

happy valentines from a valentines penny !!

i missed blake day yesterday so have some oldish doodles!! :3c

HAPPY BUMBLEBY BIG BANG!!!!! i had the HONOR of working with @turnipdad and having the privilege of reading her wonderful spectacular showstopping fic EARLY

if you love magic, adventure and love, please do check out her wonderful story HERE feat. Yang the Friendly Ghost and Blake the Mysterious Mage ooooo ik u wanna so bad

emerald w a twist :-)

✨ Thank you for 1000+ followers!!!! ✨

i wanted to draw a celebratory penny to thank all of yall for following me and all the support!! reading all of your tags and comments on my art never fails to make my day and boosts my confidence in my art. i really love reading them all!!!! i truly truly appreciate each and any kind of support yall have given me, so thank you so much everybody!!

shorter haired penny for the soul


ruby and penny plushies holding hands where will they go


my submission for the RWBY For Fans By Fans contest!! BEHOLD WUBY WOSE.. a lil ruby rose plushie!!

consider supporting her here if u want her !! any and all support is super appreciated ♥️♥️♥️♥️

marcy warmups
