#el and jay speak


*blubbering incoherently,hiding behind El in a flustered manner*

Oh my thank you very much my friends I am quite flattered by your compliments yes yes yes indeed I am I must admit this startles me

*the Mod is equally flustered and hiding behind Jay*

“Whelp,these two are incapable of any response at the moment,so looks like it’s my move: thanks you guys.Didn’t expect our blog to be this adored by people,when we don’t always go online due to our Mod’s perfectionist mentality of wanting to answer everybody’s asks through drawings lmao.But yeah,we honestly appreciate these things.You’re all so fucking precious and important and we love you.Okay?Okay.”

*At this point everybody is kinda emotional because wtf how did this happen???*






”Murby”, a moss-covered Furby found on an old farm’s property during cleanup.


What a pleasant-looking fellow.. so peaceful and happy

elder being

Who exposed that Furby to Hozier’s music?

@jayhooty the truth is out there

*shrieks in excitement*

A fellow moss friend yes yes I am not alone hohohoho

“I guess there are those who want to just settle down and not cause chaos.”

*Jay is cooing over the moss-covered Furby,vibrating with excitement*
