#encanto brain rot


It’s like midnight but I don’t careeeeee. Dropping this like it’s hot like Lucia

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Next comic: Elena. Elena. Ella es perfecta.

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Lucia messes with the wholesome world of HIJINKS just a smidge.

Summer Camp AU.

Because I am incapable of not having slapstick. Bruno accidentally whacks Elena with a paddle, sending her into the water.

On the precipice server. I am basically trying to draw my way to an Elena Simp army.

Song is “Quizás, Quizás, Quizás” as sung by Marisela. (Let’s pretend it’s Elena ♥️)

Matchmaker Rats

don’t know why I was so in love with the “Matchmaker rats” idea, especially enough that this is the only full color comic. But I am, it’s the dumbest idea I have ever loved.

Edit: ok so I should just lean in to my more off the wall ideas because you all seem to like the matchmaker rats too. ❤️

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