#incorrect cm


*JJ teaching Emily to drive part 2*

JJ: Emily, how would you react if you saw Morgan in the road?


JJ: … No, you shouldn’t be trying to hurt anyone.

Emily: He deserves it if he’s going to stand in the road like an idiot.

JJ: … never mind.

Emily: JJ, I have a crazy idea.

JJ: No, you just have an idea.

Emily: What do you mean?

JJ: Em, all of your ideas are crazy, you have no normal standard.

JJ: Emily, I need to know you’re committed.

Emily: of course I am, just last night I set fire to…

JJ: I meant committed to the relationship, not committing a crime.

Emily: Oh, forget I said anything then.

*JJ teaching Emily to drive*

JJ: If Morgan, Hotch and Reid were standing in the road, what would you do?


JJ:Emily, no.

Emily: Only kidding, I’d hit Doyle.

JJ: What? He wasn’t even an option.

Emily: I know, but I’d hit him anyway.

JJ: Em, maybe I should just drive.

*Emily teaching JJ to drive*

JJ: Do I look straight to you?

Emily: Absolutely not.


Emily: Oh, you meant your parking, yeah it’s fine.

Morgan: Hey, Prentiss, where did you hide my phone?

Emily: What are you talking about? I have no idea where your phone is, I haven’t touched it at all.

JJ: Hey, Em, I’m going to make some microwave popcorn.





(NB: the phone is in the microwave so … )

Unsub: I have your girlfriend, if you want her back, it’s going to take a million dollars.

JJ: Sure, just a sec, what’s your location? I’ll call an ambulance.

Unsub: Why? I haven’t hurt her yet.

JJ: Oh, it’s not for her. It’s for you.

Unsub: … never mind you can have her back.

Emily: JJ, shall we have a child?

JJ: Em-a-lee, last night, you asked me to unscrew the lid of the cough medicine.


JJ: That is a child lock, Emily, you’re supposed to be able to open it.

*Emily gets attacked in public*


Emily: Agent Prentiss.

Paramedic: Right, Agent Prentiss. Is there anyone we can call? Who’s your emergency contact?


Paramedic: Agent Prentiss, someone already called them. That’s why we’re here.

Emily: No, 911 is my emergency contact. I call them when I’ve done something, it’s usually an emergency.


Emily: Hotch isn’t here, so he’s put me in charge.

Rossi: *Prays silently*

Morgan: *Quickly pours coffee and gulps*

Reid: *Clutches his satchel against his chest*

Garcia: *Slowly puts remote down and backs away*


JJ: Em, last time you were in charge, we were dragged in front of the court.

Emily: In my defense, it wasn’t my idea to set the suspect free to catch the unsub. But I can’t promise that I’ve learned from my mistakes.

Emily: JJ, we need more Dino nuggets.

JJ: What do you mean? I literally bought some two days ago. Henry can’t have eaten the whole lot already? I only left him with you one day.

Emily: … bold of you to assume it wasn’t me.

Reid: I’m like a house of cards.

Reid: Beautifully put together yet on the verge of falling to pieces.

JJ: Hey guys, I just got a call from the hospital. Will’s been attacked.

Reid: Oh no, is he okay? What happened?

JJ: The police said that it was a mugging gone wrong.

Emily: Did they find a mysterious warning note next to him?

JJ: Yeah … wait how would you know that?

Emily: I- no reason … But to avoid further incrimination, I shall stick with no comment.

Emily: Alright, JJ, I think I’m ready.

JJ: Ready for what?

Emily: To get a pet.

JJ: Emily, you can’t even take care of yourself, let alone another animal.

Emily: Oh yeah? Name one stupid thing I’ve done.

JJ: How about yesterday when you drank the shampoo?

Emily: I was thirsty and we were out of juice and the label said it was apple flavour.

Emily: I am 100% a mature adult, capable of dealing with my own problems.

Also Emily: *breaks a glass* JJ, I MADE A MESS!

Emily: *mutters lyrics under her breath*

Reid: Hey, what’s that song? I don’t recognise the tune.

Emily: It’s called WAP.

Reid: WAP? That’s a strange title. What does it mean?

Emily: It stands for Wet-

Hotch: *runs towards her* EMILY, NOOOOO.

Hotch: Reid, we need to talk about something.

Reid: Am I in trouble?

Hotch: Garcia’s been going through your Internet history. Why have you Google searched the Black Market?

Reid: Emily told me it was a good place to buy Dilaudid. I was trying to find directions.

Hotch: *sighs in exasperation* I’m going to kill her.

Emily: *runs inside and hides under desk*

Morgan: Uh, Prentiss, what’s going on?

Emily: I’m hiding from JJ.

Morgan: Can I ask why?


Morgan: Ah, it all makes sense now.

JJ: You could have DIED, Emily!

Emily: *shrugs* It’s not like I haven’t done that before.

