#electric roadster

Wiesmann Thunderball, 2022. A new electric roadster from the German specialist car maker who have, iWiesmann Thunderball, 2022. A new electric roadster from the German specialist car maker who have, iWiesmann Thunderball, 2022. A new electric roadster from the German specialist car maker who have, iWiesmann Thunderball, 2022. A new electric roadster from the German specialist car maker who have, i

Wiesmann Thunderball, 2022. A new electric roadster from the German specialist car maker who have, in the past, made retro-styled sports cars based on BMW mechanical parts. Project Thunderball uses 800 Volt battery technology developed in collaboration with Roding Automobile. Two mid-rear mounted electric motors produce a combined 671 hp delivered through he rear wheels. Production will be limited to 1,000 units at €300,000 each

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