


Some information about Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), very common in autism. It’s very common to sometimes go between hyper and hypo sensitives, depending on energy and safety.

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Oh look, it me.

More signs: (based off of my personal experience and my sister’s and mom’s experiences)

Auditory hyposensitivity: has trouble differenciating different noises at similar volunmes, can’t tell what people are saying when there is background noise, can’t place which direction a sound is coming from

Auditory hypersensitivity: certain pitches or specific sounds cause pain or discomfort, even at lower volumes

Visual hypersensitivity: difficulty or inability to look at or near bright lights, needing sunglasses even on mostly cloudy days, negative reactions to strobe lights, sirens, flickering lights, ect.

Tactile hyposensitivity: finding cuts and bruises you don’t remember getting

Tactile hypersensitivity: negative reactions to light touch, certain types of clothing (fabric textures, seams, or locations on the body, ect.) cause pain or discomfort, negative reactions to being touched on certain parts of the body for no other discernible reason, not being able to eat certain foods due to their texture

Olfactory/gustation hypersensitivity: pain or discomfort from strong or specific smells/tastes, having to leave the room because of a smell, getting headaches, nausea, anxiety, or panic attacks from certain smells/tastes, being an extremely picky eater into adulthood, you need to use a specific brand of water, toothpaste, soap, ect. because the smell/taste is wrong in other brands despite being the same flavor/scent

In general: you stim, a certain stimulus bothers you much more than it does others, causes pain or discomfort, or overwhelms you without being a trauma trigger or something similar
