#ep ix predictions




What you say? Why? How?

Newest codename for a character in SW Episode 9 is “MARA”

- Female

- 40s/50s

Exhibit A:

We know Sloane would be in her 60s, but Hollywood would only show an actress who could still fight in her 40s/50s.

Sloane trains to be a hand-to-hand combat fighter on par with Admiral Thrawn.

She’s Beauty, she’s Grace, she will def kick you in your face.

Exhibit B:

“Mara” calls back to the Empire, someone loyal to the Emperor. Someone who bridged the past and the future.

Sloane was loyal to the Empire, that much is made known of her character in the Aftermath Series. So much so, rather than allowing it to cease to exist, she recruited other loyalists and they fled to the Unknown Territories beyond Jakku. She founded the First Order.

Let me repeat,


That’s right everyone, the real badass villain of the First Order all along was Grand Admiral Sloane.

Exhibit C:

How Iconic would it be to introduce the founder of the First Order vs the founder of the Resistance? Sloane vs Leia.

Two queens on opposing sides of the chessboard.

Their sons fighting eachother for supremacy to a majestic legacy.

That’s right, sons

Exhibit D:

Sloane saw potential in Hux and took him under her wing. Taught him everything to make him an exemplary leader. In essence, he is her son.

Betcha he’s going to whine to dear old mum that some Force user Kylo usurped the authority of the First Order.

Sloane would be the military and political support Hux would need to lead the coup against Kylo Ren.

Exhibit E:

Having Sloane would be the final piece needed to push Kylo to make a choice, because ultimately the fate of the galaxy rests on his shoulders.

Will he be the Dark Side Supreme Leader to take full control of the galaxy under the flag of the First Order or will he choose the Light and return to help the Resistance defeat the First order as the prodigal son at the side of his mother, Leia?

In conclusion…

Having two women, Queens of their factions, born from the Empire battle eachother one more time for ultimate supremacy or peace would make for the most iconic movie and you know it. Whether they fight physically or with their chess players, these two women will make history.


Written by @myflairway @kyloxreytfa and @cantinareylo

Mark our words, people. This is going to be big and EPIX.
