#injury mention



When I was a kid, any time you encountered dangerously bad instructions on the Internet, you could be reasonably assured that there was a human being on the other end of that document, who was trying to hurt you on purpose, out of malice. These days, that tutorial that’ll probably get you killed if you follow it is likely as not to have been written by a search-engine-optimising robot that’s belching out machine-generated misinformation by rote and lacks the faculties to appreciate that it’s just instructed you to brew up a war crime in your kitchen, and even more than the chemical burns, it’s the loss of that human connection that hurts.


the most dangerous thing is to love ~ ch. III

a/n: here’s a little Boba for the evening. Enjoy! ;) (previous part) (masterlist)
warnings: description of sickness, injury mention/description, blood mention, brief description of hallucinations/paranoia (Boba hallucinates when he’s sick, but we don’t get too into that), angst, language
word count:~5.6k

There is very little that Boba actually knows or remembers when it comes to the concept of clones, outside of the general public knowledge.

Jango always kept that aspect of their life relatively separate, and by the time he was old enough to know and understand, it was too late.

Logic lets him know that he shares the same genetic structure as his “father” and about two million or so other men out there. He looks the same, sounds the same, probably — to some degree — acts the same.

But outside of a base overview, he really doesn’t know all that much about clones.

Keep reading

Thank you all for the kind words, things are feeling rather less end-of-the-worldish. I have Absolutely No Energy at the moment and probably won’t be replying to anything tonight, but I see you and appreciate you immensely. Again, thank you all ❤


Hermione: Ron, are you okay?

Ron: Luckily… you and Harry both landing on my ribs… distracted me from my other bruises…

wtf man I just watched that episode yesterday



(A snapshot, amidst the Battle of Britain. Arthur and Matthew-centric. Notes: Content warning-wise—injury mention. No explicit violence. “Jack” is AUS, and “Zee” is NZ. 800 words).

London, 1940

“Well then, what does it say, Matthew?” 

Arthur’s right arm is ensconced in a sling—but as always, his father is no less imposing, in the sharp and neat lines of his olive-coloured dress uniform, the gold of his buttons gleaming and polished. Even wounded, he exudes power effortlessly. 

“It’s postmarked from New York.” Matthew slices open the envelope. 

“Go on. Read it out.” Behind Arthur, the morning sun streams in, through the large, expansive windows of his office, scattering diamond-shaped patches of light onto the antique carpet and the hardwood floor. On the glass itself—tape, placed in a methodical, diagonal crisscrossing pattern, accompanied by dark curtains. The standard precautions for nightfall nowadays. 

Thus far, the air raid sirens had mercifully been silent today.

Matthew unfolds the letter. Alfred’s handwriting is bold and hurried, his tone casual and light-hearted. Yo old fart—A whole colourful paragraph on how Billie Holiday and Gregory Peck— a new but apparently promising actor—had been in town. The latest jazz concerts he’d attended. The nice cut of sirloin he’d had last night, at the Waldorf-Astoria.

“He says…” Matthew skims his brother’s letter. He jumps to the second last paragraph, “…that he’ll be in San Francisco. At the naval facility and shipyard there. Keeping an eye on the Pacific. And that Congress will probably widen the cash-and-carry scheme to include war materiel. He wishes you good luck, and says that there’s a box of genuine Cuban cigars for you in the mail.”

“Well, I certainly never would turn down a good cigar but—Good luck? Cash and carry?” Father snorts, his tone derisive. “Does that wretched lad think my gold reserves are unlimited, to pay him for all that?” He turns away from Matthew, the slope of his shoulders tense. “So, he’s not coming, is he?”

He’s angry now, Matthew knows. Not the sort of turbulent rage that was a prelude to the sorts of shouting matches Father had with Alfred, but something simmering, like a kettle slowly boiling over on a stove. Anger was what Father preferred to show, over disappointment—whenever it came to Alfred.

Matthew resented them both for it, at times. How often had he been the bedraggled mediator and go-between for Father and Alfred? For his brother, the ocean that lay between them and Father was actually a barrier the way it wasn’t for Matthew. His brother had always done whatever the hell he wanted, his will as forceful and indomitable as trying to bottle a hurricane. 

