#elsa charretier

The wifi at my house is still out, so I’m using my local library’s wifi to update this blog. It look

The wifi at my house is still out, so I’m using my local library’s wifi to update this blog. It looks a little something like this.

Also: we stan Jocasta’s black lippy.

“Choose Your Destiny: An Obi-Wan and Anakin Adventure.” March 19, 2019. Writer: Cavan Scott. Illustrator: Elsa Charretier.

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Game over, man!!!

“Choose Your Destiny: An Obi-Wan and Anakin Adventure.” March 19, 2019. Writer: Cavan Scott. Illustrator: Elsa Charretier.

Let’s have another Anakin Week!

This is also what I did when I left Catholicism.

“Choose Your Destiny: An Obi-Wan and Anakin Adventure.” March 19, 2019. Writer: Cavan Scott. Illustrator: Elsa Charretier.

failed-mad-scientist: Jean Grey - Elsa Charretier


Jean Grey - Elsa Charretier

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