#emily and spencer


Emily: *mutters lyrics under her breath*

Reid: Hey, what’s that song? I don’t recognise the tune.

Emily: It’s called WAP.

Reid: WAP? That’s a strange title. What does it mean?

Emily: It stands for Wet-

Hotch: *runs towards her* EMILY, NOOOOO.

Hotch: Reid, we need to talk about something.

Reid: Am I in trouble?

Hotch: Garcia’s been going through your Internet history. Why have you Google searched the Black Market?

Reid: Emily told me it was a good place to buy Dilaudid. I was trying to find directions.

Hotch: *sighs in exasperation* I’m going to kill her.

Emily: Hey, Reid, how many times can you die before it becomes socially unacceptable?

Reid: None… wait WHAT?

Emily: *shrugs casually* Just a little research, should the topic ever come up. But you’re saying I shouldn’t have died the first time?