Father had fumed for three decades after he’d burned Alfred’s name off the family tree. But then, as the years went by—he’d mellowed on his brother. Turned back to regarding his eldest son with the sort of grudging respect and recognition he bestowed on an equal—and no one else. Not Matthew, nor Jack and Zee, not even Father’s own siblings, let alone anyone else across the rest of his vast empire, no matter how much they’d bled for King and Country. 

But Matthew squashes those feelings down for now. It wasn’t the time.

“No. He isn’t.” Matthew replies carefully. “He says his hands are tied by the Neutrality Acts.”

“Is that what he said?” Father laughs, sharp and loud. His green eyes glint as he turns to face Matthew. “Steel bars and the Almighty himself couldn’t tie that wretch’s hands, not unless he allowed them to.”

The New World, with all its power and might, Churchill had anointed, waxing lyrical and dramatic. Alfred, Matthew knew, would squeeze something more through the legal loopholes, sooner or later.  It wouldn’t be nothing, it would help—but it would be far short of what Father really wanted. His brother was that way. All those tangled up threads about family that Alfred preferred to avoid upfront, to bury under cheerful irreverence or, on other occasions, spiteful snippiness towards their father. 

You have me, Dad, is what he wants to say. But he doesn’t. “I’ll write back to him.” 

“You do that. Maybe he’ll listen, if it’s coming from you.” Arthur’s nod is curt. The line of his mouth is thin. His nostrils flare. “Goodness. When I said ‘in God’s good time’, I meant hurry the bloody hell up, notsit there twiddling your thumbs.”

This, Father says with casual, dismissive annoyance. As though he’s dealing with something no more inconvenient than a tailcoat not being mended on time or being short on his favourite Earl Grey. As though it were something displeasing but ultimately of little import to him and his plans, old and confident as he was in his power—but it’s obvious.

How much Arthur really looked— in the face of the unfolding disaster before them, with bated breath and carefully-concealed hope—to his estranged son and Matthew’s older brother. How much he longed to have Alfred by his side. 


Some information about Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), very common in autism. It’s very common to sometimes go between hyper and hypo sensitives, depending on energy and safety.

Mobile may have to select image to see better.

Oh look, it me.

More signs: (based off of my personal experience and my sister’s and mom’s experiences)

Auditory hyposensitivity: has trouble differenciating different noises at similar volunmes, can’t tell what people are saying when there is background noise, can’t place which direction a sound is coming from

Auditory hypersensitivity: certain pitches or specific sounds cause pain or discomfort, even at lower volumes

Visual hypersensitivity: difficulty or inability to look at or near bright lights, needing sunglasses even on mostly cloudy days, negative reactions to strobe lights, sirens, flickering lights, ect.

Tactile hyposensitivity: finding cuts and bruises you don’t remember getting

Tactile hypersensitivity: negative reactions to light touch, certain types of clothing (fabric textures, seams, or locations on the body, ect.) cause pain or discomfort, negative reactions to being touched on certain parts of the body for no other discernible reason, not being able to eat certain foods due to their texture

Olfactory/gustation hypersensitivity: pain or discomfort from strong or specific smells/tastes, having to leave the room because of a smell, getting headaches, nausea, anxiety, or panic attacks from certain smells/tastes, being an extremely picky eater into adulthood, you need to use a specific brand of water, toothpaste, soap, ect. because the smell/taste is wrong in other brands despite being the same flavor/scent

In general: you stim, a certain stimulus bothers you much more than it does others, causes pain or discomfort, or overwhelms you without being a trauma trigger or something similar



Parcels packed:182

Parcels remaining:145

Paper cuts:numerous


u ok

Let’s put it this way: a crowdfunding campaign being ten times as successful as you expected it to be is a good problem to have, but it’s still a problem.


we can tell these numbers aren’t fabricated because neither of them are 137

I admit I was tempted to stop after eight parcels today just so I could say I had 137 left, but that would have been terribly irresponsible.

(200 packed, 127 to go!)


Parcels packed:182

Parcels remaining:145

Paper cuts:numerous


u ok

Let’s put it this way: a crowdfunding campaign being ten times as successful as you expected it to be is a good problem to have, but it’s still a problem.

Parcels packed:182

Parcels remaining:145

Paper cuts:numerous
