#elizabeth last


6. Disuse

Jamie watches their sister with a soft gaze as she stands in the middle of their park. Once this place had seemed so large, but now the swings and monkey bars look miniature as adults. Jamie watches as Liz places a hand against one of the poles. She pulls away only to find flecks of paint and rust on her fingertips.

“It’s a shame,” she mumbles. Jamie waits for her to finish, but she never does. Though Jamie thinks they understand what Liz means. It’s heartbreaking to see something they care about so much to fall into such a state of disuse, but there have never been many kids besides them in Sunset Bird.

Too many thoughts about “Our Life: Beginnings & Always”. 10/10 would relive a childhood where I

Too many thoughts about “Our Life: Beginnings & Always”. 10/10 would relive a childhood where I sneak out with the neighbor to go play on the beach before summer ends.

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