


i know we make a lot of jokes on this site about enrichment and stuff but like. i was just talking to one of my clients today about the importance of novelty to the human brain. if you’ve been feeling bored, detached, just kind of gross, floating from day to day, get some enrichment in that brain!!

doing Something Weird And Unusual can drastically improve the mood of a bored brain. but i also recognize that its hard to think of stuff when youre in that zone, so i came up with a list to help out! it has a balance of sensory, physical, intellectual, outdoor, indoor, cheap, and free stuff

some tips:

  • choose a consistent time/amount to use the list (suggestion: once a week, which isn’t too time consuming but is enough to see benefits when used short- and long-term)
  • if youre struggling with decision making or commitment, roll a d20 to decide what to do. reroll if it’s something you do often anyway, if weather does not permit, if you dont have money/supplies, etc
  • if you do a lot of intellectual/escapist activities, maybe focus on grounded, physical, and outdoor stuff. opposite applies too, if you’re a physical/active person, focus on intellectual, artistic, and indoor stuff
  • not everything is accessible to everyone, so feel free to make your own list with stuff you can do! i require no credit for anything on here, reuse or edit how you please. if you repost with your own, linking back to the original is nice but not required

the enrichment list:

  1. take 5 photos of things you’ve never seen/noticed before
  2. try a new food (bonus for spicy/crunchy/sensory)
  3. make a sculpture with play doh or clay
  4. collect leaves to press into a book
  5. make a paper cut out scene
  6. read a chapter of a book backwards by page
  7. make a mud pie
  8. listen to 5 songs in a new music genre & write your thoughts on them
  9. fingerpaint
  10. make a pillow fort
  11. create a 1 page TTRPG
  12. read a play out loud (by yourself or with friends)
  13. paint your nails if you don’t usually (try designs if you do)
  14. prepare an interesting meal/dessert
  15. take a walk somewhere new (or take a new route home)
  16. do a body scan meditation
  17. do elaborate, fun makeup (designs! glitter! tiger stripes!)
  18. draw a self portrait (/in a new medium)
  19. read 5 randomly generated wikipedia articles
  20. dance for 10 minutes/dramatically perform a song

have fun enriching those brains!!


Took my dog for a walk today!



i think tumblr is the only website where the users have to employ the scientific method to figure out how it works


reblog to thank ur mutuals for providing enrichment to ur enclosure


⚽ඞ ඞඞ ඞ

among us babies play foot ball

Enrichment time! Obby and Moomoo love their snuffle mat. Obby is always really nervous when I get the phone near him for pictures, it always makes him look startled. Moomoo’s face is so happy. They love those sunflower seeds.

It was an enrichment day. I stuck super worms in it and they had to find it. Just ignore the background noise.
