofa. Her eyes flashed angrily.

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Characters: GE!Saeran/Reader 
Word Count:2471

2/2 of the pieces I wrote for @mysme-rbb​!! I technically finished writing this piece first, but I’m not used to writing something so fluffy so I spent some time revising it before I felt ready to post…!
This Saeran piece was written to accompany a piece by @rikim (links to Instagram); she was already bursting with ideas and sketches, so this was a really easy and fun collaboration to work on! The GE sketch really stood out to me, and when I saw it I thought about how, in this context, the lily of the valley is the physical manifestation of the happiness that’s finally reached him. That, combined with its long growth cycle, put some ideas in my head… This is pure fluff so it’s very outside my comfort zone – but this was such a fun piece to write, too. I hope you enjoy it!
Title is inspired by Futari Saison (Keyakizaka46). One of my favourite songs, but it also draws a lot of similarities to Saeran’s story; falling in love over the four seasons, symbolism of flowers and weeds, and cherishing the memories of love. A wonderfully bittersweet song that will probably inspire several more works from me in the future!

It was autumn by the time you and Saeran had been able to settle down.

“So when do you want to start working on the garden?”

The conversation is brought to the table one day over a pot of tea. Gentle sunlight combined with the cool breeze preluding winter made for an air of tepidity – one that made both you and Saeran stop to sit and enjoy each other’s company for a moment. Bringing a teacup to your lips, the warmth of the tea spread through your body in a way that brought the smallest of a contented smile.

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What’s the point of wishing upon a star at night?

Could stars even hear wishes from up in the sky?

Zen continued to dream, with aspirations bright,

And hoped that one day, he would be able to fly.

Each day felt like a nightmare, trapping him inside,

As he strained to endure his family’s abuse.

Their cruelty was something he could not abide,

As they treated him like some hideous refuse.

But he found a release in the form of the stage

When he was not tidying up around the house.

Theater helped to free him from his family’s cage

That forced him to act as a quiet, ugly mouse.

One fateful night would transform his entire tale.

A night that’d show dreams and love would always prevail.

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