#english is not my first language



This is just my strong opinion based on my experiences. When I was in highschool, there was this girl that I bullied and she stood up against me. A year after that, we became friends, she saw me at my worst and I saw her at her best, and we will experience more of what we are. We’re best friends for 8 years now. I don’t condone bullying, as a past bully and bullied, I can safely say that once we move past it we will gain and improve ourselves and we will see the beauty of who we are and who the people that surrounds us. —- Once, I saw this video of a bully kicking and punching someone. The one taking the video seems to be with the bully, but I’m pretty sure the people seen in the background are not. Society is so against bullying but the moment they see someone getting beaten up, they just stand there and watch (I’m not saying all but most). Then, I saw the comments on the video, everyone is bashing the bully, when they learned his address they continue to send threats and even beaten up the bully’s brother. Everyone thought they took revenge disregarding that they themselves became a bully. To those that bully, learn to forgive yourself and ask for forgiveness to the people that you cause hurt. Open yourself to them and learn to see who they are. Maybe you can be best friends like my bestie and I. To those that are being bullied, talk to someone that will offer real help and learn to forgive your bullies and the circumstances that hurted you. Forgiveness is stronger than any physical revenge that you may want. Violence never resolve anything it just causes a cycle of a never ending hurt. Forgiveness on the other hand may be hard to swallow but it will build you up as a person.

Why do we get reprimanded for “not” doing our chores but get no praise when we do.

Anime made me realize that having a scar is ok. That it’s a part of you no matter what and how big and small the story behind…



- Whumper torturing Whumpee in front of the mirror, so they can see all the blood and their face wet from tears.

- Whumpee who has to patch up a wound they have a hard time to see clearly, so they decide to do it in front of the mirror. They meet their own eyes and for the first time they see how bad and exhausted they look. 

-  Whumpee looking at themselves for the first time after Caretaker rescued them and for the first time they see all of the wounds. They gently trace each scar with their shaking fingers. 

- Whumper cutting Whumpee’s skin with a piece of the broken mirror so Whumpee sees a reflection of the cut but also of the smiling Whumper.

- Whumpee learning how to look at themselves again after they believed Whumper who said they’re monster / not worth looking at / ugly. 

- Caretaker covering up all mirrors in the house because Whumpee can’t stand their own reflection after Whumper branded them. 

- Caretaker slowly hugging Whumpee in front of the mirror, so Whumpee can see all of their moves. After so many months of tortures Whumpee doesn’t trust any kind of a touch. 

- Whumpee having their own room during their time with Whumper, but instead of walls there are mirrors. Whumpee hates their own reflection and cries every time they have to look at themselves, covered in bruises and blood. They almostprefer to be outside, with the Whumper. 

- Whumpee having a visions of Whumper after they run away. They think they see Whumper smiling reflection in the mirror, just to look back to see the empty room. 

- Whumper using a spell to lock Whumpee inside of the mirror. Whumpee sees everything, their friends and their every day lives, but they can’t hear them, lonely, starving, tired. 

God, the possibilities. 

HQ: [x] [x]So, the first pic is something along the lines of “the most notable women in CaesarHQ: [x] [x]So, the first pic is something along the lines of “the most notable women in Caesar

HQ: [x] [x]

So, the first pic is something along the lines of “the most notable women in Caesar’s life.” I realize that Calpurnia doesn’t really fit, ‘cause she played no active part in his life. But I like her, so I added her to the list. The second one is “Caesar’s best friends.”

A couple of notes…

1. There were no such names as “Aurelia Cotta”, “Cornelia Cinnilla”, “Julia Caesaris”, “Servilia Caeponis” or “Calpurnia Pisonis.” They had only one name, derived from the nomen. I don’t know where it comes from, but it’s probably the influence of Colleen McCullough. I don’t remember if she used “Caesaris” in her books, but she definitely used “Cinnilla” instead of “Cornelia.” Her books are well-researched, but they contain a number of inventions. So if you see someone call Julia “Julia Caesaris”, it’s incorrect.

2. I know that in earlier translations of Plutarch the friend to whom Caesar wrote his famous phrase is called Amatius/Amantius. But I’m taking Conrad Cichorius’s emendation (Römische Studien, 1922) that it should be read as “Matius.” Other historians agree with him.

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